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Andrew Reid

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Posts posted by Andrew Reid

  1. 2 hours ago, Django said:

    Actually the new 23mm F1.4 WR uses a different "Linear Motor" then the previous version and has night & day video AF performanc


    Ah there's a new one? Completely missed that.

    Sucks having to buy a new lens though just for video AF.

  2. 3 hours ago, eatstoomuchjam said:

    You mentioned that you think that the Fringer is the only viable EF-FX adapter - I'm curious if you (or anybody here) have tried the Steelsring for FX.  It claims to enable PDAF similar to the one for the GFX.  I use their adapter for EF lenses on my GFX 100 and while autofocus isn't as good as on a Canon, I find it to be about as usable as any of my native GF glass on that camera.

    I've not tried that. The Fringer was really good, the only viable one I've tried so far.

    As a side note, I've noticed the Metabones Speed Booster absolutely zaps along in all sorts of AF modes on the OM-1. Mega good.

  3. I would be ok with Nikon Z9 even if it shot uncompressed raw.

    Maybe 12bit, not 14 or 16 to save space.

    Maybe 2.35:1 aspect to save yet more space.

    And even 2.8K rather than 4K to save yet more file size.

    Then a Nikon app for Mac & PC which turns it into compressed RAW off-camera so you're not filling terabytes of expensive SSDs with bloated uncompressed RAW files.

    Hopefully Nikon can be smart and creative about this if they lose the lawsuit.

    And get BRAW in there ASAP too.

  4. On 5/28/2022 at 12:25 AM, JTD said:

    I love the URSA Mini 4.6K and the Pro model for their image, but they're ridiculously unreliable. An earlier post by MurtlandPhoto tells of exactly the same issue I'm having in May of 2022. My original 4.6K just failed with a blank screen. If you go to the forums on the BM website or on Reddit, you'll find lots of examples of the same issue. BM won't fix older cameras. The best you can do is to find an independent repair shop who's willing to poke around. A couple of places have told me it's possible to fix them, but not a sure thing.

    Not surprising to me that Blackmagic refuses to fix a camera when it is a day older than 12 months. They are an awful company to deal with if you have a problem. They will throw it back to you and sometimes even put the blame on you. That's just my experience but heard similar from a lot of other people as well.

  5. It may sound excessively broad now, but someone has to be first with the round wheels and going over 50mph.

    Not defending RED, just think there is probably a valid reason why Graeme's work keeps beating a lot of big companies in expensive patent lawsuits.

    Where was the almighty Sony in 2005 with their lossless compressed RAW codec?

  6. 11 hours ago, PPNS said:

    its true that the general movie going audience tends to be pretty interested in disney films, but it helps that they're one of the most powerful companies in the world, and they have the marketing budgets

    Of course that's part of it, but you also need a generally dumbed down society like ours is becoming, and millions of willing participants.

    11 hours ago, PPNS said:

    How are you different Andrew? other than losing your clout throughout the years? which creative engaging videos have you made these last few years with your collection of image capturing devices? because you have a lot of links to your portfolio on this site, and i have trouble with finding that content you seek from other people.

    Oh dear we are taking pot shots at me now I see. I haven't been very active in 2020,21 and so far 22 has been building up well to shooting more in Berlin, but like many other people I am not at the top of my game after the global pandemic of 20-22 and it will take years to get back to full motivation with new collaborators in this new phase of life and of my career. 12 years is a long time to be shooting and doing what is just one long project, EOSHD. Especially when the audience is as thick and as nasty as people like you, who don't appreciate it even after 12 years and even though they take advantage of the knowledge on this site and of others on this forum.

    By the way I don't seek the great guru Gerald's work. If he did some commercial shoots I couldn't care less about watching it. I just question why he hasn't even got a single photo to his name let alone a video. It is deeply disturbing to me.

    Because you would think a camera expert would be interested in actually using cameras. When he has finished making money from YouTube reviews, it is sad to think all these cameras, lenses and hundreds of accessories just get boxed up and sent away or put on a shelf.

    That is bizarre to me that someone with privileged access to $100,000s in equipment literally has zero interest in using any of it!

