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    newfoundmass reacted to IronFilm in Liliput A5, or any other cheap 5" or smaller competitors?   
    @newfoundmass, exactly! And I'm sure I'll get more than three years usage out of a sub $200 monitor, even if worst case scenario it gets downgraded to a secondary monitor. 
  2. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from mercer in What Was This Shot On? - Oh Nevermind   
    It was one person shooting like 12 musicians moving around in a disorganized manner, in not ideal conditions, while trying to feature every one of them. Ya'll have really high expectations given the circumstances. ?
    Looking at his portfolio, the guy that shot it has done work for Adidas and ASICS in Germany, as well as music videos, so he seems to be doing pretty good for himself
  3. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to BenEricson in What Was This Shot On? - Oh Nevermind   
    Nah, a hobbyist would have used a slider, drone, and some sort of other unnecessary tool. 
    This is well shot and very intentionally feels candid and on the fly. Any cuts would also ruin the feel they are going for. 
  4. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to mercer in What Was This Shot On? - Oh Nevermind   
    How can anyone tell how many stops of DR this camera has or doesn’t have under the shooting circumstances? 
    Between the gazillion reflective surfaces, the white roof, the most annoying cloud coverage for shooting a wide angle with people, and the awesome YouTube compression, I’d say the video turned out fairly well under the circumstances.
    I didn’t even mention the patterns that dominate the frame at every single turn.
    And if you look up the shooter’s web site, there is quality work there.
    If I have to guess what camera was used... the colors look like a Panasonic to me, but I’m unsure to be honest.
  5. Thanks
    newfoundmass got a reaction from IronFilm in Liliput A5, or any other cheap 5" or smaller competitors?   
    The Lilliput A7S has some latency but most monitors using hdmi do, don't they? I can't think of one that doesn't that I've used, though some are worse than others. I'm guessing their 5 inch is similar but manageable. 
    For nailing focus, exposure, framing, playback for a client, etc. these budget monitors are well worth it, in my opinion. If I get 3+ years out of a monitor, that cost me $150, that does everything I need it to do then I'm happy. My personal opinion is, while it's great that a lot of these monitors are built to last even longer, the way technology is constantly evolving and moving forward it's hard to justify spending tons of money on it when there's a good chance it'll be obsolete before long. I say this as someone that has an Atomos Ninja 2 I bought in 2014 that become pretty obsolete pretty quickly as the 4k era came rushing in. I'd be lucky to get $175 for it on eBay, so I just use it now as a recorder for old footage I'm transferring. 
  6. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to IronFilm in Liliput A5, or any other cheap 5" or smaller competitors?   
    I'm Jewish, does that count? And my grandparents met while living in Scotland! So maybe. 
    Anyway, monitors last for years but also tech advances pretty quick. Would suck to buy a SmallHD 502 only for a Samauri V to be announced the next day. 
    Additionally, why spend money I don't have to? When I can put it instead towards something more important: sound gear. 
    Finally, if I'm working on the camera side of things I'd often be working on very low budget shoots so I'd rather not bring expensive gear to the set anyway!
    Having cheap gear is nice sometimes, I could for instance do a long term loan of my Feelworld FW759 to a DoP for a feature film and not have any worries over it because it is so cheap anyway if the worst was to happen. (It didn't, I got it returned just the other week at the wrap party)
  7. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to IronFilm in A good compact camera for 4K videos. max 900 euro   
    "Compact" is super vague, to some people the Nikon D7500 is a "compact 4K" camera (certainly is next to a D850 or D5! Or any 4K cinema camera), while there would be vlogs who think the RX100 is too bulky as it isn't as compact as their 4K smartphone!

  8. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to IronFilm in ZCam E2 4k footage in the wild, including ungraded and 120fps   
    Yes, it is better a manufacturer errs towards doing "too much" with their promo videos than "too little". 

    In fact, I'd argue it is near on impossible for a camera manufacturer to go over the top with their promo videos! They could do a full on next Avatar or Lord of the Rings productions purely to promote their new camera and it still wouldn't be too "over the top"! ha
    I'm guessing they leaked these out purely by accident, it wasn't intentional?

