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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Indeed. Reason why I told @wolf33d to not count on it. Even though Sony has to do something anyhow if does want to beat sales. Let's hope for it. Small body size can compromise that 'cause overheating as wisely pointed out over here. So in the end it is very likely the 10-bit mojo will become restricted to HDMI output. My balanced guess.
  2. So there will be a 1" sensor. Interested now David? :-)
  3. I am just in doubt if they are aware there is anything (10-bit 4:2:2) out there for 2 grand... LOL Sorry and I hope to be fully wrong on it but I guess they will launch a third 8-bit version of the same camera. Good chance for 10-bit 4:2:2 via HDMI though :-D I'll buy one if I end to fail on my pessimism anyway. I'd rather put my odds on Blackmagic that they will announce new 4K portable acquisition for NAB, my utmost bet. Add your dollars there :-)
  4. @webrunner5 Don, are we sure they know Panasonic has 10-bit for 2 grand...?! & @wolf33d
  5. Lumix 12-35mm & 35-100mm. Without IS (no OIS will save the grace, so couple the Zhiyun Crane-2 gimbal) you have the Tokina 11-20mm or the previous 11-16mm; Canons (all mark II) 16-35mm, 24-70mm and the stabilized 70-200mm. In the MFT camp, the Olympus 7-14mm & 40-150mm. Without mention the mandatory Sigmas (f/1.8 though, so you get 1 extra stop and a third) 18-35mm & 50-100mm (less than the first one).
  6. @Trek of Joy No, you sound right! I hadn't thought about it. I was lazy and took the value from @Mattias Burling without thinking twice. My bad.
  7. It would be nice but it wouldn't surprise me at all if only via HDMI externally...
  8. Trying...? *cough cough* Sure. Let's wait for a new Panasonic arrival and we'll see where you'll be posting about. In any case, I never stop to appreciate your entries which I half concur for awhile now. I don't think I am the only one. Don't you know? Is a first time being? Where have you been after all? You're always missed man! Whether you go totally on defensive or not (Love, E :-)
  9. I'd say ISO12800 is the 3200 on GH5, that is, the new territory to avoid, so ISO10000 on GH5S the new 1600 limit on GH5; as my most optimistic bet... about 2 stops and a half for lowlight, not bad. Imagine a f2.8 to let you see light as could be a f1.2 pick. With about 1.15x of crop coupled to SB 0.64x XL version, the new GH5S is the new FF* in town! Even though, from other samples I've seen I'd even include 12800 (where others have also compared 12800 on GH5S to 3200 from GH5 too, so I believe I should not be too much optimistic over here). * Sorry guys but I love to provoke a few minds from these boards... LOL :-)
  10. OK, so such external lock boxes won't overcome the issue? No workaround at all? How does it occur when a DSLR has no such feature as happens now with the GH5S? What about YAGH and the previous GH4 and GH5 models? GH series didn't start with the GH5S...
  11. Glenn, in my usual condescend tone addressed to you (sorry, couldn't resist!), no idea if I must say I really do like this post of yours or not... LOL Something I know though, even when I am in doubt or I disagree with you, you still are one of my fav readings over here ;-) E :-)
  12. reverently Man, chill out. You tend to freak out when people contradict your posts : ) Did I say it won't? I hinted that I don't believe it. A bit different. In a reverently distinct tone, someone else is already logical, why pal? Because me and you, we are his hosts or for a sort of colloquial paternalism upside down your posts along this thread express instead?! Funny you fail to offer the same behavior towards the camera maker when you don't appreciate the announcement... LOL ; ) Reminds me the Mavic drone you ended to fly : D BTW and following you now... Does Andrew know more than me or you? C'mon... wishful list is a wishful list :-D Actually, I wrote that would be a "welcome update to the latest one instead" so quite the opposite what you're inferring from my words. I am always used to read your B&W posts whenever any launch is made, before the product reaches the shelves. Your run-n-gun love dictates much more FUD than useful solutions. Problems don't pay the bills, learning harder the craft does ; ) There's no free soup ; )) No AF upgrade can save us when not! hehe Sorry mate but you're invariably too much stubborn on your (techie) criticism when anything gives you absence of total control about ;-) That's what it is, that's what I see in your usual 'but'(s) : ) Time to also share some doubts on the choices of your own, because your intended certainty you seem to look for applies enough predictability there as well :-)
  13. Reason why you're also right : ) I love to quote Nils Bohr for such cases: 'The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.' As much as Coppola's choice towards GH2 is completely out of tune for many pros out there. Means digital has changed this medium. Deeper than people out of these boards tend to want to believe.
  14. Under motion picture industry perspective, no. The fact is you can mimic any one of the big guys there in much more than 50% of circumstances though. I guess this is where reality fits there. IMO I think they are going through the spot pretty well on that one.
  15. Luke, they want to firmly send a message these devices are at same level of those used by the big guys. It works. I recall when I was in the €103.000,00 F900/F900R camp... That's all! (E :-)
  16. Nothing this won't solve... : D http://ambient.de/en/product_custom_cat/Timecode-en/ Sorry mate but you gave me a chance to debunk certain myths any sort of FUD (even that one involuntarily) can erroneously make : ) to some uneducated minds lurking over here (believe me, they live! Carpenter's was right! LOL) No trouble other than lack of IBIS will piss over the parade, once my pre-order does overcome it. Not even the extra $400 (since VLog L is $500 included) tax did it ;-)
  17. So does banding for sure, so go external recording 'cause beyond 10-bit only solid high bitrate can end to help : ) Turn off AF continuous or/and use editing in order to prevent such hunting. Use tripod and slider old school or then IBIS, a gimbal or yet any other software (there is also hardware*) workaround to fix any shaky hands :-) *
  18. Really? Who says so? Rumors spread on web? In any case, a combo should somehow mean a sort of match no? I'd rather tend to call a welcome update to the latest one instead...
  19. It will come. Sooner or later but will come... :-) Certain PR reps make us to feel children, uneducated or retarded... Make a triple pick LOL
  20. David, my English pops up as foreign language so maybe non-native English may explain it? I guess under-X competitions bring that inaccuracy or misunderstanding? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UEFA_European_Under-21_Championship Hey BTW perhaps other English speakers can join for a hand to someone always willing to improve and learn :-)
  21. On native ISO2500 or even higher, for sure because GH5 will always show less than any GH5S value. Doesn't necessarily more than 12 stops. But as you said, we'll know very soon.
  22. Finally, I'm reading now someone to firmly concur my POV on topic, already expressed earlier in these pages. I could just diverge on the idea they don't matter to lose GH5 sales when I actually believe they're pointing their business decision only in order to collect much more money into their own pocket, not exactly the best to their customers' bank account. Sure, there's no charity organization over here. Takes for both sides as well. It is what it is. This won't put me out to have pre-ordered the GH5S as the best cinema camera available for the price, but doesn't let me the part of fool to play either :-)
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