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Everything posted by zerocool22

  1. My GAS meters are going off the charts! Prolly gonna sell some camera's and get one of these as it replaces most of my photo and video devices.
  2. Only question I have left, is how many DR it will pack, as that is one department canon was dropping behind. (and for me one of the most important specs of the camera)
  3. There is a press conference of Canon on 20 april, and one of Sony on the 30th(they were scheduled at the same time, but sony postponed theirs when they found out Canon was at the same time). I wonder why sony does that, is it because they will include extra features to compete with canon if the canon news is better?
  4. Oh I see its a good deal at b&h, too bad the price in europe sucks, they are still 2k € over here.
  5. is the canon R5 delayed as well due to corona?
  6. Ha the world looks so much better without people in it , nice work!
  7. Hello, Not sure you guys saw the stabilization on the FX9. But looks pretty great to me. Apparantly it saves gyro information in camera and the catalyst software uses it to stabilize it in post. (so kinda like the steadyxp, hopefully Blackmagic will implement this in their next batch of camera's)
  8. There is a temperature difference between these though, the aputure looks more warm. Does the godox also have the tv/lighting/paparazzi modes the new aputure lights have? Thanks
  9. Hopefully it will dripple down to the below 250€ smartphones soon as this looks pretty good.
  10. ah you beat me too it, I had no Idea it was April fools until 10 minutes ago... 😄
  11. haha maybe the 600d had to make room for the new brightboard lol (what a useless piece of #@#*)
  12. yeah maybe is bm a bit slow on the resolve side to implement it as well, as they want to push braw. (allthough neither codec seems to become a standard codec on most camera's anytime soon)
  13. Hello, Looks like there is no news around the aputure 600D, it was aimed to be released at Q1 2020. Is this another victim of covid-19? Anybody got some news about this? Cheers
  14. European deal would be great.
  15. Congrats, just shoot with it and see if everyting works.
  16. Yeah the european goverments have failed BIG. Every normal thinking human would have closed borders, shut down flights 4 weeks ago. Goverment: "No need to panic, we are prepared" People continue to travel to skitrips in Italy by bus, car, plane. No checkups are done. Even today nobody is getting tested on their flight arrivals. This is mind boggling to me. (perhaps I am over worried because I fall into the high risk group + pregnant wife + toddler running around and still have all my grandparents) Only risks I am taking is getting food, water and hospital/doctor visits(which are worrisome right now).
  17. Yeah also agree RF is the mount to go to. (also EF to RF adapters will work prolly great).
  18. Yeah def. Announcing camera's way up front is kinda annoying though. When will this be released? Same for the komodo, we know its coming but its 9 months or so since the announcement.
  19. Is there any news, when this camera will be released?
  20. Wondering if the video IQ will be better then the 1DX iii.
  21. Offcourse. For example: If you got a boring character, shoot him on a tripod. If you got a crazy @#@@#@#@ character, go all shaky handheld. Same with angles, lights, DOF, focal lenghts, composition. It all makes a difference.
  22. Yeah even Trump comes out looking better then our goverment. (no need to skip vacations, lets get those belgians back from Italy, no need to block flights, roads, borders, no need to skip events, ... 2 weeks later WHOOPSIE)
  23. These numbers are almost meaningless. In belgium they are not even testing most cases. The goverment decided that when feeling cold like symptoms you have to call your doctor and you can stay home for a week. All these cases are not tested on Corona. My wife is sick for 2 weeks now, she visited the doctor 3 times, she got some antibiotics, but we do not know she has got corona..(or my kids or myself who are coughing as well)
  24. Do you have the ability to compare the video quality to S1H,pocket 6K/4K/ursa mini pro/Z6? Would love to see some comparison footage. Thanks!
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