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    webrunner5 reacted to Triste Han in Sony PMW-F3 with 2500 hours on it. Should I buy it?   
    Yes, the money I paid is like a steal. Also I managed to find a pretty nice looking used EF-FZ adaptor made by KIPON, no LDS but with full manual iris control just around 90 US$, so the total price is exact 619$.
    I think the last owner is a well known rental company located in Beijing, the man who sell me this camera says he had to dig in the storage cabinet to get this old camera out, and he still got 5 more in hand with the same price but no 444 upgrade.

    Funny thing is, although this camera is in CINEALTA product line, but the sensor is actually provided by FUJIFILM, I found a used parts disassembled form F3, and it clearly says the manufacturer. So Sony, what are you guys doing?

    I don't really mind the weight, in fact I like heavy camera. Heavier camera will gives you a  more 'cinematic'  movement IMHO. But size does matter. Besides the price, a important reason I choose baby alexa instead of the REAL ALEXA (CLASSIC) is size, the real alexa is just too big for small team operation.
  2. Like
    webrunner5 reacted to PannySVHS in An adventure into the Panasonic GX85/80 begins - and a look at the Leica Nocticron for Micro Four Thirds   
    Same with me. The S1 gives me not as much pleasure as I had hoped when I bought it. @Tim Sewell Here is a musicvideo I did with my Gx85.
  3. Like
    webrunner5 reacted to Danilo Del Tufo in Canon XF605 - Random Sea test -   
    I will respond all of you. The EVF in the critical point of the camera, showing a little image very difficult to see. Yes luckily the image is very similar to XC10, but with better performance in low light.
  4. Haha
    webrunner5 reacted to SandKa in APS-C vs FF: a hybrid camera for 1000-1250 EUR (used)   
    I've made some more research and discovered that Fujifilm's video AF may not be as good (with regard to reliability) as I was thinking. It seems like it still needs some refinement or requires too much playing with the af settings (as shown on one of Philip Bloom's videos). Sony a7 III or Canon R would be a better choice but there aren't any good deals on them right now (to be within my constrained budget). There is a good offer for a Fuji X-T4 - 1000 EUR body only but I'm considering to back out a little and maybe start with some cheaper Canon DSLRs with which I'd have to rely on MF only with my Carl Zeiss 50mm f1.4 and not be disappointed by the faulty AF of Fujifilm. Which one would you choose - Canon 5d mark II or III ML Raw (MF with 50mm Carl Zeiss f1.4) or 5d mark IV (DPAF with Canon 50mm f1.8) in cropped 4k? Maybe give Fujifilm a chance but buy a cheaper X-T30, or wait for reviews of the new Canons i.e. r10 and r7?
  5. Like
    webrunner5 reacted to Kisaha in Canon EOS R7 and R10 have released...   
    I found a pre-ordered R7 that stayed 2 days in the shop and the owner seems reluctant to go get it (maybe he has Fuji glass!)..if that be the case for tomorrow, I may have it at the end of the week..
    The adapter is included as a gift from Canon, ordered the 16mm as well and an extra battery..
    The lenses are not an issue if someone has EF glass, and we all know what EF glass means for the industry, everyone has some, and I am certain there will be a lot of RF-S releases in the future and additional RF ones..
    I will be starting slowly with the system and I will see where it gets me. The thing is, Canon is now relevant, which wasn't 3-4 years ago..well done Canon!
  6. Like
    webrunner5 reacted to MrSMW in Canon EOS R7 and R10 have released...   
    Yes indeed and when that happens, is it the sellers fault, or that of the marketplace?
    I tend to be think the blame lies with the seller because if anything is desirable enough, it tends to sell itself.
    Panasonic have a perhaps critical issue…but of course we don’t know what is going on behind the scenes.
    And then not to be racist, but there is a certain Japanese approach to business that can sometimes hurt their image/sales, - resistance to do anything but a certain way.
    I suspect…or at least hope, there is going to be a next gen S line and perhaps something if not available, at least announced later this year.
    Will it be enough to turn things around for them, specifically their image?
    Depends on 2 factors: AF and to a slightly lesser degree, size and weight.
    Many folks will tolerate the latter as we’re not talking anything that significant in reality, but the AF issue (or perceived AF issue or however you wish to phrase it) I reckon will make or break them.
    Last Chance Saloon I’m pretty sure.
