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Shield3 reacted to scotchtape in GH5 focus excellence
In the wedding processional AF vid, the background is pulsing in the first few clips. In the last one with the same settings (AF speed 5, sens 3) it is pulsing less.
I still think A6500 AF-C far superior for video AF. GH5 makes me think 3x about using af-c. It's not the worst thing in the world but it's also not consistent enough for "prime time". I'm not saying it's unusable, but it has a higher chance of not doing what you want it to do vs the competition. IMO you're rolling the dice when you use it. Maybe with firmware tweaks it will improve but there's only so much you can do with CDAF.
I really wish they licensed or bought some of the other AF tech, that would have made this camera really great, like almost next level.
I don't regret my purchase too much, it's got a lot of great features and the people I work with are really looking forward to the 4K 60p. Just wish the AF-C was better, that would have sealed the deal for them and avoided this whole controversy (although I'm sure we would have found something else to complain about, like someone said the audio is not seamless between long files? still have to test this myself).
Shield3 reacted to Mattias Burling in GH5 focus excellence
I find the defensiveness of the GH5 crowd very entertaining.
Specially since some of the loudest used to rip pretty hard om the gh4 but are now willing to die defending the exact same issues.
And I mean this in a very positive way. Its good to be passionate
(Edit: I feel I must add that I have never spoken badly nor positive about the gh5. Otherwise I risk getting caught in the crossfire )
Shield3 reacted to tomsemiterrific in GH5 focus excellence
There is a cure for the iffy AF--if Panasonic would only take the medicine and incorporate dual pixel AF. Sensor size has nothing to do with it. I have a Canon XC15 I use for presentations and some field shooting. It has a 1 inch sensor--like a Super 16---and the AF on it is FANTASTIC--rock solid, never hunt, not even for a New York Nanosecond. Great for interviews.
Shield3 reacted to Emanuel in GH5 focus excellence
Here you have... (can we call it now?) bias.
From 6:38 on...
Shield3 reacted to Davey in GH5 focus excellence
Max knows a lot more about Panasonic cameras than the so-called luminary, who spent most of his time justifying himself with defensive body language and filling the airwaves with repetitive waffle.
Max 2-0 up with another video to come...
Shield3 reacted to Arikhan in GH5 focus excellence
"Pulsing" in AF mode is an old Pana problem, facing FZ1000 and new models too (as the FZ2000). The only way to sail around this AF flaw (continuous AF) is to lock and use the area mode (I told this @jonpais in this forum some times though...). When using a Pana in area mode (subject within a fixed AF area), there is no much pulsing/micro-hunting forth and back (microadjustments of the faulty AF).
Take a look at the "successful" AF video of PhotoJoseph...Full of visible and abyssmal pulsing forth and back in the background. Look at the video of Peter Gregg...Again the pulsing when focusing on the remote of his TV...Hehe, this is a "P&P"-camera - permanently pulsing and pumping...
It's simply a shame to blame users by saying, they can not handle it. Same users do well with Canons DPAF and with Sony's standard settings. No need to go to a university to use AF. It's simply a barefaced claim of fanboys & paid henchmen, who simply don't want to accept the truth. BTW: I use more Pana cameras, but AF on them is simply BS...far away from current standards...By "tweaking" you can get it to work in some situations...Continuous AF for professional use has to be reliable, that's why many DOPs rent the C300 mII...
The AF ist not a great strength of the GH5...But as many Pana fanboys claim, AF is only for pussies...
Shield3 reacted to SuperSet in Anyone not that excited about the GH5?
If you're shooting solo or flying on a gimbal, autofocus is very useful
Shield3 reacted to Simon Shasha in Anyone not that excited about the GH5?
Cancelled both GH5 pre-orders today.
Not liking what I'm seeing, unfortunately. Will stick with my Blackmagic Pocket and Micro until a Pocket successor comes out (hopefully).
