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Hans Punk

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Everything posted by Hans Punk

  1. Camera one, Camera two...Camera one, Camera two
  2. Bright Tangerine are very good...you do get what you pay for. My recommendation would be to keep an eye out for a second hand chrosziel matte box on ebay - occasionally there are bargains to be had. I grabbed one a couple of year ago for about 100ukp. It is a Chrosziel 411-01, which is a DV camera era clip-on Sunshade with 2x 4x4 filter trays (one rotating). Extremely lightweight and perfect match for most modern DSLR and mid-sized camera setups. Vocas made some pretty good mattebox/ sunshade clip-on models too, the older (and cheaper) models designed for the DV-cam era are also worth keeping an eye out for - since they were designed for broadcast use, they can take a knock or two.
  3. Yeah, the ringlight is easy to find or even make cheaper...but the reflective 8x8 foot backing material is where most of that $1900 goes on. It's a super reflective 3M scotchlite type fabric material that reflects about 95% of the light directly back to the source, so when the green or blue light from the ring light hits it - it gets re-directed back into the lens (on same axis) as a shadowless solid green or blue reflection of light, thus giving a clean key for post. you can buy scotchlite reflective fabric, but it always seems to be in smaller rolls, and not easy to patch together into a seamless background. you can also buy paint with similar properties, but needs to be thinned and sprayed properly on a flat surface. If you got some scotchlite tape and wrapped it around a pole and swung it around, you'd have a lightsaber effect when filming it with a ring light attached to your camera lens (basically same front-projection principle of how they shot the sabres in Star Wars: A New Hope)
  4. Being sceptical is an opinion, not an inherent intelligent/ informed position in its self. An intelligent/informed position would be garnered by information, experience or knowledge. Being sceptical is often healthy and logical, but should never be regarded as an informed opinion...it is simply an opinion without validation and should be open to challenge. If negative and related past experience is a factor in forming a sceptical opinion - that's different, but what we are talking about here is scepticism formed from 'glass half empty' opinions drawn from trivial assumptions. In the context of NAB it could be argued it 'intelligent' to be just as sceptical of everything new that is announced - until it physically ships. Many products from past NAB shows have never materialised in the real world - or with the identical specs as its demonstration model, it's very unfair to single out a single company and slam it's whole quality control standards are sub-par and that they are not bring their 'A-game' because a pre-production model of a camera has free-rotating button caps! (which incidentally has already been confirmed as only an issue that is with the pre-prod cameras). Not having a go at anyone here for having an opinion, I have plenty of them...they are equally valid and invalid as anyone else's.
  5. Being sceptical in the face of the unknown is often understandable but should not be considered as informed or even an intelligent opinion on anything. Until the facts are known, It is no less value than speculation. It is true that many tech giants would not dream to let a pre-release product hit the press without it in immaculate, production ready apperance, with every single aspect being identical to the final shipping model. But this company is not a giant and is still relatively 'unknown' to the masses even though they have been shipping working cameras for a few years to many happy customers. I think the issue that a few people may have is 'burnt finger syndrome' - where it's easy to identify a less familiar company (or even better a 'foreign' company) that reveals a promise that many would assume is too good to be true, and are looking at the first sign to pick things apart. It's understandable to a certain degree, but remember this company has a track record of delivering cameras within a couple of months (not several months) of them being announced. This time of year when NAB is buzzing is where everything is a bombardment of crap to process all at once, having any solid knowledge or informed opinion on anything until anything actually ships is like listening to a group of old women gossiping. Let the dust settle, keep a healthy open mind, make an informed opinion before thinking to put some serious dough down on ordering anything expensive.
  6. The buttons are really the 'pressing' issue.
  7. Misaligned button caps on what is probably one of two demo/ working prototype TERRA's at NAB is not exactly an accurate sign of quality control for a final production run. With the amount of people who will get their grubby hands on them during the show, I'm sure the buttons will correct themselves through finger touch friction which I'm sure will alleviate the very real concern we are all having at this time.
  8. Cool! Let me know what that Tiffen is like if you are grabbing one If you don't have a mattebox you could always use a cheap 4x4 holder to 82mm ring (or similar) like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/100mm-Square-Filter-Holder-82-82mm-Ring-Adapter-for-Lee-Hitech-Cokin-Z-PRO-Haida-/301914772006?hash=item464b85d226:g:DcUAAOSwFqJWrBiS If you wanted to use that setup as a split diopter, you may be able to set the Tiffen halfway out of the frame and rotate that filter holder by adding an empty circular polarizer filter (remove glass) - as I don't think those cheap 4x4 - ring adapters rotate. This way you should be able to set different angles to your diopter split effect. I was going to try one of those Tiffen +.8 closeups at some point (but with my Chrosziel mattebox) as I can rotate one tray and lock it half way out to see if it will give a workable split field effect.