    I guess we’ll see some time in the future…
  7. Like
    webrunner5 reacted to PannySVHS in Canon EOS R7 and R10 have released...   
    I see a S1H, S1, S5 or GH5/6 as a cinema camera such as those from blackmagic. Great image, ergonomics, built quality and battery.
    Best AF in video for those who need it, no. Best image quality and codec, image stabilisation and camera bodies, yes, Panasonic. S5 going for only 300eur higher than a R7, offering a true cinema image and best in class low light latitude. Plus pixel to pixel S35 4K 24-60p, besides full frame downsampled 4k 24-30p.
    For Canon AF fans with 10bit love and good 4k up to 30p, the R7 looks fine.
  8. Like
    webrunner5 reacted to hyalinejim in Why are bad cameras the best cameras?   
    Lovely shots Tim!
    The most "digital" film I've shot, in terms of colour, is Ektachrome 100 as its colour seems to be more accurate than negative film is, similar to how any digital stills camera has fairly accurate colour in RAW when rendered with the Adobe colour engine.
  9. Like
    webrunner5 reacted to Tim Sewell in Why are bad cameras the best cameras?   
    Ektar is, to my eye, the most 'digital' of all colour neg. Lovely stuff which as above, I habitually overexpose (https://www.vrimage.co.uk/IShootFilm/Ektar-100-June-2018/) - but I prefer Portra.
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    webrunner5 reacted to hyalinejim in Why are bad cameras the best cameras?   
    Yes, I think the image quality from the lens(es) will be stunning. But nowadays if anything goes wrong electronically it looks like you are basically fucked and can kiss goodbye to whatever you paid for it. And that's bound to happen eventually. Even at the height of my film GAS I tried to avoid spending over €100 on anything for this very reason.
    Anyway, hers is clicking away happily. So far so good!
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    webrunner5 got a reaction from solovetski in Canon EOS R7 and R10 have released...   
    Trouble is with Fuji glass it only works on a Fuji. It is a tempting system but an expensive experiment no doubt.
  12. Like
    webrunner5 got a reaction from PannySVHS in Why are bad cameras the best cameras?   
    Wow I always wanted a Contax G1. That was a Very special camera with even more special lenses for it. You can't go wrong with one of those.
  13. Like
    webrunner5 reacted to Tim Sewell in Why are bad cameras the best cameras?   
    I have a big bag of Ektar, Portra, Fujicolor Industrial and Acros that I'm slowly working my way through. It's actually amazing how well film holds up after long storage in less than ideal conditions.
  14. Like
    webrunner5 reacted to hyalinejim in Why are bad cameras the best cameras?   
    Sounds like you got in at the right time. I do have an XA and don't shoot it quite as much as I should, although I do try as it looks so cute, is very small and results are good if I get the focus right. I had an Olympus RC but it was knackered and I sold it on for parts. Also had a Canon AF35ML and the AF was a crapshoot so that went back into the Bay.
    I went on a compact film camera binge during lockdown as there was little or no other entertainment. Sold all thatI didn't love before I moved temporarily to New Zealand, which was a mild mistake as I could have made quite a bit more over there, at the ends of the Earth, than I did over here.
    Here, at the pool in Tuscany there is a Dutch girl taking her first shots with a green sticker Contax G1 that she paid €700 for.
    I am obsessed with film freshness because I'm profiling various film stocks to make emulation luts (for video) and Lightroom profiles (for photography). I was lucky to be able to buy fresh rolls of everything I'm interested in very shortly before this current shortage / supply chain problem hit. At the same time I have 40 - 50 rolls of various films that have been shipped across the world in the belly of a presumably equator-hugging ship on a five plus month journey at least once and/or zapped by X rays at numerous airports there and back again and I now have absolutely zero qualms about using these rolls for my own personal use now. I don't care how beat up the chemistry is, the value of that at today's prices is insane. 
  15. Haha
    webrunner5 reacted to OleB in Why are bad cameras the best cameras?   
    And that is exactly the reason why b/w footage of "bad" cameras which are exposed for the highlights are still looking good. You can try this easily basically with every photo in Lightroom, if you see the ugly yellow ring around the sun, turn the picture into b/w and the rolloff immediately looks great. 🙂 
  16. Like
    webrunner5 reacted to PannySVHS in Why are bad cameras the best cameras?   
