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Zach Goodwin

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  1. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Zak Forsman in Health and Filmmaking - discuss   
    yeah, when we crew up, we are very careful with who we hire. you'd be surprised how many people are forthcoming when you ask them, "tell us how you handled a stressful situation on a previous production". so many people are happy to admit they flipped out, or made a bigger mess of the situation. we've been very fortunate to have avoided any major drama on our sets over 7 features. most of that is due to my producing partner. he's great at finding good people.
  2. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to AaronChicago in Shane Hurlbut says "Canon C100 Mark II is a DSLR KILLA" !   
    Shane Hurlbut is pretty much a walking commercial for Canon, but I'll say this: 1080 on the C100 is ALOT better than 1080 on Canon's DSLR's.
  3. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to chauncy in Shane Hurlbut says "Canon C100 Mark II is a DSLR KILLA" !   
    The fact it doesn't take photos means it is not a dslr killer.
    He also has 0 understanding how to properly use a gh4 or an nx1.
    His main sponser is canon. All these canon guys are the same, trying
    to push every filmmaker over into the overpriced and underperforming Canon Cinema Series.
    There are just too many other better cheaper options if you're looking for a pure film camera especially for that price.
  4. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Fatalfury in Shane Hurlbut says "Canon C100 Mark II is a DSLR KILLA" !   
    It's really hard to take him seriously after what he said about 5D Mark II trashing GH4.
  5. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to /p/ in Shane Hurlbut says "Canon C100 Mark II is a DSLR KILLA" !   
    >Sponsored by Canon
  6. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Andrew Reid in Follow up to B&H - Workers Unionize   
    Good news all round.
  7. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Ed_David in Follow up to B&H - Workers Unionize   
    Since Mr. Jones brought it up - 
    As a follow-up story to B&H Photo Video and Worker Abuses - they have unionized.  
    And this is partly because of people like you and me:
    "The workers received additional support on Oct. 22, when a coalition of photography and video professionals launched an open letter to B&H management, calling on the company to end the hazardous working conditions and discriminatory practices. They also called on the company to negotiate a fair labor contract. Within a week more than 1,000 signatures from artists, journalists, gallerists, educators, students and photo technicians were obtained.
    “We welcome the workers at B&H to the USW and look forward to addressing their concerns with the company at the bargaining table,” said Shinn."
    This is an example of social media activism being successful.  The employees now have collective bargaining powers.
  8. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Cinegain in Tiffen Ultra / Low Contrast filters   
    Oh do I, now? Interesting observation, dare I say. Interesting indeed. I've got all sorts of influences going on having consumed tons of different English spoken media (yay! for not consuming media with foreign language dubbed audio, ef that shih #amirite (included a hashtag specially for you)) and talking to people from all ends of the world. The Dutch guy in Austria talking like a southerner. What is this mad world we live in, eh!?
  9. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to IronFilm in Tiffen Ultra / Low Contrast filters   
    So a filter is like a funnel.
  10. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Cinegain in Tiffen Ultra / Low Contrast filters   
    You got the hang of it!
  11. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to sanveer in Blackmagic Micro Cinema Camera   
    I thought of this very thing long ago. It would be excellent for guerilla filmmaking. VU the consumer electronics maker makes another headset with bluetooth. I guess something with wi-fi could work with a havk or something. 
  12. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Nikkor in Camera for Glidecam-work (without Aliasing/Moire)?   
    He is actually going to shoot something.
  13. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to richg101 in Blackmagic Micro Cinema Camera   
    it's pretty irritating they gave it to a guy who goes right ahead and shoots the test in rolling shutter mode showing us exactly what we expected based on our experiences with the bmpcc.  isn;t it a given to use the global mode for a test of a camera who's key selling point over the previous model is the global shutter mode...
    I'd have rather seen unscripted footage with lots of movement and a bright sky and lots of shadow so I can decipher whats going on with the global shutter enabled.  Come on BM give the camera to Andrew Reid next time and stop messing around.  
  14. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Volker Schmidt in 5 underrated cinematic images from "forgotten" cameras   
    Probably it is that here, what you meant Zach:
    Very useful for all your questions, Ricardo.

  15. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Zak Forsman in RODNEY CHARTERS: BM POCKET CAMERA, 4K ACQUISITION & ALEXA   
    there isn't any. we're talking about the micro cinema camera. not the micro studio camera. different animal. that being said, I expect it will look identical to the pocket. same sensor, just supercharged.
  16. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to BenEricson in Interesting 35mm vs Digital (Alexa) Comparison   
    It's just bad luck at this point.
    Here is Rian Johnson on film, director of Starwars Episode VIII. I assume his decision will over throw Yedlin's in that respect. 
    "I mean for me, I’ve shot film, I’ll hopefully shoot the next one on film, because I just feel that film is still the highest-quality capturing format that we have, and it’s just the best looking. I tend to bristle a little bit when film gets put in the realm of nostalgia, where that ends up being assigned as its main merit."
  17. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to enny in RODNEY CHARTERS: BM POCKET CAMERA, 4K ACQUISITION & ALEXA   
    Here modern camera  make it look like alexa

  18. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to mercer in 5 underrated cinematic images from "forgotten" cameras   
    You gave the Cliff's Notes version. Both are appreciated. 
  19. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to BenEricson in Revival of super 8 film ?   
    Thank you.
  20. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Mattias Burling in Revival of super 8 film ?   
    If you dont get it you dont get it. 
    Some play soccer. I think it sucks. Thats becaude I dont get it. So I let it go.
    At the store I might buy stuff to make Pizza. The guy next to me buys frozen pizza. None of us get it. So we let it go.
    But I dont stand there questioning him, try to lecture him or call him names. I let the man eat his pizza and let it go.
    I will pre-order that thing asap. A roll of of s8 costs $15 from shoot to export from the NLE. Cheaper than going to the movies and ten times more fun imo.
  21. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Policar in The Revenant   
    I'm not sure what your opinion is, but fair enough.
  22. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Nikkor in The Revenant   
    You don't get take them to see the movie together, but to see it with you  The good thing is that neither you or them will have to pay for their tickets.
  23. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to mojo43 in The Revenant   
    I thought the lighting, acting and cinematography was fantastic. If I shot this or had anything to do with this movie, I would be proud.
  24. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to racer5 in The Revenant   
    You've got some goddamn nerve being that disrespectful to a peer. You would never address someone like that in person. 
  25. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to mercer in 5 underrated cinematic images from "forgotten" cameras   
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