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  1. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Inazuma in NAB 2016 = Boring   
    Could it be that finally, RED and BM are both busy with actually manufacturing their cameras? :D
  2. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Turboguard in Blackmagic View Assist 4K records 4K ProRes to SD card for just $895   
    Ugh, why not just put Ursa mini OS on it?! They would sell like crazy?! I wonder how much more it would cost them per unit to make that a reality, how much processing power does LUT support need?!
  3. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Nikkor in 360/VR at NAB 2016   
    Btw, Virtual reality has a lot of possibilities for narrative films. I don't know if or when it will be something common and not gimmicky, but it certainly opens a lot of new ways of telling things.
    There is the straight forward thing of putting people in the action, as if they were actually there. But soon filmmakers will notice all the things you can do to transmit mood meanings,etc through perspective,etc...
    For example, a tele shot in virtual reality will be something epic, because it is a very different way of seeing. You start moving away from conic proyection into a cilindrical proyection, giving you sort of a god like point of view. The typical vertigo compensated zoom on the otherhand, will be totally crazy. But no need to overdo things, lets take the compensated zoom, you can have a scene where someone walks into a place and experiences something stressful, lifechanging,etc... During this scene the center of perspective starts shifting, beginning to be opressive, like people experience in real life (for extreme cases check alice in wonderland sindrome).
    The only peoblem is that you could stress some people too much and make them puke
  4. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Cinegain in Other Thoughts from NAB 2016 - UPDATED!   
    I feel like the guys at Aputure noticed... 'geez, what are they charging for that sorta gear? I thought cameras were starting to allow more people an entry into filmmaking... guess it's up to us to make the rest of the gear follow'. Monitors... LEDs, accessories (like DEC schtuff). Not too shabby at not too shabby prices!
    (oh and how many times I notice myself saying 'aputure' when I meant 'aperture', speaking of branding that sticks)!
  5. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Orangenz in NAB 2016. Can Ang Lee’s cinematic reality of laser projected 3D 120fps make 24p film obsolete?   
    "Nothing better than getting together with friends in a dark room to touch each other at a deeper level" ~ Ange Lee

    :-o :-o 
  6. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from TheRenaissanceMan in Kinefinity 2016 Nian new product launches   
    Oh hey, so do I! Did that yesterday:

  7. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from marcuswolschon in Other Thoughts from NAB 2016 - UPDATED!   
    I'd LOVE to find some affordable dedolight clones!! 
  8. Like
    IronFilm reacted to DayRaven in Kinefinity 2016 Nian new product launches   
    MattH, no-one has any issues with your skepticism, in fact I think we all really rather agree that it is sensible to wait until we can see the results of the camera, and it's support network. DBounce however was not being skeptical. His gambit is that Kinefinity are conterfeiting prores, as evidenced by his link to a federal counterfeiting website, on the basis that they are a chinese company. "China doesn't need permission do they?" When everyone pointed out that his evidence was shaky, and the full picture indicates that they are in a convoluted process of getting the licence legally, (which has now been confirmed to be the case by Kinefinity) he went quiet. that was until he saw the rotated buttons, when this became evidence of their poor quality control. In my opinion that's just as bad as not being skeptical - either being a fan or a hater of an unreleased product are just as bad as each other.
    If I were to apply skeptical thinking to DBounce, I would suggest he has been prone to jump to conclusions, and make somewhat xenophobic statements, thus when he states an opinion about a chinese company, my skepticism tells me not to take his opinion at face value and triple check his evidence.
    We all know you don't get to see Apples, Nikons, Canons or Samsungs  pre-production models, they employ consultants and maybe even have departments dedicated  to hiding pre-production electronics whilst they are being tested at that level. Remember the preproduction iPhone that someone snapped being used on a train? It looked like crap and they got a roasting in the clickbait press for it. Try to find that picture now. They pursued every copy of that photo that was published with c&d letters, because they know it looked like crap. Is that really what we want kinefinity to be doing, because that little skeptical part of me tells me that if DBounce found out that Kinefinity was trying to hide their pre-production flaws, he would be presenting this as evidence that they couldn't be trusted.
  9. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Noah Yuan-Vogel in Kinefinity 2016 Nian new product launches   
    Hmm so many questions missing from that live show interview.  And they really need someone who understands and speaks English better.  Only thing I got from that interview was that the 5k sensor does use dual-gain amplifiers.  Sadly Rodney Charters didn't understand the difference between dual-gain pathways and dual-exposure HDR as is a common confusion and the Kinefinity guy didn't seem to fully understand the confusion.  My guess would be that the global shutter mode can only use one gain amplifier and is more greatly limited in DR by the ADC as most single-amp cameras are, but it should still be able to take advantage of the sensitivity of the sensor by applying more gain as long as hardware gain is adjustable.  Gonna have to put in a pre-order, at least the $150 payment is refundable and will give me me a $500 discount if I decide to stick with it.
  10. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Marco Bentz in Kinefinity 2016 Nian new product launches   
    Wow this went off topic.....  but in an entertaining way :-)
  11. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Zach Goodwin in Kinefinity 2016 Nian new product launches   
    Wow this went off topic.....  but in an entertaining way :-)
  12. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from WyattMaurer in Blackmagic View Assist 4K records 4K ProRes to SD card for just $895   
    Smart move to make nearly all of their announcements from BMD be available *NOW*!  
    In the interview the BMD guy said "not yet", but they hope so and they are working on it to try and make it happen (but it isn't certain).
  13. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Justin Bacle in My review of the JVC LS300   
    I am eager to see the full review
    As I have many lenses from super 16mm to full frame, it would be a great camera for it  (plus super 16mm zooms are quite fast and super cheap !)
    I guess B4 lenses would be an option too  (but the image circle is still a bit smaller than super16mm, would B4 lenses cover a sufficient amount of the LS300 properly ?)
    But I just bought an AF100 and 4k$ isn't an option right now :s I still have to rig my AF100 and buy an external monitor :s 
    BTW, I just began on working on review for the lenses I own (a bunch minolta primes and some M42 lenses)
  14. Like
    IronFilm reacted to The Chris in Craft Camera is coming!   
    Ambitious, but unless they already have a working beta prototype in final testing right now in order to sort all the image and software bugs, no way it ships this year. Instead of taking deposits to fund development they should have gone Kickstarter, but that would require footage, which means this is probably vaporware at this point.
    Getting all the hardware and software to properly integrate is no easy task. Blackmagic actually has experience producing cameras and hardware, and they still can't come close to meeting any date. As we've seen, many features are introduced well after release with FW updates.
    The Bolex guys miss their planned ship date by well over a year after their Kickstarter campaign ended IIRC. And the development process was already well underway at that point. The complexities of getting all the finishing touches right and sorting all the bugs really slowed them down. 
    I think one of the more established players beats them to market in the next year or so - effectively killing this before it's finished. 
  15. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from SR in Kinefinity hands on at NAB 2016   
    You do not need to use a battery on the back if you're using the handle with a battery in the handle, that is what they meant. 