    100% viewfinder, that sounds like a great treat. @hyalinejim I´ve had a AE1 for maybe eight years or so but only once sent a roll of film through it. Now, years later, cameras are cheap but film has become expensive. Good thing I had enjoyed my Oly XA, Mju2, RC35 a good deal, among Canon AF35 plastic fantastic with awesome lens and a few others, Yashica 35cc with a f1.8 lens not to forget!
    @webrunner5 You could also do that with the RAW files or maybe even Jpegs from a good ole Lumix LX3 or Canon S90, which still give you a different approach and different feeling in the hands and using them. I enjoy taking snaps with my phone, but I also enjoy holding a camera. You are right about good photo quality coming from phones and the advantage of light weight, image stabi, small footprint.
  17. Like
    webrunner5 got a reaction from PannySVHS in Why are bad cameras the best cameras?   
    I think we over think the hell out of all of this. When I was going through my 1,000's of pictures, hundreds of videos one camera kept popping up over and over again, well 2 actually. My Apple 6s Plus and my old Canon 1dx mk III with a 70-200 on it, an old 70-200, a black one not a white one
    In today's world neither would be at the top of the must have list. But they keep coming to the top of mine. Neither one of them is something to write home to mother about in this day and age specs wise. But they both have something special. They are both fairly accurate while not being overbearing. Pretty much their output was as I remembered. And that is pretty much what you are looking for, at least that is what I like to see. And this is straight OOC stuff I am talking about. I can always add to it, but hard to take away stuff. 
    So, the takeaway is I don't think we have hardly progressed at all to be honest. And these are cheap ass cameras to buy in this day. Even the video out of the iPhone 6s Plus is pretty dan impressive, first iPhone to have 4k, first iPhone to have a 12mp sensor, same as today yet. Like I said we really have not progressed much at all.
    I think I paid 250 dollars for the Canon body and 100 for the iPhone.
  18. Like
    webrunner5 reacted to mercer in Why are bad cameras the best cameras?   
    I don't agree with everything you said here, but I think what you're describing is exactly the spirit of this thread. Be it an FZ47 or a Canon t2i... a GH2 or an iPhone... beautiful images can be made with discarded or unassuming cameras. Some of them even have a look that is equally as interesting as old film or something very high end. I've posted these a bunch of times, but I love what the RX10ii can capture in sLog2 with Monochrome color...

    Or this shot from the D5500 and an old Tokina 24-40mm zoom lens...

    Now I'm not saying they're great images or anything, but I think they show that these old neglected crappy cameras can produce something interesting... good, bad or otherwise. 
  19. Like
    webrunner5 got a reaction from kye in Why are bad cameras the best cameras?   
    Well, The Canon is a 1d mk III not a Canon 1DX III. 
    As to smartphone shots and videos yeah, I do like them for the convenience of having it with me all the time and not a lot of need to do anything with them in post. My friends and relatives seem to like them more than any other camera pictures or videos I show.
    I see what people post on here and YouTube etc. and I am not that impressed with most of that output also. It is only the 12, 14 bit Raw stuff that stands out to me, and that is really pretty damn impactable to use data wise for the average person. If I take a Long video with my Canon 1DC or even my OG BMPCC it is going to take up tons of storage. What the heck on average do I need all that data for. I am not making a full feature movie. Sure it looks better, but how good has it got to be.
    Filmic, Cinematic has went out the door a long time ago. All these modern cameras are clean as a whistle output wise. I can darken a lot of my footage and get a look like the Sigma FP has, Is it going to look just like it no, but it probably is not a ton off. HDR, HLG stuff adds a lot to these new cameras DR wise. 
    My 1DC works well if it is spot on otherwise it is no beauty, OG BMPCC same way, it is even worse if off if not perfect exposure wise. I am into what I saw these days not trying to pretend it was different. I want memories not something that pretends to be what I saw.
    I have thought about buying a Sigma FP but after seeing a ton of videos on them and the length of the thread on here about it, nah it is too big of a pain in the butt, and if you rig it like you need to get the best out of it, it is like the OG BMPCC, a huge rig by the time you are done. The PK4 is looking better now with the stabilization but not worth crap for photos. And I am not a super fan of BRAW to be honest compared to the original DNG's. Sony F3 really nice but big and no 4k. 
    I just find less is better in my life anymore. And really don't have the money anymore for the lenses that I would need. I am going to start thinning out the herd, and not sure what to keep.
  20. Like
    webrunner5 got a reaction from mercer in Why are bad cameras the best cameras?   
