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Posts posted by Ed_David


    On 8/25/2017 at 8:44 PM, jcs said:

    You can call people on BS in a polite way by asking questions or politely stating facts (from your point of view). This can still trigger an NPD response, however with proper moderation the threads won't degenerate into fighting. Think of it like a proper, live moderated debate, or alternatively, all parties making cases in front of a judge, jury, and audience. The judge holds the debate together and if it gets out of hand the bailiffs start removing folks for contempt of court. Or, alternatively put them into a ring and allow them to experience the Rule of the Jungle and see how manners change.

    Totally agreed.  

    Ad hominen attacks are highly frowned upon in most forums.

    Granted, this is a forum about using mostly still cameras for video.  But still, if things do go and get heated, things do need some moderation, and someone with enough of a temperament to not put themselves into the equation.

    I really am not the type to be a moderator, especially on this forum, when several users have it out for me.  

    I understand completely why they would - based on how I word my posts.

    In the future I will not post from my cell phone in a hurry.

    Words really can hurt people, and I am trying, day by day to be more empathic, and less seamingly preachy.

    I am in no ways in any position to preach to anyone, and to explain my original post that was deleted.  I  see B&H as not an ethical company, and yet, I still buy from them.

    That was the point I was trying to make - at what point do we  actually stand behind our own ethics, and when do we cave because B&H has the best deals and fastest shipping?

    That's all I was trying to say.

    And I said it poorly and I revised that post.

    So I apologize.

    Apologize for past posts as well.  Apologize to everyone who I have offended.


  2. 34 minutes ago, Emanuel said:

    Reason why rule #1: never do online the stuff you are unable to perform in the rest of the world because digital is part within.

    So, ad hominem attacks should have no place on both sides of same coin. Nor confrontational vibe is welcome especially when you wouldn't repeat it if/when face to face.


    The world is not perfect either. Apology is part of our ecosystem though.

    I have had some really serious, intense arguments in the real world as well.  Sometimes even more shocking and intense since eye contact becomes involved and body language.  

    Online stuff is definitely tough cause you can't see how your words affect the other person, but yea, arguments in general are difficult.  

  3. 2 hours ago, Don Kotlos said:

    I am not sure if your response is meant to be sarcastic, but if not I am really puzzled by it. 

    Are you in favor of a mod that deletes posts, locks threads, promotes or even posts personal insults and pushes people to leave the forum? But a mod with responses that in your limited experience you find annoying is what bothers you most, or enough to drive you away? 

    What am I missing here? 

    I think @Andrew Reid the reason I am in a huff is that a moderator's job is to keep the peace, not do as Don said - "deletes posts, locks threads, promotes or even posts personal insults and pushes people to leave the forum."

    That's not good for this place.

  4. 43 minutes ago, Neumann Films said:
    41 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    This is the kind of extreme reaction that doesn't help the situation, it just fans the flames.

    I respect Jon's effort here, he's been a regular poster for nearly as long as I have, he has helped for countless days keep the forum in good shape, approve comments from new users, keep tabs on troublesome ones and keep away the spambots. He has posted his creative stuff, tests, Panasonic stuff especially, and there is no need for me to question his role at all.

    Don't forget there are 5 mods in total, it's not just Jon with all the power...

    jgharding,andylee,mtheory and me

    Maybe I should just remove the role of mod entirely and do it all myself if it is going to cause trouble... Either that, or people need to chill the fuck out.

    Sure, I agree Ed has had his moments of poor form, contrary opinions, argumentative positions, politics we may not agree with, and so on.

    It would be a boring forum if we all nodded in agreement with one another though! So by all means, we should argue, we should have it out on one-another, we should mow down bad ideas and criticise, but when all the competitive sport is said and done there should be some time left for the pub.


    Ed has completely edited the OP

    Read it again, and it makes more sense.

    I think we are free to discuss B&H's ethical behaviour and lawsuits.

    As long as it is based on the facts and both sides of the story are heard and we don't go into vitriolic territory.


    thanks for this Andrew.  You are always a good, rationale voice.

  5. 31 minutes ago, Neumann Films said:

    Yeah, rewarding Ed is a bit of a turn off here, in my opinion.  I'm sure he's a good guy in real life but the limited experience I have with him online has been, annoying at best.  If he's a freaking mod...I'm out. Love ya, Andrew, but...I would probably just go back to reading your articles and steering clear of the one forum I come to anymore.

    Just my opinion, take it how you will.


    I am with Neumann.

    If Ed becomes a mod, I am out as well.

    I like the articles here and the people, but he is self-righteous, egotistical, and annonying and whining.  I practically hear him whining whenever he types.