    Edit: nope, I browsed around the videos and I see comments and replies from the YT channel, this wasn't any "accidental" uploading, very intentional!


    It is great to improve the camera after release and push it forward. BUT you still at least have to start from a fairly high level of competency! 
    At the very least they should have been unlisted videos, to help indicate this. 
  9. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to Juxx989 in The Thread for Good Deals and Discounts   
    Thanks Man.. Looks Like If I strip my NX1 down to nothing and use the PWR Zoom or my Pancakes it's a go.   
  10. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from Juxx989 in The Thread for Good Deals and Discounts   
    Zhiyun-Tech Crane-M 3-Axis Handheld Gimbal Stabilizer
    $199 for the next 24 hours 
  11. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to BTM_Pix in ZCam E2 4k footage in the wild, including ungraded and 120fps   
    I think everyone knows it's a work in progress, just quite surprised at the current point of progress in that work.
    If the purpose of it was to gain feedback then I don't get the differentiation between it coming from their FB group or the wider world to be honest. Unless they've got a Reduser scenario going on there of zero criticism I expect the feedback was similarly lukewarm?
    Don't take this as being snippy because it's not meant to be - I'm actually rooting for them - but if the people on here who weren't thrilled with what they saw and they were in the market to buy one, then it might not be doomed but extrapolate that out versus people who were thrilled with it and it's not great.
    As I say, I'm not looking to contradict you necessarily but I think there is some relevance to the perception issue they've caused by putting this out there. Especially as its on their YouTube channel and not just a closed FB group.
  12. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to BTM_Pix in Any ideas for a general-purpose zoom for MFT?   
    It's one of those perennials that pops up quite regularly when people are looking for a "standard" zoom lens for Panasonic cameras so it's in a few threads.
    It pops up as an option because the lens range and speed it has isn't one that you can get in a native MFT lens and if you could it would certainly cost far more than the £300-400 price you can pick up a used LX100 for.
    It's not a solution for everyone but it can make a lot of sense for many situations because you're basically getting a free backup camera into the bargain. Be aware though that the LX100 can't have the Cinelike D hack so you are restricted to standard profiles (or the excellent EOSHD profile) which is why it won't work out for everyone.
    But if it does then it's an alternative worth considering.
    It's one of a couple of such anomalies (like the Leica Q and Sigma DP0 Quattro) where even if you own the interchangeable lens version of the cameras (Leica SL and Sigma DP Quattro in this example) it's still actually cheaper to buy the fxed lens version of the camera if you need that focal length than it is for the equivalent lens for the interchangeable camera.
    As I say, it's not for everybody but if it fits your needs then it's there as an option 
  13. Haha
    newfoundmass reacted to BTM_Pix in Any ideas for a general-purpose zoom for MFT?   
    I ummed and ahhd about a used one during my lens buying frenzy. Slept on it and decided it was too good a price not to get it and went back into the shop the next day and they were literally handing it over to it's new owner when I arrived.
    Apparently it's not polite to exclaim "Oh for fucks sake" in Japanese shops. Who knew.
    Anyway, I thought we'd all agreed the other week that the best general purpose zoom lens for MFT was actually the LX100
  14. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to BTM_Pix in A good compact camera for 4K videos. max 900 euro   
    The Panasonic LX10/15 meets the original spec.
    It has 3x zoom, the original poster didn't say it necessarily had to start at a 24mm equivalent.
    You can look at that crop one of two ways in that it's giving you less on the wide end than the RX100M5 but it's giving you more on the long end, which is something that may be more important for his/her needs.
    I have both the LX15 and the RX100M5 and my opinion is that I don't hate the crop (as I'm fond of the FOV anyway ) and I can always re-frame by stepping back so in that way I can match the RX100 max FOV. But what I can't do on the RX100 is make the lens faster so I have no possibility to match the LX15 in that respect.
