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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Don't you like HDR SOC, Andrew? It's not log, OK, but I don't even think such kind of DR resources is that much for every single case because there are other stuff to consider more than that. Flight capability for example. We can't surely know what Mavic 3 will bring yet, even though DJI devices are the best aerial tools out there for sure, Skydio 2 is also one of my favorite ones. Its outcome has been underrated as far as I or we can understand. I don't have any one of those so I am not the best person to judge, neither to misjudge though : D Their non-foldable design is there because of their obstacle avoidance performance. Calibration is key. So they've created a unique bird and their 4K 60p HDR pack seems to meet the whole purpose IMO. SOC has an interesting scope strictly under a producing perspective. Time, staff to hire for color correcting can be crucial. We ain't speaking of narrative filmmaking now, of course : ) Without mention as I and you assuredly concur each camera sensor has a trace, a characteristic by their own. A bad or careless grading work (and budget can be critical over here as for instance) can completely ruin it. Reason why SOC is something to appraise before to buy a capture device, I assume : -)
  2. Yes, it is. Here's some useful add-on:
  3. SOC (!) making such 10-bit + HDR combo to really sing ; -) source: Autel EVO II (8K) HDR 30fps 4K iso100 f1.8 1/60(auto)
  4. You're really welcome : ) Education ties is a critical key unfortunately missed there... : ( Let's hope enlightenment will flourish. I've heard Regina Duarte resigned today. A Minister drops every week... Two (!) Ministers of Health, the Minister of Justice Moro... just in a few weeks, WOW Flávio Migliaccio, the Brazilian Jack Lemmon, has just committed suicide : ( Lima Duarte who I had the luck to personally meet and establish a very friendly connection with, when he shot with a former instructor of mine from film school, he looks like a fishbowl with no water in a different planet he did his best trying to educate, one of the richest promised lands worldwide. The official Minister of Education of today and go figure the Foreign Affairs' guy (who almost had the President's son for Ambassador in Washington with US experience based on his gig background selling fast food and without having clue who Kissinger was, as he himself admitted LOL hilarious to say the least) they look like a pair of clowns in a circus straight down from the hell instead. So pity all of this and sad to see the mass murder everyday in the news... : -( Mercy for Brazil!
  5. https://www.digitalcameraworld.com/news/fujifilm-announces-its-third-35mm-lens-the-fujinon-xc-35mm-f2
  6. Emanuel

    Fuji X-T4

    I guess not with their f/2 lineup of WR primes, am I wrong on it?
  7. MFT is a great format indeed. When I mean dismiss any of them, I meant to ignore either of both actually. You can surely skip one of those if you have the other one, of course : ) But this camera series is a dream come true, my fav acquisition system ever designed, produced and delivered to my book : -) Mainly shot on P6K, here's a trailer of a feature film co-produced by me currently @ post production:
  8. No free lunch : ) There's science or simple know-how for getting cinematic results as for instance this case here:
  9. @OliKMIA Great post, pal! I am a fan of Skydio 2 anyway... Love their bird concept and HDR outcome : -)
  10. Emanuel