    I am not even expecting a movie from the guy, anything will do - any evidence whatsoever of a talent, stills or moving, maybe not even evidence of a talent but at least the willingness to try shooting at all. He just doesn't seem to be motivated. Or willing to even bother, and that is a major red flag for me when it comes to a supposed "guru" of filmmaking tools.

    So that willingness is not there, the bare minimum of images from him aren't there most likely because he makes his living selling cameras to gullible sheep like you instead.

    It's a far more lucrative line of business.

    If you want to know just how gullible the masses are, go and look at Steve Huff's pivot to the paranormal world of complete bullshit, and see how that is doing in terms of the subscriber numbers and viewing figures versus camera reviews. We're talking 13 million plays on a single video. iPhone app sales likely in the tens of millions of dollars. This is the sort of bollocks people like you would probably consider a "success". Whereas I see it as a symptom of a horrible cultural disease.

    11 hours ago, PPNS said:

    i agree with your criticisms about Bloom and Gerald, I think they're responsible for a lot of tripe online that's only there to motivate people to consume more products.

    Oh you agree with me. OK.

    You had me confused there for a moment.

    11 hours ago, PPNS said:

    i agree that they (and especially Bloom in regards to his allegations) shouldn't have this level of clout either.

    I would agree 110% with you on that, but do tell me what have you done exactly to push back against people like Bloom, as there are a lot of them in particular hiding in plain sight all over social media and YouTube, especially in the narcissistic ego driven world of filmmaking and photography.

    11 hours ago, PPNS said:

    i just don't think that the individual gets to decide in this economic system, Andrew, im sorry. 

    Collective Western society has decided that an entire economic system should reward the marketeers and salesman turned 'content creators' instead of artists and filmmakers.

    And the theatres are full of franchises and Disney shit for the basic bitch general public.

    I just sense from you a kind of resigned acceptance and at the same time kicking me for good measure, claiming you can't find what you imagine I seek from Gerald or whatever.

    11 hours ago, PPNS said:

    how is "oversampling a 7K image into a 4K uncompressed sequence of stills" "Real RAW" exactly? dunno chief, seems like quite a lot of processing going on there to make that happen

    9.5K sensor in the Fp-L.

    1.3x crop mode is a full pixel readout from 7K (approx.) crop of the sensor.

    The camera supersamples 4K RAW data from this 7K RAW data to give us more RAW data.

    DCI 4K 12bit Cinema DNG RAW to be exact.

    This RAW video format is not debayered or compressed. It is stored as RAW pixel values when it hits the card as Cinema DNG.

    So yes it's real RAW.

    At 9.5K full frame it pixel-bins.

    That's real RAW as well.

    Any more questions?


  7. 2 hours ago, nathlas said:

    327K subscribers on his channel.  They can't be all idiots and you alone have identified his true nature 😀

    Jealous ? 

    Not in the slightest bit surprising to me.

    There is a big market for consumer advice and shopping television.

    Why would I be jealous of a shopping television presenter masquerading as a filmmaking guru?

    Not jealous of Bloom the narcissist personality disorder Sky cameraman either in case you're wondering.

  8. 14 hours ago, MrSMW said:

    I don’t use the video side of my S1R’s too much to be honest Andrew.

    My set up is:

    S1H 100% video, cine lens 

    S5 100% video, tripod longer duration stuff, any tracking elements.

    S1R’s primarily stills but will flick over to video if there’s a need…such as there was the other week when I had an oh shit moment and a full card in the middle of something with the S1H and spare card was in another building across a lawn. No problem, just flipped to the S1R and shot it hybrid.

    I can’t remember off hand what options it has for video as I shoot the natural profile.

    It’s all packed away for tomorrow’s shoot but can check back soon on that.

    Otherwise great bit of kit and SL2 was the other choice as you might remember when you were selling yours.

    Less than 1/2 price SL2. I picked my first one up, mint/basically unused off a colleague for 1600 euros. The second off MPB for 1700 euros ‘excellent’ but more like new to me.

    I don’t like the position of the on off switch or the orange top screen lighting, but otherwise it just feels right in the hand, robust, does the job. Superb files.


    Yeah, it's a really good sensor.

