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Posts posted by webrunner5

  1. 46 minutes ago, kye said:

    Not exactly sure why you're commenting this over and over again though?  I'm not in the anamorphic lens threads saying how I'll never buy an anamorphic lens - it wouldn't accomplish anything.

    Me talking about the same thing over and over again, coming from you you can't be serious! They won't for the average person, what the hell you even going to view it on? You going to watch it on half your TV screen?

  2. You can buy FF cameras now for less than m4/3. They have lost all their advantages of a cheaper price. Very few people buy big ass lenses in this day and age, most just buy a basic zoom, maybe a 50mm and that is it anymore so small cheap lenses not really an edge anymore, and there are Very few people that shoot Anamorphic, mainly because of the crazy price point.

    And now the top M4/3 are as big or bigger size and weight wise as FF stuff. Why would an average buyer even consider one now. Not counting worse low light, not many AF fast lenses, low MP count and still less DOF, I know people will say they are really the same, bull shit. There is a reason people shoot MF, and People shoot an 8x10 over a 4x5, etc., better DOF.

  3. 7 hours ago, newfoundmass said:

    There are still advantages to M43, and it does have a dedicated user base. As much as I like my new S5, I really appreciate how compact my M43 kit is even more. I think we'll continue to see a slowdown in releases compared to 2014-2017, but I think we'll still see more M43 cameras down the road. 

    My Sony A7s II is smaller than my GH5 was by a mile. And their better lenses hardly weigh anything and are amazingly small. Sure, if you want a 600mm lens a M4/3 is smaller, but it will be a slower lens to boot and cost close to the same money.

  4. 3 hours ago, Avenger 2.0 said:

    Maybe it's better to buy a second hand GH5 II now and wait till this camera is mature. Guess that will still take some years...

    I think the GH6 may be the last M4/3 camera Panasonic makes. And I don't see the Olympus 1 being a runaway hit for the masses. Could be the end for them. You can buy FF cameras cheaper than them right now.

  5. Trouble with the EF-RF ND option is you have to use EF lenses and they are huge compared to mirrorless lenses. Not really into a 5 pound lens anymore. 

    Sony is really good at making small light mirrorless lenses. My EF 24-105mm Canon seems twice as heavy as my FE 24-105mm Sony. On my 1DC it is stupid heavy total weight wise.

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