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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Well, the macro lens there it is 2MP anyway... LOL Here's some 8K bokeh to mention though:
  2. Here's a test sample with the previous Note model: I'd dare to say we'd love to believe it shouldn't be much different, even though, there's a dedicated macro lens there anyway ; -)
  3. Mi 10 & Mi 10 Pro global version has landed... https://www.androidauthority.com/xiaomi-mi-10-price-release-date-availability-1081755/
  4. People have need to have guts to say what they think, the same way you're doing ; ) I never care of what people can say about me. Important is I say what I think I should, like exactly now : -)
  5. WTH of reel, man, I'm impressed with your work! : ) The more I know it, the more I am sold : -)
  6. https://***URL not allowed***/coronavirus-filmmakers-jobs/
  7. Hey, where's the one we had trac(k)ed? ; -)
  8. I believe people on the fence are taking one side anyway. As much as when we put loyalty or friendship in front of ideas, principles, values not to sale. Or because of that, we tend to see them as contradictory when they're balanced ones. Bias is not a wide option. A decision in the name of a wider universal range is. Both can share the same name: political motivation. The same to choice. No need to be dirty though. No need to be committed with just one side of the equation as better option route. Pretty different of the politically correctness. Apples to oranges, a poor apple contaminates an orange in a way or another. To denounce it rages higher because we can't be silent. To be accomplice of silence is not to be neutral. You become a supporter when you vote, at times even when not. There's balance on moderate views, there's no virgins nor claims, vows of chastity on neutrality. Count on it. No matter how golden the pill is. Where's the contradiction? Fuji makes cameras. And lenses. Develops drugs to save lives as well. Where's the contradictory approach here or there? Is this unwelcome and so-so rhetoric because someone has closely decided to protect a friend? (a nice guy BTW) But, bias. Well, different strokes for different folks, it's a friendly forum... just not exactly the main reason why I keep going here and never stop to be surprised with you, Reid. Brave soldier (E : -)
  9. Glad to see the job done ; ) I had no idea Sony has the vaccine too, pity we need to wait their high-end before the release of the a7S III to reach the shelves : D that is, for soon very likely, to evaluate from their CS as someone else has also written in this same page and Lavoisier said more than two hundred years ago... ...Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed.
  10. Well, the President of U.S. is much more than only the President of a country because of the way the world is nowadays. In any case I can be not an elector on his election, he can be not the President of the country I am citizen and still to not approve him. Even without interests in the US. Even though, if I have a business there as for instance, we can not vote and he still is the top authority of the country where I am based through a company of my own for example. No idea what you're talking about, honestly. I have no bias against anyone, Presidents of U.S. included : D To me and as universal truth, facts have to be based on evidences. No traces of it, no facts. Opinion, belief are territories of something else, completely distinct. As much as science and faith are of a different kind between each other.
  11. I don't blame anyone for the subject matter, Chinese or Trump included. I don't approve Trump as President for substantially more than that : ) but I follow the rules of the game. He was not the most voted, the system dictated him as President so I respect him as the one elected. I only know and see America is greater than his practices, much more than that. I don't believe in theories of conspiracy so I think Chinese have made a good job indeed to control the disease. Not from the beginning but later.
  12. Funny Andrew, you beat me for 1 minute... *thumbsup* My brother, an avid Fujifilm user, had just sent me the link (and I was going to open a thread in your forum as usual): https://www.fujirumors.com/china-says-fujifilm-drug-avigan-works-against-coronavirus-covid-19-and-shares-jump-up-15/ You da man ; -)
  13. You're too demanding, girl! :- D
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