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Everything posted by PannySVHS

  1. Hey Merce! Happy New Year! Heck, It´s too late to be in bed early:) But had to answer this quickly. Heck nono, that lens does not well with AF neither in video nor in photo Beautiful image quality, stellar, one of the very best mft lenses out there. But mechanically it is lacking and in AF even more, AF in video much, much more. Have been thinking about selling that lens for year now. But image quality in a compact pocket size is keeping from doing so. I paired it with my new GX80 for doing some filming during a trip. Always shaky footage when trying to focus manually:) By the way, I think GX80 is best coupled with a light rig for filming, baseplate, rods and handles are enough, very basic. Good night for now:) cheers Hey. I recommend a low price 0.71 (standard) focal reducer from China for around 100 USD/EU. I got a FD version, because the Canon 28mm, and 50mm 1.4 are very cheap and of very good quality. The 28mm can be shot wide open at 2.8, coupled with the 50mm at 2.8 you got a great combo with light sensitivty for F2.0 when speedboosted. My favorite lens is the speedboosted 28mm from Canon. Gives you the same framing as the 20mm, mercer was talking about. cheers
  2. Yes, baby! Cannot wait to see your footage! Great, that not everbody is healed from gas:) So footage should be the same as gx85 then? I did a 2 camera setup of gx85 and g6 two weeks ago. Cams matched pretty well.
  3. Hey Merce! Hope you had a great holiday season! I would like you to shoot footage from your screenshots above. Love the two framings! Great footage you´re getting with that little cam. M43esque as cinegain has put it:) Great work! cheers
  4. @John Matthews Hey John, I like the Procolor plus Filmconvert version the best. So did you shoot that in standard or natural? Here is an example filmed by deezid I had to post, regarding beautiful Panny skin tones and rich overall colors. 8bit Vlog, lookin great! It also has a 4K version on ytube for inspection. Really finding it to be one of the best Panny color examples.
  5. @deezid, Hey, colors and footage looking fantastic! Gonna repost that in the GX85 thread, since it´s spinning dizzy about Panasonic color:). Your achieved look is just too beautiful! @Cary Knoop Does that mean you would pull the blacks all the way down to 0? So screenshot is before your recommended adjustments, right? cheers
  6. Hey guys, thanks for replying. Thanks for the link. Well, research has been done with your support. Shooting turned out to be pretty fun. CLOG is a joy to grade. It´s a student film with a student camera package, so had to deal with native Canon lens focus throw. But workable, TV logic didnt connect right, so the camera screen had to do it. DOP did all the manual focussing, AF one time for a situation where contiunous focus was necessary. Worked like a charm. Thanks! cheers
  7. Hey Michael, got my GX85 last week. Still trying out stuff. Not as much as I want too due to lack of time at the moment. What are your exact settings? On my G6 I usally shot all on -2 but color on 0 on Natural. Nice gradeable image with adequate WB and amount of light. Very strong in the midtones. On GX85 this setting still seems contrasty. Looking good on ISO 1250, 2500 in low light is already too much. 1250 has broken gradation in the lower parts of the shadows in very low light. Cannot say, if it is an advance compared to the G6 other than the UDH. Stabilization is beautiful, just put the right focal length into the settings, if speedboosted take that into account as well. Oh, don´t track and pan at the same time. Not sure if additional electronic stabilization comes with additional artefacts. cheers
  8. PannySVHS

    classic digital

    Yeah, the ergos are nice. A lot of profile option for that 35mbps codec though:) It´s not my camera. Friends and me got it from school to shoot with. It sure doesnt like purple gels though:) Lumix G6 was more forgiving. Maybe saturation was too high. By the way, another digital oddity would be the Canon Powerhot Elph 300 (Ixus 220 HS). It even has stabilization and is hackable with chdk hack. no info about manual video though.
  9. Hey Eoshd buds, Tomorrow my filmfriends and I start shoot a short for the next three days. I´m 1st camera assitent. Today I got to get to know the camera. I coulndt find a 24p option, only 25p, 50i and 50p. Coulndt find neither under Avchd nor Mp4. Also, was suprised to see that 35mbps is 50p only, 25p is 24mbps. Where in the world is that 24p or 23.97 option? DPAF is great fun, also with AF lock. Unfortunately for manual focus the EF lenses are not adequate. But the 28mm 1.8 is nice for AF with its USMotor. Would your recommand AF with lock rather than the 4inch manual focus pull desaster? Got a good hang of it with the AF lock way. Maybe @AaronChicago or @Lintelfilm can give some insight on this. Also, I set Clog to 75% zebras, as my DOP told me to do so. Would that be okay, even if not perfect? Starting tomorrow, so getting up in 9hours for loading and setup and shooting. So quick response would be great! Thank you for your replies. I´m going to bed now and maybe some of you had a chance to reply, so I can read it tomorrwo before take off. Sorry Thanks! cheers, Marty
  10. PannySVHS

