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Everything posted by zerocool22

  1. Well I think you can expect it will be not as good as an fx9, and the fx9 doesnt seem to hold up to its competitors at this point.
  2. zerocool22

    RED Komodo

    yeah would love to see a side by side with a pocket. But I guess the current owners from RED komodo's arent allowed to do so right now.
  3. Yeah that would be amazing. Allthough REDcode crops when you use lower resolutions right(it was like that back in the day with the scarlet-x)? But the 8K is my main problem with the R5. 4K would have been plenty.
  4. Autofocus will prolly also be much faster on the R5 then on a A7S III. (when you are adapting EF lenses that is, which is one of the struggles of using adapters, I hear the sigma mc-11 is a bit better then metabones, but not sure if it only applies for sigma lenses or also canon L glass). For video I don't care that much, but for a hybrid camera for photography it is nice to just hand your camera to somebody and let the autofocus do their thing. The times I gave my camera with manual focus to my wife or strangers I always get out of focus shots back even at f5.6.
  5. I am cheering for Canon, I hope the A7S III sucks so I am not tempted to buy it. (I don't want another camera with a E-mount)
  6. Prores raw has the same problem though, you cannot use it in davinci resolve.
  7. Hows that? Why cant other companies implement an fpga? (Kinefinity and zcam should def look into this)
  8. Do you still know the answer, as I just searched the group for 5 minutes. But could only find why its not possible externally(hdmi port is not up for it) and the question exists from the time the e2 4k was released, surely they could have made some technical improvements so it was possible on the s6 and f6.
  9. Just saw a post on there to promote scratch which supports zraw. Zraw is prolly the most useless codec out there right now. They should talk to bm asap and either implement braw or hope bm resolve will include zraw support. They seem to dodge this question. Maybe they already had contact, an open communication on this would be appreciated. Haha yeah I heard a lot of bad posts about the komodo just got deleted. Nah zcam is def more chill then red. You could ask questions to the CEO and he would respond, i dont think I ever saw deleted posts about any zcam.
  10. I wonder If we would have got DR 17 already if NAB wasnt cancelled. As on each NAB they have great news, with great billboards. So not sure if they are waiting on the next big gear show, or we can expect it this summer.
  11. Ha I just sold my 6k, never used it due to corona. But should have done a test between my pocket 4k and my ursa mini pro. Well might buy one again in the future. (But for the moment looking into the r5, for a 2 in one kinda tool, allthough I am not travelling this year, carrying a seperate photo and video camera is kinda a pain)
  12. External recording though. For me buying a tiny camera and then adding a lot of bulk around it(charging even more batteries), isnt for me. Then I rather have a bigger camera that I dont need to rig up. Allthough good news that braw is starting to move around to more cameras. Maybe on the next iteration they can do it internal.
  13. haha yeah could only mean 2 things. Its not a A7S III or the specs are not as good as the R5 and want to compete on pricing.
  14. Yeah for me right now it doesnt make sense to invest in an alexa. But if I ever shoot a shortfilm of my own I might pull the trigger. (Prices will keep dropping)
  15. zerocool22

    RED Komodo

    This one doesnt looks pretty good. And the first frame from Steven Soderbergh looks also pretty good. (Allthough all previous video's did look kinda underwhelming, so it might not be all that bad, but I guess skintones will be quite easy on this camera)
  16. Yeah on all camera's actually, not something you can test while you are buying used camera's.
  17. Yeah gonna watch it, I saw the trailer some time ago but it def had this indie low budget vibe going on which put me off, but if you think its good it might be worth checking it out.
  18. Yeah prolly me too + need to sell my house, was just placing a number on there. But I am def doing something wrong if this guy can earn 700k doing commercials at age 38.
  19. 700k would take me 50 years to save up though.
  20. I have not, will check them out. Well I was hooked on the trailer for the cinematography, so this might be the case here. By B-roll I mean the the shots where there are no actors involved, like following a part of a train, or a piece of car. There is a lot of voice over on this movie and it is always on those parts. Yeah I need to finish it, its good news that the first half is meant to be incoherent, maybe I will like it better by the end. (I think I was at the part where he was lost in the cave, with the ping pong battle, which was quite weird as well, and not sure why the film needed these scenes).
  21. Started watching long days journey into night yesterday, did not finish yet. But I expected more though. I like the long one angle camera scenes, but there are far too many long B-roll shots with an voice over(which comes across a bit lazy) and I feel a lot of scenes could have been cut entirenly(or maybe im not far enough into the story to understand). But the film is not an easy sit through as I was confused a couple of times, but not the kind of confusion memento gives for example. But great cinematography and the cast is great also, this kind of filmmaking does require a cast that can hold its own, but I guess I am a bit lost at the storytelling itself. You could check "Too Old to Die Young" which has similar long shots, but was for me anyways an easy sit through. I also like what the safdie brothers are doing. (good time, uncut gems) They have this raw energy thing going for them.
  22. I hope there will be some footage online soon. Surely some youtubers have some pre-release models right now.
  23. The mount does come in play. If you are a hassleblad shooter, you have lots of hassleblad glass. So I dont see them switching anytime yet. + dont forget the Hassleblad nametag is kinda like ARRI or RED but then for photography(not much videographers are buying into medium format camera's atm, probably mostly due to cost(which includes lenses)).
  24. Yeah more content is moving to video, and youtube is the main feed for most video. I have even talked to videograhpers that never heard of vimeo crying out loud(but vimeo is a more specialized crowd).
  25. Well I think you can exclude the GH6, X-H2 and the XT4 as they are not full frame camera's. If im buying a hybrid camera, its a full frame, as 90% of my lenses are ff. I think very few people are changing lenses, unless they are just starting out. And for me the EF or RF mount is a huge plus. (but if I invested in Sony glass in the past it might be different, but I think the userbase lenses is still mainly hugely EF atm though)
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