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Posts posted by IronFilm

  1. 1 hour ago, webrunner5 said:

    This a is all true, but..if you want to keep this camera Long Term, you might be screwed. More and more places are going to require true 4k. That is probably why the Ursa mini Pro is 4.6k, why Kinefinity makes a 5k, 6k model. Heck even the GH5, EVA1 is larger than Just 4k. And probably for a damn good reason.

    Basically only Netflix mandates 4K, and even then ONLY for their commissioned productions (which is but a teeny tiny part of their entire library).

    The odds of multiple major buyers mandating high than 4K resolution in the near future? Next to nil!

    Thus is FUD and scaremongering to suggest otherwise.

    But if a person is really feeling that paranoid, then just get the Kinefinity 6K instead. 

  2. 4 hours ago, tyger11 said:

    We'll see what Sony has up their sleeve with their next releases. It's not like that talent doesn't exist within Sony - check out the F65 sometime. They just need to figure out how to bring that skill down into the prosumer products. Sony is hungry; they'll figure it out sooner or later.

    Not just the F65, but also F35/F3/F23 and their latest one "Venice". 

    Heck, FS7/F5/F55 are fantastic too. Just Sony took their time with them (so not everyone has a fair opinion of them, and really appreciate them for what they've developed into), but eventually Sony has brought out LC709a for instance. 



  3. My first thought is if Nikon doesn't (re)launch their mirrorless this year with 4K, then they're doomed on this forum. 

    However.... we don't know how much Canon will cripple the M50:


    17 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    In the leak to Japanese website Nokishita-Camera the specs are bare-bones, only stating “4K” – no frame rates.

    For instance, who wants to place bets on 4K 15fps happening? Haha


    17 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Also the new sensor is a 24.1MP APS-C (1.6x crop) CMOS – 24MP is 6K – will Canon crop 4K out of this sensor as they did on the 5D Mark IV, resulting in a tight 2.4x crop like the Samsung NX500? Then it’s practically Super 16!




    17 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Then there’s the codec – are we FINALLY finally finally going to see H.264?! Or will they stick with MJPEG, which seems like suicide on a camera aimed at so many Vloggers and Youtubers.

    Hopefully H.265 not H.264, but that is totally unreasonable to expect from Canon.



    8 hours ago, OliKMIA said:

    Best case scenario they don't fuck it up too hard and it might become a decent camera for Vlogers and gimbal work. By the time Canon implements acceptable 4k30 with little crop, everybody else will be doing HDR,  10 bits, 4k120 and 8k30...




    6 hours ago, noplz said:

    I think the people who actually buy entry level Canikon products don't really cross-shop anything else.

    Exactly. Any "cross shopping" they do comes from the store's salesperson. 

    6 hours ago, DaveAltizer said:

    1: a new sensor design from canon (probably the new aps-c standard for the next few years). 

    How do we know this is a genuinely new sensor? Because their latest APS-C DSLRs have 24.2MP, and this is 24.1MP?!?!? Maaaaaaaaybe



    6 hours ago, tyger11 said:

    "industry standard" is not the same as "class-leading". If all you want is what you typed, then Sony, Panasonic, Olympus, and now Fuji have been offering that for some time.

    Good point, "standard" and "best" are not necessarily one and the same. 


    5 hours ago, Damphousse said:

    What decent cameras under $1,000 have IBIS?

    As well as the others mentioned, the Panasonic G85/G80


  4. On 2/19/2018 at 9:17 PM, Matthew Hartman said:

    I know one thing, your beard game is on point. :)

    Yeah, in my forum profile pic then half the beard is hidden by the blimp! ha

  5. 20 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Yeah I doubt it is TowerJazz. Seems like Sony's upgrade to their 42MP BSI CMOS to me. Has all the hallmarks of one. The real puzzle is why Sony keep giving their main rival the absolute top spec sensor, whilst putting older tech in their own.


    Nikon has a reputation of being able to "get more out of" Sony's sensors than Sony themselves can.



    20 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    The 46MP sensor seems to have more dynamic range, lower minimum ISOs, more resolution, faster readout, possibly even onboard moire reduction in pixel binned 4K mode from 46MP and then the D850 uses XQD cards as well - another Sony tech, which they can't be bothered to put on their own cameras!