Also, besides rolling-shutter, which I personally have no problem with, I am not finding the current GH5 image anymore superior to my A6500. Perhaps the 400Mbit ALL-I will change this?
Anyways, good luck to all those waiting on their pre-orders, hope you get them soon and make some amazing things with it. Enjoy!
Shield3 reacted to tweak in Anyone not that excited about the GH5?
From those video tests above it looks like face detect AF in video mode is basically useless.
Shield3 reacted to SuperSet in Anyone not that excited about the GH5?
Just watched Max Yuryev's GH5 video and the autofocus performance did not impress me at all. Disappointing.
Shield3 reacted to Kubrickian in Anyone not that excited about the GH5?
The only GH5 video I've seen so far that I've really liked is James Miller's. All that it took was a Zeiss Otus and a 4k external recorder to accomplish a pristine baked-in-LUT downscale of 4k to 1080p. Every other test video simply doesn't have colors I like. The film look isn't there. If you told me all of it was shot with a GH4 I'd believe you.
Shield3 reacted to Trek of Joy in Anyone not that excited about the GH5?
You missed my point completely. Its not about the minuscule difference in speed/acquisition times, its about following your subject with a simple tap on the screen - which Canon DPAF is superior to everything else and light years ahead of Panasonic. No casual photographer is shooting high bitrate video of birthday parties and school plays in 4k60p on a $2000 body, SMH...
Notice how DPAF is on all volume selling Canon bodies? This is where the gap is the widest - and where the most units are being moved - and where Panasonic is so far behind. There's hope since IBIS was first introduced on the lower end models, but they're still far behind the competition and the gap grows wider with every Dpreview puff piece showing how easy it is to focus on moving subjects with a Canon body.
Shield3 reacted to Trek of Joy in Anyone not that excited about the GH5?
I have a hard time believing that one. A few hundred pixels out of 20 million, please. But what I would believe is the additional engineering required to have a competent PADF system while shooting stills and video was beyond the budget/time allowed for release, especially given the recent restructuring - they're trying to reel in costs in a sharply declining market. They've had years to figure this one out, the gap between Panny's AF and others will get wider as face detection, eye AF, and AF-c tracking get further refined.
The 4k/60p filmmaker market is minuscule compared to the general buying public - PADF on the GH5 would have tricked down to the volume models - which is the segment that needs it the most. In 2016 ILC sales were down another 12% to over 11m units, compacts continued to crater and shipped 12m units, for the first time in ages 2017 will see more ILC's shipped than compacts, of course due to phones. When soccer moms go to buy a "good camera" to move up from their iPhones and see the difference Canon's dual pixel AF makes compared to DFD as only one stays locked onto the subject walking around the store, its an easy decision.
Personally, I haven't seen anything that constituted a "vast improvement" in IQ. Marginal yes, vast no. The current gen of m43 sensors has pretty much peaked IQ wise, until Sony goes BSI or the long rumored organic sees the light of day, there are no vast improvements to be made in m43 IQ world. Or any other for that matter, its always incremental.
The GH5 still looks like a great camera, if I didn't shoot 25k+ stills a year I would probably get one. But for me, DFD doesn't cut it. As always YMMV.
Amazing, I agree with others, a grading tutorial that demonstrates the steps you posted would be something I'd bookmark.
Shield3 reacted to dbp in Anyone not that excited about the GH5?
I'm with ya on liking cinematic looks over something too digital. I just found the AF100 highlight clipping was unpleasant and definitely screamed video to me. The color science was pretty blah as well. So was the GH2 color, for that matter. It just seemed better.
Good 1080p is fine by me, I don't care that much about 4K. It's all about color and dynamic range for me. I realize that color in particular is subjective, so to each their own.
96fps mode is pretty crappy. I'll use it for the effect, but it's a noticeable drop off. Better than not having the option at all and I applaud Panasonic for at least offering 180fps.
Interesting anecdote and not all that surprising. 5D3 raw and c100 II both consistently look great.
