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  1. Like
    Davey reacted to Andrew Reid in EOSHD Pro Color for Sony Cameras   
    It may be that they have even fixed it as S-Gamut is supposed to be a standard colour gamut and having footage shot with all kinds of differently tuned S-Gamuts probably confuses the hell out of professional colourists!
    The FS5 is the same as A6300. As is A6500.
    A7S II however we can still play
  2. Like
    Davey reacted to Tim Sewell in Canon sponsored content on DPReview   
    I used to work in the world of obscure international trade shows and magazines, first as an ad/space salesman, later on the operational side. The magazines - with enticing titles like 'World Plastics and Rubber Technology', 'Railway Interiors' and 'Automotive Testing International' were 100% advertiser-led. They had editorial staff, who called themselves journalists - but in reality they were employed to put the words of the advertisers and the exhibitors into a form that looked like journalism but was, in fact, thinly disguised advertorial. There was absolutely no way in the world that any of those magazines would have criticised any advertiser, exhibitor, or potential client of the future - the companies in those industries could have caused the immolation of a small country and the only news about them in our mags would have been about their latest widget. This became especially pernicious once the publishers all jumped on the (far more lucrative) expo business as potential exhibitors would be offered puff pieces in the magazines as an incentive to book stand space.
    That, I'm afraid, is the end game in non-news journalism once it becomes advertiser led. In fact, it even happens in pure news as well - witness the ongoing reluctance, for instance, of the Daily Telegraph to publish articles critical of China in the light of its regular, highly profitable, supplements sponsored by that country.
    Personally I stopped taking much notice of DPR once Amazon bought it as, having the experience outlined above, I couldn't see how a website owned by one of the largest camera retailers could maintain integrity in the long term. Whether or not they actually have started to water down adverse opinions of cameras or their manufacturers, the fact is that I can no longer be sure that they don't. And that's the pity of it.
    I don't make my living with cameras any more - it's a fun hobby, but an incredibly expensive one (well it isn't actually - I've got friends who are into cars and motorbikes who will happily spend tens of thousands of pounds on their passions and no-one really bats an eyelid - I spend £3K on a camera and people think I'm insane) so I need to know that the sources of information I use to guide my purchases are going to give me the bad news as well as the good. I no longer bother with any of the 'magazine' style sites at all - I research potential purchases here and on DVX User and get opinions, in the round, that I can trust.
  3. Like
    Davey reacted to Arikhan in Canon sponsored content on DPReview   
    @Tim Sewell
    Very good description of the problem. "There's honor among thieves" - that's not a special DPReview problem...It's the problem of 90% of publishers. That's why I like the "affiliate links reviewers". Transparent claims and a mostly clear business concept: people liking their reviews and tipps, can help keeping the service free by buying items through affiliate links.
    The advertorials / paid editorials visualize the problem, that classical advertitzing is dead. People simply hate unsubstancial and unrealistic marketing bullshit. "Sponsored posts" is the last best hope of  a completly sick marketing industry. Nothing wrong about making money: but please stop crying out incredible marketing buillshit. Just try to inform and not fool potential customers! 
    BTW: Take a look at the users comments on YT. ZERO credibility for this Canon video post. Z E R O
  4. Like
    Davey reacted to JeremyDulac in EOSHD Pro Color for Sony Cameras   
    Nice! Yeah same here..Premiere's lumetri has a hue/saturation curve that works great.
  5. Like
    Davey reacted to Don Kotlos in Affordable Photo Editor that enables LUTs for stills   
    Most sony raw files are supported (including the A7rii).
    Here is an older list form 2015: https://affinity.serif.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4630-supported-develop-raw-cameras/ 
    Adobe's subscription scheme, the constant round-tripping between Lightroom & Photoshop for just using LUTs and the shitty performance during the last few versions will definitely force me to try out this program. Thanks for this.   