    A little part of me wonders if part of the sensor deal package with Sony was using their XQD cards over the CFast competition. 

    Sony does use XQD in their higher end cameras however, such as the Sony FS7



  6. On 2/17/2018 at 7:54 PM, jonpais said:

    Yes, I can see how vlogging with a C700 makes more sense than with a GH5.  Body alone weighs 8 pounds. Oh, and spare change? $28,000? Would you be so kind as to share some of your vlogs? Unusual, since you were so anxious as to whether an app would work with your XC10, but now it's somehow no longer important...


    I'm sure Pranti is joking/trolling!

    But then again I do use my Sony PMW-F3 for vlogs (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCniNTuAtkFiSCQNfIaw9SJw)

    Maybe in 2025 I'll be using a C700 instead? :-D haha

  7. On 2/17/2018 at 10:36 AM, mkabi said:

    Lastly, yes... 70mm seems like a lot of distance, but thats about 2.75 inches... now it doesn't seem like a lot does it?

    My girlfriend doesn't think it is a lot.



    On 2/17/2018 at 5:07 PM, jonpais said:

    Re: Top Plate LCD Screens

    were required for SLRs and early  DSLRs as there was no other place to display camera data. But now all LCD screen data and much more can be displayed on the rear monitor and/or EVF if fitted, making the LCD screen redundant. Yet these relics of the past keep reappearing on modern cameras (such as the Sony RX10, 1,2,3.) which have no requirement for such a display which takes up valuable camera real estate which could be put to better use.

    The benefits of top LCDs are:

    1) they can use a different screen tech (such as e-ink), which can bring other benefits such as conserving battery power and better outdoor visibility. 
    2) can squeeze on yet more info (leaving off info from the main screen, freeing up space for other things or just simply to see the scene more clearly without clutter), and viewable from other angles (for instance a top LCD is handy for street shooters who shoot from the hip). 

  8. On 2/18/2018 at 4:54 AM, Deadcode said:

    Everything what A7R3 already has, but with 24MP sensor, with sub 2k price tag

    Unless a person has a specific need (perhaps a hardcore landscape photographer) then I just don't see the point in going beyond 24 megapixels. It is like people who film video at greater than 6K resolution. We're just talking total overkill here, and there are downsides when it comes to processing times and storage space. 

  9. On 2/17/2018 at 10:52 PM, Stab said:

    Yes but no way that the first camera carrying this sensor will be a GHx camera. This tech is too good to put into a 2500 euro prosumer cam. It will most likely make it's debute in a new Varicam or be called Panasonic Space 3000 CAM.

    At best we can perhaps hope for a Panasonic EVA1 mk2? (EVA2? With a MFT mount pretty please! I am like a broken record on this topic...)


  10. On 2/18/2018 at 2:38 AM, Arikhan said:

    BTW @jonpais, just curious: Which MFT prime (long focal distance + fast aperture) is considered at the moment to be "bokeh king"? I mean lenses without adapter or speedbooster usage - just lenses designed and built for MFT usage.

    I was playing around on Saturday night with a friend's Panasonic 42.5mm f1.2 on a G9, and that was just delicious! 

    On 2/18/2018 at 3:54 AM, Kisaha said:

    I remember in the video cameras days, we were shooting interviews for TV from the back of the corridor, or on another room, or from outside the house (!) to achieve some kind of separation. Sensors were counting on a portion of an inch back then!




  11. 3 hours ago, Inazuma said:

    Does it have focus peaking?

    First Nikon with it! (but with limitations, not in 4K for instance)

    About bloody time!

    Gives me hope that they'll improve it, and include it in their lower end cameras too which I can actually afford. 


    3 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Thing is, D850's 4K and stills are better than both of them, and so is the lens line-up.


    Better than the 10bit flexibility of the GH5?



  12. Crazy! What kind of mad hybrid of Sony and Panasic's mount is this?? :-o

    But at a pre order price of USD $1,099 that is a little steep, rather have a Panasonic G85 and still have a few hundreds of dollars of cash left over to spare. 


    Unless... you want that slow motion! But just remember all those Sony RX series are doing hefty upscaling with their more extreme slow motion modes. 


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