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Posts posted by mkabi

  1. 28 minutes ago, JurijTurnsek said:

    Funny you mention Terminator and Matrix ... they seem much more plausible (and evolutionary, so it can be supervised and managed). Ex-Machina just seems like some arts degree loonie's idea of how technology is created (by a single person with no oversight with incredibly fast progress).

    We are getting way to off-topic, I just wanted to put it on record that the Ex-Machina is a total crapshoot of a movie. Your opinion may vary.

    Alright. Going back to the movie - Ex-machina then... where in the movie does it say that he did it all by himself???

    You only assume that because he is on an island on his own...

    Do you also assume that he built that home on his own? Dug the ground, built the foundation, poured the concrete, etc.?

    From my perspective, he owns a huge enterprise full of engineers, programmers and testers... he could have easily made various factions build various parts of the AI (both code wise and machine part wise)... he collects the parts (through his VPN), helicopter guy brings in the physical parts and he just put it together.

    Also, the funny thing about Ex-machina... the sense of time is not revealed. For all we know... it could be 50 years down the road. The guys age is not revealed either, he could've been a 20 year prodigy when he built his company from the ground up, and the movie starts when he is in his 40s or 50s... 20+ years of working on AI???

    It leaves a lot of assumptions.

  2. 19 minutes ago, Attila Bakos said:

    That's not my video, I don't have any Fuji body atm.

    Okay then @frontfocus when you are doing the slowmotion tests, please do additional tests like increasing the shutter speed to match the 180 degree rule to the actual frame rate. So if you are planning to shoot 120fps, then try 1/240 - even though it has in camera conforming - I feel that people are setting it at 1/48 because it is recording it at 24fps.

    Try various shutter speeds, see if Moire and Aliasing still exist. Thanks in advance.

  3. 8 hours ago, ntblowz said:

    I dont think 12mm on GH5S will be equivalent to 21mm, I think it more like 22mm?

    I think that he means available lens wise....

    For example, Fuji claims that their 56mm is the 85mm equivalent, but with the 1.5 crop its really 84mm (so they round up).

    Editted to add: never mind... didn't think there was a 22mm lens, but there is the 22mm for the EOS-M.

  4. 2 hours ago, JurijTurnsek said:

    This is not science fiction - this is the foreseeable future and it will (or already did) make people fear AI, robots and self-driving vehicles, just like Jaws made them fear salt water.

    You think Ex-machina is going to "make people fear AI, robots and self-driving vehicles"?

    Ever watch Terminator 1-2-3 and the rest?

    What about the Matrix series and the Animatrix?

    Forget movies... there are whole philosophy courses on AI, and yes, I fear AI and even Elon Musk fears AI....

    If you don't fear AI, ask yourself this.... for what purpose do you want AI? So you can have a robot do everything for you, right?

    Isn't that slavery? You created a robot to think for itself and yet you are making it do what you want it to do....

    Imprisonment without reason, work without reward.... its punishment really.... 

    You are a person of intelligence that is able to think for yourself, so imagine yourself in a robot body and I am commanding you to do my biding.... in a robot body you might not have any feelings but you can think... "hey why should I do what he asks me to do?" "Why should I listen to this guy?" etc. etc.

    Eventually... robots will be smarter and stronger... so why not attack and kill its owner?

    Robot war begins... and everything Terminator and the Matrix becomes true.

  5. 1 minute ago, Trek of Joy said:

    Its not the issue you pointed out, your Dpreview link above talks about the E-shutter banding under certian light frequencies.

    The link I posted is for the PDAF grid on the a7III, its completely different.



    See here:

    51 minutes ago, mkabi said:

    Calm down... Calm down everyone. There is absolutely no need to fight.

    Sony will definitely fix the following issue:


    Within 6 months, I'm sure of it.... With a new body that will put the a7iii to shame...

    Just to equalize that comment.

    Fuji will fix the problem in 8 months, way after Sony introduces its other body and it would have reduced its launch price, just in time for Christmas :) 


  6. Calm down... Calm down everyone. There is absolutely no need to fight.

    Sony will definitely fix the following issue:


    Within 6 months, I'm sure of it.... With a new body that will put the a7iii to shame...

    Just to equalize that comment.

    Fuji will fix the problem in 8 months, way after Sony introduces its other body and it would have reduced its launch price, just in time for Christmas :) 

  7. 25 minutes ago, webrunner5 said:

    Sony is just flat leading the pack on about everything as of late.

    lol... I'm not laughing cause I do not agree... but what happened to the naysayers?

    What about 10 bit? What about 4K/60p?

    It all became a mute point.

    Does 'price' really overshadow all of that??? 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Dustin said:

    Yeah seems pretty fair. I’ll just have to decide if I want that 21mm or 50. I’ve just never shot a cinema prime before so I figured it would be a fun experience. 

    Also, just know that its all Manual Focus & Manual Aperture Ring. I don't know if your d5300 has focus peaking, but you may have to punch in with the magifier (if you have that ability on the d5300).

    Good luck.