    I don't know him personally either, but I'm sure he's a good dude, but no way, I would be gone.

    I think the site was better when he wasn't here.

    He can take his holier-than-thou attitude somewhere else.  

    Last post.  Peace.

  6. 15 hours ago, silvertonesx24 said:

    That's...a circular definition. Also, racist is a relative term, and has been corroded to near-meaninglessness.

    A white nationalist is someone who's defining ideology is that the white race (more accurately, Aryan; WN hate plenty of 'white' people) inherently owns their nation and manifests destiny over other races and nations.

    This is a clear, objective, and absolutist definition.

    Are any definitions ever clear and objective and absolute?  Is anything absolute?  

    No, definitions change or vary per person.  I can say someone is "queer" and that means different things to people.

    Being racist to me means a person who believes one race is superior to others.  A white nationalist to me is a racist who also is a nationalist, not a globalist, as Bannon proclaims.

    14 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    I don't think forums are dying, one of the largest is Reddit and that has never been more popular or mainstream.

    Facebook discussions are a whisker away from YouTube comments - the use of real names doesn't seem to change anything. People are attacked and abused on Facebook and Twitter in far greater numbers than all of the camera forums put together!

    What the world needs to do is go offline and be productive... Then when they are back online, they can self-express in more productive ways as well, rather than shouting at one-another because of their different opinions. The internet has created a tribal culture, with echo chambers and mobs.

    Thanks Ed for starting a lively discussion... If we can all lighten up and see the fun in it or use some humour, it would be a nice way of glossing over our superficial differences and recognising the fact we're all humans with similar interests and if one of us ever got hurt, or needed help in real life, we'd step up.

    Thanks.  I do, still think, using real names vs anonymous names keeps people held accountable for what they say, and therefore, less people will go to more extreme comments. They can't hide behind their avatar as easily.

    But yes, you are right, there are still some people who can get really heated on there.

    But compared to 4chan and twitter, where racism and antisemitism and mysogynany is allowed to thrive?  Language that is extremely painful and inducive towards real-world violence like Pizza Gate and now Charlottesville where a protestor was murdered?  Would people here been able to do all this when their names are known.

    Like the neo nazis in charlottesville - now they are being outted, they are starting to cry as they lose their jobs and get kicked out of schools.  And that's the power of responsibility for ones actions.



    15 hours ago, User said:

    Apologising for things you have no idea about seems quite insincere and in line with the kind of behaviour that has brought you into this mess in the first place. You know that right?

    All of our comments are searchable.

    And just between us, I never watched that video you made. But if you give me your mailing address, I'd like to send you 30 feet of garden hose and a golf ball. Make a clip with that and I'll watch it ;)

    I wish you well.

    Okay, well, I think a blanket apology is the start of the process.  And I offered for you to tell me what I did that brought me into this mess.  How can I search for USER or comments when I have over 1000 posts on here and you have 463?  How long will that take, vs me asking you to tell me?

    What video did I make?

    I don't understand, you speak with UK language "apologising" and "behaviour" and yet you are using American unit of feet.  

    5 hours ago, jonpais said:

    Countless corporations have been sued by employees for unfair labor practices, including Coca Cola, UPS and the list goes on and on and on. So why single B&H out? Is there an ulterior motive at work here? According to what I've read, if B&H fails to change hiring practices and working conditions, the Office of Federal Compliance Programs will request the cancellation of the store’s contracts with the federal government, amounting to some $46 million in lost revenue. A boycott would be misguided and could only harm the employees: the threat of losing lucrative government contracts should be inducement enough for B&H to change. You may agree or disagree if you like, but in no way would any reasonable person interpret my thoughts or actions as being racist or defending racism, as Ed is so fond of repeating ad nauseum. He is so sure Trump is a white supremacist, just as he was certain that Blackmagic knowingly and intentionally released a faulty camera. And while I personally have never shopped at their brick and mortar store, I refuse to believe that if there was indeed discrimination at B&H, that this reflects on the vast majority of the store's staff, whom I imagine are decent human beings, but only on a select few. Incidentally, Ed's first and subsequent posts all but accuse me of racism, which is a wee tiny bit more obnoxious than anything I've leveled at him. Meanwhile, if Ed suggests boycotting B&H, but continues to purchase thousands of dollars of merchandise from them each year as he does, that's pretty much the height of hypocrisy. I really don't care though, because for all I know, I'm arguing with a sockpuppet.

    Jon Pais, I will repeat this again, ad nauseum:

    "Whether or not you agree with what a user writes, you should not delete a thread because you disagree with it."