    Well, The Canon is a 1d mk III not a Canon 1DX III. 
    As to smartphone shots and videos yeah, I do like them for the convenience of having it with me all the time and not a lot of need to do anything with them in post. My friends and relatives seem to like them more than any other camera pictures or videos I show.
    I see what people post on here and YouTube etc. and I am not that impressed with most of that output also. It is only the 12, 14 bit Raw stuff that stands out to me, and that is really pretty damn impactable to use data wise for the average person. If I take a Long video with my Canon 1DC or even my OG BMPCC it is going to take up tons of storage. What the heck on average do I need all that data for. I am not making a full feature movie. Sure it looks better, but how good has it got to be.
    Filmic, Cinematic has went out the door a long time ago. All these modern cameras are clean as a whistle output wise. I can darken a lot of my footage and get a look like the Sigma FP has, Is it going to look just like it no, but it probably is not a ton off. HDR, HLG stuff adds a lot to these new cameras DR wise. 
    My 1DC works well if it is spot on otherwise it is no beauty, OG BMPCC same way, it is even worse if off if not perfect exposure wise. I am into what I saw these days not trying to pretend it was different. I want memories not something that pretends to be what I saw.
    I have thought about buying a Sigma FP but after seeing a ton of videos on them and the length of the thread on here about it, nah it is too big of a pain in the butt, and if you rig it like you need to get the best out of it, it is like the OG BMPCC, a huge rig by the time you are done. The PK4 is looking better now with the stabilization but not worth crap for photos. And I am not a super fan of BRAW to be honest compared to the original DNG's. Sony F3 really nice but big and no 4k. 
    I just find less is better in my life anymore. And really don't have the money anymore for the lenses that I would need. I am going to start thinning out the herd, and not sure what to keep.
  21. Like
    webrunner5 reacted to QuickHitRecord in Guess the camera, going for film look   
    Great to see another FZ47 video! I like your treatment of the footage a lot. It looks different than just about everything else (obviously CMOS cameras, but it also stands apart from any of the HVX/ZIU/etc crowd too).

    Here's an earlier edit without Topaz:
    The image quality is riddled with problems, but I still find myself drawn to it. I agree with @PannySVHS; the video on this camera would have been a much more compelling feature with a higher bitrate. I wish this camera had been one of the Lumix bodies to be hacked back in the day.
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    webrunner5 reacted to kye in Guess the camera, going for film look   
    OK - I was inspired by this thread, so I took some footage with an 8-bit camera of a shopping trip and gave it a film emulation treatment.  
    Any guesses on the camera?
  23. Like
    webrunner5 got a reaction from kye in Why are bad cameras the best cameras?   
    First one is the Canon with a cheap 70-300, second one is the iPhone 6s Plus. Not sure what else you can ask for OOC. Not my best shots but an example. 

  24. Like
    webrunner5 got a reaction from kye in Why are bad cameras the best cameras?   
    I think we over think the hell out of all of this. When I was going through my 1,000's of pictures, hundreds of videos one camera kept popping up over and over again, well 2 actually. My Apple 6s Plus and my old Canon 1dx mk III with a 70-200 on it, an old 70-200, a black one not a white one
    In today's world neither would be at the top of the must have list. But they keep coming to the top of mine. Neither one of them is something to write home to mother about in this day and age specs wise. But they both have something special. They are both fairly accurate while not being overbearing. Pretty much their output was as I remembered. And that is pretty much what you are looking for, at least that is what I like to see. And this is straight OOC stuff I am talking about. I can always add to it, but hard to take away stuff. 
    So, the takeaway is I don't think we have hardly progressed at all to be honest. And these are cheap ass cameras to buy in this day. Even the video out of the iPhone 6s Plus is pretty dan impressive, first iPhone to have 4k, first iPhone to have a 12mp sensor, same as today yet. Like I said we really have not progressed much at all.
    I think I paid 250 dollars for the Canon body and 100 for the iPhone.
  25. Like
    webrunner5 reacted to newfoundmass in Canon EOS R7 and R10 have released...   
    Assuming there's not too much of a difference between adapted EF and native RF lenses, I'd probably end up using adapted lenses anyway on the R7, so I don't think it's a huge deal that the lens selection is limited right now. I'd maybe even get full frame lenses anyway, mostly primes, in the event I upgraded to a full frame camera in the future. 
    I imagine the Sigma 18-35mm will be a popular lens on the R7, for example. 
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