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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. I also thought that in the early beginning but thinking twice, I now guess they simply didn't want to cannibalize the older sister and native GH5. Sad but that's my finest bet. They would certainly find a way of it and I still bet they will adopt it for the upcoming GH6S.
  2. As early adopter, David, not anymore nowadays. How could I? A decade later anno Domini (AD), I mean, when we celebrate 10 years of 5DII ; ) with a 2009 unit purchase I still keep with me... That's exactly the whole point addressed to that young fellow... GH5/GH5S is/are the best valuable cinema camera offer available today for 4500 bucks and you still get two bodies ; )) being one of them a fully hybrid acquisition device ;-) AFAIK those serial numbers are with RED now, so they were not allocated with a different user. RED, Canon were my choices when in 2010 I bought 2x GH1. When not only as very personal recommendation of my own, I've actually produced features, documentaries and shorts, etc shot on RED, ARRI, Blackmagics, Canons Cxxx line and some other DSLRs but since then, I never looked back as my most inner option :-)
  3. Didn't check the official footage, but that one apparently comes from some user, so it should be reliable enough, no? :-)
  4. It's a steal as matter of fact. Just wondering where and why they charge a premium (5x VLog add-on) for a bit less when they've subtracted IBIS from their original GH5 package. When we'll probably see it in a couple of years with the upcoming GH6s.
  5. haha well put, pal, I told you, your hilarious entries have gotten me! :-) Done with my quota of likes for today, here's my public/personal thanks for so interesting info added here, Jon :-) That's quite of a camera this beast Panasonic has invented for more than half a grand they should charge for, I say. Tell me about another manufacturer offering Dual Native ISO under 5 digits and a 2nd camera model for a fraction (a quarter BTW) of it, Glenn! @mercer That NY noiseless footage has sold me enough for my pre-order or whatever they call it. So long 500 bucks! :-D
  6. hehe ;-) Don, great find! (y) Chance to add my vote for Andrew starting to adopt the real names policy à la reduser forum. And increase the daily quota for more than a dozen of likes restriction BTW (I've just spent my last one with Don, sorry Glenn! :-)
  7. No, buddy, because I use my 1st real name too, other than referring you by your family name instead and know your posts for a considerable time now : ) No hard feelings mate, I'm used to read you for awhile and address you as well some other usual suspects <3 here : )) Well, what am I mentioning here? Nothing you hadn't noticed it before, isn't it my dear fellow of these boards? :-)
  8. hehe you and your Canons... :D I agree with your 1st paragraph ; ) be careful with copyrights but once it is also your opinion you should be fine :-) oh God, each post from yours, a pearl by its own... : ) I rest my case! :-) Save your energy to handhold your 8-year used RED ONE MX instead :-D - RED ONEs #111 & #647
  9. @mercer Glenn again, your answers are always funny and invariably pretty paradoxical... Take a look: "Lowlight is a marketing buzz word. I can get clean 1600 ISO on an f/2 lens with my 5D3 and acceptable 3200 with a 1.4... nothing a little Neat Video won’t clean up" Very well. So, see your part II now: "Sorry, it should have read... ...the GH5s is as good in lowlight as FF, especially the a7s." Right. I forgot the 1st part of your own: "And yeah, Speedboosters are cool but honestly, I am sooo tired of adapters. I have two boxes full of adapters in my closet" So? There's no free soup without camera accessories, my friend, for any shooter, no matter what you're interested or not ;-)
  10. Don't sweat it! There will always be naysayers... ; ) Finding anything to try proving your grass is less greener. @mercer Glenn, time to book your GH5 series driving test! Lucky boy, they only released two versions! ;-)
  11. Fanboyism is almost a miracle without grace ; ) Go Canon go! They say Panasonic "brings massive low light improvement" on dual native ISO. Before, the excuse were the skintones or the typical sensor size specs of a smaller format as 4/3". Now in times of SB and accurate VLog and other tricks, what else? ;-)
  12. They are very distinct cameras to my eyes. Very true though. GH5 is easier to mimic the sister under certain circumstances. Nonetheless... go figure for street cinematography or landscape by night... ...here's the other side instead:
  13. Here's something interesting on topic: https://prolost.com/blog/2008/3/2/exposing-to-the-left-vs-exposing-to-the-right.html https://digital-photography-school.com/exposing-to-the-right/ And from the forum: https://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/25790-what-about-underexpose-a-tad-bit/ So that one about the Sony sensor was plain BS... LOL Intriguing r(h)umor! Thanks David for that link! :-)
  14. Your in your own. Will a7S Mk III have an internal 10-bit 4:2:2 400Mbps codec? Does a7S have it? What about 4K60p?
  15. No need. Reason why GH5s is actually the utmost 4K camera for its price. Like MGM's lion... bigger than life ;-)
  16. Indeed. Same scope here. But beyond the eye means the whole idea behind the (concept of) art (itself), isn't it? People here seem love natural and all that stuff. There isn't such thing as undeniable truth when we talk about arts, correct? ;-) Nature is not all that beauty. And if it is, there's no such beauty like nature of art when reaches that pattern.
  17. I believe the GH5s lower resolution will grant less sharpness on it. GH5s is a better acquisition device. Just not so hybrid. And period :-)
  18. Your camera examples have no IBIS nor high ISOs performance for low budget production, right Simon?
  19. Cinema is by nature unnatural, truly fake :-)
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