    The only reason for the deletion of a thread is if it contains hateful language, and or harassment towards a user including threats of rape (for instance, user offering to give me a 30 ft hose and a golf ball in this thread alone), death threats, and personal attacks.

    Upon deletion, it is good form to alert the user why the thread was deleted personally.

    That's what a good, mature human being would do.

    Your actions to me in handling that thread, and now this one, leave me to make judgement that you are not mature enough to handle the responsibilities of moderating, and I hereby ask Andrew Reid to renounce your title.

    I ask others to see this as well.  Whether or not you have been at the receiving end of Jonpais, and hold your own grudges against me, I ask all of you, to review the facts and make a decision.

    The amount of harassment I have received in this thread alone would be grounds to having a new moderator step in.  One, who, Andrew has said, allows interesting discussions to happen and doesn't like posts that contain swear words directedly personally towards a user such as another victim @Axel, who also, probably doesn't appreciate this.

    @Andrew Reid

  7. 15 hours ago, HockeyFan12 said:

    It depends what film stock you're coming from and what your budget is. I don't think anything digital surpasses 8X10 film or even 4x5 film (Velvia 50 and Portra 400 were my favorites), but I can't afford to spend a few hundred dollars (with scans) per shot anymore. At least not often.

    The DP2 Merrill has more dynamic range than my favorite film stock (Velvia), but it has worse color rendering. It has much less dynamic range than Portra has, or black and white film. Its look is most similar to 4x5 velvia scans without the same intense richness and wildly vibrant greens and of course less high frequency detail. And despite its initial strong impression, I find that the Sigma has banding, slight aliasing, and a low frequency green/magenta pattern that looks a lot like heavy noise reduction, all unique to it. It ruins the tonality of rock textures in a way that's wholly unique. On Bayer sensors they have a nice smooth look but no high frequency detail; on Foveon they have great high frequency detail with an ugly smoothed low frequency color noise reduction pattern. If you shoot at 50 ISO you can reduce this but it increases banding, too. I generally rate the camera no faster than 64 ISO.

    But I prefer the look of a film stocks with less than five stops of dynamic range because the print itself has less than five stops of contrast and so you get a more accurate contrast in the print by limiting the dynamic range of your scene. So I don't find the Sigma's limited dynamic range to be a problem. For landscapes, I like it. I also find the clipping to look less digital than you'd expect.

    The lens is great, though.

    I guess what I can say is it's a good replacement for medium format Velvia, and brings roughly as well, but a poor replacement for medium format Portra. Drum scanned large format of course wins against almost anything and has a special look but at such a great cost. If you want the look of 4x5 Velvia using a very modern lens, the DP2 Merrill is the closest thing there is that's cheap and digital. If you like older lenses, organic texture, grain, etc. it will disappoint a bit.

    I think you know your needs and your clients' expectations and that they're better met by shooting film, and I don't think you'll have your mind changed. But for landscape photographers I think it's quite viable. The screen is terrible, though, but 4x5 is even slower.

    Don't expect too much from the DP1X. It's only going to produce 4 megapixel images and while they will be nice 4 megapixel images, they'll still be less sharp than today's entry-level dSLRs. But it should give a good idea of the Foveon "look."

    Thanks for this - yes even though film has limited dynamic range - it has a really smooth roll off into the highlights, and doesn't have much dynamic range in the shadows which is I look I prefer over, say the alexa, which has a lot of information in the shadows.

    Yea, not expecting miracles from the DP1x.

    why not shoot 35mm film ,where 36 shots is only about $40 or so to get developed and scanned?  I know its still expensive but overall you get more dynamic range, sharpness, and more accurate skintones and sharpness and speed than a foveon chip.

    I hope someone else can make the foveon and other non-bayer type cameras work to get to what film can do.

    Until then, I guess, still an expensive habit.

    13 hours ago, HockeyFan12 said:

    I just found this photo I took by accident on my DP2 Merrill while trying to adjust the settings. A bit underexposed but it shows that the limited DR looks fine at magic hour if you don't shoot straight at the sun. This is straight out of camera, default settings, not even any exposure adjustment I don't think. (It is a little underexposed, and there are some NR artifacts.)

    I think the sensor behaves more like slide film than color negative film (which more closely resembles the Alexa's look). And most photographers I know who shoot 4x5 slide film generally wait until just after sunset for a more even light, finding magic hour too harsh. So I can't vouch for the DR at all. That's just not why you'd buy this camera.

    For "organic" portraiture or a gritty look I wouldn't go with a DP Merrill. It's better for landscape and macro and studio type work IMO, where it excels.

    Don't judge the sharpness too harshly. I didn't adjust focus (I was on manual focus and took a photo by accident) and I shot handheld and the jpeg artifacts are softening it a lot.