  6. Like
    Davey reacted to Jorge in EOSHD Pro Color for Sony Cameras   
    here a video I shot entirely with eoshd pro color, custom wb 2 (4300k) color phase 0 - I am very pleased with the result
  7. Like
    Davey reacted to JeremyDulac in EOSHD Pro Color for Sony Cameras   
    Looks good. But in the Eoshd pro color shots, it may just be me, but the boys face looks quite magenta or red. I have been having issues with overly red skintones on my a6500, i shoot with color phase at 0, but still get a lot of red, though other reds in the shot are accurately saturated. Not sure where the issue is. I don't necessarily mind it as having more saturation than less is ideal and works out in my coloring process.
  8. Like
    Davey reacted to Oliver Daniel in 2016: Camera and Lenses in Review   
    The amount of money you spend on cameras is peanuts to what you could be spending on super-portable lighting. For your main readers, the "enthusiast", the majority seem to leave lighting as an afterthought, the complain the colour/noise/rendition/clarity in this and that camera isn't good enough (in clips where the shooter really needed to use some lighting). 
    There's the Icelight 2 - very soft and lovely.
    There's the Scorpion Light Kit. (I have this and it's absolutely fantastic. Clip a light anywhere on small Sony batteries!). 
    Aputure - all their products, like the LS1-C, are marvellous, portable and affordable. 
    Lume Cube - smartphone controlled tiny lights. 

    I've decided to say "fuck it" and go native Sony so I can get the best performance from a single system instead of all this chopping, changing, adapting - and focus on creating 100%. 
    I'll be getting this lens for my FS5 and whatever Sony stills cam I might have anytime soon. 
    That reminds me - the FS5 deserves a mention. After a wobbly start in 2015, this camera has matured into a real workhorse beast this year. Such a versatile camera! 
    Shame the TERRA 5k hasn't made it out yet. Looks brilliant as a concept so far!
  9. Like
    Davey reacted to Andrew Reid in EOSHD Pro Color for Panasonic (GH4, GX85, G85 + more)   
    Read more about it!
    It’s time to remove that harsh, clinical digital edge from Panasonic’s in-camera colour and white balance.
  10. Like
    Davey reacted to Andrew Reid in Canon sponsored content on DPReview   
    Eric you have no experience of what you're talking about at all because you don't run a camera review blog.
    It doesn't seem sensible to campaign against the crippling of video on the 80D if Canon are a paying advertiser on your site.
    It doesn't seem like a good strategy to make a big fuss about a shortcoming of a particular Canon DSLR... they might pull further advertising.
    British retailer WEX refused me an affiliate commission account because of my criticism of Canon's crippled video features over the years. They were in full agreement with me over this but Canon are their biggest account.
    If you've just returned from meeting Canon's people at a PR organised event where you exchanged business cards, I know how difficult it is to then go on to criticise them the in harshest terms these flaws deserve....because I have been in the exact same situation myself after being invited to Sony and Panasonic organised events for filmmakers.
    Furthermore, the negative feedback you do give to the company or your readers will be heavily watered down with politeness when it really needs to be shouted urgently and a big fuss made so it forces them to change. Steve Jobs didn't softly prod or dodge around the issues, he took a flame thrower to them. When something is wrong with a product or it lacks innovation you have to do this.
    Not true, there are huge differences in relative image quality between models of similar positioning and price when it comes to video, also their suitability for a particular job. You wouldn't take a GH1 instead of an A7S to a low light shoot, unless you're an idiot... and your thinking is idiotic Eric, sad to say but it really is.
    Oh ffs. I'm talking mostly about the Canon sponsored video which is the subject of the advert.
    When it comes to Barney and his fucking boat I couldn't care less. It's not exactly a Werner Herzog level of filmmaking.
    You may call it a great video.
    I call it an easy to film piece of shit with no personality, no emotional investment required at all or life experience, zero challenge for the audience, no thoughts provoked or challenging messages conveyed. On top of that it's not even entertaining.
    It's video advertorial.
