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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Already introduced at IFA so I don't count that as Photokina news ;) Although they'll show/present it again for sure.
  2. My bet: nothing spectacular on the 4K front. Samsung: Maybe the NX1 will have 4K, but probably it will be crippled or suck in some way. It's Samsung after all. Panasonic: Fixed lens 4/3 sensor LX100 is coming, probably with 4K like the FZ1000 (hopefully with more framerates, 24 fps at least). GM5 as GM1 successor, might have 4K but with lesser specs than GH4. Also maybe a nice GH4 firmware update. No GH5 for sure. Canon 7D Mark II / Nikon D750: no 4K for sure Olympus: E-M1 firmware update. No 4K for sure (or it's something like 4K internal timelapse) Sony: Just some new lenses. If the FS700 II is true then we'll probably see it at IBC. Fujifilm: doesn't care about video, X100T is coming Leica: More Limited Edition$ Hasselblad: Lunar Eclipse Super duper special edition Sony-rebranded camera Ricoh/Pentax: ? fullframe K-1 dslr finally? actually they could surprise in some way - 4k? very wild guess though. Could be nothing new at all. Most of the news will be out by the end of next week. I don't think the difference between the GH3 and GH4 at 1080p 50/60 is a big deal. There probably is a difference, but will you be able to tell in real life? (maybe rent/borrow one to try for yourself). You will notice the difference between 60 and 96 fps though. The quality at 96 fps might be lower, but I think it's more than decent for weddings and if everyone loves your 60 fps slomo, they'll love your 96 fps slomo more :)
  3. It seems so: Source: http://www.atomos.com/press-releases/
  4. How warm was it? Kinda looks like moving air because of the heat...
  5. Even the Panasonic 14mm isn't really wide in 4K mode on the GH4 because of the extra crop. It'll be ~33.6mm fullframe equivalent. 17mm will be ~41mm, almost a 'standard' focal length. The Oly 17mm 2.8 definitely is NOT razor sharp either. Center is fine but corners are soft. If you have the speed booster I'd go with some lens for that. If you want really wide and cheap you could look for a Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 with Nikkor mount. The 18-50mm 2.8 is a nice lens too. I don't have experience with it on a speed booster though.
  6. The new camera still is crap above iso 400. That's not the point of the camera though. Compare it with old CCD medium format cameras. They are bad at high iso's too.
  7. Most old zooms rotate when focussing... The 50-90mm looks like it does so too.
  8. Since raw captures all the raw sensor data, it's impossible to capture more info with any other codec. If that was the case, raw wouldn't make sense.
  9. Well, if you actually look at the test - the results are also really down to the profiles used. It's not a 'raw image data' test like DxO does (although that isn't useful for video anyway) Sony A7S with Slog is more flat than GH4 Cine-Like, so not surprising the A7S scores better. I think the GH4 could do a bit better with a similar log profile, or a tweaked cine-like profile maybe. Anyway, I'm not debating that the A7S is better for DR, that's to be expected. Nice score.
  10. My first camera was a GF3. As a main camera not having full exposure lock isn't good of course, but if you know how to work with it it's really not that bad. I even did anamorphic stuff with it.
  11. GF3 might not have a full manual mode, but in controlled light it's easy to get exposure under control. It does 1080p and it really isn't that bad. Better than Canon dslr crap for sure. If you can get a GX1 for that money go for it. It sure has a M mode - not sure if it's full manual in video. Anyway, does this all really matter for gear vids? You could probably even use your smartphone. Just put a bright light source on it and any modern phone will do fine.
  12. Panasonic GF3, since you already have micro four thirds. You should be able to find a body for under 100 gbp.
  13. By the way: the '15.3 stops firmware', is the lauch firmware: V1.0, which comes with all final production camera's. DXO usually tests production camera's, if not, they note it is a pre production model. In case of the A7S they don't, so I'd assume they tested with firmware V1.0. Also interesting is the fact that Sony actually gives a real number for dynamic range. Camera companies never do that. Ever seen Canon, Nikon, Pentax or whatever advertise with the amount of stops of DR a camera has? I haven't. It's just the cinema camera companies that do this (RED, ARRI, BMD).
  14. Yeah, I'm thinking the same. But that's just lying. I know marketing often is ;) but still, I think it's stupid. We'll see what happens.
  15. Nice! Completely weird though to have a summer discount for _half the price_ and hike it up back to 995 after the summer. Stock clearance, to release a new model (full price) in september would make sense. But who the hell is going to buy this for the full price in september?
  16. It's not the first time I see a weird graph like that on TechRadar. I never valued their tests much personally... For example: Look at the Nikon D700 graph. So you should shoot at ISO 3200 instead of 1600? the signal to noise ratio is suddenly as good as at ISO 100? - Everybody who has ever used this camera knows this isn't true. The EOS 60D has a just under 10 stops of dynamic range from ISO 100 to 3200? Not true. I don't believe a firmware upgrade can give a sensor suddenly two stops of extra dynamic range. The RAW image data (like DXO tests) is really up to the hardware Maybe with S-Log you can squeeze out more dynamic range cause of image processing, but DXO tests will never show these kind of results because they test raw sensor data. DXO never tested a X-Trans sensor either. Understandable since those camera's work different - you can even see this in Adobe Camera Raw or Lightroom. So it probably doesn't work with their test methods. Same goes for Sigma Foveon chips. Never seen DXO-like tests of those. Just the conventional bayer sensor cameras.
  17. DxO is completely irrelevant for video shooters. Unless you are shooting Magic Lantern Raw. Yes, it might give a suggestion of the capabilities, but it all depends on the internal processing of the raw data, so it can get either worse or better than the DxO results. Also, I'd take the Techradar results with a grain of salt. I often see results in their graphs that are completely different from other lab tests. Like this one. Look at GH4 dynamic range in raw, I wish it was that good! No way it has between 13-11 stops over the whole iso 100 - 25.600 range. DxO looks much more reliably to me if you look at the DR measurements: http://www.dxomark.com/Cameras/Panasonic/Lumix-DMC-GH4---Measurements
  18. Would this benefit the GH4 too when recording to a 1080p recorder?
  19. I wouldn't invest anything on a clamp solution for this huge beast. Waste of money imo, there are plenty of cheap smaller alternatives like the Sankor 16-C or similar that don't need a huge cumbersome set-up. The aspect ratio of the first video is way off, should be de-squeezed about 33% less to get the normal proportions back.
  20. Great footage. I love how you have thrown in a bunch of shaky shots and made such a great edit out of it. It really works, great style. Also surprised how good the Pocket is regarding to rolling shutter. Doesn't bother me at all.
  21. It has internal 4K recording... Anyway, I don't think anyone in their right mind would doubt between the 1D C and the A7S. When announced the 1D C was already a bit silly, now it's ridiculous.... compared to the competition. How is the rolling shutter on the A7S? /edit: oh wait, you don't have the A7S yet. That picture fooled me... haha, nice hiding.
  22. iPhone with blur filter? The Depth of Field is enormous. From the front to the back of the hallway everything is in focus... the blur on the sides looks artificial, ugly imo. Could be a tilt lens, but looks more like a fake blur instead of bokeh - correct me if I'm wrong though.
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