    The handling of green is pretty - feels very natural - and painterly - what you shot.

    And the noise feels very film-like.

    I'm not too concerned with the low megapixels of the DP 1x - someone did a test against the merrill and said it still resolves fairly well.

    Yea I didn't want to dip my feet in too deep to start.

  8. 30 minutes ago, silvertonesx24 said:

    Why? So we can become even more polarized and you can safely live in the echo chamber of your own head? The benefit of debating is to convince others on the fence to heed your reasoning vs the other debater.

    There is no reasoning with someone who tosses out "Trump is a white nationalist" as an absolutism. It's such an illogical foundation for debate that why should anyone who isn't a sycophant even bother. What a waste of time.

    Had you started with "Trump doesn't seem care that actual bleeding white nationalists are using his persona to embolden themselves. Here's why I believe that's dangerous" then maybe we could have a productive discussion. Or you could create inspiring art around that. But you didn't, so we won't.

    I completely agree with you.

    To be fair, I don't really use this forum as what I consider political activism to a reasonable degree where I will change people's minds on the fence.

    If you are from USA, I apologize - but if you are not - I could easily go into more detail about Trump being a white nationalist as a more definite statement - starting with his father attending KKK rallies and the hiring of Steve Bannon, a card-carrying white nationalist into the white house.  I can post examples of statements Bannon has made that confirm this.  Or that Trump watches Alex Jones.

    Has Trump said anything decidedly racist?  Yes, about Mexicans sending their rapists and others, and his disparaging comments about the Latino judge.  

    But I guess what is your definition of a white nationalist?

    Mine is a person who is racist and believes that European Americans are a superior race to other races.  Maybe yours is more resolute - like a person who attends KKK rallies or neo nazi events and does the hitler salute?

    5 minutes ago, Don Kotlos said:

    While agree that moderation of this thread was at least poor, I believe people can change and as yourself I am against harsh actions. 

    This thread (if not deleted) will be here to remind us of how moderation should NOT be done. The level of personal attacks allowed or even supported has never been an EOSHD norm nor should it ever be. It doesn't matter if you agree/disagree with someone's political views or passionate words. 


    Jonpais has had several chances to apologize to me personally and publicly.

    He has chosen not too.

    Removing him from a volunteer title of moderator I don't think is that harsh of a result of this.  I'm sure there is someone else who would be more level-headed.

    It's mostly just keeping the restaurant moving.

    The bigger question, though, is why care?  

    The age of forums is for, better or worse, dying.

    Discussion has moved onto facebook.  Which, is in some ways better, I think, in that everyone is using their real names.  So they take more responsibility for personal attacks and harassment of other users. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, User said:

    In the interest of truth and reconciliation, do I understand that you don't really know why I would have a grudge against you?

    I don't.  I'm sorry.  Your username is, well, User - it's hard to remember.  Is it from the PB stuff or Ebrahim stuff?  A lot of people were attacking me.  It's hard to remember whom was whom.

  10. The greatest challenge i want to test is magic hour and golden hour before magic hour. 

    I dont think a camera with such limited dynamic range and low iso can handle this.

    I think, in 99 percent of work...shooting on film is a better idea. Faster film stock. More dynamic range. And just better cameras with optical viewfinders. Now to find a cheap way to scan the negatives that still looks good.

    I got a good deal on a dp1x im going to test with.

  11. 17 hours ago, jcs said:

    This forum is a microcosm of the world, a fractal. Andrew is the mayor, Jon is the sheriff, regulars are the villagers, and others are tourists/travelers just passing through. Is it possible for us to discuss these issues, about the world and each other's behavior, without divisive dialog? If we focus on discussing actions vs. people, especially if we ask questions as to why are people acting a certain way, we can get a better understanding of their motivations, and perhaps help each other to realize there might be better ways to achieve our goals. If we can do it on this forum, it will be a useful pattern for the world, right? (a fractal thing)

    Does disparaging each other work? Think about it- if someone puts you down, are you likely to listen to anything more about what they have to say, even if they are 100% correct?

    I have compassion for everyone working in the media industry, as well as everyone on this forum. We are constantly bombarded with negative energy designed to divide and conquer the US and the World. Folks in the media who don't follow the divisive guidelines face extreme personal and financial pressure to conform. It's truly a bummer.

    I spent my free time this summer doing research into what is really going on in the world today. The realization is so terrible that I didn't want to believe it, people who know the truth don't want to talk about it, and people who don't already know the truth don't want to believe it or even hear about it.