  11. Like
    Davey reacted to Mat Mayer in Portfolio Website Help   
    Use Wordpress and buy a theme which is almost exactly how you want it to be from Theme Forest. Only choose themes made in past year with at least 20 4.5 star overall reviews.
    Embedding videos is much easier and it will boost the video rankings on Vimeo or Youtube. 
    Buy your domain name from internet.bs (avoid GoDaddy they will hammer you with unnecessary addons).  Host it with Hostmonster if in US or Vidahost in UK. Cheapest package is fine. Actually the domain name may be free with the hosting.
    Use Tinypng to compress photos or the plugin SmushIt if you want to batch compress. There is also ImageOptim app on Macs for jpeg. Page speed is a big ranking factor for Google.
    Dont buy any spam links or it will get banned or penalised in Google. Join Google Analytics and Search Console to help get the pages indexed in Google, get advice and see visitor statistics.
    Join Google My Business Local if you want local clients or Brand if not. Make sure the category is right, then get a couple of reviews and it can be a short cut to the top with the Google Maps listings.
    This is my first post on here where I am an expert, usually feel like a noob. 
  12. Like
    Davey reacted to funkyou86 in Portfolio Website Help   
    Buy a domain name for 10 bucks at name.com. Register @ tumblr, create a new blog, point your domain DNS to tumblr, add a free theme, bummm! you're done. Here's mine.
  13. Like
    Davey got a reaction from webrunner5 in A "frugal" films thread perhaps?   
    That is absolutely incredible - an inspiration. Thanks for sharing as this is not getting the views it deserves, but then it wouldn't when the likes of Casey Neistat are hoovering up Google Search results.
  14. Like
    Davey got a reaction from Liam in EOSHD Pro Color for Sony Cameras   
    My first effort with Pro Color using the A7S ii and Zeiss 55mm f1.8 - despite errors with exposure on my part, I decided not to touch what came out of the camera when editing. I am delighted with the outcome and will move on to testing under different lighting conditions over the next week or so.
  15. Like
    Davey reacted to Andrew Reid in O/T Berlin   
    Thanks for posting. I am safe. My thoughts are with the victims of this atrocity and the similar one in Nice, France earlier this year.
    Was at the same Christmas market just a few days ago and it's near my girlfriend's place. I just hope that all of my friends here in Berlin are ok.
    The market where it happened is right in the middle of the busiest shopping area of Berlin, in the west side of the city.
    The Christmas market would have been packed at this time of year with families and friends after work.
    There's a children's merry-go-round there, crafts stores and food, pancakes and mulled wine, German bratwurst, it's a very good natured place full of nice people and my heart goes out to the people killed and injured tonight.
  16. Like
    Davey reacted to BTM_Pix in O/T Berlin   
    I know you often use the Christmas markets when shooting tests so just hoping you and yours have not been affected by whats happened there tonight.
    I have been a frequent visitor myself to Breitscheidtplatz, particularly at this time of year, and my thoughts go out to everyone involved in this horrendous incident.
  17. Like
    Davey reacted to Mark Holmes in Canon sponsored content on DPReview   
    In these days of diminishing journalistic integrity, it's refreshing to read this article. Kudos, Andrew, for practicing journalism as it was intended, and for the reminder of why this is one of my most visited sites. Happy Holidays!
  18. Like
    Davey reacted to Andrew Reid in Canon sponsored content on DPReview   
    You are 100% right that even if the compromise is subtle, integrity is undermined.
    I can't say for sure what is motivating them - greed or just a business decision to survive?
    But it's tacky and actually not even so subtle in many ways... Plastering sponsored content into your blog roll feed is not subtle.
    Too right. I will NEVER turn this site into either of those just to take it to a mainstream audience.
    Nofilmschool is all clickbate.
    The headlines and the way it is presented, it's knocked up so quickly there and it's always somebody else's content they are selling their ads around.
    Cinema5D is a corporate platform and not representative of the passion enthusiasts have for making personal work and learning cameras.
    I have taken to watching Dave Dugdale on YouTube and The Camera Store TV for fun, the rest of it is just boring, DPReview included, sadly.
