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    hansel reacted to John Brawley in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    I like the pictures. A lot. 
    This camera will probably replace the micro cinema camera for me as it’s not much bigger and is much easier to work with. 
    I didn’t feel as strongly about the 4K production camera / Ursa because they were limited, principally by dynamic range.
    I have a deep affection for the 4.6K sensor and have shot nearly daily withnit since before it was launched. I know it very well. 
    This pocket camera will integrate and sit very nicely alongside the 4.6K. It’s already a closer match than the micro for me without having really tested it in an A/B scenario. 
    I was a little worried about it having less DR Than the 4.6K but I think the other clips  show some great examples of what this sensor can do. “Nature” was incredibly tricky material to shoot as anyone who’s been in that situation before would know and it was unfair to see it being derided.  
    Those that did so only reveal their own inadequate understanding of what those shots reveal. 
    I can think of a million other scenarios I would have rather done but these sequences were specifically produced to illuminate what the camera can do in specific situations. 
    What im almost more excited about is the unification that Gen 4 brings. As I mentioned earlier, it’s pretty much the same people at BMD that brought you the first camera working on this camera.
    They’ve learned a lot (and so have I) and I think Gen 4 is really strong. I wish this and extended video would get rolled out wide already as I think half the issue I see with users of BMD products is a lack of knowledge in grading. 
    Now BMD do have perhaps the greatest colour correction tool on the market BUT they don’t make it easy to get to a great result without a little arcane knowledge.
    Even I often run into issues when working by myself and I see extended video being a great step in addressing that shortcoming. There’s no point in talking about how great you can make images shot RAW if you don’t know how to do it and can’t easily or intuitively find a way to do so. 
    With regards to the 4k Pocket. 
    Its a genuine low light contender. I was really impressed at what a useable picture it produces with little lighting.
    I’m laughing at those that said it’s overlit. I mean a 500w chimera dimmed to almost nothing so the background lighting would still show though the tinted hotel windows is very very low light, much lower levels than the idiots demanding I walk out on the street and light by sodium were demanding.
    Again, I laugh when I see comments about how noisy ISO3200 is but I’m guessing those users aren’t aware how much image processing their cameras are doing at high ISOs.  BMD allow you as the user to choose your poison. A very very underrated feature. And like colour correction it’s almost too powerful because users haven’t been instructed to change their expectations, nor how to add noise reduction or sharpening so they can season to taste. 
    The best testbfootage will be friends users so the sooner they ship the cameras the better.  Hopefully Gen 4 means there will be less hysteria about its performance and a few will realise there’s no point comparing it to a GHx or a Sony and learn to get the most from what it is good at.
  2. Haha
    hansel reacted to Mattias Burling in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    Imo, The Z6 is the most underrated camera this year. And its not even out yet..
  3. Like
    hansel reacted to Christof Haberle in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    He's not a photographer either - quite evidently - just someone ranting on youtube; an entertainer at best.
  4. Like
    hansel reacted to BenEricson in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Is it really closer to the URSA Mini though? I see both sides of the argument, but the BMP4K looks closer to the GH5 than the original pocket camera. The original pocket camera looks closer to the Alexa than the Gh5 does... So? Can't wait to test it, but if I liked this look I would already own the Gh5 at this point. Am I missing something?
    Market: We want a 4K Pocket Camera!
    BMD: Here ya go!
    Market: Not Enough Mojo.
  5. Like
    hansel reacted to Django in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    Sony sort of have to go 10-bit on A7S3 or I just don't see what that model has to bring to the table vs A73. Keep in mind though, it will probably still cost +$3K and have very low MP count. It's a speciality camera, not really an all-rounder.
    Nikon Z6 is still packing a lot of heat for 2 grand. Absolutely awesome to see confirmation the battery life way exceeds what was initially announced!
    1000 shots / 2h10mn 4K ..with LCD on all the time! what was CIPA smoking when they rated it?!
  6. Thanks
    hansel reacted to Danyyyel in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    Battery life test, more than 2 hours 4k 25 fps continuous.
  7. Like
    hansel reacted to Yurolov in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    I wonder what gimbal was used
  8. Like
    hansel reacted to webrunner5 in Autofocus vs codec for guerrilla style   
    OR just buy a REALLY wide angle lens and leave it on F8, set to infinity, and have a Big stick with a nail in it to beat people that get closer than, eh say 8 feet from the camera, especially if this guy is close!!!