    All I can say with any certainty, is listen to those who push for kindness, understanding, and unity. Have empathy for all to those who output hate, intolerance, and division. More than anything they need understanding and love: that's how you heal them. Giving them more hate only makes their condition worse, right? This is for the general case and works for almost every person. The exceptions for violent people are noted, and even they are best given love and understanding when they must be countered with force and/or constrained freedom for the protection of others. Think of a powerful samurai warrior who must fight with honor and compassion and without hate. The reason we do this is it's good for all of our biology: kind actions and thoughts improve our mind, body, and spirit health. Kindness is not weakness. A soldier in battle can fight with compassion and without hate: fighting with honor.

    What are the advantages of making enemies? Now more than ever in modern history is a good time to practice making friends. We need to work together to get through the possible upcoming crisis. Ideally it will be avoided, but if not we must work together to reduce suffering and possibly even to survive.

    Really well said.

    I think i have offended user kaylee and jonesy jones here and in the past posts and I apologize.

    The initial post i wrote was written in haste.

    I still however will not apologize to jon pais for deleting my post.

    The act of deletion of a post about a racist and discriminating camera store on a camera forum about speedboosters and diy anamorphic adaptors that many buy our stuff from is not a good move.

    Deleting anyone or banning anyone is never good.

    It alienantes people.

    Furthermore fanning flames and liking posts of harassment and swear words is also not a good thing.

    I am therefore voting for removing jonpais title of moderator from this cameranerd forum.

    Anyone else?

  12. 23 hours ago, Jonesy Jones said:

    No anonymity here. I go by Jonesy. Look up Jonesy Jones on imdb, I'm the first on the list. Same name as every other forum or website. 

    I'd still love to hear your reasoning for calling Kaylee, Ebrahim.

    Because kaylee is just a username. Could be anyones sockpuppet including ebrahim.

    Same with user. User whatever grudge you have against me i apologize.

    Again about my ego...i have an ego. Big deal. A lot of people have egos.

    About argueing with me is like arguing with a black hole...isnt that the point of debating? You dont change a persons mind but you become stronger in your own beliefs and reasoning skills?

    Im not here to change your minds. I just here to whine about someone deleting a thread I wrote for no reason and not telling me why...just deleting it. 

    19 hours ago, PannySVHS said:

    :) you tease. Why not use a varicam lt instead of an amira? Current 36x24mm frame cameras have no benefit to me, usability and colors

    and adaptability of photo lens gems- these

    features are all lacking. I own the lens, a full frame camera I don´t own. What´s the fun with the obvious stuff anyway! :)

    The speedbooster is in use already. Andrew wrote an article about a wide angle 0.8 adapter from Richard Gale. But those are not available anymore.

    My remark about the ww converter in this your thread was due to the lack of actual support of my original thread, where Hockey and Andrew have

    given the best possible replies already in the meantime. So again, combining my 20mm Canon FD with a booster and 0.8 wide angle converter would give

    me a 11mm lens, which I would put on my MFT camera. Sharpness at F2.8 will be like F4 on my SLRMagic 12mm and it would have similar

    characteristics in color and contrast like my other Canon FD lenses. I am very sure I did not tell you anything new here ;)


    About your topic: A human right is not a privilegue. Lack of human rights is result of the worst crimes such as

    racism and chauvinism, a lot of times even legalized. These are in my opinion the meaningful terms to deal with.

    The term of white privilegue is one of white washing:) and generalizing

    specific guilt of specific individuals, laws, actions, governing, companies and processes in the political, economical and financial systems.

    Have you watched the documentary "Harlan County USA"? This is awesome filmmaking.

    Social activism is hundreds of years older than us and has been a very dangerous encounter and it still is in some places.

    So I wouldnt call internet posts social activism just yet. Language is powerful, to non native speakers as well. They understand the difference

    between one term and the other, the possibility of expresseing one thing and lacking in expressing the other.

    Why not shoot on a red helium or red weapon to get full frame or a7s ii or any other full frame camera.

    Our linguistic understandings differ. 

    White priveliege to me is a term of self awareness.

    Activism to me can be as simple as signing a petition.

    I think maybe you think of activism as work consisting of more than 10 minutes a day of work.

    Let me know your thoughts?

    Also im not really a fan of the amira. Nor varicam lt though i havent testsed it personally. About to post a test soon between alexa f65 ursa mini and red helium

  13. 21 hours ago, PannySVHS said:

    Ed , there is  one main benefit to me in replying to your interesting post: to engage in a conversation with you.

    Your rarely reply to me. The only benefit in replying to your posts comes into doubt by lack of feedback from your side.

    If I directly adress guys like you or mercer or jonpais, it is because of interest in you guys and your opinions, for me it is not about writing for the internet.

