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Everything posted by BenEricson

  1. I literally could get better color out of the XC10 than my FS700/7Q. I'm not saying the FS700 can't do more and look better, but the Canon compression is really really nice. The main problem with the XC10 is the lens - not really the 8 bit codec. I would imagine if you know the limits of the 8bit/c200 codec, you can do really really nice work. You just need to stress test it like any camera.
  2. Looks good. Are you mixing daylight and tungsten? Mixing two different colors of light on the face is pretty stylized but maybe it works for what you're doing. I think the tone is good but maybe you could reduce the amount of orange on the left side of the face/arm.
  3. Price has come way down. Could be purchased for under 4500 with a recorder. The highlights clip so hard on the C500. The newer sensor on the c300ii and c200 is much smoother.
  4. It is what it is. It is a small gauge version of a true cinema Kodak stock. To me the small format texture looks beautiful and real. I don't see why anyone would want their music videos/short films/etc to look like a Google commercial. The right camera for the job. I wouldn't right off anything completely. The Ronin is completely overused but it has its place.
  5. The 16:9 aspect ratio, lcd, and 24fps/sync sound (if that is the case,) add up in price. Pro8mm sells wide gate Super 8 cameras with sync sound that arent cheap.
  6. Bummer that they couldn't produce a better reel to accompany that release. Super 8 is a really fun to shoot and has a unique look to it. This camera is overpriced.There are a lot of really nice S8 cameras for 250-1000. This is 16:9 but still overpriced.
  7. If you're coming from the F3, any of them will disappoint you. You can shoot clean at 1600 ISO on the F3. The noise is filmy too. I'm not sure what type of lowlight performance you are looking for/expecting. The C300ii will be better than the F3, which is already very good. The URSA will be worse.
  8. C300 Mkii I shoot with the F3 and the C300ii a lot. You don't need a external recorder. You can strip the camera way down for run and gun. You can also use the new C200 screen that allows for touch screen auto focus. It will fly on the Ronin MX. The URSA Mini will disappoint you in lowlight. The EVA1 and Sony cameras won't have as nice of color as your F3. What about the F5 used? That camera is a beast for features and the color is more comparable to your F3 than the FS5 or FS7. Seems like the only one that checks all the boxes.
  9. I have an i7 with a matte screen from 2012 as a backup. It powers down unless I am hooked up to power. Does yours shutdown when connected to power? I think any MacBook Pro from 2015/2016 should do fairly well if you have a nice internal SSD to edit from. 2tb or something would be ideal...
  10. Naw. They could have done this with the GH4 if that was the case. Canon can get nice highlight roll off on even their low end DSLRs.
  11. I am also a fan of BluRays. Films and Docs shot on 16mm look so nice on BluRay. Film grain can look pretty garbage when streamed.
  12. Always vertical for Instagram stories. Come on now.
  13. use with the video assist, set the f3's sdi out S-Log 4;2;2 Use SDI output A, not the 'Video Out' bnc connector. Just an FYI, the color you get from setting the camera to video out / s-log PP is much more accurate colorwise than locking the camera to S-Log out with no profile. The difference is very obvious in the greens. It is a lot closer to the FS7 in a bad way. A member on DVX User tipped me off to this. Clearly this is a flaw because the two profiles shouldn't be different. I agree, the menu situation is very annoying on the f3. I have owned the F3/Black Magic Recorder for a while now and have been extremely satisfied with the images.
  14. I would guess because that's the look/perspective they wanted. Shooting at one focal length and moving around to get different frames makes the edit flow really really well. Can be limiting, but cutting together a scene shot with one lens is very seamless. Bottlerocket I think was shot almost entirely with the 27mm. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SmFDafzmklA&time_continue=138&ebc=ANyPxKoh07rN7RiODXTQ4Ij3itG2CGkFHeLIrVC7UwjQ2XZssJXaVuLRkVU4S2l5RYOgi6GtoXAfeoDEn2KbqhilIsWcjr2slg
  15. The C500 is definitely nicer on the skin/highlights, but the GH5 looks pretty nice to me.
  16. I owned this camera and loved it. I needed XLRs for some shoots and didn't care about the size so bought an F3. Would love to own one again soon. I would say number one, figure out a good battery solution to power the camera + monitor. I would buy one of these as well. http://store.mosaicengineering.com/VAF-IR-Filter-for-Blackmagic-MFT-Cameras_p_44.html The small HD 502 monitor is pretty rad to have for LUT support, wave form, and other handy features.
  17. The 5D3 is really cheap used at this point.
  18. If the files are local on the SSD, you shouldn't have any problems with the 4k. Thw worst thing about the new MacBook is the lack of USB ports. Performance is there from my experience. What type of editing experience are you expecting? Full quality 4k timeline with effects applied? Do you mind editing at a lower viewing quality?
  19. BenEricson

    C300 vs F3

    1500 for both? That's a great deal. It is the 444 version?
  20. BenEricson

    C300 vs F3

    C300 would be so much easier, plus there's auto focus... F3 is kinda long. What is the price on the F3 + VA?
  21. BenEricson

    C300 vs F3

    Thanks, my work has C300ii but I do person work and random freelance jobs with this camera. Workhorse for sure. Highlights roll nicely.
  22. BenEricson

    C300 vs F3

    Yes, I own that setup and have used it for about a year. I am working on a long form project, but have done a few random freelance jobs with the setup. I some b-roll here. The first 15 and last 15 seconds have some examples. There is one flaw. The bottom line of pixels flickers in 60p. You have to zoom in to 100.5 to remove it. Other than that, the 60p is not much different than the C300ii in 60p.
  23. BenEricson

    C300 vs F3

    Black Magic Video Assist works great if you have the 444 model, 7Q will do 24/60 with dual SDI and the 2016 7Q firmware.
  24. Depends what you're shooting. The way a camera looks when it jitters and shakes will change as well. Running with a bolex or a digital bolex looks awesome, looks absolutely horrible on a 5D. These are all obviously extreme settings but DSLR shake is gross.
  25. I agree with this. The F3 is truly a beautiful image. The FS700 has excellent features, but from a purely image standpoint, the F3 looks much better. Depends what you're shooting 4K/120p is pretty awesome. If you shoot a lot of interviews, you may regret the FS700.
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