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Everything posted by QuickHitRecord

  1. Since I have all three at the moment, I decided to make a test for my fellow anamorphic enthusiasts:    http://vimeo.com/60401188   Not exactly scientific, but I tried to be methodical. The Iscorama is sharp wide open, but my Iscomorphot 2x has to be closed down to f/2.8 or smaller, and the Iscomorphot 1.5x really isn't too useful before f/5.6.   They each have their own unique character. Which image do you prefer?
  2. Probably better in one of the D5200 topics, but...     From this thread: http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/2120-nikon-d5200-review/page-3
  3. Was there some insane amount of detail at 1:00 that we can't see in the final video? It didn't look like there was. But that may be the first time that I have seen rainbow moire in 5DIII footage (and, unfortunately, it's there in the D5200 as well).
  4. Even more impressive. My hat is off to you. That was a real feat to tackle all of that and come out with a product this good. Congratulations! 
  5. Really impressive stuff. Did you do all of the compositing and effects work yourself?
  6. I am also running Moon Trial 3. Best hack that I have used yet. I pretty much keep it on either ISO 160 or 640, though in your test 640 is cleaner!
  7. Andrew, The GH2 displays color banding right out of the camera (also when imported through 5DtoRGB), before the grade has been pushed at all. So far, I haven't seen any banding in the D5200 footage. It sounds like there is banding when shooting in the flat profile, but barring that, have you seen any banding in the footage right out of the camera?
  8. It's an interesting idea. It might help if you reveal a little bit about your background and why we should believe that you are able to execute this project when so many others before you have failed. What qualifications do you have? What past successes have you enjoyed? And what can you show us to assure us that this is not a vaporware project?
  9.   Fantastic. I will stay away from the 8-bit. Thanks for the info!
  10.   I have heard this too. Is there a way to tell which filters are 8-bit?
  11.   Thanks for posting this. Maybe someone has a definitive way of finding out whether this is true 4:2:2 or not.   What are your impressions of this camera for video?
  12. Andy, I am not using any of these old Schneider or Isco lenses, but I am curious about how your mount works. Could you post a video clip?
  13.   That makes sense. Maybe what I am focusing on is the macro-blocking and compression artifacts (and lack of it in the other image). I understand the basics of the science of color space, but I always thought that it was something that could be seen with the naked eye. Perhaps it's not.
  14.   Good point. I have included the link. But like you said, it's important to run tests on your own camera because sometimes for inexplicable reasons the results can be different.
  15. Interesting. I did a similar test a while back (also with Flowmotion 2.02), but got completely different results: http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/1299-gh2-iso-tests-rethinking-the-iso-bug-iso-320-cleaner-than-iso-160/   Grabs (click for larger view):       Did you account for the ISO bug when you shot yours?
  16. @chauffeurdevan @hmcindie   I am by no means an authority on this, but the examples shot by Andrew are consistent (at least visually) with what I have come to expect  of the difference between 4:2:0 and 4:2:2. Here's an example that I screen grabbed from a D800 with and without Ninja 2 external recorder that I downloaded from Vimeo a while back: This is what I am seeing in Andrew's examples, especially when one looks at the lens center. Whether the D5200 is providing true 4:2:2 output rather than a re-wrapped 4:2:0 in a 4:2:2 signal, I have no way of knowing. But there is clearly more chroma detail in the first shot, wouldn't you agree?
  17. Whoa. I think that may be the largest front element to rear element ratio I have ever seen on an anamorphic lens.
  18.   They are big and heavy, and they breathe when focusing. I had to make custom mounts for mine to get them onto 15mm rods. In the case of my 75mm, I had to buy a counterweight to keep my setup from being too front-heavy.   All that said, they do make a pretty cool image.   I have made some additional notes in this thread: http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/809-first-lomo-square-front-test
  19. That is a classic example of color banding. It is a result of an 8-bit codec. There are only 255 shades available from each color channel with 8-bit (over 1000 for each channel in 10-bit). Unfortunately, it's very common, especially in DSLRs. It's easier to see in some cameras than in others.
  20.   Look at the blockiness of the detail of the object behind the lens in the one shot and then the relative smoothness of the detail in the other.
  21. That's a world of difference. If NAB weren't around the corner, I'd consider snapping up one of these.
  22.   Interesting. I didn't know that about the 35mm roundfronts.   I can vouch for the quality of the OCT-18s. In my conversations with Olex Kalynchenko of Olex Camera Services he revealed to me that optically, the OCT-19s and 18s are the same. The only difference is the one-piece body and a superior lens mount.
  23.   I use an Iscorama-specific Redstan clamp and my Iscorama (Pentax mount) is easily realigned by pressing the buttons and then rotating the barrel. After playing with many lenses that don't do this, it's a nice little perk. I am not really sure that I understand why it is not working for you.
  24.   I see no reason why it would not work. The step ring has to be glued to the front of the giant 35mm film projector Hypergonar to give something for the Xume filter to screw into (because otherwise there is nothing).
  25. I don't think that the threading is standard (i.e. spacing is consistent) with the threading on photography/video filters. That's why I glued an 82mm to 77mm step ring on the front of mine.
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