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    tweak reacted to andy lee in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    A crime was committed here and all the people ripped off need refunding until that is done we should not be so quick to forgive, ES has to make good on his word to pay everyone back. , as they still may not get their money back there is no guarantee of that . Andrew Reid can be the final say on ES and his fate on this site.
  2. Like
    tweak got a reaction from kaylee in The very underestimated problem of RADIOACTIVE lenses   
    Apologies, that was my son typing, two of us use this account.

    Tweak Senior.
  3. Like
    tweak reacted to Mattias Burling in NO!!! Digital Bolex has stopped making cameras!   
  4. Like
    tweak got a reaction from elgabogomez in Advice on eBay anamorphic lens listing (No advertising)   
    No the one he posted is just a "16" I have a feeling it's an older version (pre A,S,D etc), it's similar in size and make to a 16s but slightly different. You can use 16s clamp. It has blue flares and pretty good image quality, I bought one for my brother in law.
  5. Like
    tweak reacted to mercer in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    You know what though, if the kid had the balls to post a photoshopped pic of the two only photos of Sr., Jr and/or the III, he would regain a little of my respect back...
  6. Like
    tweak reacted to Ed_David in The very underestimated problem of RADIOACTIVE lenses   
    Also nuclear scientists are experts in radiation. A radiologist is a lab technician who analyzes x rays scans etc.
    My friend is a radiologist at cornell hospital in nyc
  7. Like
    tweak reacted to mercer in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Seriously, this is just getting sad now. This kid obviously really does enjoy this forum and he obviously cannot keep up with the plethora of lies he has told over the years. I've been relatively active in this forum for the past year and I never even knew there was allegedly 2 people... I always thought there was only one. However, I do remember a time when Enrahim posted some gh4 footage, but I have yet to see anything else from him. You would think the owner of a media company and a 1dc would upload some test footage somewhere... Hell I upload every boring, poorly colored footage I do so I can see it in multiple screens and get better... But nothing from Ebrahim.
    I think @Oliver Daniel suggestion would be a quick and easy way for Ebrahim to clear this up. 
    Clear this up... Or come up with a better story, because the sad, victim is boring and hardly worth the narrative of these past 16 pages. 
  8. Like
    tweak reacted to Timotheus in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Hello everyone, there has been a gesture from Ebrahim through a personal message. We'll see if the deeds follow the words. Perhaps we should give this a few days. Thank you all.
  9. Like
    tweak got a reaction from Nikkor in The very underestimated problem of RADIOACTIVE lenses   
    That's because he's not a radiologist... he's a boy.
  10. Like
    tweak reacted to Nikkor in How I Fell for a LOMO Anamorphic Scam   
    Come and join the party in the main section of the forum, bring your story and some email screenshots, drinks and snacks are ready and plenty.
  11. Like
    tweak reacted to Ed_David in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    The movie ends jr with you telling the truth.
    If you are broke....just say it.
    You dont have the money.
    And ill chip in and give these guys some money back. 
    Just end the lying. Youll feel better.
    Getting caught in a rabbit hole is not fun.
    And whatever happens...in 2 years you wont remember any of this.
    Be strong.
    Do the honorable thing.
    You are a good man.
    We a make mistakes. Especially online.
  12. Like
    tweak reacted to IshootbeforeItalk in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    The jig is up kid. Pay up. If you've blown that cash, send the rangefinder now and proof it. @Timotheus and I will sell it and divide. If we don't receive compensation by 12:00 your personal network will be envolved. Put and end to this @Ebrahim Saadawi
  13. Like
    tweak reacted to Chrad in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Care to provide any of the evidence of your grandfather's identity or media company that people have been requesting in this thread?

    You sound exactly like the fucking scammer. Funny how you break your word not to return now that you're freaking out about things getting too hot. 
    You are pathetic, Ebrahim.
  14. Like
    tweak got a reaction from jax_rox in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    This second post is just as weird...

    It's pretty likely someone very close to you is the culprit (if it's really you typing Snr), as they have access to and knowledge about your gear, they also have your password (or worked it out), so surely there aren't that many possible suspects. I highly doubt many people would be able to put all those things together well and also know the finer details about an obscure piece of equipment such as the SLR RF and know it was actually worth something (it just looks like a cheap filter to any normal person). Also a common thief would just steal this product, not try and scam people online... Suspects are fairly limited I would say, unless you have an army of people working for you? Also this stuff has gone missing only recently, which should make it pretty easy to narrow down.
  15. Like
    tweak got a reaction from IshootbeforeItalk in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    This second post is just as weird...

