Firmware updates could become subscription model under new plans

There’s talk in the camera industry of introducing a subscription model for firmware updates, with Sony being one of the companies believed to be considering this as an option for larger updates in the future. Currently, Sony is planning an A7S III update in the coming weeks with DCI 4K and content authenticity ID, but major updates have been few and far between for a camera released nearly 4 years ago.

These discussions could mark the beginning of a worrying new trend for cameras, that of paying full price for hardware and needing an Adobe-style subscription to unlock the full potential.

RED sell up to Japanese with Nikon buy-out!

After so long as sworn rivals and an independent pirate spirit, RED have been sold to Nikon. I had to check the date when I saw the news.

The possibilities that can now spring forth from this deal are very interesting, and I’ll look at these here… I’ll also get into whether Nikon thinks the timing is right, on the verge of an AI revolution, to buy a traditional cinema camera company.