  9. Like
    hansel reacted to webrunner5 in Autofocus vs codec for guerrilla style   
    The BM PK4 is probably going to be just like the BMPCC. A pain in the ass to use with pretty amazing output. It is not going to AF worth crap probably, no IBIS, no preset of just shoot and post to the web video, not going to use it on vacation, give it to your wife to take shots of the kids, on and on.  Bu it will be great LoL.
    The Sony A7 mk III is the jack of all trades. And a master at a lot of the trades.  Probably the best Point n Shoot ever made. Other than better codecs I can't see nuch it is lacking in other than Big MP for landscape photos.
    Though choice no doubt. PK4, Kind of a poor mans Cine camera, or A7 mk III, an all arounder that can get the job done with ease other than a really great Cine look.
  10. Like
    hansel reacted to Anaconda_ in Autofocus vs codec for guerrilla style   
    I would 100% go with a better codec. For the most part, as long as you're in focus, everything else can be fixed in post with the proper codecs.
    Aside from that, seeing a hunting AF in a video drives me crazy, and is big enough reason for me to never even turn AF on. If you slip out of focus manually, it can look stylish and add to the image. If AF goes out, it looks terrible.
    If you're making a short film, AF is even less important as I assume the actors will have fixed paths while they're moving, so you can practice pulling focus. 
  11. Haha
    hansel reacted to webrunner5 in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    Now what would your mother say LoL. ?
  12. Like
    hansel reacted to Nikkor in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    You guys aren't paying attention to the S line lenses, from what I have seen they render aberration free from edge to edge with an extreme creamy rendering without being too contrasty, until now you had to buy cine zeiss master primes for that, now you can have it for 900$. No wonder they made the flange distance so short, you can only use them on their bodies.
  13. Like
    hansel reacted to Django in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    ^ well aware of all that.. fact remains 5D3 was a staple in the video world.. and imo had a much much bigger impact than GH2 outside the walls of forums.
    thanks for sharing that Danyyyel, some really nice footage in that video, especially considering it's the Z7, 1080p and was all shot internally with the S lenses!
  14. Like
    hansel reacted to Danyyyel in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    Very interesting for behind the scene experience in video, my surprise when I saw so much drone shot and thought why did they use so much drone shot in a video about Nikon. LOL. Overall colours etc seems very good. He talks a lot about stabilization in video which he says is very very good, he also says autofocus was very good even if he did not know too much what he was doing.
    That's the final shot.
  15. Like
    hansel reacted to MdB in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    Being that Nikon are keeping specs under wraps and this is a very modern mount, it seems like we may be waiting for some time. I won't be getting my hopes up any time soon. 
    I think people are confused about the N-Log compatibility - The BMVA4K should have no issues. It's at most a build in LUT on the Atomos. You will surely be able to add a LUT to the BM. 
    I have a Shogun and both the 5" and 7" BM. The Shogun has the advantage of using cheaper and faster media. The BMVA4K has dual slots, which makes up for the Nikon's lack of dual slots (for video). The BM uses the smaller Canon batteries while the Shogun uses the larger Sony L series. Overall I prefer the build and balance of the BM once set up (with batteries etc attached. The screen is brighter for sure on the newer Atomos models, but I am not convinced it makes enough of a difference for me. I had the Ninja Flame, but it wasn't bright enough in many conditions. Obviously the Ninja V is a lot smaller and I definitely prefer the smaller form factor of my 5" BMVA, it then loses XLRs, dual media and dual batteries and no options for SDI etc. 
    Ninja V does have that accessory port, which may add SDI or XLR in the future which could be really interesting. 
    A 4K BMVA 5" with dual card slots would be the perfect setup, if only they made such a thing. 
    Reasonable for bread and butter work. Not good enough to replace a dedicated sound person when you should really have one. 
    Almost certain to be more 'reasonable' than the built in audio. Much better than the complete lack of Audio my 1DC does over HDMI. 
  16. Haha
    hansel reacted to webrunner5 in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    You can't be serious! ?
  17. Like
    hansel reacted to IronFilm in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    It has "reasonable" audio recording? I wouldn't have thought that
    But depends on how you define "reasonable"

    Also my personal preference that 7" is too big for a camera operate, that 7" is the right size for an AC or a portable director's monitor. 

    While 5" is the sweet spot for a cam op
  18. Like
    hansel reacted to Django in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    i wouldn't go BM 4K VA for Z6. It's long in the tooth, dim screen.. go Ninja V it's optimized for NLog & Z bodies.
  19. Haha
    hansel reacted to IronFilm in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    I'm sure if we give it a little time, then we'll soon enough find those unholy Canon EF to Nikon Z adapters! Complete with a sample of Holy Water to sprinkle over your (waterproofed) Nikon Z6/Z7 camera before mounting on it a Canon lens. 
  20. Like
    hansel reacted to IronFilm in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    If you don't need a recorder as well, and want max bang for your buck then get a Lilliput A5. I have one, and have been happy with it:

    Or if you want better quality, more features, and the brand name, then get the SmallHD Focus. 
    Atomos is an Australian company. 
    (like Blackmagic Design....)
  21. Like
    hansel reacted to Django in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    Basically the point is no matter what you say or prove to him:  Sony > Nikon. 
    I've already been through it once back when XH1 was announced. Back then GH5 was the holy one.
  22. Like
    hansel reacted to TheRenaissanceMan in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    It's $200 cheaper. Not exactly in a different price category. 
    And OSS isn't a critical feature when all your bodies have IBIS. Plus, the the Zeiss 24-70/4 isn't exactly blowing the doors off for optical performance.
    On a separate note, Jon, I don't think anyone appreciates the condescending attitude. 
  23. Like
    hansel reacted to Django in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    ..in that case so are the Sony's:
    35mm F2.8 is $800
    35mm F1.4 is $1,600
    50mm F1.4 is $1,500
    also the S-line is supposed to be optimized for video with minimum breathing & noise.
    and with the adapter you got access to some really good affordable Nikkor glass, like the 50mm F1.2 i recently purchased for under $400
  24. Like
    hansel reacted to Stathman in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    Reading this lines crossed my mind if it would be ever possible to have waveforms on top lcd.
    That would be something!
  25. Haha
    hansel reacted to anonim in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    One of the so many reasons I enjoy so much EOSHD forum is that I learned to wait and guess the moment when topic as "Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output" will provoke new mercer's mention of 5D III and confession about lusting over cameras... made so tenderly and magically sweet, that I feel quite normally that all topics are in fact subtopics of temporarily lusting Canon's cameras...
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