    A human right is not a privilegue. The denial of human rights is an act of violence. 

    One does not do human rights a favour by proclaiming them as privilegue.

    3 million dollars for 1000 workers sounds little compensation. Should have been 30 million.

    I apologize - I was reading this thread on my cell phone, and it's hard to get past the negative commentors and address all the great responses and ideas I see from so many,

    15 hours ago, jonpais said:

    @Ed_David First of all, you started this thread with the express purpose of launching a personal attack against me, then go crying like a school girl just because I happen to approve of some of the comments questioning your motives. You're the one buying from B&H, not me, so like you said yourself, that does make you a hypocrite. @User sized you up pretty well when he remarked,

    His unfailing politeness which has won your favour in this particular situation is a cheap mask that he employs when it serves him. I'll be sure to shed a tear when you are on the receiving end of one of his unwarranted hissy fits.

    Why don't you take your self righteous, self-pitying act somewhere else?


    Yea but I didn't address you.  I don't honestly understand why you are a moderator here and yet are into using harassment against a user.  Whether or not you agree with me, you should uphold a level of decency as a moderator of a forum. Calling me a girl is a form of immaturity.  Andrew trusts you and depends on you for keeping the peace on this forum.  Maybe he should reevaluate that.

    And how am I whining?  I stated my belief that you should not be liking posts that encourage harassment and use profanity?  Is that whining?  How have I complained that, woe is me?  Remember, you are the guy who defended a corporation for discriminating against women and black people, and then when I said it was against the law in American since the civil rights act of 1968, you deleted the POST!  You deleted a post because it revealed something you may not want other people to see?  Or what was your reasoning for deleting the post?  Talk about whining.  

    As to my ego, no I'm not here to stroke it entirely even though isn't that what we do when we post a video - we want constructive critism?  But mostly on this stuff I'm here to defend my viewpoints, because unlike you User, or Jonesy Jones, or whomever the rest of you are, hiding behind your anonymonity - this is my real name - and my real name and actions have consequences, as you guys pointed out, in the real world for me.

    For you, User, you may as well be Ebrahim or gosh knows who else.  And you can say whatever you want.  If you want to actually have some clout, use your real name.

    And again, the end goal, which is fairly futile, is to do social activism online and in the real world - in places that don't always expect it - because if I get one person out there to start to think about what it means for a company to discriminate against women, that may be a good thing.

    And all that maybe worth it.

    But of course, I doubt it.

    And for the question on a the wide-angle adapter for a helious 52mm lens - why not use a full frame camera instead of a GH5?  Or at least the speed booster ultra - and see where that takes you in widening the field of view.

    I know panasonic made wide-angle adapters back in the dvx100 era - maybe that could work as well.

  14. Just now, User said:

    Let me know if I can get you a blanket and a cup of chai latte for all the suffering you've endured at the sight of watching other less fortunate than you.
    Stop fucking wining about it here and go and do something about it.

    Why? Did i ask for that?

    Should i instead let people defend corportions discriminate against people of color and women?

    Also using my real name is more courageous than hiding behind an anonymous name and swearing a lot.

    Because as you guys think im risking my job by my thoughts. Oh no- a production company would never hire someone who stands up publically online against domestic abuse and corporate discrimination against women and people of color.

    Did i mention i work primarily for liberal people who like that i am opinionated.

    You know other dps who are opinionated?

    A ton.

    Also i dont think admin jonpais should be liking posts that are full of swearing and hate towards another member of this forum.

  15. On 8/19/2017 at 7:03 PM, kaylee said:

    ed, heres a protip: acting like a 5 year old online, under your real name, is a very bad idea. people who might want to hire you based on your good work will start to vet you, and within seconds theylll discover that youre a huge pain in the ass online, and they will wonder: How much worse is he in person?

    i thought that maybe youd turned over a new leaf. time to grow up dude

    You are completely right ebrahim!

    11 minutes ago, User said:

    Oh look everyone, Ed came back to tell us how he thinks it should be. Bless his little heart.

    Just as you are.

    We all have a voice here.

    Thats why eoshd is great.


    My comments were to the individuals in a post that an admin deleted where an admin and others were defending the corporation of b&h after being found in violation of discrimination against women and people of color.

    That thread was deleted.

    I did not mean to offend anyone who was not part of that thread.

    I apologize to those who i offended.

  16. Great discussion guys.

    All i was trying to say is camera discussion is a means to an end.

    The end is using our cameras for positive change.

    And even a forum about barbie dolls is an act of political choice. To waste our time so the bad people can continue.

    And yes i need to do more good.

    And we all can.