    And yes, it has a DC IN on the side as well.
  16. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Jimmy in I'll be at NAB, what would you like me to check out?   
    Yup from the moment I saw that BMD had put that expansion port on their BMMCC I was expecting this kind of product to arrive! A perfect use for the expansion port on the side of the BMMCC
  17. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Jimmy in I'll be at NAB, what would you like me to check out?   
    The difference with this one is that they are all synced,.so act more like one camera....price and expected shipping  are the obvious questions... But really what I'd like to hear is what you think about the VR experience with this footage, assuming they have a way to test it out... Does it look sharp, is it using noticeable fish eye, how does the 3 cam rig look compared to the 7 cam?
  18. Like
    IronFilm reacted to AaronChicago in Blackmagic View Assist 4K records 4K ProRes to SD card for just $895   
    Here's what I think is happening. Blackmagic is definitely working on a new camera, but instead of announcing now and hoping to ship later this year, they'll announce at NAB 2017 and ship immediately.
  19. Like
    IronFilm reacted to MountneerMan in I'll be at NAB, what would you like me to check out?   
    If you could go by the Samsung booth and just say.... What the Fuck guys.... WHAT THE FUCK lol.
    Apparently they do have a booth so if you could go by there and take some pictures of the professional broadcast level fridge camera that would be great. Thanks
  20. Like
    IronFilm reacted to DBounce in Craft Camera is coming!   
    Ok, it looks cool. But those pictures look like renders. Has anyone seen a real camera? Also, 13 stops of dynamic range is not amazing when compared to the competition. Points for the global shutter... if it happens.  Will definitely keep an eye on them to see how things progress.
  21. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Nick Hughes in Sony FS5 firmware update version 2.0 - FS RAW costs $600 / 500 euros   
    It would be nice if there was some competition in the raw recorder field. I'd love to be able to use a 5" monitor/recorder for FSRAW (though I understand why it would be technically tricky to build such a product).
  22. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Marco Bentz in Kinefinity 2016 Nian new product launches   
    Really?? I can not see what is "crooked" there.
  23. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from kaylee in What is the truth about RED's and BLACK's cameras ?   
    I did sound for a feature which was shooting that day with 5D mk3 ML raw and 1D C 4K
  24. Like
    IronFilm reacted to HelsinkiZim in Craft Camera is coming!   
    For a laugh, i'll break down this email from a salesman's/ executive producer's point of view.
    - denotes all times of day and suggests something festive is entailed.
    Yes, we actually exist and have a voice.
    - you don't know who we are but you did at some point, but you have forgotten.

