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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. The only thing I actually find on Sony's mirrorless colors is good gray and brown tones... :-D Full color SOOC is the Fuji signature indeed. The latest generation also brings higher bit rate. Without fresh eggs ; ) we can't even have healthy omelettes (E :-)
  2. Funny doubts/perspectives pretty different still stand... Reds and blues would be in trouble if everyone would love to see the world of yellow : ) I don't even mention the green pattern now once rather than greenish I should replace the thing for yello-wish today : D To each his own. Tastes like scents and suchlike, among them sights on your type of woman, are indisputable :-)
  3. You said it all, for certain stuff no really need to check it out :-) (Andrew should extend the 10 likes limitation or we end to inflate the post count...)
  4. One month away of NAB, spill the beans here! What's your input? My shot: 1. GH5 2. GH5S 3. X-H1 This is not a new poll, only a sorta forum confessionary... LOL Disclose your mistresses, buddies! :-)
  5. No idea but YT is full of videos on the new hack. GH5/GH5S AF drama is finally over, I hope :-)
  6. Out of likes today : ) Good one! LOL :-)
  7. Where's Fuji in that shootout...? LOL :-)
  8. Luckily he doesn't realize that in a Fuji thread... LOL :-)
  9. Small form factor is much more of a problem than pricing range which can be adjusted any time... ;-)
  10. Nice find, dear anonim : D fellow. Have you been knowing Dennis' work? What about his posting? Maybe he can be wrong on that one. We both already had the chance to trade thoughts he could swap places in the end. Anyways, I'd trust on his eye on color stuff as well much more than any other party, I bet. Let's see what he has to say on your input. Jon's position too, I guess, isn't it?
  11. @deezid you should post more often Dennis, to my sensibility, you are the best eyes over us : ) this forum needs more insights from your keyboard :-)
  12. RS still stands to be seen... Just sayin'
  13. I think we should always try to see the positive side of everything without leaving outside the shortcomings. People should know how to deal with less positive stuff coming from. For some reason there are workarounds to live with. I guess it is because of that I tend to accept the GH5 series AF performance in the same way I don't give ergonomics the importance others like you feel. Something I can't handle though is to see people I've learned to admire or not even necessarily them to be attacked without mercy. As much as personal attacks in a forum, where people come civil to enjoy some common interests like ours to share. Only can ask for tolerance zero. Yet on flaming wars to keep going without coming back, especially when involves to let some other third party down. I believe we must always respect the adversary counterpart. People invariably have something to offer us. I wouldn't mind to end in a limbo if my integrity stands. Attitude is paramount. Much more important than camera ergonomics : D or any other camera feature others see as they can't live without it. Well, I must confess some releases have actually nothing to offer me too. But, I will survive : ) Last but not least, we can always learn with our mates anywhere even when we don't share the same opinion. I've really appreciated your entries on topic as usual BTW. And still find them rather interesting. Even though, IQ is what leads my interest about cameras including this device particularly. We are in a Fuji thread, what else we would find here after all? :-) PS: In some other page over these same boards Glenn had mentioned or inferred IIRC your Fuji clips are beyond the GH5 ones. Despite my Fuji love, I can't concur. Same pilot who leads the grace when competent as happens in your case, not the tool. Kudos in the right place.
  14. Here's the setting route (from the description of the video above-posted as source for this simple transcription): Steps to Enable better AF on GH5/GH5s a. Enable camera to use Shutter Angle instead of Shutter Speed Menu - Creative Video - SS/Gain Operation (7th) - Angle/ISO b. Enable Synchro Scan Menu - Creative Video - Synchro Scan (5th) - ON c. Enable Continuous AF Menu - Motion Picture - Continuous AF (5th) - ON d. Set the Shutter angle using the back dial of the camera to 179
  15. Horses for courses. You can give more importance to some aspects to discuss than others. This doesn't mean you're going to directly address adjectives to camera features as easily as people like to publicly diminish their other fellow members especially when they don't share our opinion. For wisdom's sake! Only impoverishes the sender, let alone the content... Without mention when the subject is subjective. No whatever specs we praise will please everyone. To each his own. To try the opposite can end stuck in a limbo.
  16. We hope so. But then some other manufacturer will feel the need to put a competitive price to compete with the a7SIII if so ;-) I guess Sony will push the price much higher for.
  17. If Sony fails to deliver 4K/60p + 10-bit 4:2:2 at this camera level, this tool will be THE video camera for longer than people might think :-) Without mention the 240fps based on 1080p no other device in the range may offer nowadays, I guess.
  18. 4K/60p and internal 10-bit 4:2:2 for less than fast frame rates in such small form factor will be quite of a jump but feasible? No other chance to compete with the other contender, isn't it? ;-)
  19. "The Basic Model." they say. Funny to say the least :-)
  20. Word. I think it is more cheap talk to somehow fulfill his review. Northrup style BTW :-) hehe It happened with me in the first google search attempts to follow news about : D Great camera of good memory BTW :-) Do you still remember those two versions of same camera?
  21. That one I guess: On the other one posted today mentioned now, I think matches the color type offered by Fuji instead. I agree with you on the interview part though. LOL You are really on the spot... : ) There's nothing wrong as far as resolution goes.
  22. But, is it worthy to deliver it going on with YT compression even @4K resolution?
  23. What clip exactly? I see differences between stills and video not always but as usual when we're speaking on distinct acquisition media, obviously. I recall they state they were all produced and shot on X-H1 4K as matter of fact (even though, slowmotion surely not). So I guess we should believe so, no? :-) Have you seen the 2nd one from those three posted above? Interesting stuff. Fits Fuji dream-like imagerie. Seems all shot on this camera.
  24. Why don't you take all that for the private realm? (proper exchange of email addresses would be a good beginning to keep going the issue out there as you wish; we are all entitled to have our preferences, likes and hates, only that in the right corner because forums really need healthy vibes and beats instead) On the real topic, here's more from and about the tool (it doesn't deserve the presence of people interested to discuss anything else including something of their very own -- personal agendas, old, new, etc but not the camera at all as seems so): PS: New page, new life, let's move on :-)
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