    Skydio 2

    Question made and coming from here: Here's a workaround for Skydio 2 night footage: Disclaimer provided by the brand itself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zm8sZoIseTc&lc=UgxPi6AiqlZoMdghykd4AaABAg Still valid and worthy to try IMHO : -)
  11. Both P4K & P6K are practically the same with a difference for resolution, lens mount and acquisition price. It ends a bit pointless to discuss it or dismiss any one of those. They simply have no competition, end of story IMO : ) Waiting for P8K FF here if ever because P6K replaces it pretty well as hybrid tool.
  12. Old glass can effectively surprise the most indefectible dude for cheap. There are so many gems out there... ; -)
  13. I still have three GH1 with us and never will sell them exactly for same reason, Márcio : ) Abraço (E : -)
  14. You're welcome, pal : ) Thanks for your heads-up and to @Kisaha as well on his most recent YT entry (LOL my brother, you have no idea of my open smile now when I've just typed it) on Autel's bird issues report, so here's my best bet then: People say it cannot fly by night (I might wonder only on autonomous mode, no?), so no idea on any workaround to overcome it if so.
  15. Nothing about him in particular for sure but everyone in general : ) Anonymous ID is a mere trace of the early Internet. We live a digital life nowadays in a hyperlinked world. Reticence is steadily a right of any one of us but can struggle with transparency or an open world intimately connected with an open-source letter of principles in a trustworthy environment, always welcome and mandatory in a professional realm. Reciprocity applies as well. As already written up there, it's a pity to have no place for endowing certain connections made here in a daily basis, as we usual suspects over our own communication among each other, and developing them even farther. Sounds to me a Pyrrhic victory more often than it should be IMHO. Series of opportunities proper of a healthy industry platform as these boards can be but unnamed so lost then. Hence my customary comment for the subject matter : ) No name chats don't break my heart, well, at least to me. Love the History (hard to be told without appointed characters) BTW if this can help to clear up the whole thing and the core of my point : -)
  16. I know @Kisaha, your prudent approach as buyer is a breeze over this forum and a good advice especially for newbies : ) We need to calculate very well where we put our expenses for sure. Wise traditional caution never hurt anyone. When I incentive you to see some of your work or to drop the anonymous status it is not as personal attack I also hate but actually because you've produced this healthy interest on me towards you as professional of same craft. A bit as much as with Andrew's inputs. I praise his footage subforum he has opened for us but seems few people care about... On the other hand, I am a research dude and very Deleuzian, some other of my specialties : D I find YT or any other resource to stimulate a rhizomatic course of same or another kind. I'm afraid to be symptomatically misunderstood here anyway... As for instance that Andrew's thread (it was there, nothing about the usual humble tone of your posts), not my mantra as many others have adhered but as he himself wrote there, it's just a matter to see it as a different opinion. E : -)
  17. I'd rather know who we're talking to. In the reality, anonymous IDs have no place there. Why here? Especially with a frequent and valuable user like you? Without mention the lack of reciprocity I invariably tend to avoid as much as possible. In any case, you're used to talk about your craft (isn't it one of the reasons for the existence of a forum like this one we share?), very welcome here for everyone (me included) so you're not the example of an anonymous individual per se. In your behalf. That's a positive remark. You've recently taken my posts addressed to you too serious. I don't see you exactly as a 'DJI troll', c'mon, I was kidding with you : ) Even though, in my country, we're used to say if we don't want to be a wolf, we cannot take the wolf's skin for us ; ) There was another point behind my invective though. I guess we're used to please each other's posts except more lately when I noticed you decided to be nasty through the grapevine. I believe you know very well when and where, so I think we have no need to come back now there. No, I didn't buy a drone yet. Something we two have in common, we need to justify any purchase. It simply hasn't happened. It will for sure. So, still in the market looking for. However, I always tend to celebrate the feat even when not directly connected with me as user or my personal choice. My posts are there to testify that. Last but not least, Internet communication is a bit different, so I'd dare to say we both would praise a friendly meeting out there in the real world. Bet on that : -) - Emanuel
  18. No one needs glass will resolve more pixels to take advantage from them, being image acquisition a combo, got it? : -)
  19. Yes, they are. Not everyone but a few of them. That one, as for instance, was used to irritate me a bit when began to pop up in the recent past. I've gradually accepted the fact we had to resign ourselves to the fact the annoying ads are moving from TV set to our personal display today. In any case, we had the need to convince networks before in order to reach our public. We have our audiences at the distance of our talent to create and feed them nowadays. Even international ones. That's a major trump card. First time ever. A dream for the indie world. To live from subventions is as short as an arthouse film budget stretching to pay extra film festival fees ; ) Without mention you have to kiss some other mainstream arses in the business or craft (as we'd say in Portuguese) when not in politics to keep yourself alive and kickin'... Is this creative freedom? What's the best? : X Cumps, - E.
  20. G7 is the best bang for the buck ever in that price range. I have four of them, still rolling : -)
  21. It would be interesting to care about a comparative against the S1H: - and check how the latter justifies the premium to pay from the outcome; - and as farther is able to excel it? I and many others would tend to bet, I guess. Or not as much expected? https://***URL removed***/articles/2491201838/do-i-need-the-panasonic-s1h-or-is-the-s1-with-log-upgrade-just-as-good https://wolfcrow.com/panasonic-s1h-vs-panasonic-s1-which-is-the-better-investment-for-video/ Still wondering about, no less versus against their MFT line and the GH6 to come for a fraction of the price.
  22. Yeah, same guys with many other countries also covered : ) I meant a few other birds... Once YT seems to be so popular among us, I meant to see from a distinct origin over these boards ; ) as that particular footage used to be posted by @OliKMIA one of the fewest if not the only one to do it here : -)
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