    classic digital

    But just the trailer makes me want a DVX100:) Would love to have a 3 CCD cam with HD and writing to card. These are still not to be found under 1000+ usd. DVX100 for around 300. Did some messy filming with an EX1 a few days ago. Color blooming caused by purple gels was like 8bit Nintendo. Other than that, pretty colors, also with red and blue gels:) and lowlight like apsc canon.
  11. My settings are -2 contrast, -2 sharpness, 0!! color, -2 noise reduction. Natural. Mostly adjusting Kelvin by hand, with A3G3 setting from John Matthews and jase. I agree on your and others findings, to not lessen color below 0. I am very happy with the G6. But I think the GH3´s codec will hold up better. This filmmaker´s works I find inspiring with its visual approach and stellar example for the use of GH3, also his sharing of knowledge.
  12. Hey Merce, I would love to be able to share knowledge. I don´t know how to record things in Davinci in order to do a video of that. Best thing to share Davinci knowledge would be doing a video tutorial, I assume. So I would like do that soon! Would be my pleasure! GH3 seems like a great cam, like G6 on steroids, like a GH4 for 1080p. Interested to compare the 1080p of the gx80 with the g6 soon. GH3 has great battery life, HDMI out and 70mbps codec (the 50mbps one supposely better though) great 60p, from what i read about it. Like the ergos too. (only held a buddy´s gh4 in my hand a few times). Maybe open a thread gathering GH3 knowledge would be a nice idea, reviewing a classic and the thick 1080p as you called it before:) Oliver Daniel would be the person to ask about it, I think.
  13. @John Matthews Hallo John! Thank you! I graded in Davinci. It is one node, making the difference- Lowering saturation in the blue channel, using the blue color curve. Besides that it is curve after curve, adding upon one another or counteracting one another. Also playing with saturation and desaturation in a variety of nodes, solving one problem after another. Main thing is gamma and a tendency to find threedimensional luminance, by exploring the green color information, going pretty wild. Then counteracting and correcting the greenish touches. In this example after the gamma and desaturation and "3d" work, I finished it muted supposely to look like Fuji, counteracting the overall bluish cast of the daylight. Was shot at 5400 Kelvin with your A3G3 recipe. Thanks for that!:) Filmed with autoshutter due to small crew of us 2, also used Fstop of 8.
  14. Hey, Merce! Now I am getting exited to check that baby out! Should be in my hands next week. Yes 2 cam set up sounds tempting. On dpreview 1080p looks of much lower resolution than LX100 though. But always good to test ourselves. Wow! What an awesome compliment. Thank you! Not sure if I fit that bill. I enjoy to shoot short pieces with the tech I got at my hands. I uploaded a fun video I did with my great ladyfriend and student collegue. We filmed and acted together, only us two with my G6, with the boosted 28mm FD and a cheapo 60dollar rig- and a cool blue bike. Gotta have a blue bike:) Originally we met for a coffee and then she suggested we should film a bike race. So we did without any planning. Was very happy with Panny colors again after the grade. Think GX85 will allow me more of this kind of spontaneous work.
  15. PannySVHS

    classic digital

    Awesome find, inspiring article and seemingly person. Thanks, merce! I like the outside footage very much. Great energy and creative arrangement of shots! There have been some follow up cams with p2 cards i think. But price not as low as 300usd unfortunately. That´s what a DVX100 can be bought I think.
  16. Hey John, thank you for your reply. This is really cool then, internal recording with parallel external recording and/or external display! I hope I didn´t just fall for GAS and picture quality is recognizably better compared to my G6, which is a cool cam on its own. I will see.
  17. PannySVHS

