
EOSHD Dynamic Range Enhancer for H.264/H.265


Often the digital look of video is made more noticeable due to clipped highlights and crushed shadows. It’s never filmic to see a sudden step from creamy details to complete blackness and missing detail, or clipped highlights. EOSHD Dynamic Range Enhancer is the fix.


Are you seeing the full dynamic range of your files?

One of the most common video problems today is the destructive clipping of shadows and highlights in post. The cause can be a range of complex hardware and software issues. Rather than pull one’s hair out in trying to find a solution, the EOSHD Dynamic Range Enhancer LUT offers a quick and easy fix.

The download contains four LUTs to fix dynamic range on your timeline, and a test to determine if you have the problem. The included user guide and further content helps guide you quickly through the process.