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Everything posted by newfoundmass

  1. This. I don't know anyone that owns a GH5 that isn't satisfied overall. While I'm sure there are those that have switched, I think they're the minority. Those that have are generally people that always need to have the latest camera. I'd still buy the GH5 today over the A7iii, X-T3, Pocket 4K, etc. It's the best camera for my work and is still, in my opinion, the most versatile hybrid camera in its class. Friday I am going to be shooting about 6 hours total of interviews in a mulicamera set up, each running about 90 minutes. I won't have to worry about battery life (I'll have more than enough), recording limits, or anything like that. The GH5 is prefect for this. Could I do it with the other cameras listed? Yes, but I'd have to start and stop each interview up to 3 times to account for the 30 minute time limits, probably switch batteries too during each interview, re-synch video and audio multiple times for each interview in post, etc.
  2. Is there a reason Panasonic is all in on DFD? Given pretty much everyone else has gone with PDAF, it would seem that it's not that difficult to implement. So why stick with DFD? Is there a benefit to it that I'm missing? I'm not even one of those people that needs amazing AF. It's just really confusing.
  3. It is the million dollar question: what can they do with the A7Siii that can truly differentiate it from the A7iii? I really am having doubts about whether they can do internal 60p without overheating. I think for many people the A7iii, if it'd been branded the A7Siii, would've been an acceptable step in the camera's progression. I know a few people who sold their A7Sii's and got the A7iii. It'll be interesting, whatever they do.
  4. Armando is another guy I generally enjoy watching, but who also feels like he's trying to put a positive spin on stuff pretty regularly, possibly as a means of maintaining relationships with camera / gear companies.
  5. The footage release has been weird/confusing. I think the footage looks great for a $1300 camera, and there are certain aspects about the image it produces that put it ahead of what's out there right now, but I haven't seen anything that makes me feel like it's a massive upgrade to what I'm already shooting with (GH5, G85 and LS300.) I don't really have the need for RAW though it'd be nice to have, but I might at most shoot 1 out of 3 projects in log so I imagine I'd shoot RAW even less. I'm interested to use it at least and to read/see some reviews. And I think one of the key reasons the footage hasn't gotten a lot of views is because you couldn't even embed a lot of the clips on forums, blog posts, etc. We're all kinda lazy ha ha. I know I tend to avoid clicking on YouTube links because it takes me away from my web browsing, whereas I'm more likely to check out an embedded video since it doesn't take me away from browsing.
  6. Ha ha, fml, I'll never produce anything close to this!
  7. We're all guilty of it man. Having outlets like this is awesome but it also allows us to immediately react without giving ourselves a little time to think things over. I think most of what you said was very true and your frustrations were completely valid. So I hope you don't regret those things. You just gotta give yourself a little time to think things over sometimes so you can express that stuff more effectively. We all do, really! It might not have been your finest hour but your passion is appreciated man.
  8. Anyone calling it unusable is prone to hyperbole
  9. I appreciate two card slots now and would hate to go back to just one. If a camera lacks two it really needs to be great in other ways to make up for it. It's great to be able to shoot an event, hand one card off to their social media person to go through and upload clips, while I have my card for the finished edit.
  10. I like the Northrups. They're generally pretty honest about their opinions and, from everything I saw, they weren't too thrilled with the EOS R. Don't remember them saying it'd be their new vlogging camera.
  11. I really like Caleb overall but it really did feel like he went out of his way to put a positive spin on a camera that pretty much everyone that wasn't flown to Hawaii agrees is a big let down. It's like, if you took out the excuses, he laid out every negative thing about the camera, but the other 12 minutes of the video felt like excuses / positive spin. Part of that is Caleb being Caleb, in that he tends to try to avoid being negative and tends to look at the glass half full instead of it being half empty. And when he's talking about a $50 LED light or something, he's not wrong to because for some people that $50 light is a perfect balance between quality and price for someone I'm sure. But once you start getting into the big ticket items, like a camera? I want it straight. No sugar coating. Because $2300 + adapter or lens is a very large investment for most of us. I think sometimes these reviewers forget that, especially when they're buying / selling / renting / getting review copies all the time for these cameras to review / feature on their channels.
  12. I'm interested in these, I'd like for the thread to stay open so we can talk about them as more info emerges / reviews start to trickle in. JVC honestly might be the camera company that gives you the most bang for your buck, in terms of features and stuff. My biggest issue with them is their menu system feels ancient and bloated. My LS300 still has the ui of a 90s camcorder and just feels ancient. But I love the picture!
  13. Kinda wish they'd partnered up with Olympus again for FF. It worked out really well for m43.
  14. Be fair: JB chose to comment on the issue and did so in a cold, seemingly condescending way. JB could've written and said the same thing in a better way. Does that justify Andrew's behavior? Could he have handled things differently? I think he could've. He's clearly frustrated and he let it get to him. Hopefully all parties talk things over and remedy things. Ultimately it's easier for all of us to shrug things off, as we aren't putting time and resources into the site, dealing with camera makers directly, and all the other politics that comes with running a site like this.
  15. I don't think he was asking for a freebie, given he had the camera pre-ordered, he was asking to be invited to check out the camera during a gathering in his hometown. You're comparing apples to oranges anyway. Camera manufacturers depend a lot on blogs, forums, YouTubers, etc. to grow and inform their customers. BMD themselves have benefited from the coverage given on EOSHD, one of the first sites to seriously look at their camera offerings. I don't agree with the blog post he made going after JB, I think he could've handled this differently (I think Andrew conceded that himself) but he was absolutely within his right to feel insulted and to voice that.
  16. newfoundmass