    But priveliedge gives us time to work on craft.

    And films do change lives.


    And sometimes they just appeal to people who already believe.

    Cnn for instance created trump.

    And artists need to show people how bad he is.

    We have an opioid and class addiction we need to address.

    And yes my grammar and spelling needs to be addressed.

    20 hours ago, jcs said:

    Like many people world wide, I think David is feeling powerless as he realizes that the world is not what he was led to believe. Perhaps he's trying to contribute something meaningful so his life has meaning. Based on his world view as helping right wrongs. We all should speak up about discrimination, wherever it happens, in a kind and stern way.

    The "photo company*" that everyone references and won't say the name, everyone really knows who it is, and this is disingenuous. I didn't read that thread but saw recently that it was locked when someone posted that they lost a class action lawsuit. Give them positive energy and love and see if they have changed their ways for the better. If they have not, give them reasons in a kind way to stay the right path (as in kindly, without hate remind them, and if necessary do business elsewhere). I personally like this company and hope they will stay on course and do the right things moving forward. If not, I'll take my business elsewhere.

    It's important not to call people names: perception is projection. You must see those traits in yourself before you can use those words on others. If someone is acting in a harmful way, talk about the actions and how they can be improved vs. ad hominem. What's happening right now in DC is theater: who knows what's really going on. All we can say with some confidence is that there is a force at work to create division and hate, to divide and conquer the USA and the World. What we, the people can do, is ignore the messaging of hate and division, and instead spread love and kindness, knowing that it's all of our responsibilities to unite and come together in peace. We have the true power, and if we don't unite together in peace we'll lose all of our freedom and maybe our lives. The stakes are high.

    This political storm is happening because the US/Global FIAT petro-dollar currency system is on the verge of collapse. Crypto currency is a direct result of this, that's why bitcoin and similar are going crazy right now. A new system of currency/energy-trade is needed, and the people controlling the current/old system aren't ready to let go of power: absolute power corrupts absolutely. The trickle down effect is people feel powerless and helpless, and want to do something positive (in their mind) to help. Which is what I think David was doing in these posts.

    There are also powerful psychological tools being employed through mainstream media, as well as through artificial intelligence systems reading social media posts for feedback, which I won't go into in more detail as that is controversial in itself. All I ask is do your own research and look for patterns and try to see the bigger picture.

    I encourage everyone to share the knowledge about what is really going on in the world / politics / currency / war, in a kind way, and even better, create videos using messages of love and unity, even better through metaphors and simple parables, to help people see the light at the end of the tunnel, and more importantly, to help everyone have hope for the future.

    To help clear the mind, avoid processed foods and sugar, eat more vegetables and organic foods, avoid tap water (fluoride), take boron supplements to excrete fluoride in food, take DIM to excrete xeno-estrogens from plastics and insecticides, magnesium malate to excrete aluminum and lead, alpha lipoic acid to excrete mercury, and CoQ10 for energy (instead of caffeine or tobacco).

    Stanley Kubrick knew a lot more than he could tell us directly and he may have lost his life as a result of what he was trying to tell us in his last film.


    * BH

    Love this. Yes dr strangelove and mash were incredibly important acts of art.

    So is dunkirk.


    So is making a murderer .

  17. I obsess over image fidelity, skintones, and motion cadence. The latest lens. The latest camera. The image for landscapes and beauty and fashion.

    And all the while the world continues with war. Looming war with north korea. Potential disputes woth Russia and Pakastan and China. Endless drone strikes. Illegal military operations in Yemen. Civilians dying instantly by drone technology. And with climate change and water shortages.  

    The world economy is failing.  Money upon money is increasingly in the realm of loans.  The banking industry has not learned its lessons from the 2008 financial crisis and politicians are controlled by donors.

    But I am removed. I am a good little boy. Tinkering with anamorphic lenses. Vacationing and sitting idly;  a luxerious life. 

    But when I do a post here about b and h a photo company that loses lawsuits like some people just get speeding tickets, that constantly abuses workers, via discrimination or other actions, the thread is deleted.


    This is a forum about toys. Leisure activities, which is important.   But constant and endless distraction is also bad.  By doing nothing, we allow bad people to continue. 

    And cameras are weapons.  Photographs can change the world.  So can films.  So can words.  This pursuit can be used for positive change.

    We are storytellers, and people watch movies and nonfiction films like no others these days.  One of the first questions people ask is, "so what are you watching on netflix?"

    We have a lot of power, and we should allow discussion of these issues.  Of course, this is a forum about technology, but why not let a few posts drift into philosophical issues?