    classic digital

    Fuzzy, this trailer is awesome. Some of the coolest stuff I´ve seen here recently. Canon XH A1- does it save to tape only? Where can we watch this?
  18. PannySVHS

    classic digital

    Awesome and fun topic. I remember somebody posted some nice DVX100 footage in a similar topic. Anyway, some beautiful examples here. Would love a HD version of the DVX100, 3 CCD, 1080p, writing to card, nice ergonomics in a compact body. you could mount it on m43 and use the sensor crop. would give you something like a cropfactor 5 compared to 36x24mm FF:)
  19. Have not received it yet. Hope it wasn´t just GAS. My G6 is serving me good enough actually. I think it is really true that from the 5DII, GH2, even DVX100 days on, it´s not the camera anymore but lights, blocking, shotdesign, action, visuality, composition, framing, ideas behind all those. So maybe it wasn´t the best of ideas to go for the GX85, and the bump in image quality is not worth it. I will see. Feeling unsure right now. Okay, back to topic:)
  20. Thanks, bud! Once I uploaded the vid, you will know for sure that I not only need a script but a shotlist as well So hopefully for the future, I won´t do so much run n gun and fun filming anymore, but rather disciplined and planned out approach. But thanks a lot for the great compliment! Yes, I shot that vid. But my mistake was to hunt for the beautiful colors and moments, rather than following the little dialogue and preparing a shotlist Some heavier grading involved. Shadows got broke, so i had to dither it out with additional noise. Shot with the 28 2.8 FD, chinaboosted. Below is another one. cheers and have a great night. Over here in Germany it´s dark already:)
  21. Hey Merce! You had em all, them cams:) So, how do you like the Nikon 28mm? By the way, as Andy Lee stated, the Canon FD 28mm 2.8 speedboosted is something like the Contax Zeiss is something like the Hollywood 28mm F2.0 Zeiss. That way I can sleep well without nighmares about how many cool lenses I would have to buy:)
  22. Okay, you boys are bad, i mean bad! Because off you I bought a GX85. Though one of its biggest supporters is now in awe of the beautiful canon xc10. Talking about you here, merce!:) Well, that Canon beauty is too expensive for me, will have to rent that one, but couldn´t resist that GX85. So done it and will test it. Maybe I should have waited longer. But couldn´t resist it like i said. So for all you G6 lovers out here, a screenshot of the most recent footage I did with my G6. @John Matthews, Hey John, i think I remember that you tested HDMI out and stated that internal recording and at the same time Liveview with an external monitor was possible. Do I remember that right? Anybody else to chime in on that? cheers and regards and hoping the GX will be a worthy addition to my G6! Woulndt dare to say successor:) G6 has mic in
  23. Hey guys, I know bragging about the G6 again, it might be like cold coffee. But in the heat of discussion a cool ice coffee is a beautiful thing, so to say, metaphorically speaking:) I was shooting in September 3pm bright sun light, -2-2-2-2, WB at 5600, John Matthews and Jase´ A3G3 setting, 200ISO, autoshutter- Colorwise, grading it in Davinci feels almost like dealing with raw with the right workflow, colorwise not DR wise. Call me crazy for saying so. I´m really shocked to see what a adequate workflow can get out of this cam. That little 24 Mbps codec in 24p is really, really suprising me. When focus is right it even forgives a 1.25 croppin in post. So I bet the GX85 must be awesome picture quality wise. The ergos don´t fit me that well it seems. Grip could be a little bit taller. There is an additional grip available but only from one company I think. I am thinking about this one, rather than the G7 because off IBIS. @mercer, Merce, tellin you, with grading workflow you can achieve so much beauty in color with these little lumix cams. So for me it´s still G6 for a little while, then GX85 and later the 13stops of the GH5-IBIS-10bit with 600Mbps-Beast!:)
  24. I second that, @mercer, you might want to copyright your slogan!
  25. Great pitch! Would be even cooler, if they make it happen and give you big bucks for the slogan!:) Every Eoshd fan would show their appreciation of this by a purchase of that new, beautiful GH5. I certainly would!
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