    It comes down to picking what is more important I suppose for how you will be using it. I could make the point to be honest that 24mm is a bit of a meh focal length anyway as its neither fish nor fowl so neither camera goes wide enough really but again that's down to personal preference.
    With regard to the video itself, with the Cinelike D hack the LX10/15 bridges part of the gap to the Slog profiles of the Sony and might well be all the flat that people need in that form factor. You can use Cinelike D at any iso whereas the lowest of 1600 and 3200 for the Slog profiles does start making a bit of an issue of keeping it's original ethos of being a compact as you have to put a filter thread mount on it for  a pretty nuch permanently  mounted variable ND. Of course you can use the other flat but not LOG profiles in the RX100 to do the same thing but it does take away that extra advantage over the Panasonic if you do that.
    Again, though it's horses for courses, and if the purpose of wanting a compact is to primarily offer a better video option while travelling then that may play a part. If it's for more controlled shooting as a b camera for interviews or whatever then that'll be less of a factor.
    For what it's worth, I have thread mounts on both of them of course ?
    Speaking of thread mounts, in light of the debate on the Sony RX100M6 thread, I've picked up a very high quality screw on Sony 2x TC for a ridiculous £25 to have an experiment with. Suffice to say from early tests, my RX100M5 can now be an M6 whenever it feels like
    It works on the LX15 as well and a bit of lateral thinking has me now hunting down the wide equivalent for a similar bargain price to take care of the other end if I really need it.
    If I had to keep only one of these cameras then it would have to be the RX100M5 but that is purely because it has live HDMI output which is non negotiable for what I'm primarily using it for in a work capacity.
    If it was just for personal use as a compact camera where that wasn't a requirement then I think I'd go for the Panasonic with the Cinelike D hack because it's half the price, it's far more than half the camera for what I'd be using it for and not least because whoever does Sony's user interface is a sadist.
    Oh and it doesn't burn your hand if you have the temerity to want to use it for a while
  15. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to mercer in A good compact camera for 4K videos. max 900 euro   
    I had the RX100 V for one day. The camera is tiny... like insanely so and the features really are impressive. The image was very nice. But I got the dreaded overheating warning while in the menus without ever pressing record... in the middle of December... in 40 degree Fahrenheit weather... so... I returned it.
    I had it set to record 4K, so maybe in 1080p it would be okay. But if you’re shooting in 1080p, you may as well save some money and go with the Canon G7X Mark II. It’s more ergonomic, with good stabilization and AF and better color science.
    Or the OP could always go with an a5100 with the tiny kit zoom if 1080p will suffice. That camera is as small as a lot of compacts with the option to use other interchangeable lenses if the need arises, plus there’s the tilting screen with touchscreen PDAF.
  16. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to webrunner5 in A good compact camera for 4K videos. max 900 euro   
    Ok why don't YOU suggest a camera worth a crap. Other than the Sony RX... and the LX100 what then?? Why buy a camera that sucks ass. When he asks for a tilting screen and 4K that fits in your pocket there is not a hell of a lot of options.
    This site is Suppose to be about half serious video. Not what camera do I take to Disneyland, or If you could only have one lens crap. Go to DPR if you want to see an answer to those questions.
    It might Also help if the OP gave us a clue what he, she is even going to use it for, or shoot??  think what the OP wants doesn't even exist to be honest. Use your Smartphone. They are better than just about any compact camera. That's why few even exist.
  17. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to Don Kotlos in A good compact camera for 4K videos. max 900 euro   
    I agree with the general Panasonic wave here. RX100 line might be tech rich but the 5' rec limit & overheating can be a real problem if video is the primary use. 
  18. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to BTM_Pix in ZCam E2 4k footage in the wild, including ungraded and 120fps   
    I have to say I'm bewildered why they've released this footage.
    The camera is very interesting but let's be honest they lost a lot of buzz when the Pocket 4K was announced. 
    The only way to get that back was to put images out there that made everyone who'd pre-ordered or was going to pre-order the Pocket 4K to think "Mmm....hang on...we might have been a bit hasty here".
    Surely no one is anywhere near thinking that based on this?
