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Posts posted by markr041

  1. 4 minutes ago, Kisaha said:

    I totally agree with you, but hybrid cameras have been involved from photo cameras. Panasonic is the only one doing it "right" (even on the GH5, it is quite big and heavy for a m43 camera, but it is a video workhorse).

    I am still waiting for the XC type Canon video camera, let's put the "insides" of the R5 on one, add a fan, and call it a C100mkIII !!

    The GH5 has a tiny sensor. We are talking about full-frame here. Again, the Sigma fp is full-frame, and you can shoot 12bit DNG RAW  (2980 Mbps) with no overheating in a much smaller body than any Sony, Panasonic, Z-Cam.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Stab said:

    I think the cause of all these overheating problems is pretty easy to fix. 


    It is a race to the bottom, to make / keep camera bodies smaller and lighter. Whilst, on the other hand, the specs and capabilities are increasing. It's like a identidy crisis. What do you want?  A smaller body? Or better specs? You can't have both apparently. Not yet.

    Panasonic got everything right with their S-line. Except for AF. Which is something they could fix. 
    Even the S1, which has no fan, doesn't overheat. I've tested it at weddings in the sun, at 30c and it keeps on going. No recording limit as well. Why can it do this? I believe because of the bigger body. Simple physics.
    Of course Sony A-bodies overheat. Look at how small and fiddly they are.

    If people would just get over the fact that their camera bodies have to become a big larger and heavier to get it to function properly, then this wouldn't happen. 


    A bigger size? Not necessarily. How about the Sigma fp, which records full-frame 12bit 4K 30P DNG RAW (2980 Mbps) with no overheating? No fan, and very compact camera - smaller than the Z Cams and the BMPCC's. and all the Sony A's.

  3. I think, based on information on the gamma of a sensor and tests of the color gamut of the Sigma fp, which showed it was close to REC2020, that the best base for grading 12bit CNG RAW is using Resolve Color Management, starting with a linear gamma and REC2020 gamut transformed to REC709. Here is a video I shot of flora, of different colors. Sure videos of flora are boring, but you see colors you know from real life, and the video is less boring than that of a color chart. And, of course, videos with added distorting "cinematic" LUTS (Kodacolor!), just obscure, so this does nothing but increase color saturation.  It pretends not to be cinematic, but there is a chicken in the video. I think the colors are fine.



  4. On 3/3/2020 at 11:04 PM, Super8 said:

    I apologize. I did not mean to make a blanket statement about that video and that wasn't fair.  

    Did you color grade in resolve?

    My complaint on color grading is if you go to 00:18 and look at the blonde lady looking at her phone.  Her skin tone looks flat and painted on. You see no definition or highlight on her face.  This looks like you color graded with power-windows and adjusted skin tones too far the wrong way, not in color but saturation, gamma and the rest.  All the skin look this way. 

    Everyone in this video looks like the skin areas have been artificially adjusted.  Am I correct that you added these adjustment?

    Can you provide a RAW clip?

    I agree with you about the blonde as being the worst case, I tried hard to fix that look, but could never get it right. 

    I use Windows. The only option is Edius. I had never used Edius before, so I was on a learning curve. This is what Edius does: it puts an HLG gamma curve on the ProResRAW clip and assumes it is REC2020 color, which it is. I chose  REC709 as my project, so in principle it should have made the transformation and I was looking at REC709.  This, as I noted, seemed to work ok for the garden video (with no skin). But in the video with lots of people the skins were all over the map in looks. Lighting conditions were the worst - the blonde has very bright late afternoon (very yellow) sunlight directly hitting her face, but I do not think it was clipped. WB was also odd in some cases (this was run and gun, so AWB) and I had to try and correct color. Everything was with scopes as guidance as well as my eyesight. It is the most trouble I hav had working with any non REC709 file (I have shot with Slog2, C-Log3, N-Log, Z-log! and even RAW DNG from the original BMPCC).

    I can provide a RAW clip - they are gigantic, so I need a method for that. Choose a scene you would like to poke at.

  5. On 2/27/2020 at 10:50 PM, Super8 said:

    Looks like bad color grading.


    I agree, but then we probably disagree about what  "good" color grading is (and also how to post comments). The problem is the transformation in Edius from REC2020 to REC709 (no LUT) gives you not a good base. My criterion is reproducing what I saw (in this case). The colors are fine by that criterion *except* for the skin tones, which I just could not get right. The colors look fine to me in the other RAW video shot in the garden (above the "faces" video). If you think that the color grading in that video is "bad", then we surely disagree. Also, the WB was all over the place, and I do not think ProResRAW is like RAW from stills in that regard.

    Anyway, it would be helpful to have a LUT from Nikon to go from RAW to REC709 and REC2020, and a better understanding about what ProRes RAW clips reflect in terms of camera settings.

    Anyone wants a RAW clip or two to play with, I am happy to provide.

  6. On 2/8/2020 at 2:22 PM, Ilkka Nissila said:



    Another option that Nikon could have done is to offer a 1.5x cropped raw video without interpolation. In this case it would have been RAW without line skipping.


    There is no stupidity involved here, only different compromises to choose from. 

    On the Z 6 the 1.5x cropped option is available for HDMI RAW: UHD DX (as opposed to UHD FX). I have not seen any YouTube reviews that assess the image quality of that option.

  7. 50 minutes ago, jonpais said:

    more bs inuendo.

    Your "model" videos speak for themselves, as do your insulting comments. I showed them to some students I know, and they were shocked. Get a hold of yourself. I gave you the chance to back out gracefully, I have been a supporter of your video work. As I said, I would have been happy to remove what you found so surprisingly offensive, but you insisted on lashing out publicly. I still think all of these posts should be removed. Please complain to Mr. Reid, as I did.

