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Everything posted by newfoundmass

  1. I wish they'd have put the camera into capable hands for the footage they've released instead of what they've put out. It really hasn't sold the camera and hasn't given us a very good idea of what this camera is capable of.
  2. @John Brawley, I've been very grateful for your posts and have watched and enjoyed quite a bit of your work before even realizing that you were the DP (Lake Mungo is genuinely one of my favorite movies of the last decade). With that said, that post really bummed me out and felt pretty condescending. If you disagree with Andrew that's fine, discuss it with him. As I said, I personally wouldn't feel the way he does. But he's entitled to feel disappointed that BMD didn't invite him to check out the camera, especially when they held the event just minutes away. Heck, the fact that he's so interested in the camera should be seen by BMD as a good thing! Are they obligated to invite him, or anyone? No. But would it be a nice gesture and courtesy to give someone that gave BMD their time and energy when BMD was just starting out with their camera lines an opportunity to check it out? Especially when their ambassadors / employee use the forum? Even if you do feel like he is overreacting, surely you can put yourself in his shoes?
  3. How so? He's written a lot about BMD over the years. It was only days ago that he wrote an article about the release of footage to work with, owing to the excitement surrounding the camera. It's not like he has been inattentive to the camera. I don't think I'd get as upset if it were me personally, but I can see why Andrew is. A company like BMD was built on sites like this, to put it bluntly.
  4. newfoundmass


    This is dumb, there is no demand other than the demand they're trying to create for 8k. Heck most content I watch on my 55 inch 4K TV is still only available in 1080. The only 4K I do watch is the occasional movie when it's available. I feel like, based on the standard TV size most people have, that there's a diminishing return on higher resolution video anyway. How much better does 4K look on a 42 inch TV compared to 1080? And can most people, especially sitting 15 feet away, tell the difference?
  5. It certainly would explain why they offered them up, given no one really expected them to. While the rest of the EOS R is classic Canon behavior, giving those two things away feels out of character, especially on a $2300 camera. Heck 6 months ago they weren't even willing to give the M50 DPAF in 4K!
  6. It's probably a mix of both, honestly. They haven't innovated in the DSLR/Mirrorless market in a long, long time. DPAF is the exception, but they've been falling behind tech wise for so long. They have hardly even improved their 1080p over the last 8 or so years; its still a soft, muddy image even as cameras a fraction of their price produced very good 4k video. Between not wanting to hurt their C-line and being comfortable coasting along/not devoting resources to the DSLR/Mirrorless market, they've now found themselves behind technologically I think. I dare say that might even be the reason they ended up giving the EOS R C-Log and external 10 bit 4:2:2, because the rest of their offering was essentially dated tech based on a dated sensor that apparently isn't capable of performing at the same standards as their competitors.
  7. Do you mean studio news? Cause in the field news is overwhelming shot on Panasonic and JVC from my experience. The DVX200 is especially popular with news shooters I've seen throughout New England. --- When it comes to cinema cameras, I stand by what I wrote in another thread: "The stupid thing about cannibalizing their pro video line is that, even if they put almost every feature into a smaller mirrorless camera, a large segment of that pro line market will still buy the cinema cameras anyway. I can't tell you how many people I know that own C200's or whatever that don't really do anything with it that they couldn't also do with the 1D X or the 5D mk IV (assuming they insist on staying in the Canon family.) They own them as much for the "prestige" or credibility as much as the functionality. It's about ego and image, not practicality and quality for a lot of people. It's like projects I've helped on where they insisted on renting a RED camera and lenses, spending as much on that as they would've spent on buying a GH5, Sony A7Sii or comparable camera that they could've used on their next project. Tons of indie films that never make money and hardly get seen do this, and for no reason. I'm guilty of it myself, on a smaller scale. I love my LS300 but I don't really need it anymore since I've got a GH5 and G85. However on certain projects I bring it when I have a feeling that the client will look poorly on me using what looks like normal cameras instead of a more professional looking one. And while the LS300 doesn't have the greatest build quality, once you rig it up with monitors and stuff it looks a lot more professional than my GH5 set up. " $500 is quite a bit more than "a little." If they were concerned about hurting the GH5 they wouldn't have released the GH5S when they did. I have no reason to believe that they didn't include Ibis because of it. As for reasons why someone would buy a GH5 over the GH5S? One is a more capable stills camera, the other not so much.
  8. Do you think that's why Panasonic didn't do the same with the GH5 and the 6k Photo mode? Cause I've been playing with it and it is 6K video and I'm unsure why they didn't make a bigger deal about it.
  9. I'm keeping a very close eye on Fuji. The X-T3 isn't enough, but they're definitely on the right track. Was really impressed by the DPReview video, but that battery life and lack of the pro video features kinda disqualifes it for me. But the picture and colors ?
  10. Can't speak for him, obviously, but the micro actually sounds significantly better than the Go for less money, and the Go is kinda flimsy. The Go still has decent sound but there are much better options for less at this point.
  11. I'm not saying people are wrong to feel underwhelmed, but it's pretty wild that Canon released a $2300 camera with C-Log and 10 bit 4:2:2 out via HDMI to such negative response. I'm not blown away, and it's not nearly enough to intrigue me into seriously considering this camera, but that was more than I was expecting. I still think it will put a dent into Sony and make them feel the heat by lessening the number of people that will switch from Canon to Sony. Not that they deserve it, as it's clearly a stop gap camera, but I think it'll serve what Canon set out for it to do.
  12. Most consumers don't understand the difference been APS-C and Full Frame either.
  13. The exotic locations and the fact that the press events always have all the press hooting, hollering, and clapping like they're fans always makes me feel uncomfortable.
  14. No 120p in fhd is blah. Some good and some bad here, so you know it's a Canon!
  15. I think this camera is enough to hurt Sony, given the similar price point and giving the camera just enough pro video features. For a lot of people the C-Log and focus features will be enough to make them go with this over, say, a A7iii. Sony is feeling the heat I bet.
  16. Agreed. In many respects they seem pretty equal based on specs and the info we have. Neither are enough for me to buy at this point, especially with Panasonic announcing a full frame camera and the pending A7Siii.
  17. Hard to really tell on YouTube. I feel like it lacks the character of the P4K's image, looks a lot more video-ish, but the P4K I doubt is capable of working in those conditions like that. Price confirmed.
  18. Lol, it must be nice to be able to use the camera like that!
  19. I'm guessing Jordan is correct, as Caleb seemed to be basing his info on what he was told while Jordan seems to be tweeting info as he is using the camera. Caleb went live and said that almost immediately after the presser ended, so I don't think he even had the camera for very long.
  20. That's an interesting question. My gut says probably not until they have more lenses, even with the adapters.
  21. Now Jordan Drake is saying there's a huge crop in 4K. Confirmed
  22. They didn't specify but I believe so Very strange they didn't announce a price. Overall nothing earth shattering, but the EF adaptability sounds promising, with one of the adapters even adding the ability to change iso/etc via the lens itself. 10 bit 4:2:2 via HDMI is nice, as if C-Log. No info on crop, etc. Guessing that info will come out in a bit once everyone gets to shoot with it and ask questions. They stressed very hard that this is an addition to the EOS system, not a replacement, which was also kinda weird. Updated: Caleb Pike says NO CROP in 4k when shooting FF
  23. The most interesting thing so far is the mount, and lenses. Being able to adjust the ISO with your lens is pretty awesome. 10 bit 4:2:2 via HDMI out, too, but only 4K 30p.
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