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    Emanuel reacted to Ilkka Nissila in [manifesto] I simply HATE modern cameras...   
    If you rent equipment, or if you sometimes use the employer's equipment that is also used by others, I would imagine it can be a frequent problem. Certainly going from Nikon (my own equipment) to Olympus, Panasonic or Fuji can take some time to get everything set up properly and this is (kind of) an unnecessary complexity. The more rarely you use a particular type of gear, the more difficult it can be to remember the thinking behind each make and model. The manufacturers try to make switching difficult and staying within-brand easy (as a part of vendor lock-in) and so the nomenclature and menus evolve in different directions in each brand compared to others. Which brand of camera is used for a task may not be in the operator's control.
  2. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Mr. Freeze in [manifesto] I simply HATE modern cameras...   
    Even the Menu structure of the OG BMCC was great.
    But yeah, I agree. Cameras that are marketed as cine cameras or cine cameras for the ambitioned con-/pro-sumer should offer some sort of video-menu-mode with a reduced structure and only relevant settings. As much as I like the VLOG-Files from my S1, the Menu is bloated when it´s being used primarily as a video-camera. 
  3. Like
    Emanuel reacted to gt3rs in Canon New Product Launch - 17th July 2024   
    Sure, it should arrive tomorrow, sold my R5 last week.
  4. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Juank in iPhone 15 Camera Update - Released   
    Not affiliated at all for sure but found this one a no-brainer, as usual BTW coming from that usual suspect, kudos to him actually:
  5. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from zerocool22 in [manifesto] I simply HATE modern cameras...   
    Who here too?
    These manufacturers we're used to praise here other than - maybe - a few if any?
    (for some reason Blackmagic cameras are a graceful exception with their intuitive user interface)
    ...are killing the pleasure of photography.
    This is a science and art born a way before these idiots have been born.
    We only need three commands to control aperture, shutter speed and sensitivity.
    Eventually a SINGLE menu for electronic/feature/recording modes when applicable such as AF, stabilization, etc., and that's it! Full stop.
    Other than that, go to hell with your bloody menus!
    End of story.
    Users need time for the craft in order to develop creative skills and create stuff, not handling electronics strictly proper of a moron or a geek in the photography world.
    Pick one but don't call yourself a shooter.
  6. Like
    Emanuel reacted to zlfan in [manifesto] I simply HATE modern cameras...   
    sony, I hear you. hidden menu, sometimes three layers, yes, you. f5. 
  7. Thanks
    Emanuel reacted to kye in Blackmagic Micro Cinema Super Guide and Why It Still Matters   
    OG BMMCC + 12-35mm F2.8 lens + IR/UV filter + vND + monitor + wrist-strap and that's it. 🙂 
  8. Haha
    Emanuel reacted to ntblowz in [manifesto] I simply HATE modern cameras...   
    Says the guy who research a lot of cameras 😆 
    I am definitely keen to try filming in super 8 though, should be simple compare to modern camera? Just the film is expensive to buy and develop and only 3 min for each roll.
  9. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from zlfan in [manifesto] I simply HATE modern cameras...   
    Who here too?
    These manufacturers we're used to praise here other than - maybe - a few if any?
    (for some reason Blackmagic cameras are a graceful exception with their intuitive user interface)
    ...are killing the pleasure of photography.
    This is a science and art born a way before these idiots have been born.
    We only need three commands to control aperture, shutter speed and sensitivity.
    Eventually a SINGLE menu for electronic/feature/recording modes when applicable such as AF, stabilization, etc., and that's it! Full stop.
    Other than that, go to hell with your bloody menus!
    End of story.
    Users need time for the craft in order to develop creative skills and create stuff, not handling electronics strictly proper of a moron or a geek in the photography world.
    Pick one but don't call yourself a shooter.
  10. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Clark Nikolai in Blackmagic Micro Cinema Super Guide and Why It Still Matters   
    Very nice. I like the framing of some of these. It's great you brought it along. Good to have in your pocket.
    It's too bad that BM doesn't just make it again. Doesn't need to even be 4K, just needs to be good and small.
  11. Like
    Emanuel reacted to PannySVHS in Blackmagic Micro Cinema Super Guide and Why It Still Matters   
    Colors and textures smoke the S line cameras imho under ambient and natural light. Great stills! @kye So cool and really worth it that you brought your little cinema camera with you! I bet you are having tons of fun with your footage. I still got 4 hours of Bmpcc clips from this summer to go through. It's an honest low light camera, giving you what the eye can see btw.
  12. Like
    Emanuel reacted to PannySVHS in Blackmagic Micro Cinema Super Guide and Why It Still Matters   
    Will be using mine tomorrow, not my p2k but the micro again. It has been a year or so since the last time. I'm charging batteries and cleaning lenses right now, a bit late to the party, silly me.😊
    Exited to see more from you and to read about your adventures! @kye What lens did you use at the tea museum, the 12-35? I am wondering if @mercer has rebought a m2k again. Does @TomTheDPplay around with one or is the Alexa his only dual gain baby?
    What I absolutely love about the og pocket and the micro are textures, motion and highlight rolloff. Just sayin.😊
  13. Thanks
    Emanuel reacted to kye in Blackmagic Micro Cinema Super Guide and Why It Still Matters   
    Shot with the BMMCC in Myeongdong for 2.5 hours in the (light) rain today.  It's a trooper.  Images barely graded as usual.

    and a POV pic of the setup.

