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Shield3 got a reaction from BenEricson in Lots of C100's at the NBA finals
Ben, what CP do you use for the c300? I have been using Wide DR on the c100 and just adjusting contrast basically in post and have been thrilled so far.
Shield3 reacted to BenEricson in Lots of C100's at the NBA finals
The C100 also does REALLY well in mixed lighting/indoor lighting. You don't need a super high DR, so I would imagine it is perfect for this sort of thing.
The c100ii is really underrated in my opinion. It just looks so nice.
Shield3 got a reaction from kaylee in Lots of C100's at the NBA finals
I noticed in the "champagne" celebration room folks with c100's. Then I noticed out on the court the same thing...Makes you think about how important pros value reliability over high Sony specs...:)
Keep in mind I am biased as I have a c100 mk2 due here today and have been burned twice in the last 3 months with 2 Sony a7r2 failures that required the same camera to be sent in for repair.
Shield3 reacted to MountneerMan in Lots of C100's at the NBA finals
This is a funny post because I noticed the same tthing last night lol.... I even said "holy C100!" lol
Shield3 got a reaction from Mattias Burling in Lots of C100's at the NBA finals
I noticed in the "champagne" celebration room folks with c100's. Then I noticed out on the court the same thing...Makes you think about how important pros value reliability over high Sony specs...:)
Keep in mind I am biased as I have a c100 mk2 due here today and have been burned twice in the last 3 months with 2 Sony a7r2 failures that required the same camera to be sent in for repair.
Shield3 reacted to BrooklynDan in Lots of C100's at the NBA finals
I own a C100 MK I. It just works. No frills. Pro XLR connections and audio controls at your finger-tips. Just simple reliability in an easy-to-throw-around form factor. Perfect for roving around an arena and getting up close and personal with the players.
Shield3 got a reaction from Justin Bacle in AF100 still viable? Anyone still shooting with it?
Years ago I had the AF100 - the built in ND's as mentioned plus the ergo's far trump the Sony FS100 - I can't imagine dragging that rectangle brick around. I prefer the skin tones from the Panny vs. the Sony as well. With the 60p firmware update both will do 1080p60 and the Panny has some very cool over/under crank options and you can shoot 1 FPS timelapse with it. Obviously the Sony has the advantage in low light but IMO that's it. Maybe dynamic range also. The AF100 was a great camera and I got some amazing shots with it.
Shield3 reacted to Mondo in AF100 still viable? Anyone still shooting with it?
FS100 lacking NDs is a little annoying for me personally. Trying to avoid that. Image is nice though. Another reason I'm looking into the AF100 is because I'm invested in M43 a little bit. C100 doesn't have slo mo options which is something I need, and F3 + lenses would be a little out of budget. Plus media.
Just gauging to see what people use. Thanks for the input!
Shield3 got a reaction from JurijTurnsek in Panasonic 12mm f1.4 announced
Wait, what? A 12mm F/1.4 with a sensor with a crop factor of 2 is the same as a 24mm 2.8 on a full frame. Period. You can't multiply the "effective 35mm focal length" without multiplying by the crop factor. It *is* just that simple. While lenses have different looks, the basic principles remain true - 2x 12mm @ 1.4 = 1x 24mm @ 2.8. How is it "not right to go around multiplying apertures by crop factor? Just because this is your forum doesn't mean you can suddenly change the laws of physics. The hole *isn't* as big as the micro four thirds lens doesn't have a 24x36 sensor to cover! The light INTENSITY is the same, but the light GATHERING is not. Big difference here.
Next time it rains, put a small bucket outside next to one 2x the size. Which one gathers more rain? Oh, right. The larger one.
This should help you out Andrew.
Shield3 reacted to Davey in Sony Mirrorless reliability...
Wouldn't trust my a7s2 as far as I could throw it.
Shield3 reacted to amsh89es335 in Sony Mirrorless reliability...
I to had bunch of problems with the Sony A7r II. Menus freezing, White Balance Errors message randomly (super unreliable), corrupt files, it started to chip and screen scratched the first month, weird motion cadence issues, ISO exposure way off all the time, and over heating. I got rid of it after 6 months and went back to my trusty D750 with an external recorder until something in that price range with 4k full frame comes out. I was never more pissed about a camera than this $3200 piece of junk. On paper its super advance and seems like a great deal. But in reality in the field its unreliable.
Shield3 reacted to DBounce in Sony Mirrorless reliability...
Don't kid yourself, these are consumer grade cameras with consumer grade service.
Shield3 reacted to M Carter in Sony Mirrorless reliability...
If a manufacturer makes a product and instructs me in the proper use of the hardware... and then "the internet" finds out that some bit isn't robust and won't work as advertised (IE "even though the manual says to charge via USB, this will trash the camera over time"), I don't think it's user error - it's manufacturing error.
(Even worse is when a manufacturer makes an amazing and robust product and then leaves the market... FU Samsung. What an amazing camera you dropped.)
Shield3 got a reaction from Mattias Burling in A7SII Error
Seems plenty of Sony issues going on lately with the latest a7x II series....sigh.
