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Posts posted by TomTheDP

  1. Yeah the S1 image is absolutely amazing. Sony is at its neck with the A7s3, the downside being it’s a much less capable stills camera. However the Sony is plagued with over bearing noise reduction. That is just a firmware fix away though. The S1 and S5 are much cheaper too. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Simon Young said:

    Would be interesting to know how Emotive Color stacks up against the new Cinematch plugin from the guys behind Filmconvert. From what I've seen it looks pretty promising...

    Yeah definitely didn't seem the most accurate. Take into account Sage's lut gives you a tungsten, daylight, and 4200k lut options, as well as over, under, and black balance luts. You get none of that precision with cinematch.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Video Hummus said:

    Yes so you see the rub. You can call people to violence indirectly. Lots of atrocities have been promoted and achieved through this kind of crap. So it’s always a balance and I’m of the opinion the balance is no longer their because we now have technology that had outpaced our traditional societal structures. Im not promoting anything except abundant caution. 

    The amount of variables that contribute to why specific great atrocities happen are so many and so complex I'd not want to try to delve into it. I personally have much more hope for the future than what the past has been. The traditional structures that were in place before didn't stop any of the constant wars or atrocities that happen world wide to this day. 

    I think traditional social structures are forever gone though. We have no unity anymore not in religion, not in our cultural identity, not in our identity as citizens of the countries we belong. Or at least that is how I see it within people of my age group and younger here in the US. Its like we've seen everything as a fraud. 

    Of course we have this hurrah of nationalist sentiment with Trump which I feel will dwindle with him out of office and of course once the older generation that put him in office is dead and gone. Of course I am speaking of the USA and not the world as a whole.

    In general though I see technology as the great liberator. We have all this information at our finger tips like never before along with access to any person anywhere in the world. We are also only really two decades into it.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Video Hummus said:

    Except free speech doesn’t often cover some of the content they show you.

    Is promoting violence ok? Many people think not. And the issue is a slippery slope for drawing a line in the sand. 

    What does promoting violence entail? Unless its a call to violent action which I agree should be removed. 

    But I am on the extreme side of the free speech argument, libertarian you could say, which IMHO is very different from the whole Nationalist Trump way of thinking. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, EphraimP said:

    I think you're misunderstanding me. I'm specifically referring to Newfoundmass's post that "their main page basically recommended alt-right and Newsmax pro-Trump videos on my first visit." That's what I have a problem with, not the underlying technology. And saying that the the alt-right (led by the Orange Dumpsterfire in the Whitehouse) is attempting to destroy democracy in America is not "hysterical hyperbole." The huge push to try to invalidate our presidential election through the alt-right media and the courts is having, and will have, long lasting effects on our election system. It's not trivial. And you can add the long-term voter suppression push from the right targeting (mostly) people of color and nakedly partisan gerrymandering of electoral districts to that. No good.

    If the underlying technology is not the issue than I'd imagine its just being recommended as its one of the more viewed channels/videos on the platform. The issue with free speech or platforms that don't censor content is you'll see stuff you don't want to see. 

  6. 56 minutes ago, IronFilm said:

    All they need to do is stick the guts of a S1H inside an EVA1 body with an L Mount (or MFT!), and price it attractively. 

    I’d say they should beef up the body as the OG felt cheap. Light is a good thing but cheap feeling isn’t. 10 stop ND would match the competition. It should be priced below the FX6 imho. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Trankilstef said:

    Did you guys see this first rurmor about not one but two potential new cine cameras from panasonic?
    looks like they're planning some C70 competitor, that would be awesome !

    It’s gonna need some real sensor magic to compete with the C70’s dual gain. Would be nice to see something with dynamic range that matches an Alexa. 12 bit internal in some kind of compressed format would be killer. No crop HFR is essential and 6k. Honestly cameras are getting so good it’s hard to know what to ask for. A really nicely designed ergonomic body with a great menu layout.

  8. 2 hours ago, Mark Romero 2 said:

    I think that @omega1978 suggestion of an a6400 might be a good one. I have an a6500 - which has an older version of the AF system found in the newer a6400 - and it keeps up with people skateboarding around, so I don't think it would have much of a problem with a bride and groom walking down an aisle.

    do you still have an X-T3 lying around somewhere???

    Yeah the A6500 or A6400 AF is stunning. Not really much use for log on 8 bit anyhow. I really wish Sony would release a cheap 10 bit APSC camera. 

  9. I am a little confused on why it doesn't have 10 bit 422 recording. You'd think a smaller sensor would be capable considering we have stuff like the Sigma FP doing full frame RAW internally. Also what's with camera companie's obsession with not being able to dial back sharpening? 

  10. 30 minutes ago, aaa123jc said:

    Maybe I should try using the phone as monitor then. I will no doubt buy the clutch if not for the price and that it may not ship to Hong Kong. The remote grip of Portkeys is interesting except for the look. My girlfriend fins it kind of ugly. 

    I used to own a Sony A7M3 when I have about 50% still job and 50% video works, but now it's mostly video. If only the Sony A7S3 has better still capability I may save up more money to get it instead. 😅

    RVLVR Labs also makes a grip, maybe its more to your taste. 

