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Posts posted by webrunner5

  1. Ahh come on real men can carry 5 or 6 V Mount batteries at a time. One is not going to kill you. Sounds like you want a Barbie Cam. 😁

    Yeah, I can see your point. Well it is Canon you know. Hell look at the new GH6, no battery grip option at all. Crazy.

  2. Sure, real film sets need them because they are using huge cameras with big glass on them, and they are story boarding. That is probably never going to change I get that. I can see a tripod for photography a lot more than for videography. If you are shooting movement move the camera. Ehh sort of what video is. Just panning on a tripod all day is not my idea of an interesting shoot. Looks boring pretty quick.

    I did hundreds of weddings years ago and worked with other wedding photographers, and we never used a tripod even then.  Now some of the richer ones came to a studio with their dress and had shots done after the honeymoon. Had a Hasselblad, 3 lenses, 5 rolls of 12 shot film and away you go, was the weapon of choice back then. Static wedding shots are boring as hell. We didn't use 3 cameras and carry 20 lenses like people do today, so I guess it has changed, not sure why but.

    Yeah, I guess if you are charging $50,000.00 for a wedding you need to look like you are earning it I guess. Sure they have a crew with bounce rigs, etc., etc. so I can see the complexity for a few super rich brides.

  3. 4 hours ago, IronFilm said:

    Am certain there are more than 10 people on this forum who have worked at "the level" of a NZ$100K (or even $500K) indie movie!


    The movie business is just about out of business. TV has killed it off. He in the USA the only big-time movies are kiddie comic book knock offs making any sort of money. I don't see that lasting long either, they have run them into the ground. 

    So that leaves the streaming services having the lions share of it now. Not sure a one hour long thing is considered a movie but having to wait a week to see pretty much 80% of what you saw last week isn't going to cut it long term. Sure they come up with new stuff but that doesn't last long either. Hard to hit home run after home run.

    Not too sure that many people in the USA are even watching TV here anymore. I watch 5 hours a week tops, probably less. Younger people are just too busy now in this day and age to watch much of anything. Netflix is a good example to what is happening to streaming stuff, also on the way out.

    So moral of story sell your tripods while you can, all 12 of you, they are going to just start gathering dust.

  4. 7 hours ago, IronFilm said:

    The average YouTuber with a big following is totally disconnected to the reality of how the professional world works on film sets / tv productions / reality shoots / TVCs / etc

    And I think you are "disconnected" on how many people are involved in a "cheap" $500K movie or more. Get real there are like 10 people on here doing that.

    I am happy for you for doing what you do but you are in a Select few that do do it.

  5. 4 hours ago, TomTheDP said:

    I don't know man, tripod is honestly the way to go for most things. Most people don't have the budget to do good moving shots outside of really basic stuff. Everyone wants to be Euphoria without having any of the resources to pull it off.

    As of today there are 32,113 members on this site. Probably not really many that come here on a daily, weekly basis but how many of them are hard core I am making a movie tomorrow or even work at a movie enterprise? Very few I would bet. And these newer smartphones, newer mirrorless cameras are their weapon of choice. And on average they don't at times need or want a tripod at all and they are lone wolf shooters. It is again 2022 and things have changed, and changed for the good for the vast amount of people that belong to this enterprise of EOSHD. 

    What you do and I applaud you, need a tripod, and are surrounded maybe with lots of talented people. Most on here aren't doing that. I am a tired old man that dreads the thought of dragging a tripod and fluid head around to get what little I do get. Not much imagination flowing though my brain as of late lol. It's done gone some place far away, and my legs are too far gone to get to that spot. Horses for Courses as they say, and my horse is on it's last legs also, so no tripod this week, maybe next week if there is one. So happily looking forward to my new phone, my back will be happier also.

  6. I think other than interviews and big time movies tripods are a thing of the past. And this is coming from a hard core tripod guy! I follow 10 to 12 people on YouTube, and help pay their way with Patreon. And I don't think any of the use a tripod very often. Heck one of the people I follow, Goonzquad shoots the whole thing on a iPhone 13 Pro. They do use a tripod at times, but not often.

    Sure we need to have a tripod but it does limit the hell out of what you can do and see. It looks too damn static in this day and age. We have reached the age we can have lots of movement, a natural thing humans do, it is in our blood to move. It looks natural, our eyes see things in a continuous movement not a bunch of clips put together. This is 2022 not 1982.

    I have not got it yet, will in a few days, a Sony Xperia Pro-I. Dumping my iPhone, heck maybe even a real camera or two. It can do nearly all I need to do and want and it is right in my pocket all the time. Sure I will use a tripod with it at times, but on average it will be fluid in my hands capturing, mirroring what my eyes see. I will be in the year of 2022, not the past.

  7. 10 hours ago, IronFilm said:

    Still very common, and still good movies get made that way. 

    I worked on a short film this week, 100% filmed with a RED Gemini on a tripod

    True but it probably looks like a typical movie with 500 cuts. Not saying that is a bad thing, well a great thing if you have 20 people on set, but not what the average person is doing these days. 

    A few years ago I would kill for something like it. Today it would kill me lugging the damn thing around lol.




  8. 22 hours ago, Josue Nunez said:

    https://vimeo.com/476151248 This is a small video I recorded at home about a year ago. I used a crappy vivitar 28mm F2.5 with the F3. I still have some videos that I need to upload from the time I owned the F3. Hopefully can come across another one at a descent price at some point.  Still a beast of a camera. 

    You need to keep that "crappy Vivitar 28mm F2.5" and put it in a vault. That really helped the look you got.  A great look, well done.

  9. Looks like only 1080p has All-I


    High Bit rate recording and multi-frame support

    An image size of H.264, H.265 and Multi Frame Rate are supported.
    Video clips that go over 30 minutes*1 can now be recorded as a single file.

    Image sizeVideo codecInterframe
    compressionFrame rateBit rate*2

    4KH.264Long GOP23.98 / 25 / 29.97 / 50 / 59.94202Mbps (59.94p)

    C4KH.264Long GOP23.98 / 24 / 25 / 29.97 / 50 / 59.94202Mbps (59.94p)

    FHDH.264Long GOP23.98 / 25 / 29.97 / 50 / 59.9452Mbps (59.94p)

    FHDH.264All-Intra23.98 / 25 / 29.97202Mbps (29.97p)

    4KH.265Long GOP23.98 / 25 / 29.97 / 50 / 59.94152Mbps (59.94p)

    C4KH.265Long GOP23.98 / 24 / 25 / 29.97 / 50 / 59.94152Mbps (59.94p)

    FHDH.265Long GOP23.98 / 25 / 29.97 / 50 / 59.9442Mbps (59.94p)

    FHDH.265All-Intra23.98 / 25 / 29.97 / 50 / 59.94162Mbps (59.94p)

  10. Having a real EVF is a god send compared to the stupid Live View stuff. What a pain in the ass. And a big clunky body, like going back 50 years. My 1DC is a Dinosaur compared to my Sony a7s II.  3 times as much work to get it to work as they say.

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