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Video Hummus

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Posts posted by Video Hummus

  1. My thoughts are start watching all the new vlog videos people are posting with their S1 and be honest with yourself with what you see.

    That chump gives me heartburn. He’s the master of bullshit clickbait YouTube. He’s not afraid to contradict himself, so he covers all the fanboy talking points. 

    6 minutes ago, Geoff_L said:

    You stole this title from Tony Northup ? ?!

  2. 8 hours ago, Cliff Totten said:

    I think we will find out both at IBC next month. 

    There are rumors that Panasonic has a camera related product announcement for the Sept - October time frame but not a new camera. Even possible MFT.

    Im think it might be an announcement about S series with ProRes RAW via HDMI.

    I really hope they include at least the GH5S in the ProRes RAW band wagon. I’m biased as a GH5S owner? but they need to put some vigor into that product. It’s a cine focused MFT camera after all.

  3. 4 minutes ago, webrunner5 said:

    For video in this day and age 50mm is a tele lens. Long lenses for video unless you are a sports, animal shooter is sort of a waste of time. Now for Photos that is a whole different story.

    I think 50mm is a pretty natural FOV of a human eye that is intensely focused on a subject. We tend to naturally ignore the periphery in those situations. 35mm is probably closest to a natural FOV. But it hard because images are flat 2D and we have 3D perception soo it's not exactly the same.

  4. Is there anyway to use flickr data to grab all images taken with zoom lenses between 16-200mm (16-35, 24-70, 70-200) and see the distribution of focal lengths of each zoom range pictures were taken at.

    I bet they will be pretty close to 24mm, 35mm, 50mm, and 85mm for each of those ranges. And out of those prime lengths I bet 35mm and 50mm are the most popular.

    I really find 16-50mm pleasing to the eye and this is also why I'm excited for the PL 10-25mm f1.7,

  5. 24 minutes ago, drm said:

    LOL...and YouTube will continue to "tweak" the compensation packages so that the YouTubers make less

    YouTube is fantastical and dystopian at the same time. I think its great if it's a side project for fun and a bit of (vanishingly small) profit. I think full time isn't as great as people think it is.

    Now back to filming cute kittens and silly dogs with my C300.

  6. 17 hours ago, Mokara said:

    The reason is that those specs are determined in hardware, specifically by the ISP used in the Bionz X processor. They have not upgraded that since about 2014, that is why specs have not upgraded. There is no mystery here. They can't "just do it", and they are not "holding stuff back". Magic does not exist in the real world, waving wands and doing wishful thinking will not make stuff that is not there magically appear.

    That will be the case until they introduce a new processor with an upgraded ISP. Basically a redesign of the entire processor. That is not realistic in the camera industry on a regular basis because they don't sell enough units to be constantly redesigning the processor like Intel or AMD do, and that is the only way specs will go up. That is why Sony specs have "stagnated" for so many years. It is the exact same reason why Canon took so long to implement hardware 4K in consumer cameras. In their case the processors they had eventually were capable of doing 4K, but not without active cooling, which was not practical on a stills camera. Hence no 4K for the longest while. But they were not "holding tech back" or "being conservative", they simply could not do it with the processors at the time.

    You are not going to see an improvement in video specs until they introduce a new processor. That may happen with the a9II and a7SIII, perhaps even the rumored a7000 (although I am dubious about that particular one's chances). In fact, this may well be the reason for the delay in introducing the a7SIII, namely that the processor was not quite ready yet and they did not want to release the camera with the lower specs that their current cameras have.

    All the modern Sony models have a quad-core ARM Cortex-A5 plus custom Sony ISP inside of them. They farm their printing to Global Foundry (among others) which are leading the pack with 7nm node production. It's not like they are doubling the resolution of cameras every year. I am sure they can design custom ISPs that are over built and can process 8K+ video streams with low latency and low TDP thermals.

    Phones can manage to do it, plus a lot more. Why not the camera manufacturers?

  7. 36 minutes ago, Michi said:

    I'd say a big piece of the cake has gone to Smartphone companies forever, no matter what specs they put into their cameras.

    So maybe they should focus on video specs then, because a video guy isn't going to buy a smartphone for his video projects. You can buy almost any stills camera today and be happy with it if you find your smartphone camera photos acceptable.

  8. 2 hours ago, Media Kat said:

    What reasons would Sony have for limiting this? Limitations based on the size of the bodies? Trying to sell some other video camera that has all these features? Just stupid design?

    All of the above.

  9. I'm predicting a high-end prosumer cinema camera from DJI in the next 5 years. MFT is in danger but hard to tell. I think Panasonic for sure has at least one more GH camera up their sleeve. IF they push the limit like they did with the GH5 it will keep MFT alive. I think Olympus builds the best quality bodies in the industry with interesting features. They will need and should leverage it.