  9. This Thai horror feature was shot a couple years ago on relatively early Magic Lantern build for 5DMkIII. I can't really see what anybody would want more from an camera to be honest. (when lit and treated as a 'proper' production camera)
  10. Would a 4x4 Tiffen close-up filter not work as a split diopter if positioned over half the lens? Maybe not strong enough? (can only find cheap +.8 online) http://www.ebay.com/itm/TIFFEN-4x4-FILTER-SQUARE-CLOSE-UP-DIOPTER-8-/381385016945
  11. Adobe Creative Cloud issues statement recommending Windows users uninstall Apple QuickTime http://www.newsshooter.com/2016/04/17/adobe-creative-cloud-issues-statement-recommend-windows-users-uninstall-apple-quicktime/
  12. Camera: Arri 416 48fps = half speed when conformed back to 24
  13. It's obviously not aimed at the feature/price point that most of the DSLR crowd would be comfortable with - it's more aimed at fs5/7/Ursa owners who have SDI and power output direct from their camera and understand the advantage of having a compact top quality EVF that can be swapped across cameras and rigged to perfectly custom suit the user (and bypass the often inferior EVF available for that specific camera). It will most probably will be a good solution for the numerous box - shaped camera bodies that will no doubt be announced at NAB soon, camera bodies that will just ship with sockets and mounting holes for people to have stripped for drones, or rigged out for shoulder use as they see fit. Since this EVF requires external power, an addition of a tiny HDMI to SDI converter box is negligible inconvenience to those determined to use HDMI out only cameras. Those who think this EVF is expensive are correct, but at the moment (pre NAB) Zacuto have the market lead, and have no obvious competition that match them for build and image quality...they could easily bump the price to $2.5k if they wanted and would still shift units. A good quality EVF such as this (or Gratical) will devalue less than most of the cameras it will be used on, the original 5 year old Z-finder EVF still retails for around £700 at CVP here in the UK.
  14. One thing that Zacuto does very well are EVF's. It's their one product line where the price point is always seems worth it, especially when it comes to the build quality and display panels they use. You'd still be hard pressed to notice the pixels on the first generation EVF they launched about 6 years ago, and that was only 800x 480!
  15. Nope, that's why I'd try it not sure what sensor size is on the Inspire's camera, (think the lens is 20mm?) so you'd have to work out what scope lens would cover on its native wide lens without vignette.
  16. That looks like it would work very nicely on the BM Ursa mini
  17. Interstellar and The Dark Knight Rises are two obvious modern examples....there have been many over the years where 'traditional' scope formats have been intercut with Imax material , or simply for use as a creative device in the narrative. To minimise Aspect 'jump' - many home video transfers slowly expand the black bars out to reveal a 'taller' (often center cropped) aspect. (for when film is conformed for 16:9 being fullest image area to showcase letterboxed and 'square' Imax or 4:3 archieval format material You'd probably be able to outfit that Inspire 1 with a small focus-through 1.5x or 1.33x anamorphic, and get some pretty good results...if I had a drone, it would be the first thing I'd do
  18. Don't think there will be a pocket sized version anytime soon.
  19. We will be seeing a few 4k cameras for $1000 or under being announced...making many people who just bought an A6300 feel a little uneasy. Craft camera is one of the intriguing cameras yet to come: http://comingsoon.craftcamera.com/?kid=90WTC Apart from that, NAB 2016 will be the year of 360 cameras,VR systems and HDR monitors...and the big players announcing 6-8k cameras that will have no firm release date. In a nutshell, this is the worst possible time to buy a new camera, as whatever you buy now will very become very 'old hat' on April 16th (I you care about such silly things).
  20. Sorry for typo...I meant s35, not s16. You could mount/adapt many s16 lenses to an EF mount, but due to flange focal distance you would not hit infinity (or even close). It would work for extreme macro work though
  21. Agreed....but now you can finally see an accurate image to pull focus with. Now it has ability to give accurate colour live view at full fps refresh (non hacked greyscale low fps)...and can now work in regular h264 mode too. I've already put in a request for a s35 crop mode, but I don't expect miracles...as it is probably harder to do than my brain thinks that it should be.
  22. Great news for 5d3 ML users...as of today there is a new firmware build with proper implimented 1:1 (3x) crop mode http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=17021.msg165201#msg165201 This is now a live view, real time friendly 1:1 sensor reading from x3 crop....equating to a super 16 windowing of the full frame. Great news for those who have adaptable s16 lenses or APSC only glass (or for me who now can conveniently shoot x2 anamorphic with a 35mm taking lens...on a full frame camera!)
  23. Vimeo seems to be run by disorganised hippies. I hope they listen to content creators who want viewing quality at a premium and work out a workable model to continue a platform that is not as cluttered and commercial as YouTube. But I fear since every man and his dog now wants to stream 4-8K and UHD content, the costs that are involved are forcing a considerable squeeze on Vimeo's revenue. I often encountered buffering issues in the past when streaming 1080p content on Vimeo (over average internet connection)...but I've simply paused and waited it to fill to resume. I don't think the YT crowd would accept that as much, and it seems that Vimeo see the future as a rival to them...rather than focus on their main appeal to creatives - a quality, uncluttered platform without obnoxious ads all over the place. Vimeo was like Betamax, a far superior viewing experience...but is losing out to VHS (YT) because it's cheaper/ better resourced/ better promoted by its owner (Google) and more recognisable to the dumb masses. Unfortunatly the quality squeeze that is apparent with Vimeo will only get worse, unless they radically rework their income methods or get bought out and made into a paid subscription service for one of the big boy streaming services. I used to send clients private Vimeo links, now I use frame.io - as it is a very slick method to communicate and share a workspace for creative projects. Highly recommend this to those who often send clients WIP's or viewing copies for sign off of feedback rounds: https://frame.io/
  24. 8k is the cost to replace each cartridge.
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