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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Yeah, it had been posted in the previous page: The fact MANY celebrities, politicians have been infected in several countries practically at same time, never seen before at this extent, leads me to realize how severe this is and will be... unfortunately.
  2. More 33% (78) in Portugal as of now... Numbers are outdated in less than hours. Only to realize how lethal this is... from the 4000 people working (NOT total of infected!) in the Central Hospital in Wuhan, 230 already died. Which means the 0,02% rate (in Italy) as number of contaminated out of the total population occurs because the virus is not widely spread yet. When it is, the number of death rate increases for higher than 10%. Imagine if the virus reaches every regions of the whole planet, we can have hundreds of millions of casualties. We all hope this may be stopped before, of course! This is the most reliable updated source I've found on topic: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
  3. COVID19 numbers Insanely too scaring... Hope all of you will be safe : -)
  4. Mind you our old Jon would still be here...? His video has only 5 days! LOL : -) On the other hand, Moviola YT channel's webinar is still up here: https://moviola.com/technique/color-science-basics-for-filmmakers/
  5. Emanuel

    ...your LUTs?

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  6. https://www.procam.tv/useful-info/video/gamma http://xahlee.info/img/what_is_gamma_correction.html https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials/gamma-correction.htm
  7. No Kajtek, the situation is dramatic in so many countries in Europe such as Italy or Spain and Iran to count more in the next days/weeks to follow. There are people dying... 200 hundred per day only in Italy. People who wouldn't die without it. In my native one, there is a 17- year-old high school student girl in her deathbed I hope not, but in critical condition who caught it from asymptomatic contaminated colleagues; so the virus is not merely dangerous to old or people with weak health. Neither is as much harmless as other similar viruses, most recent studies say. ONLY because stupid people to include authorities had that perspective and let the students and staff spent their Carnival school holidays in Venice when local authorities in the north of Italy were already canceling the season events. Only yesterday, in one sole day, the official numbers raised 50% in Portugal and still up... Stats, my friend, stats... Overcomes medicine ; ) and requires political measures in every countries. Exactly, because we are in the XXI century, not in the middle age. Aviation and oil business truly have gross income so the show must go on... : X 1/5, that is, 20% of the schools WORLDWIDE have been closing at the moment, as for instance.
  8. Nope, not exactly : ) Because he wants to make USA great again at some others' expense.
  9. Well, I had actually written it "wise", up there, despite the political motivations I found later when followed his statement. The guy doesn't miss a single chance... ; -) I think the COVID19 death rates in Italy much higher than China, as for instance, they're no less mind-boggling by virus standards as well. This is a severe threat for the whole humankind. Let alone Economics and respective standards...
  10. Yes, I've just read. Wise... Not only to protect American people, but it should be followed by everyone worldwide at a local level.
  11. That was completely predictable at this point.
  12. There are sportsmen, movie stars, ministers of health contaminated... https://www.espn.com/soccer/juventus/story/4072688/juventus-defender-daniele-rugani-tests-positive-for-coronavirus https://edition.cnn.com/2020/03/11/entertainment/tom-hanks-rita-wilson-coronavirus/index.html https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-51827356 This is too serious to be ignored!
  13. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/03/11/entertainment/tom-hanks-rita-wilson-coronavirus/index.html
  14. This virus story is decidedly very serious stuff to cost billions to all of us.
  15. Emanuel

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  18. Emanuel

    Cool ads...

    Food work: Shot, operated and lit by Andrew Benz [ his twitter ]
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