    My original comment on the model was based on my belief the subject was indeed a model, and I just found the poses amusingly ridiculous for a professional. When your defense was that the subject was a student, then that brought enlightenment about your defensiveness.

    since jonpais wants to make personal messages public, let me post what I initially wrote to him (typos included):

    "the poster you accuse of joining the lens thread to trash your model supposed to be me? The link is dead, but it seems you really took offense, even though it was a criticism of the subject not of your work!.

    I said: "Nice image as always." That is a complement, and I meant it. I have in fact stayed away from criticizing the truly awful color grades people have posted. Your colors and lighting are very nice, as always. 2. I came to the lens thread for the first time to post a video with an old lens to show what it could do; it followed your post almost immediately. Why in the world would I join the thread just to criticize the "model". I actually found the content - this teen model acting phony - offensive, actually. It was not a criticism of her looks, but her behavior. But so what, the key point of  this forum is technique and I said it was great. Why do you care if anyone does not like the model?

    In any case, your criticism  of me and my work and my intentions is way off base. Am I being paranoid, did you really mean to trash me personally, my videos and impugn my motivations? What is going on? What is that link?"

    To which he replied he had nothing more to say to me. So I then privately told him what I thought of him, based on his behavior and his "student" videos.. And other insulting posts he has made in which others were victims. This is repeated behavior, not a one-off, though I think it is the worst I have ever seen from him or anyone.

  8. 10 minutes ago, jonpais said:

    In a PM to me, Mark says I’m a sick old man, that my reaction suggests I’ve got ‘something to hide’, and ends by saying,

    You ought to stop making little girls pose; it is disgusting.

    So no, his remarks were not just harmless little comments.

    Now we know the source of your defensiveness as manifested in your over-the-top, paranoid public over-reaction to my public mild and accurate comments about your "model." It is out in the open, for all to see. My public remarks were harmless, unless they struck a nerve. Which they evidently did. For good reason.

    Nothing justifies your public personal attack. If you want to make my thoughts conveyed privately to you public, you are in worse condition than I thought.  

  9. I have sent a personal message to jonpais asking what is going on in his posting such a personally insulting post (and yet another) in response to a post with criticism of a model he shot along with praise for the video quality and for him! jonpais and I have had many nice communications and share similar likes. So I was shocked by this response. I have also contacted Andrew Reid about it. I think any such personal attacks should be removed.

    If that offensive post is not removed I will have more to say - but I think it best that all posts pertaining to that video to be deleted so we can get back to lenses. Note: I posted a lens demonstration video right after jonpais' video, which was in fact my purpose in joining the thread. It is ludicrous to believe that I joined the thread "with the sole purpose of trashing the model in my video." Also, the link in his ugly post does not work. I am not sure what it is a link to, as most of my videos are posted on Vimeo and this is a bad link to YouTube.

    If jonpais was truly offended by that post (beginning with "Great images as always") he could have sent a personal message to me asking me to edit it - and I would have! But a public personal attack (and again) on motives and work is unacceptable.


  10. 19 hours ago, jonpais said:

    Olympus 45mm f/1.2 PRO

    "Easy" by SPCZ



    Great images as always. Terrible model - 100% phony expressions (I am not talking about the cat, who appears genuinely interested in something).

  11. 15 minutes ago, jonpais said:

    The GH5 is the true Pocket camera. Without any rigging at all, I can shoot handheld without a gimbal, tap to focus, battery lasts for hours, I can custom white balance, record simultaneously to two SD cards, delete and format cards in camera, and import footage and export with virtually no grading. Sure, it might not be a cinema camera, but it is one heck of a video camera. 

    I like and agree with these important points but without a gimbal you cannot move with the camera. This may not be something you want to do, but purposive camera movement is an important dimension of video. IBIS is not a complete substitute for a gimbal, and the GH5 (not really pocketable) is really too large for extensive gimbal use. Of course, this new BM camera is no better in this regard, and handheld use is even more limited.

  12. 7 minutes ago, DBounce said:

    What can I say, you are welcome post something better shooting on a gimbal with an anamorphic adapter and manually focusing. Then you will also learn that on the GH5, indoors, you're going to need to open up the aperture, after which you will discover that with the SLR Magic 40 compact shooting wider than f4 makes the image soft. 

    As for using a gimbal for static shots... I use a tripod for that. The reason I purchased a gimbal was so I could follow a moving subject.

    I assume you can do all of this better than I can, and if that is your best, I'll pass on this setup. Is your own conclusion from this test video that the setup - gimbal plus manual focusing and both moving subjects and moving camera - works? And, no, you can do static shots with a good gimbal as well as moving shots, no need to go back and forth in most cases.

  13. 2 hours ago, Mark Romero 2 said:


    Also - and I am not trying to be a hater so please  understand that first - there are some shots that are out of focus. Was that an artistic choice? Or was that just the GH5 having a hard time acquiring focus? Or were you shooting manual focus? I ask because SOME people say the AF on the GH5 is not great.

    Thanks in advance.

    I would say the majority of the shots were out of focus, if any main subject was the point - the dog, the woman, the man. The motions were way too swift, and almost nauseating. I am not sure what this video is supposed to demonstrate about this rig. With camera movements that fast you can often get away with no gimbal. To see a gimbal's prowess I would think that you want to asses if there is shake for a static shot that lasts more than 2 seconds and what happens when the operator moves with the camera, not so much (as here) what happens when the operator stays in place and the camera is moved around.

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