    The reason I went for the Fp-L over something like an S1R is as follows:

    Storage is getting cheaper and M1 Pro absolutely flies in Resolve now. I will jump back on the Uncompressed RAW 4K wagon. 500GB T5 SSD cost me £59 brand new. The Fp cages and SSD mounts are really small and light. The 61 megapixel sensor is a step up from the S1R sensor which is already cutting edge. If you don't mind a slight 1D-C style crop to APS-H (1.3x) you get an oversampled 7K image in RAW video mode up to 30p. That's going to look very nice in 12bit Cinema DNG. Better than BRAW. Real RAW. Huge sensor. So a clear upgrade from the original Fp which was pixel binning the RAW from 6K.

    It is tiny, with an EVF and runs off a GH2 battery. Can't say the same about RED or Blackmagic stuff!

  9. 31 minutes ago, nathlas said:

    this is something that audience decides not someone alone.

    Audiences also decide they want 40 showings a day of Marvel tripe at the cinema.

    "The individual doesn't get to decide?" That is pure nonsense and is like saying I shouldn't have an opinion because he's popular.

    He is basically a marketing guy. If you want to look to a marketeer product salesman as the ultimate authority on filmmaking tools that's your choice. I think it is a slap in the face to all the better qualified people who actually shoot, when the audience is obsessed with social media influencers.

    I also can't stand the way Philip Bloom comments on every video, and Gerald pins it. The cynicism of that. It's a big circle jerk and the sheep love it. I want no part of it. If you enjoy his creatively non-informed non-shooting non-real world reviews I don't mind but it is a shame large audiences can't reward people with more principals and more talent. Kubrick used a culinary analogy as well. The best restaurant in town rarely has the biggest queue outside.

    Is the most popular music the best? Is the most popular food the healthiest? Best quality? McDonalds??

    Bloom shouldn't be anywhere near being an idol, especially knowing what I know about him.

    Popularity on social media only means someone is good at communication, presentation and marketing. Gerald isn't creative, he can't even be bothered to shoot a single still let alone video. Either he has no interest in using all these cameras he has, or he is embarrassingly bad behind the camera and embarrassed to show his work. Therefore I won't be taking my advice from him simple as that because it's just pixel peeping and specs sheet pimping, without any real life usage of the tools.

  10. Indeed RED were a pioneer with REDcode. Graeme Nattress did what the Japanese camera companies like Sony didn't bother with or even attempt.

    They should be rewarded and there are other solutions like BRAW that avoid the patent infringement.

    So why doesn't Nikon implement BRAW or license a similar technology and call it N-RAW?

    In other words why doesn't Nikon get a clue?

    Or is their intent to purposefully infringe RED's patent before countersuing as they know they have a bargaining chip and that RED have infringed their patents on sensor design or whatever?

    I know it's shit for us and it doesn't generate much good will for RED in the industry and with customers.

    A middle ground should be reached at this point, it's gone on long enough.

    RED should license the technology and Nikon should pay up for it.

  11. RAW files from the Fp-L that I've seen look very good, you can dig about 6 stops into the shadows and it still maintains loads of nice colour information.

    This is the basis of a really cinematic image. Not just high dynamic range but high dynamic range without killing colour and skin tones.

    *Cough cough* Sony

    Also with the crop modes Sigma seems to have implemented full pixel readout from about 7K down!

    I wouldn't mind trying 1.3x crop to see what that looks like in RAW rather than the pixel binned FF.

  12. TicoRAW is the basis of N-RAW.

    So we are talking very similar compression ratios to RED, up to 16:1

    Could it be possible they will keep N-RAW but just switch off the compression?


    By the way the early Z9 bodies with 2.0 firmware have the potential to go to sky high prices so if you want one and find one in stock don't hesitate! I already can't find one for less than £6700 on eBay.

  13. 23 hours ago, mercer said:

    @Andrew Reid I saw your Raven build at the site's Twitter feed. Is that a Red Volt battery or can it take V Mounts or even Micro V Mounts? It seems like a tidy little set up. Also what lens do you have on it? And finally, have you made any decisions?

    You can mount any V-lock battery including the tiny modern ones on Amazon from Fxlion directly to the RED I/O expander or RED V-mount adapter that bolts to the back of the RAVEN or other DSMC2 RED cameras. No cables or rods required. Can't seem to do same with EPIC and SCARLET, they just have a lemo connector and you need D-tap to lemo cable plus rods and mounting solution for your V-lock battery.

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