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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Someone sent me this one: https://www.huffingtonpost.it/entry/la-virologa-gismondo-60-70-di-italiani-sara-positivo-ma-non-preoccupiamoci_it So, no hard to take the picture why a country with about 12% of the total infected, shares 1/4 of death people with 200-250 deaths a day in the last days, 15x above the world average for the population ratio figures... And here's Germany numbers to compare (take a look on the number of deaths and patients in serious / critical condition and don't be surprised why people prefer the German cars, lenses, cameras and so on... mind you, German girls as well? : D sorry the joke in so dramatic times!) : This is what some experts have to say on the same topic! https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-expert-opinions/ stats source
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/13/how-many-will-die-of-coronavirus-in-the-uk-a-closer-look-at-the-numbers
  3. This is a game changer... finally available despite the shortcomings on framing or only 1080p recording: But I'd wait for the upcoming 5G version along the iPhone 12 model hopefully with a much more powerful chip to allow double 4K recording... https://apps.apple.com/us/app/doubletake-by-filmic-pro/id1478041592?ls=1
  4. Take a look on these numbers: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ As proud former German resident, it's really impressive... : ) 10% of total deaths and in serious/critical condition compared with France, for example, for same range of infected people as of today. That should put authorities AND native people to wonder why ; -)
  5. What Oceania is? Antarctica? LOL : ) Maybe in your culture you can call it Australia but you are part of a whole Planet where worldwide standards are not those dictated strictly under a mere nationwide perspective or idiom/culture even if so dominant as English is. As much as there isn't one English language but more than one form to speak and write it, that is, to express it in International English, the most common code of communication nowadays a little bit allover the globe. In a line: English idiom doesn't belong exclusively to the English native speakers anymore as good as Portuguese language to the European Portuguese speakers, as for instance. I'd rather have Oceania than Australia and not to be confounded with the name of a country, the same way North America and Latin America are part of the same American continent ; ) Without mention, the poll is not necessarily divided in geographical continents (different than political continents) but world regions instead as those categorized by the OP. Some others might be added such as Middle East (if you'd live in Israel, would you feel more tied to Asia than Europe?) or even a more controversial division between West and East Europe. So then, what separates a Polish of a French? Or is a Polish closer to a Russian today? Is it the case? Now go back more than three, four decades in time... ; -) Do you know Cyprus is situated in Southwest Asia but it is considered to be Europe for cultural and political reasons as part of EU now? https://www.quora.com/If-Australia-is-a-continent-then-what-is-Oceania https://www.quora.com/Is-Oceania-officially-a-continent https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-say-Australia-is-the-only-country-that-is-a-continent E : -)
  6. LOL : ) No, pretty shocking, isn't it? No life is a waste of our attempt and endless struggle! Human life is priceless. One sole life is worthy of everything and any Dunkirk spirit. The harder the more effort we must put on it. As Spielberg taught the world going along Saving Private Ryan but can be his Schindler's List, you save a life, you save the whole humankind... E : -)
  7. Let's know the EOSHD geographic shape/layout? Please tell where your country is in EOSHD United Nations : ) To begin with Portugal / Europe : -)
  8. Emanuel

    Fuji X-T4

    They didn't hire filmmaker's this time, only YouTubers... 2020 launch ; -) For some reason you have the chicks there :- D
  9. Emanuel


    Dare you ; -)
  10. LOL You're funny... : ) Are you Brazilian? I invite everyone to watch it... Use subs tool if you don't understand Portuguese : -) Disclaimer: I love USA < 3 No matter what you may think for the subject matter ; -)
  11. No big deal : ) just a chance to make a point: I am mad with European institutions. They should be blamed for thousands of casualties here in Europe and many to come in the rest of the world...
  12. Emanuel


    LOL Broken but that's softness gives you a classy touch : P and it's a Redmi Note 4, right? Your phone camera is newer about a dozen and a half years later! ; ) Nice shot BTW : ) Your luck I am not a woman NOR gay! ; -) PS: Had to write it in capital letters! LMAO But nothing against them! : -)
  13. Indeed, so please leave the OUTDATED stats from European institutions alone, they're as slow to update their numbers as their counterparts to slow down the virus instead... Again take a look here exactly in that link you've just quoted now but didn't mind to check the updated numbers 'as of your post's writing' as you say: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
  14. Emanuel


    Everyone is invited to post one here... Here's my contribution: : -)
  15. In my country, the prime minister is so dumb he's wondering about the people who went to beach yesterday like it's none of his business, so he tends to let the schools open because there are already many closed by themselves, he says. Also because the parents have no idea where to leave the children, authorities second the hierarchy and major clown. Phew.
  16. Governments are too slow to react. Chinese were only one of the few to succeed to control it. Later but succeeded it. As Japanese too. For some reason cameras are usually made there, we can understand now why. The rest of the world should be ashamed, especially Europe. As European citizen, I am. We have no rulers, but a bunch of clowns.
  17. Don't worry, many will earn in future blockbusters to tell future generations about it.
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