    It's pretty likely someone very close to you is the culprit (if it's really you typing Snr), as they have access to and knowledge about your gear, they also have your password (or worked it out), so surely there aren't that many possible suspects. I highly doubt many people would be able to put all those things together well and also know the finer details about an obscure piece of equipment such as the SLR RF and know it was actually worth something (it just looks like a cheap filter to any normal person). Also a common thief would just steal this product, not try and scam people online... Suspects are fairly limited I would say, unless you have an army of people working for you? Also this stuff has gone missing only recently, which should make it pretty easy to narrow down.
  16. Like
    tweak got a reaction from IronFilm in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    This second post is just as weird...

    It's pretty likely someone very close to you is the culprit (if it's really you typing Snr), as they have access to and knowledge about your gear, they also have your password (or worked it out), so surely there aren't that many possible suspects. I highly doubt many people would be able to put all those things together well and also know the finer details about an obscure piece of equipment such as the SLR RF and know it was actually worth something (it just looks like a cheap filter to any normal person). Also a common thief would just steal this product, not try and scam people online... Suspects are fairly limited I would say, unless you have an army of people working for you? Also this stuff has gone missing only recently, which should make it pretty easy to narrow down.
  17. Like
    tweak reacted to Chrad in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Was he hacked by someone with a photo I.D. in his name?
  18. Like
    tweak reacted to Nikkor in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Honestly, I don't buy the story, but posting pictures (even when freely available on the internet) is out of tone, even disgusting in the case of an older person. One thing is giving our opinions and a different thing is starting a witch hunt. I mean, its 2000$, I wouldn't get too protestantic over it.
  19. Like
    tweak reacted to dahlfors in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Joining a site in December 2013, then put in the effort of writing more than 2000 posts in a forum for two and a half years, to do six scams worth of a few thousand USD? If you want to scam, I think you could have as well done that after the first 300 posts or so...
  20. Like
    tweak reacted to ken in Unknown Anamorphic Lens   
    You said tried soviet 58mm.  What camera you are using?
    For the ratio, you can test through circle target to figure out.
    Focus through lens is not good thing, IMO.  
  21. Like
    tweak reacted to Kristoferman in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    I had the same concerns. There are a lot of red flags in this post.
    If he is indeed so wealthy to where he makes the amount of scammed money in a day, then refund it. Don't say you'll refund it "someday" and then say you have no obligation to do anything. 
    And the biggest red flag of all is the "this will be my last post, I'm leaving forever". That is NOT something a innocent person would do. Saying you're worried about more scammers is not a logical concern.
    Someone who was actually trying to make things right would not cut themselves off from us and the victims. But you know who would? A scammer.
    It all just seems very transparent to me. The whole "this is terrible, I'd never do this! I'm so rich, why would I need to do this? Even though I'm so loaded and people were scammed of thousands of dollars in my name, I have no obligation to pay. But I will! Someday....oh by the way I'm never going to come back here again. Bye!" thing is soooo shady.
    It doesn't make sense, people!
  22. Like
    tweak reacted to mercer in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    ... All on the next episode of Soap. 
  23. Like
    tweak reacted to Michael Coffee in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    This post reads like bullshit to me..  why not refund the money right now, since you are so well off? Why would you be banned for trying to get on here and sort it out? And why would you say that you have no obligation to refund the money, when you admit it was someone very close to you? Does this not sound like the tone of the young punk and his message on facebook? Is there an Ebrahim Sr, or has it just been a scam all along? If there are 6 people admitted as being scammed, are there really more? Has someone been standing too close to a nuclear radiology machine?  Did we really go to the moon? Will a hero solve the mystery, get the girl, and ride off into the sunset? Time may tell:)
  24. Like
    tweak reacted to Mattias Burling in Buying a used 5d3 for stills and ML raw – Shutter Count, firmware, and other questions   
    99.9% of the 5Dmkiii users have never even heard of Magic Lantern. We are talking about one of the most widely used still cameras in history. Prices will drop when the mk4 is released.
  25. Like
    tweak got a reaction from Ed_David in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    I'm not saying I'm right, I'm merely throwing some theories out for discussion (this is a forum after all)... I just find it ironic that people now think that this is Snr typing, I mean is this not just how everyone got scammed in the first place??? It's not like I'm condemning anyone, just trying to make sense of a strange situation. I'm also sure the truth will come to light in time.

    I haven't thrown out any info, I'm open to all scenarios. I have nothing against  Eb Snr nor do I really think he did it. I'm 100% open to all possibilities as well, just adding some food for thought and personal experience/views to the topic. As far as I can see the case is wide open.
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