    8 hours ago, PolarStarArts said:

    compromised dynamic range, mediocre AF, relatively poor low-light capabilities, noisy images above 1600 ISO

    Thats a broad brush stroke there. Lots of popular full frame cameras *cough* canon *cough* have worst dynamic range than some MFT gear. Olympus has great AF in their MFT cameras that rivals the best of the full frame offerings.

    Bottom line is we are spoiled for choice like never before. 

  10. They stick with their 5D3 or 1DX2 because when compared to Canon's latest FF mirrorless there still isn't much reason to switch. They paid thousands, maybe even 10s of thousands, of dollars for their kit. If it works, and the clients like it, why switch? No major jump in DR, or speed, or anything really. Just different letters on the front of the camera.

    1 hour ago, DBounce said:

    Meanwhile in the real world, they are more likely to release a 1DXMK3 with quad pixel AF. Full frame internal 4K 10 bit with Log, 24MP sensor, IBIS, improved DR and a price tag of $6999. And it will sell like hot cakes. Raw output or internal? I think not... this is Canon.

    This is much more likely than some crazy advance. PROs will go for what they recognize and are familiar with. 1DX3 would be a huge hit, much more than a EOS RX.

  11. 53 minutes ago, DBounce said:

    There should be nothing that a smartphone can do imaging wise that beats a dedicated camera. Not even the cheapest dedicated camera. Or else why buy one? Which is of course exactly where we are today.

    Well, given Canons move into industrial applications (along with other companies) I think consumer ILCs are doomed. Maybe the DSLR revolution has run its course. Now it’s the camera phone next.

    People will start making films and documentaries on their phones.

    35 minutes ago, drm said:

    In what area are they ahead of the others?

    Brand recognition and loyalty combined with a massive lens library.

  12. 17 hours ago, Esguelha said:

    Going by DPReview's video still comparison, the GH5 still has the best 1080p out of everything they tested, by a considerable margin. The Sony's don't have great 1080p, i'd say second place in 1080p goes to Fujifilm. The X-H1 does have IBIS, and it's pretty good now from what i've seen, probably better than any FF camera excluding the Panasonic S1. The AF isn't bad either, surely better than the GH5. The X-H1 is quite reasonably priced now, so it could be an option.

    If only Panasonic would add PDAF in their next GH camera or ToF sensor (so excited for @BTM_Pix ToF gadget) they would have a killer almost no compromise camera.

  13. I wish Apple would put some steady engineering into FCPX. The fact that you still have to use plugins and crap to get tracking and other useful features that have been in Premiere and Resolve for years.

    They just now added built-in noise reduction...this year. The performance of FCPX is great but the truly useful features that can cut editing time down are not there.

    Im still going back and forth on Resolve and FCPX. I just have so much muscle memory and workflow time in the later that it’s hard for me to switch. 

    I love that Resolve has built In tracking and automatic face tracking with “beauty” controls. Makes it so much easier to smooth out and add that “pop” to faces.

    Must have features in 2019 (and features FCPX doesn’t have!!!)

    Reliable built in tracking with keyframing

    A.I. powered Object removal

    Customizable motion blur

    A.I. driven optical flow frame prediction and replacement

  14. 2 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    God the hype. It's unbearable.

    The camera is virtually IDENTICAL to the last model.

    Seems all Sony need to do to restart the YouTube hype machine is change the fucking number on the front of the case.

    This is the big problem I have with YouTube. It has morphed into a corporate shill machine without much objectivity. Gotta get those brand deals or they leave you out in the cold.

  15. 1 hour ago, webrunner5 said:

    I ain't a fan of this guy at all,  but a pretty good video on the camera. But in his preview he states it is unlimited and he used it for over an hour and it never stopped or overheated. Who knows for sure. All I know that is a heck of a lot longer than the older ones can go. If true that makes it a damn good 4K travel camera if you can afford it..


    When you you see the “Fro” just say no.

    I honestly think we are seeing an acceleration in the camera industry when it comes to features. It still boggles my mind that a camera manufacturing hasn’t looked at the smartphone photography revolution and said, we need to innovate our processors and software to compete.

    I like the physical buttons on my camera. They are fast, and easy, and Mostly customizable in anyway I want. It’s a tool. It should be able to adapt to how I want to use it without having to look down at a screen or take it away from my eye.

    Blackmagic took a step the with the P4K with the large touch screen and slick UI and Internal ProRes and RAW.

    In the next 5 years, if camera companies do not embrace fast processors, easy HDR, and computational photography they will wither on the vine and be relegated to camera nerds like us.

  16. On 7/18/2019 at 5:42 PM, Andrew Reid said:

    Hopefully it won't be another $3500 camera without even 10bit in 2019.

    No. It’ll be a $3,500 camera with 10bit internal recording and amazing eye AF...that’ll overheat and shutdown in less than 30 mins of continuous shooting. I mean that is the MO of how they do things. It won’t be until the A7Sm4 that we will get a useable A7Sm3.

    Hopefully by that time Panasonic (or @BTM_Pix) will sort their AF issues out and we can have our cake and eat it too. 

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