    I think the A7s3 is close to being a perfect camera and best hybrid. The reason I wouldn't get one for video is the noise reduction. It can't be turned off all the way which leaves you with a very digital looking image IMO. I guess film grain could help with it and I suppose after youtube compression any quality we are chasing is lost anyways. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Eric Sanderson said:

    Just going to weigh in here as someone who switched back to the 'camcorder' form factor with the FS5 (mark 2) after using mirrorless for years.  

    The traditional camcorder form factor with its side controls is noticeably easier to use on a tripod.  I never once used the viewfinder on my FS5 and would generally want to use a third party EVF if I went that route - the one on the camera is simply not that good and would be very difficult to judge focus on, and the positioning of the EVF I find fairly awkward for hand-holding (you'd have to lift the camera up to your face.  Generally with a small camera like this, I'd prefer to brace the camera against my chest, which feels more secure and results in less arm strain.  Using a C70 style body in a similar way seems like it would cause the controls to be squished up against the operator.

    I know some folks on here are a bit dismissive of client perception, but I do a fair bit of corporate (not glamorous but hey) and doc work.  Client perception is super important to my bottom line and I've had clients specifically call out the video form factor in a positive way, saying things like "oh, what did that camera cost" and "That looks a lot better than my mirrorless that I have at home".  It's not (although specs aside I much prefer the SLOG 2 our of the FS5m2 than the A7s in an unquantifiable sort of way), but that perception goes a long way to justifying my day rate and the money that I spent on the camera.

    I miss WAY fewer shots with the FS5 than I did with an A7s.  Don't underestimate the value of internal ND where the colour shift is compensated for automatically, being able to use large-capacity batteries that don't require swapping out every hour etc etc.  It makes shooting on primes much more viable in a quick moving situation and removing colour casts from an ND (any ND) filter from log footage in post is a huge pain, if it's even possible with the limited codecs on these cameras.

    All that being said, I'm sure mirrorless ergonomics have come a long way in the last few years, so take my comparison to an aging Sony model with a grain of salt.  Happy shooting folks.




    I would think at least with non variable ND's it would be easy enough to remove. Shoot with your different fixed ND's against a white card and measure how much the WB and Tint is off. Wouldn't that work?

    Not trying to take away from the usefulness of END though. I am eagerly awaiting getting Z-cam's END module. I also agree client perception matters a lot. 

  12. Once all the custom buttons are set I find the controls efficient. For focus I have one of the custom buttons set to punch in and I usually use that. But yeah the HDMI signal isn't very sharp. 

    The best solution for media is a Cfast to SSD module. ZITAY CCtech makes them for around $100. The SSD's used are about $100 for 1tb. You can also record through the USB-C but its less reliable as the port is more finicky. I find the Cfast to SSD module foolproof as there is no point of contact where it could come loose and mess up the recording. Although Z-cam now has built in software to require currupt files so USB-C probably wouldn't be an issue either.

    Definitely not a camera to use AF with, at least not for now. I do think Z-cam will continue to update all their cameras if they continue to develop their AF tech. 

    Building up a Z-cam can be expensive but all you really need to shoot with is a side handle and monitor which can be had for $250. I think the remote clutch grip is probably worth getting at $350, along with a cage $100, a good monitor $300, SSD module $200. So you are looking at $950 plus batteries. But to be fair rigging up anything costs $$$$ and it certainly can be done for much cheaper. 

    I think Z-cam is an exciting company though. They just put prores proxy 4k 100fps into the camera. I think they are working on getting 422.

  13. 3 hours ago, tupp said:


    Both trailers look good, but the Red footage looks thin/brittle compared to that of the Alexa footage.  Of course, much of these looks could result from the grade.

    Alexa>anything else 

    aside from Film of course. Its super odd to me that no one has been able to match the Alexa since the classic came out 10 years ago. I guess 10 years isn't a long time. 

  14. 3 hours ago, scotchtape said:

    You can't just buy any fresnel, I mean you can, but some of them only work well with certain lights, hence each manf. making their own.

    I mean you kind of can. I've used 5 different light brands Aputure, Clar, Godox, and a couple others which names slip my mind. All bowens mount. I've used 4 different brands of bowens mounts accessories across these lights too. Only one of the lights I remember having a difficult time with one of the attachments, but it still went on. Yes its probably most convenient to get all the same brand but if you wanna save cash its not the end of the world mixing and matching.

    I mean worse comes to worse you can always return a mount for another brand. But my point was you'll be able to find a spotlight attachment for the Forza. 

    In regards to durability I can't speak on the Forza. However I dropped my Clar illumi 300 from 20 feet onto hard pavement and it still works. I've also ran it during pouring rain and it still works. I was really surprised honestly that it didn't break. However it means I am going to be buying their higher powered 500w lights. 

    For the price of one aputure 600D I can buy almost three 500w Clar lights. Which is actually what I am going to do.

    If you have the cash the Aputures are probably better but for me definitely not worth the money. 

    Unfortunately I think all of these lights are relative rip offs compared to hot lights. I can get a 30 year old hot light that looks like its been through hell and it still works. Wouldn't be surprised if it still works for another 30 years. I'd guess these LED's will probably last 1/3rd the life of that. That said I've been getting rid of all my hotlights and getting LED's. The tiny power output is just too convenient to not utilize. 

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