Shield3 got a reaction from Phil A in 4K RAW 120fps for £3k?! Say hello to the second-hand Canon C500
A misleading title - you are not shooting 4k anything until you strap on $2k+ external recorder. Last week you were dumping the FS5 because "I just like smaller cameras". Lugging this boat anchor around with the 7q+ is anything but that. Still, an interesting choice.
Shield3 got a reaction from Geoff CB in 120 FPS - Sony a7s II vs others
I had a little bit of time tonight so I threw a 2 minute video of some slow mo shots of my 9 year old son's baseball team.
Couple of things before you click - this was 100% all handheld, some slowed down in Twixtor, some will only make sense to the parents' of the team.
This is not meant for Cannes film festival. The beginning shots, believe it or not, were the a6300 with the 55-210 lens in AF mode, PP off, stopped down to about F/8.
Oh yeah most of this is straight out of the camera.
So having said that...
Shield3 reacted to Andrew Reid in Canon 1D X Mark II high ISO and colour performance worse than predecessor
Where's the misinformation?
You're a nob. There's some more information for you.
Shield3 reacted to DBounce in Canon 1D X Mark II high ISO and colour performance worse than predecessor
Man lot of smack being talked here. Personally I'm not sure what all the complaining is about. The stills I have seen look great, and when the ISO is pushed they look cleaner than what my A7Rii put out. And the video looks great. So do you really care what the specks say if it produces great images? Me... I judge by the footage.
Shield3 reacted to Jimmy in Canon 1D X Mark II high ISO and colour performance worse than predecessor
This article is embarrassing.... The guys that did all the hard work gave it a positive review with some negative caveats... Andrew then takes those few caveats, without any real world testing or insight and creates this clickbait monstrosity to fit some ludicrous Canon narrative (while using the 1DC and XC10).
Great forum, dreadful blog.
Shield3 reacted to Mattias Burling in Why remove saturation in camera?
Personally I have stopped doing that. I leave the contrast alone as well. Gives me better results than "fake log".
Shield3 reacted to DBounce in 1DX II, A7S II, C300 II - Compared Side-by-Side
Thanks for the appreciation. I don't know about "super noisy", I think it's pretty clean at 8k iso, but I need to do more testing to confirm that. In my night testing i think i kept it at 3200 iso. In all honesty I'm pretty happy if I can get 6400 clean from most cameras as I'm lighting my scenes. But let me put it this way, side by side, at the same iso value, the 1DX Mkii has been cleaner than the Sony A7Rii. However, let me preface that by saying, I have yet to test the A7Rii in APS-C mode verses the Canon. So perhaps the Sony can redeem itself in the high iso test using crop mode?
One thing I am absolutely certain of its that my best footage from the A7Rii is not as good as what the Canon can do. The Sony is handily outclassed.
Of course you have to factor price into the equation. Sony aimed to hit a balance between performance vs cost. I think in that regard the Sony is a solid buy.
Ib don't think you're anti Canon... I think your anti single camera angle:-)
Shield3 reacted to Jimmy in 1DX II, A7S II, C300 II - Compared Side-by-Side
You should get 30 Lumix G7s, imagine the camera angles then!
Shield3 reacted to j.f.r. in Sony A7RII 4k versus NX1 4K
NX1 has less dynamic range + poor iso performance. These cameras are very different, NX1 definitely has more detail, GH4 probably even more, the thing is this doesn't translate to a "nice" image.....
GH4 razor sharp, which makes it look like artificial "sharpened" video that's great for News broadcast, I would say the NX1 is in the same vein as the GH4.
A7 cameras by Sony are more in vein with Canon 5D's, more sharper than 5D but not as "cynical" sharp as NX1 and GH4. Personally I still like the 5D Mark III, great colors and a well accepted image everyone likes. Truth be told I worked on a project shot on RED and the client liked the shots of a 5D Mark III better......
Sharpness/Detail is not always your friend........
Shield3 reacted to jcs in 10 Bit vs 8 Bit - Sony FS5 vs Sony a7Sii a7Rii - Is 10 Bit Always Better?
Dave's video is fine. 4K 8-bit 422 becomes pseudo 10-bit Luma 8-bit Chroma 444 1080p. 'pseudo' as the 4 8-bit sample's variation summed to 10-bit is helped by noise/dither. Everything seen everywhere by consumers except in the theater is 8-bit 420. Only filmmakers/hobbyists/specialists will ever see > 8-bit (first need a 10+ bit display, graphics card, and OS/app support). Dithering/noise helps reduce banding, and downsampling 4K to 1080p helps reduce noise. Regardless of the math/tech, the A7x II hang well against the FS5 in the real world, and that's what really matters. The FS5 is a dedicated video camera, so it has other advantages beyond image quality.
Shield3 got a reaction from Nikkor in First sony hack unlocks time limit and language selection
As one who shot 5d3 raw back in May 2013 with a camera that cost about as much as the a7r2, I figured what the hell.
I can confirm this works perfectly with the a7r Mark II. I threw the grip on to see how long it'd run. I got 1 hour 4 minutes before I ran out of disk (64GB card).
Keep in mind this isn't a "firmware" update or anything - it's simply a Playmemories app to install. Simple and easy and takes literally 3 minutes.
Link to the "hack" app.
Thanks to this I can let my a7r2 run for a while now and not worry about it for long shoots. No overheating icon the entire time either. See attached pic of a7r2 w/grip...