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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. No, not at all! : ) You're just right about so much else though : )) But, imagery is not real, it is always fake! A proposal of another reality not alike to alternate or then you'll locate yourself outside, you have no need to stay there ; ) Reality is the bitch you are really done with!
  2. Yes @Matthew Hartman, again, the proof is in the pudding... Some comments read here are funny... Sorry guys, but when one praises the NX1 because there's an obvious earnest link connected with but not yet with the new toy *cough cough* C'mon people, take a look on the magenta color of your sensor character first, before starting to criticize the greens of Fuji, because they are really green rather those from early times of RED, before jumping to yellowish especially by night : D or Panny (without mention the reddish Canon or the greys à la Sony ;-) To me, this camera is a mini-Alexa, yeah you read it right: brings the 'green world' of FujiFilm (Kodak was gold, remember?... for some reason, horror movies were better shot with Fuji colors and melodrama with Eastman) to become ours (even privately!) with IBIS in a small form factor instead ;-) Still on RAW mantra... I recall Miguel De Olaso aka Macgregor when he was used to the heretic quote there's nothing new to see there except to let lazy DoP work for post LOL
  3. There's no other like FujiFilm color science. No matter what. Reduser fella output: http://www.reduser.net/forum/showthread.php?165603-Fujifilm-X-H1-announced-the-first-video-focused-stills-camera-from-Fujifilm&p=1785905&viewfull=1#post1785905 Sorry guys, but didn't resist either... ; )
  4. There are workarounds if not too much oversharpened at the root though. People tend to overstate the issue instead. With the high-end, people would call it sharpness or not Canon-like softness at that 1080p time, 720p output in disguise of full HD... :-D Yeah, people are funny. Never done, never enough ;-)
  5. The point is people have a bit trouble to get that the proof is in the pudding ; ) A camera starts to show its potentiality in the sensor's color character. All manufacturers have a color signature by their own. As Inazuma wisely pointed out, FujiFilm is above the line. Color blindness won't be able to see it, that's for sure :-)
  6. No monochromatic simulation mode can save the absence of rich tones of grey. Stands only B or W then, not even B&W... ; ) The surprise to me is the understatement as signature here. Any doubts on the superior Fuji color science? How daltonics see the world is my humble suggestion for a new perspective on the whole forest than only the brown of the leaves of the tree (out of autumn season :-D)
  7. The most funny is that all in a sudden, ergonomics & the usual stuff to endlessly discuss somehow related, but not really so useful as apparently the wishes of a few would like to pretend to be, it is much more important than IQ... What the hell... I thought people are here because of the pictures. We may all be geeks but not at 1st rate, I thought. I see I've been really wrong after all :-D Filmmakers usually live immersed in shortcomings to look for workarounds and learn to take them as part of their craft. Like warriors on their scars.
  8. @Matthew Hartman Take a look on the Portuguese clip and you'll find a video camera in disguise of a stills film camera as well... ; ) Strictly as video camera, the X-H1 outcome reminds me the JVC HD100 series film look (known by that in just 3 minutes, that is, straight out the box) much more than a decade ago... Or the Silicon Imaging camera from Ari Presler and Jason Rodriguez with the help of the codec master and R3D competitor, David Newman by Cineform (later, part of GoPro), the same camera also used in the Academy Winner Slumdog Millionaire ten years ago...
  9. You are right though : ) A shame no other competitor is able to produce something as much closer to film than these guys from FUJIFILM. I guess the fact they have no high-end other than medium format speaks ages on it other than probably Panasonic. Any other manufacturer it is useless to let different hopes for.
  10. I don't see anything more beautiful than the colors produced by this camera (I don't give a shit if they are 8-bit even though 4:2.2 is available through HDMI) but I told you already: They should really hire you! Cheers, as both Panasonic (GH5, G7, etc) and Fuji (X-H1 for pre-order) customer, E :-)
  11. https://www.fujirumors.com/kipon-announces-3-canon-ef-fujifilm-fx-gfx-autofocus-adapters/ As well, any EF lenses to cover full frame, even those made for crop format but to cover the larger size in the higher end of the range (v.g. Tokina and Sigma wide zooms) if/when coupled to a focal reducer. So, smart adapters will apply too.
  12. More than a prediction, it is reality already and officially announced: http://news.panasonic.com/global/press/data/2018/02/en180214-2/en180214-2.html
  13. "Why do people always want to defend cameras until death?" Indeed! But that one you should ask to Sony fanboys instead :-D You see me to praise the Lord of cameras, not to denigrate with their eventual shortcomings. As far as myself, I am not here defending an investment I didn't comply... yet ; ) Battery performance means nothing, close to the best IQ Fujifilm cameras produce...
  14. So, no excuse if that fits all the kind of buyers... LOL ;-)
  15. If you only count with a single battery, you're not a professional neither an amateur but probably just a camera collector. No user will save in any way other than as a few spare batteries inside the photo bag. Could be a video bag, no matter the size of the bag :-)
  16. The grip comes cheaper with the kit. A bit more than €200 excl.VAT.
  17. Sure, there is. Neither she is the same blonde for every scene or single shot as we could tend to think ; ) People tend to expect nowadays auto-anything-everything, AE, AF and so on... Minimal work and that's it :X
  18. C'mon, now when the warm-up is almost done...?! LOL ;-)
  19. Nothing related to the camera, I bet. As you inferred by your own post Dave @DaveAltizer, it is the color processing of that film simulation mode, that's some sort of LUT anyhow and anyway, not much. Who said there's no need for good CC anymore? :-D
  20. Have you seen that Portuguese clip? I find the highlight rolloff of this camera (and eventually from other Fujis) particularly above the hybrids average! Much better than Panny to my eyes (E :-) PS: Kudos to Mattias (among others); the young fellow has been on spot ;-)
  21. Pardon me, Chris and Jon, but it is too little to be disappointed. As Jon wisely pointed out earlier above: Cinematographers or DoPs use light meters! :-)
  22. They should all also listen our Jon! I must be much clear on it... If I'd be any manufacturer, I would hire our good fellow Jon. He is one of the best critics of cameras I've ever read : ) And this doesn't mean I don't notice when for some reason there's something he isn't aware about (like it happened with his recent one on the OLED he had just bought vs some detail he let away from his own attention in the UHD projector's thread when compared with another one of similar resolution instead anyway :-D) BTW speaking of the usual devils over here, where have you been today, Don? @webrunner5
  23. Fair point, yours, Jon @jonpais (for some valuable points yet on Panny side...) Here goes anyways, without mention such beautiful monochromatic: DPReview input from different glass options and IBIS samples: And yet from my native country where the European press event (with FUJIFILM to follow DJI choosing Lisbon once again) has taken place for that unique color rendering of the remarkable Portuguese 'Azulejo' (who knows the Portuguese painted tin-glazed ceramic tilework knows what I'm talking about*): * https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azulejo Can anyone guess how would end those blues if as for instance shot with any Sony mirrorless camera...?
  24. No valid though... : ) Spill the beans! ;-) Meanwhile:
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