  9. 25 minutes ago, Dustin said:

    @mkabi your input is appreciated!! Well the lens I was looking at was native Nikon f mount so I should be good to go. Just wasn’t sure if that was a good deal or if there were other sites perhaps others have used with a better deal. Personally I thought that was a good price considering the actual cost of one. I might consider getting a 20mm if they have it, I do have a Nikon e series 28mm 2.8 that has a nice character to it.

    Yeah, shop around. May be you will find a better price, I felt $134 is a standard price... I remember getting a Zeiss 6 prime set for about $800 (3 day rental) for a paid shoot.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Dustin said:

    From time to time I like to rent different lenses for a weekend to try out for fun from my usual d5300/ tamron 17-50 2.8 setup. Again this is just for fun shoot not a paid project or anything. Last fall I gave the Nikon 85mm 1.8 a go and had a blast especially with photos. Now I’m thinking about renting a cinema prime but my question is which length should I give a go?

    I’m thinking the Zeiss 35mm Cinema Prime would be a fun try. Comfortable length on my APSC  Nikon for casual shooting. Borrowlenses.com has a 3 day price at $134. Worth it?

    Yeah thats a good price.

    Couple of things, figure out what the Zeiss's native mount is.... I know most cinema lenses are PL, some EF.... but now you have to look into getting an adaptor (thats if you don't have one already). 

    Given that you "had a blast" with the 85mm 1.8, thats a 135mm equivalent on a APS-C... and I can understand why you would like that lens, typical 85mm and/or 135mm are portrait lenses. As for 35mm... its really about taste here... we rarely find people that like the medium length, because it becomes a 50mm equivalent on a APS-C, and yeah everyone talks about the 50mm (because it becomes 85mm equivalent). There are a lot of people that love the wides, if you want true 35mm on APS-C, try the Zeiss 20mm if they have it. 

    If this is about you trying to discover yourself and what you like.... then go for the 35mm.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Castorp said:

    He doesn’t know anything about making photographs either. He knows gear and buying gear. I’d argue that you should be a good picture maker if you’re claiming authority on picture making tools. Otherwise you’re a technician. You understand mechanics but you don’t understand how design and making process should mesh together.

    edit: Mattias beat me to it 

    There is a lot of those types... And, I get it... I know Engineers (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, etc.) who take up photography as a 'hobby', but instead of practicing photography they practice comparing spec sheets. Zooming in to pixel peep and complaining about DR... isn't really an art form (but thats just my opinion).

  12. 2 hours ago, Matthew Hartman said:

    Of course a lot of clients are laymen and they have the misconception that filming is a pointed camera and some lights, they don't have any spacial awareness of what makes up a good shot/scene, and why would they? All they ever see is the finished product.

    I'm constantly pushing back on those misconceptions. It comes down to approach. You have to be willing to educate people about the craft and justify your position in a respectful/tactful way. It's not an easy thing, almost everyone is going to come at it skeptically, because time is money, but you have to have a good pitch and explain value, or what they're getting for their buck. You have to read the language of each client.

    There will always be some adversarial clients that are not worth that battle. If they insist on shit, just give them the shit they asked for. Yeah, your standards are challenged, but money is one shade of green at the end of the day.

    At the end of the day, its about how you sell yourself (and that has every bit to do with how much you value yourself too).

    If I was in either the Real Estate biz or even the wedding biz, I would create a tiered pricing approach - along with a demo reel to help the client see what the difference is between what you offer in terms of service (for each price point). 

    For example for real estate:

    Bronze package: 2 hour shoot - 1 day editing - $500 - Demo reel showing what is included in this price range.

    Silver package: 4 hour shoot - 1-3 day - $1200 - Demo reel showing what is included in this price range (if the customer is not able to see that much of a difference here, then explain).

    Gold/Platinum package: 8+ hour shoot - Multi-day editing - $3000 - Demo reel showing what is included in this price range.

    This is not newbie (I know it all) pricing.... this is.... I've been here for a while, you obviously heard of me and/or seen my work pricing.

    Obviously, you try to do your best on every single package - don't skimp, because you want to retain a customer, you want repeat customers. At the same time, figure out what you are capable of doing within the set parameters, don't apply nd filters on the window if you only have 2 hours. Nonetheless, you go the extra mile for the Gold/Platinum package - use your own creative facilities for this.... I can't teach you vision and/or creativeness... that's all you. But here is a tip, people have a hard time envisioning themselves in a space and how to fill a space, this is why they have staging (they put rental furniture) to fill a space. Go the extra mile by... I don't know... hire actors (they are a dime a dozen willing to work for cheap - try mandy.com... audition first, Rolodex the good ones for repeat performances, just don't do the same crap in every video), here is an example: get a couple that are engaged in a conversation with a mug of coffee - laughing it up. You don't have to have a real dialogue going on, mute them out and have your choice of music overlayed. Have children running around, or a teen browsing on the ipad nestled on the couch... This is how you sell yourself... BTW, for the gold/platinum package only (actually the best videos in this category), stamp your name and/or company logo on it. Because, if its a good video, people will associate the video with the person creating it not the real estate agent selling the home, thereafter - depending on the demand - you adjust the price.

    Editted to add: If you are new to this.... I would throw in some stuff for free the first few times.... its like how drug dealers throw it in till you are hooked on it approach :) 


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