Shield3 got a reaction from noone in Anyone not that excited about the GH5?
Despite starting this thread, I hope Panasonic sells a ton of the GH5's and all their other bodies. You have to get behind any company that is giving you their all to COMPETE, along with being rock solid workhorses. Never had any issues ever with Panasonic bodies.
Shield3 got a reaction from noone in Anyone not that excited about the GH5?
I wasn't impressed with the 96FPS on the GH4 and I haven't seen anything that "wows" me about the 180FPS on the GH5. The AF is just unacceptable in video mode even with native glass.
Can I see a difference between HD and 4k? Hmm. I have 3 UHD sets in my home that upscale everything to UHD. So for really "good" HD (C100 II) vs. crappy 4k (Canon 5d IV) I prefer the upscaled 1080p. Of course I can tell the difference, but there is so much more than just resolution and sharpness for good video. Smooth glider shots, low angle, multiple camera, shallow DOF as needed, skin tones, story telling all are more important TO ME than absolute detail. I am 20/20 at least in one eye and from a few feet away playing back 4k vs. 1080p on a 60" Vizio set? No, I can't really tell the difference, and neither can anyone in my family. My kids have perfect vision...so.
I will say years later the 240FPS of the Sony FS-700 still dazzles friends, so does the C-log on the C100 II and the raw 5d3 footage. Same for the A7s in low light. For me personally the GH2 and AF100 footage holds up remarkably too after 5 years. I find 4k a bit of a bother - I'd rather shoot really good 1080p60 for action and 1080p24 with good colors for everything else. Or setup multiple cameras - cropping 4k still won't give you a completely different shot. But, that's me.
Shield3 reacted to webrunner5 in Anyone not that excited about the GH5?
Oh that GH2 stuff it a total line of bull. The Af100 has a way better Cine look to it. I have 200, hell 300 bookmarked things in a folder that say just the opposite. Sharp does not always equate to better, and the GH2 was not really any sharper. The AF100 can be made to look even sharper. It had a lot better sensor in it. That is not what a AF100 was, and still is not about.
Would you call a Arri Alexa a Sharp camera. I would not. The AF100 does not have a digital camera look, just like a Arri does not either. Not saying a AF100 is a Arri by any means, I wish!
But yeah, the AF100 was no beauty queen at handling highlights. That be true. But I have read a lot of comments about it taking 4 to 6 months of using a AF100 to get pretty good at one. That just shows how complicated it can be to use out of the box.
Shield3 reacted to Laurier in Anyone not that excited about the GH5?
I was considering waiting for it, but went for a URSA mini 4.6k ( I know it s not the same price range).
I had a pocket, a a7s and a GH4/vlog.
For docu and corporate work I think the GH4 was a nice camera but the motion cadence/DR was bad ( the motion cadence is also quite bad on the varicam apparently )
SO... yeah the gh5 is a better GH4, is it a cinema camera, no , is it worth 2k ? maybe , but for 2k you can get a second hand ursa mini 4k and I would probably go for that, especially if you do narrative/ music video work.
Shield3 reacted to Trek of Joy in Anyone not that excited about the GH5?
The lack of PADF makes it really tough to for me to pull the trigger. 60p and 10-bit are really awesome, but no PADF means no sale for me as I shoot a lot of stills and CDAF is so 2012. For me to go m43 I'd have to shoot the EM1.2 as well - and since Oly and Panny can't collaborate on lenses to enable full compatibility - I'd have to own overlapping lenses to take full advantage of their capabilities. For now I'll stick with the XT2.
Shield3 reacted to hijodeibn in Canon 5D mkIV Crop Factor Reduction
10bit vs 8bit, is there any noticeable difference?, yes, but only for the expert eye, and give a little more room to push in post, so it is really not a break dealer, and guess what, you have the chance to get RAW from ML in the future....mmmm!!!!
focus peaking.....I don`t care, i am a filmmaker, all i need is DPAF from Canon.....
let`s see the price...GH5 = $2,000 , but you also need metabones = $700 , total $2,700
Canon 5dmkiv, BHphoto = $3,400, but I saw it for $2,700 on ebay since last week from a store in NYC, and guess what?, yeap, it just sold out minutes after the announcement of crop factor reduction....