    I might have gone a touch dark on the grade, but these were just taken from checking dailies to catch any tech or usage issues.  
    I think I'm getting the hang of this.
  14. Thanks
    Emanuel reacted to Sven in Blackmagic Micro Cinema Super Guide and Why It Still Matters   
    I tested a "1/8 Tiffen Black Promist" but still didnt remove the moire. And even though only 1/8 it gives a certain look that I didnt want baked in, rather add blooming in post if I want that.
    I saw a video on Youtube where someone used a olpf from a Canon 300D, I tried it on both OG Pocket and BMMCC and works great without any colorcast and almost remove any type of moire from what I've seen so far. But the image gets softer, most noticable on wider shots, but can be sharpened in post.
    Here's a breakdown of installing the filter (one filter can be cut in half and then perfectly fits pocket/micro):
    (the material used for the "frame" around the filter is adhesive Black-wrap (aluminium tape)
    Altcine did olpfs that was cheaper than Rawlite, but I think he said they wont be making another batch:
  15. Like
    Emanuel reacted to kye in Blackmagic Micro Cinema Super Guide and Why It Still Matters   
    Gangnam.  It's all glitz and glam and occasionally quite disorganised telephone pole wiring, but it's no backstreets of Yongsan, which I'd take any day of the week over this.

  16. Like
    Emanuel reacted to kye in Blackmagic Micro Cinema Super Guide and Why It Still Matters   
    Hmm, ok.  It hasn't happened that many times and seems to be fixed with a restart, so I guess I'll just carry on.  The whole thing of shooting slowly because it's fully manual seems to align with the idea that you miss things happening, so if a shot here or there requires a bit of fiddling then it's not a big deal really.
    Speaking of carrying on, went for a walk in the backstreets of Yongsan last night.  I had to cheat another stop by going to 360 shutter as some places were seriously dark, but in post I was able to raise up images by a stop, and if I put a bit of NR then I could go even further without issue.  Of course, this requires grading the images properly - where blacks are actually black!
    I'm actually surprised how good the low-light is.  This is only at F2.8 with a zoom and IS, and yet it's basically usable to replicate what you can see in real life, despite being S16 and almost a decade old.
    Images even less graded than previously:

    One thing I've noticed is that with the 12-35mm not being that long a zoom, and with my monitor set to show a 2.35:1 crop, I tend to compose with people smaller in the frame than with other cameras I've used.  I don't know how well this is translating, as in theory this should make the 'world' larger by showing people smaller in comparison, but as I only have my laptop and not my normal monitor I'm not used to judging.
  17. Like
    Emanuel reacted to kye in Blackmagic Micro Cinema Super Guide and Why It Still Matters   
    Went to tea cafe / tea museum.  Very formal in a handmade sort of traditional way.
    Barely graded stills:

  18. Like
    Emanuel reacted to kye in Blackmagic Micro Cinema Super Guide and Why It Still Matters   
    A few frames from yesterday..  Almost no grading done.

  19. Thanks
    Emanuel reacted to kye in Blackmagic Micro Cinema Super Guide and Why It Still Matters   

    Choosing stills is different than choosing shots for an edit because the movement really makes things completely different, so I've ended up with much cleaner and more minimal stills.
    In reality, every street and alleyway in every direction looked like this virtually as far as the eye could see:

  20. Thanks
    Emanuel reacted to Clark Nikolai in Does Gyroflow beat stabilization in-camera (when available)?   
    So, just found out about a software plug in called Real Smart Motion Blur. It analyzes the footage then applies motion blur to things that are moving. I haven't tried it (yet) but the previews look pretty good.
    This might let me use a fast shutter speed but still have it look like I was shooting at 180º.
  21. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from gt3rs in Does Gyroflow beat stabilization in-camera (when available)?   
    Really? What about that then? Let's spill your beans... what stops you to add anything value to the topic instead, mmm?! ; )
    I simply hate when lazy people who have just added zero to any discussion come to simply criticize whoever (it's meaningless to be me BTW, trust me, but that gives me more right to address to the critical voice these words now) with none grounds to their claim. Pity you were not my student at University or Polytechnic or you'd have to repeat the academic year...
    Now you know what I have to say to you for the subject matter, I invite you to drop your trousers and let us know what polls you are capable to offer!
    Phew : X
  22. Like
    Emanuel reacted to FHDcrew in Does Gyroflow beat stabilization in-camera (when available)?   
    I need to actually film an example that I post online, but gyroflow is quite impressive at least if you film wide. Easy to get a steadicam look or a gimbal look, if you are going for more of a steadicam/stable handheld look you don’t have to crop in much. Only annoyance is with my Nikon Z6 there is no internal gyro recording so I have to use an external device (my phone).  Cameras like the Sony fx30 look so tempting because they record internal gyro; seems like such an easy workflow. 
  23. Thanks
    Emanuel reacted to zlfan in Does Gyroflow beat stabilization in-camera (when available)?   
    thanks a lot for the info. will research on this. 
    I have some manual focus lenses over 100 mm, especially from medium format. so it will be great to have good use for them. now I only use them for taking photos. it will be great for video shooting. some lenses are very interesting, like bronica 110-220 vivita series 1 70-210 etc. will research and try this gyro stabilization approach. 
  24. Thanks
    Emanuel reacted to eatstoomuchjam in Does Gyroflow beat stabilization in-camera (when available)?   
    The poll needs an option for "seems to work well, but it is annoying to have the extra processing step" and "I hope they'll just add it to Resolve (if they didn't already and I missed it)"
  25. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Clark Nikolai in Does Gyroflow beat stabilization in-camera (when available)?   
    I've heard of it before but never tried it. Now that I'm putting together a shoulder rig, I should experiment with it. Even if I only use it a bit now and then it might help. I do want to maintain the shoulder held look and don't want the gimbal look.
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