    We are incredibly grateful and humbled by all the support.
    - OK, even if you don't remember us, everyone else does. (Classic 'humblebrag').
    And because of that, we are only sharing the following email to you—our early adopter email list.
    - FYI, you are special and unique and part of a private club who got in first. Aren't you lucky?

    We have looked forward to sending this email for months. You should know that we will not publish this anywhere else. That means you are the first to know.
    - you owe us your attention because we have invested a lot of time on this product exclusively for your benefit, and you have such a unique opportunity here because we haven't told the world about it yet because you are our favorite person. When we tell everyone, we can't make any promises on your VIP status.
    I bet many of you have wondered, “What’s the deal with Craft?" There has been an outpouring of interest for Craft from all over the world and from all walks of life—from Hollywood, indies, corporate marketing departments, agencies, and amateurs. They have reached out by the thousands trying to figure out what we are working on.
    - (more humblebrag) My lord, have you been missing out!
    For over a year, we have been developing the Craft Camera—a new system that we believe will help users tell better stories.
    - we have developed a system to make you a creative genius, you are a craftsman and we are called Craft, geddit?
    On April 18th around 12pm EST, we will announce Craft Camera on craftcamera.com. This announcement will include initial information, a first glimpse of the Craft Camera, and we will start taking initial reservations.
    - Sshhh, listen, here are some hard facts. We are committing to a time and place for one time only. We will blow you away with a few seconds of footage and allow you to give us your credit card details, BUT only if you are on time and in the right place.
    Since Craft Camera is still in development, we won’t be releasing every single detail because we hope to get feedback from reservation holders before we publish final details.
    - in case you aren't impressed, don't worry, you haven't been given all the information and glimpses yet, be patient and get in line anyways. We will figure this spec stuff out eventually once we receive enough complaints to warrant changes.
    A reservation will require a $500 deposit, your name, email, and phone number. Reservations will only be available on craftcamea.com and will be 100% refundable. Your deposit will be deducted from the total price once you place an order at a later date.
    - (classic close) Absolutely no risk involved. But wait there's more...

    As a reservation holder, you will also receive a 10% discount off your final order along with some additional perks like first looks, priority reservations on future products and a few other surprises.
    - (classic time sensitive bonuses)
    Please note we are offering a limited number of reservations which is why we wanted you to know about this first. This means when we hit our limit we will stop taking reservations. No exceptions. The reservations are first come first serve and when the cameras ship, we will do so in the order that the reservation was placed. 
    - remember, this deal is exclusive to you and time sensitive. This is urgent!
    The Craft Camera comes in 2 models. There are 4K and HD models with a price range between $699 and $2899 depending on the configuration. Initial units will ship late 2016.
    - (actual information, vague, but actual information). Comforting because facts make you feel good, right? But not to many or you will commit from informed deliberation rather than impulse, which is not cool for us.
    I will leave you with this—we believe there is a huge need for Craft Camera. We believe it is a revolutionary product that will give production alums a great tool to do things they couldn’t do before while opening up storytelling through motion pictures to a whole new generation.
    - (rehash of making you a creative genius theme) You will have an advantage amongst your peers. You will be Spielberg, or maybe Jim Jarmusch... at the very least.
    With that said, we understand Craft Camera might not be for you and...we are fine with that! We will still treat you with respect and we hope the same from you.
    - seriously, no pressure.
    I am truly humbled by all the support, and I hope you become a part of the Craft family.
    - (humblebrag,) we have heritage and will be around forever.
    Keep telling beautiful stories.
    - we are on your side, you artist you *pinches cheek*. Monies? What's that?
    Scott Brag(g)
    - Mr. S. Humble...

    Founder of Craft Digital Systems Inc. "
    - the absolute boss and the ducks nuts.
    That was fun (for me). Having sold stuff from Kirby vacuum cleaners to tvc airtime, its a trip down memory lane. I wouldn't touch this kit with a ten foot pole. A bit too sleazy for me.
    If it's a young company then I would ditch the bullet-benefit-close-bonus approach and just talk about the things you are trying to solve for your target demographic. Visuals, ergonomics, mobility, compatibility... etc. (even if its just your intentions, with no hard specs to announce)
  25. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Mattias Burling in Predictions for NAB   
    Think your right. Panasonic has the potential but it doesnt feel like we are there yet.
    I guess BMD is the most likely but Im not counting out others like Bolex , Craft, etc. 
    BTW, many of us get serious G.A.S during NAB. This year I might have a cure. Instead of following the "Wait until NAB", Im unboxing my very own LS300 today
    EDIT: That reminds me, for the first NAB, JVC is under the loupe. Hopefully they release the 120p to be able to promote it as current. And who knows, maybe something new.
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