    I had a 65 inch and it was way too big. Nearly took up my entire wall! I don't think I'd have a place to put a 150 inch TV! I don't think you'd even notice the difference between 4K and 8K at 32 inches would you?
  17. I don't agree so much with Andrew's latest blog post, though he's within his right to post it. However I disagree with this characterization. Whether he was speaking directly to Andrew or people in general, it was a condescending comment, a pretty crappy thing to say, and I didn't sense it was a joke, given the overall substance of his post. He's a professional DP that has decided to post and interact with the rest of us. His words carry weight. He should be encouraging people, giving them advice and guidance instead of speaking like that.
  18. Sorry, I didn't mean to restart the issue, but I felt like that needed to be said.
  19. I wish they'd have put the camera into capable hands for the footage they've released instead of what they've put out. It really hasn't sold the camera and hasn't given us a very good idea of what this camera is capable of.
  20. @John Brawley, I've been very grateful for your posts and have watched and enjoyed quite a bit of your work before even realizing that you were the DP (Lake Mungo is genuinely one of my favorite movies of the last decade). With that said, that post really bummed me out and felt pretty condescending. If you disagree with Andrew that's fine, discuss it with him. As I said, I personally wouldn't feel the way he does. But he's entitled to feel disappointed that BMD didn't invite him to check out the camera, especially when they held the event just minutes away. Heck, the fact that he's so interested in the camera should be seen by BMD as a good thing! Are they obligated to invite him, or anyone? No. But would it be a nice gesture and courtesy to give someone that gave BMD their time and energy when BMD was just starting out with their camera lines an opportunity to check it out? Especially when their ambassadors / employee use the forum? Even if you do feel like he is overreacting, surely you can put yourself in his shoes?
  21. How so? He's written a lot about BMD over the years. It was only days ago that he wrote an article about the release of footage to work with, owing to the excitement surrounding the camera. It's not like he has been inattentive to the camera. I don't think I'd get as upset if it were me personally, but I can see why Andrew is. A company like BMD was built on sites like this, to put it bluntly.
  22. newfoundmass


    This is dumb, there is no demand other than the demand they're trying to create for 8k. Heck most content I watch on my 55 inch 4K TV is still only available in 1080. The only 4K I do watch is the occasional movie when it's available. I feel like, based on the standard TV size most people have, that there's a diminishing return on higher resolution video anyway. How much better does 4K look on a 42 inch TV compared to 1080? And can most people, especially sitting 15 feet away, tell the difference?
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