    Manufacturers have a difficult enough time as it is with people making their products look bad by shooting garbage with them without joining in with it themselves.
    You can go too far the other way and make a glossy promo film of a £1500 camera with an unrealistic hidden supporting cast of gear and crew so it's fine to show something that is more realistically obtainable.
    But it still has to be aspirational surely?
    If they don't look like they care then why should we?
    This is less to do with what the camera is capable of but what the company itself is capable of.
    Showing such half baked and half arsed footage is not going to convince anyone that the company is in it for the long haul with this product. 
    The first impression they made with their other interchangeable lens camera wasn't entirely positive and the massive price drop on it was testament to that so they were already playing catch up in terms of perception.
    As soon as the Pocket 4K was announced they must surely have known they'd really be up against it to claw back ground from an established brand coming in with something that drastically undercut it like that.
    This just doesn't inspire any confidence in them whatsoever that they can build any sort of momentum to counter the Pocket 4K.
    I'm the last person who wants to be a sheep and just buy what everybody else does and I like to see the underdog have a go so I'm really disappointed that this is what they've chosen to release.
    It's easy to say that we shouldn't write it off based on this footage but this close to the release of the other camera it would have been better to release no footage than release this.
    Better to keep quiet and have people suspect the footage from your new camera may not be all that than to open a YouTube channel and confirm it, as Mark Twain would've put it
  19. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to webrunner5 in Is anyone seriously using their smartphone for video?   
    Well I just got my Apple iPhone 10, 256 GB back from my son for good. I have not taken anything yet, but the spec on it are pretty amazing to be honest. Now that they have dual camera, and hell 4K 60p, stabilization, DoF defocus, I don't see why with a good 3rd party App, why you can't make something worth happening. Maybe not a Blockbuster movie, but a pretty damn good output surely is possible with the skill a lot of people on here have.
    It has to be more fun than dragging out a Arri Alexa setup LoL. That new DJI phone Gimbal for 199 bucks looks damn good. I am going to look into it in a few days. Like they say you always have it with you. Would make at least a hell of a good B Roll camera.
    This was shot in Jerome, Arizona with my iPhone 6s Plus.
  20. Haha
    newfoundmass reacted to BTM_Pix in ZCam E2 4k footage in the wild, including ungraded and 120fps   
    It was probably needed to mask the sound of disappointment seeping out of the rapidly deflating balloon of expectation.
  21. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to aldolega in What Canon lens for Panasonic G7 with Viltrox EF-M2 adapter? Best all-around?   
    For pure image quality and speed, the Sigma 18-35mm f1.8 is the obvious choice. If you'll be shooting entirely off of a tripod or similarly stable support system (slider, etc), the lack of IS in the Sigma won't be an issue. If you'll be shooting on a monopod or a flying stabilizer  you can get away with no IS if you're careful, but it'll be nice to have.
    For handheld you definitely want a lens with IS, which rules out the Sigma. I would look at the Canon 17-55mm f2.8, or if you want to save a few bucks, there are third-party 17-50 f2.8 alternatives from Sigma and Tamron, which are decent, but personally the Canon is so cheap now used that I would go for that.
  22. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from webrunner5 in A good compact camera for 4K videos. max 900 euro   
    It depends how compact you're looking for. I'm guessing you're also looking for a point and shoot camera? Panasonic has a good number of options, from ones that can fit in your pocket (LX10) to ones that have a traditional camera style body (FZ300). Most, if not all, of the Panasonic 4k lineup has very good video quality. 
  23. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to Grégory LEROY in Zooom H1 as a preamp?   
    Hello guys,
    I want to avoid using my bad nikon d5500 preamp so I plugged a zoom H1 to it.
    H1 line out -> camera             H1 line in -> radio Transmitter line out
    Does it worth it the extra bulk? have I done something wrong? any recommandation?
    Thank you

  24. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from Damphousse in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    @John Brawley I just want to thank you for your patience and the information you've shared. It's truly appreciated. 
  25. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from webrunner5 in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    @John Brawley I just want to thank you for your patience and the information you've shared. It's truly appreciated. 
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