    It's a shame there are not more people putting good content out there.
  19. Like
    Davey reacted to Oliver Daniel in To Buy, Or Not To Buy: The Canon 1DX mk II   
    There are many reasons to favour an FS5. 
    1. It can be stripped down to a palm sized box or into a 4K 120fps monster (with upgrade and recorder). 
    2. Ergonomics are brilliant. 
    3. Electronic ND filter - just awesome. 
    4. Internal 10bit.
    5. Internal super slow motion. 
    6. Audio controls and XLRs. 
    7. Super 35 sensor. Use more lenses. 
    8. More wow factor to clients  
    I'm unsure on the future of stabilisation in the FS-Series, however it's well controlled using a Sony lens with OSS and a steady hand. It's perfect for gimbal and sliders too, being so compact. 
  20. Like
    Davey reacted to Andrew Reid in Canon sponsored content on DPReview   
    Thanks for the support.
    If people don't agree with me on this, then I will at some point also cave in and do a run of big advertisements splashed on the site and regular sponsored articles. But if my readers say they're NOT fine with this, I won't. Simple as that. So speak up for the indies... not many advertising-free places left now on the internet.
    It wasn't supposed to be this way online.
  21. Like
    Davey reacted to DPC in A "frugal" films thread perhaps?   
    That looks absolutely great!
    Me too. And I'm convinced that the only lasting skills you can acquire - composition, narration, editing - can be developed without needing expensive kit. I'm particularly interested at the moment in how smartphones are being used by TV stations for news and documentary work. Not just "citizen" images of breaking events but fully structured pieces. 
    I forgot to put this in my quick list, by the way :
    Oh, and there's a lot to be learned from looking at the videos on Instagram. Like just how much of a story you can tell in 15 seconds or so...
  22. Like
    Davey reacted to DPC in A "frugal" films thread perhaps?   
    How about a thread of resources pointing to "frugal" films. Finished pieces made with smartphones, consumer camcorders, you get the picture. Not tests. Films. Because that what excites me most at the moment.  Here's a few pointers from me. You know how the internet works, I don't have to baby you with links ;-) Google : Ruslan Pelykh Leica, Boat Magazine iPhone, BFM TV Paris iPhone, Filmic Pro's video portfolio (Dark Waves especially), Tangerine (but everybody must have seen that by now), #mojo. My intuition says it's time to look at whats getting finished, broadcast, shared, simply but beautifully and take inspiration from that. Thoughts? Because 72 pages on how to get the best out of the GX80 / 85 just isn't right ;-)
  23. Like
    Davey reacted to fuzzynormal in A "frugal" films thread perhaps?   
    The last doc I made was a passion project.  My wife and I didn't pay anything to do it, 'cept our own travel costs.
    Since documentary production is so simple, I can't really imagine 'em needing to be too expensive these days.  If you're capable of being your own crew, you can certainly do it for "free."
  24. Like
    Davey reacted to Ricardo Constantino in Lumix 12-35 or Oly 12-40 on G80   
    This is all with Lumix G7 and the 12-35mm.
    The shots that don't appear to be on steadycam are handheld (all of them) with post zoom ins and outs (plus warp stabilizer) so for me hands down on the O.I.S of this lens which is super great and probably better with Dual-OIS.
    While you zoom in with the lens there are 3 (or 4) stages throught the zoom that you see a flicker (sorta like going brighter) but only when you zooming slowly. If you plan on doing works where you have to zoom in quite slow you'll definitely see it.
  25. Like
    Davey reacted to Mike Hope in EOSHD Pro Color for Sony Cameras   
    Sorry for the late reply. Didn't read the rest of the thread, so maybe this was already answered by someone else.
    I just missed the point that you have to use the SET option at the very bottom of the list (below the C1-3 settings) to achieve the WB K and then store the K value to one of the Custom slots.
    Inside the Custom 1-3 you cannot alter the K value, you can only alter the shift (A-B and G-M).
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