I will chose this 5dmkiv over GH5 any day of the week, and I am sure many GH5 preorders will not be sleeping well tonight....
Shield3 got a reaction from Marco Tecno in Anyone not that excited about the GH5?
I can't think of any lens sharp wide open at F/1.2 can you? Even my 85 II is not wonderful wide open.
Because it's still physics. All things being equal the smaller sensor will not match the usable (key work, usable) DR of a modern FF sensor.
They are touting the 12FPS. A 300 2.8 is the bread and butter of a sports shooter's kit (especially for field sports. This comment of mine was in regards to the photo side of things.
Compare the real 800 5.6 size vs. at 100-400 at F/11. It's a big difference in IQ and performance - there's a reason the 800 5.6 is $10k.
We'll have to disagree here on the merits of my "factual basis" vs. your confirmation bias.. Glad to see you're so passionate again for the latest camera du jour. I get it - I'm that way too sometimes.
Had this on the 1dx II. Is any of the 4k 10 bit in camera? I don't think it is, but I'm not sure.
Yeah for stills. Does the video AF work any better, or even as good as the Canons or Sony's? No. Run and gun folks like video AF.
If you can honestly see a big difference between the final output of a GH4 and this, then you must be the target audience. I'm just not seeing the big deal here, but that's me.
Shield3 got a reaction from Ehetyz in Anyone not that excited about the GH5?
I can't think of any lens sharp wide open at F/1.2 can you? Even my 85 II is not wonderful wide open.
Because it's still physics. All things being equal the smaller sensor will not match the usable (key work, usable) DR of a modern FF sensor.
They are touting the 12FPS. A 300 2.8 is the bread and butter of a sports shooter's kit (especially for field sports. This comment of mine was in regards to the photo side of things.
Compare the real 800 5.6 size vs. at 100-400 at F/11. It's a big difference in IQ and performance - there's a reason the 800 5.6 is $10k.
We'll have to disagree here on the merits of my "factual basis" vs. your confirmation bias.. Glad to see you're so passionate again for the latest camera du jour. I get it - I'm that way too sometimes.
Had this on the 1dx II. Is any of the 4k 10 bit in camera? I don't think it is, but I'm not sure.
Yeah for stills. Does the video AF work any better, or even as good as the Canons or Sony's? No. Run and gun folks like video AF.
If you can honestly see a big difference between the final output of a GH4 and this, then you must be the target audience. I'm just not seeing the big deal here, but that's me.
Shield3 reacted to hijodeibn in Anyone not that excited about the GH5?
I totally agree, and to be honest, I am not going to spend $2,000 plus $700 metabones for this setup, I am far more excited for the C-log in 5d mark iv with a reduction in the crop factor, if that happen I am going to break my account to get that camera, hope not to spend some time in jail...
Shield3 reacted to Marco Tecno in Anyone not that excited about the GH5?
I'm waiting to see how this camera at 120fps stands again nx1. But, anyway, I doubt I'll ever be really excited by a camera with a m4/3 sensor, being more interested in stills than video. Especially when there is no more weight advantage.
Shield3 reacted to Don Kotlos in Anyone not that excited about the GH5?
I placed an order minutes after the preorders came online, but after I watched all the GH5 AF tests I canceled it. The occasional back & forth hunting looks so bad in a video that it will deter me from using it at all. On most other aspects GH5 is a great camera, but I am so used to the very good AF from A7rII that is some times great to have.
Moreover I wasn't convinced that I can get better color out of the camera from the GH5 compared to the A7rii with a custom profile. It would be great if panasonic allowed custom LUTs to be burned in in camera, which would allow for extreme customizations with very little post work necessary.