  18. 9 hours ago, BTM_Pix said:

    There is a 10 page argument about it (without a single photograph) here if you've got the patience for it.

    https://***URL removed***/forums/thread/3650127


    I took a couple of shots for you at ISO400 on my DP0 which is the fixed 14mm version of the SD sensor.

    The DR issue (as hotly debated in parts of the DPR thread) is one that partly comes down to what can be measured and what you can use based on what you can do with it in Sigma's RAW editor.

    The RAW editor gets a lot of abuse (and not without foundation it has to be said when compared to stuff like Lightroom and Aperture) but its not dramatically worse than Hasselblad's Phocus app for example but at least you can open their files in something else, unlike Sigma's. Well, you have the DNG option now in the Quattro range and there is a freeware app who's name escapes me that can open the .X3F files but Sigma's open app is the key to getting the absolute best out of the files as they're the gatekeepers of the Foveon voodoo! Yes, its slow, but so is the pace of photography you will largely do with these cameras so its no big deal to me. Its not like I'm dealing with a DSLR where I've been machine gunning my way round a sports field and its more akin to film photography where you come home with a couple of rolls of 36 exposures.

    Anyway, so here is an illustration that I shot for you (at ISO400) to show you what's possible DR wise and the key to this is the X3 Fill Light function which will bring back a ton of shadow information so you know you can ETTR and recover usable info

    The top picture is the JPEG from the camera to show how it was shot and the bottom one is after using the X3 Fill Light.



    Next is a comparison between ISO200 and ISO400 as I needed a coffee after looking at those old ruins (what do you mean, I see one in the mirror every day).

    With the Quattros, the native ISO is 100 and AFAIK there is a drop from 100 to 200 but its not so marked between 200 and 400. Basically, once you've taken the hit by moving away from 100 then you might as well take the extra shutter speed/aperture opportunities on offer by shooting at 400 ;)

    Top picture is ISO200 and bottom is ISO400 with 100% crops from each to show the untreated noise in both.


    This final one as a way of comparison between the current and previous generations is from my DP1m which is the fixed 19mm lens compact with the Merrill sensor.

    The native ISO on the Merrill versions is ISO200 rather than ISO100 and as with the Quattro's you can shoot ETTR (as per the original shot top left) and the use the X3 Fill Light function to bring out the shadows (top right) and then take it from there to do more colour work or black and white conversion.



    If anyone wants to have a play with it themselves then I've put the original .X3F file here and you can then go over to Sigma's site and download their SPP software to edit it with.


    As everyone says, these cameras have as many quirks and limitations as they do different models but if you're prepared to accept them then you're getting a hell of a lot in a compact form and price.  

    I started off with the DP2m and if I had to have just one then I think that is the sweet spot for me in terms of size, focal length (stitched comps for faux wide angle are great from it) and price. 

    Well, price is only ok for now until @Mattias Burling does one his reviews on it ;)


    Thanks for this so much - I just ordered the DP2x on ebay - excited to do my own tests against film.

    400 iso doesn't look that bad!  Highlight roll off is unfortuate - not a smooth flattering curve at all.

    Your photos are gorgeous!

  19. where can I see some dynamic range charts or tests?  I can't find any.  Also want to see what it looks like at 200 ISO and 400.  More curious about the APS-H model, since a larger sensor, maybe better in low light (at least to get to 400 ISO, that's all I need)


    Great review here:



    Seems like dynamic range or low light capabilities haven't gone up much - might be better to get the older cameras - really interesting review.

  20. 9 hours ago, MediaMan said:

    I remember almost 20 years ago when Foveon announced their new technology. I was excited and sure they would take over the world. Since then they have made little progress in threatening the CMOS dominance of "mass and momentum." If there is a sensor revolution many companies will have to abandon a lot of infrastructure and we'll all have to start thinking differently about how we define "resolution."  

    Well CMOS took off because of its increased low-light capabilities.  

    At this point, it is cheaper to get a film camera and shoot film, maybe.  Well, resale will help a little on the camera.  So maybe the camera is cheaper.

    Shooting at 200 ISO is not easy for interior work.  Nor at night.

    Limited to T/1.4 lenses.  Curious to see how 400 ISO looks.

  21. This is so awesome - really excited to hear about this sensor technology!!

    18 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:


    I've been shooting timelapses and infrared stills with the Sigma SD Quattro mirrorless camera.

    Foveon is a future bayer slayer. Sigma could end up ruling the sensor market for high end cameras in 10 years.

    Read the full article

    The challenge is going to be getting to 800 ASA.  If that's possible

    but yes super excited about this technology.

    Wish it could be used with other lenses - not just sigma glass


    How does the older sd15 compare with the new quattro?

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