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Video Hummus

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Posts posted by Video Hummus

  1. 24 minutes ago, BTM_Pix said:

    Its certainly got the makings of a great investigative documentary.

    Maybe a project for someone on EOSHD when the dust settles? ?

    31 minutes ago, Raafi Rivero said:

    Apple is no stranger to overly broad patents either.

    Yes, and this simply might be a cause of a bully (RED) getting taken to court by another bigger bully (Apple). Apple does it's homework and has probably weighted the cost of this court fight with what it could possible get out of it (even if they lose the case). I mean, look at the fight with Qualcomm. Apple lost and had to pay 4.5 Billion dollars (pocket change to them when they have almost a quarter of trillion dollars in cash!) but they got the company a six-year global patent licensing agreement with Qualcomm.

    I have a feeling this is the same thing with regards to compressed RAW.

    RAW is an essential component going forward with high resolution sensors because it's simply more efficient to compress the RAW bayer data and to work with it later.

    1 hour ago, Ed_David said:


    That hooey is highly irregular.

  2. 47 minutes ago, Zeng said:

    But the quality gap is so small now... You really have to understand this..

    This, I think, is the truth to the disruption of the industry. High prices usually mean high quality but that gap is narrowing quite quickly.

  3. I was joking of course. I won’t be buying any RED products. My guess is if it doesn’t have a “RED” sensor it will be off the shelf sensor with a RED price tag. They have to keep their margins nice and fat.

    I’m surprised anybody would still buy RED after they’ve been exposed for basically fraud with misleading and outright lies from the CEO about it.

    It also puts a point on the trust of “made in USA”  which the US govt should defend its image and fine/sue RED . Who would I buy anything made in the USA if it’s just cheap Chinese products with proprietary connectors and not a single unique feature, design, or eco system? I feel sorry for all those poor bastards that spent tens of thousands of dollars upgrading to the mini mag.

    Jinni mag exposes Jannards bare ass and we can all see it hasn’t been wiped in awhile. 

  4. 5 hours ago, nathlas said:

    Komodo costs under 3500$ maybe

    It would be tempting at that price (depending on specs of course) But it also means I’ll would probably also research what manufacture red uses for its accessories, buying them at 1/40th the cost and adapting them to the camera...you know to save multiple thousands of dollars on consumer electronics. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Ed_David said:

    Thanks for doing this Andrew.  I'm trying to get an interview with Bruce from Jinnimag and try to get up enough evidence to show Wired and the NYTimes, New Yorker, and Engadget and Variety and Hollywood reporter to cover this story.  Also maybe sharing this news with Sony and Canon, maybe they have industry connections they can use.  I spoke to a journalist at Ars Technica, and he said they don't have the resources to verify the claims in the Jinnimag video - they need a red minimag and a red touch lcd, but maybe they have legal experts they can talk to - or if someone has a patent lawyer we can consult with.

    Let me know who wants to help start getting this going.

    Andrew, also you should consult with a lawyer about their NDA against you.  I'm sure someone can offer you pro-bono legal advice.  It seems a little fishy.

    I feel the patent issue is probably dead in the water based on how the patent office works.

    The “Made in USA” claims however...that’s looking like deception and possible fraud, at least for that LCD screen.

    What is their possible justification for being “made in the usa” or even “assembled in the USA”.

    If they did this with the LCD screen what other components did they do it with, if any?

    And why would they sue Andrew for talking smack about their product instead of rising to the occasion? Kinda shows a company culture of “bully litigation”.

    i suspect a lot of this is driven by the personality of REDs CEO.

  6. 2 minutes ago, A_Urquhart said:

    "Blackmagic Pocket 6K - No ProRes in 6k"

    @Andrew it is really surprising me how many people do not read the specs of a camera before buying! I listed the record resolutions and Codecs many pages back and stated that there was no 6K ProRes modes and No 4K Braw mode. I am now hearing from multiple buyers that have bought the camera that they are just noticing these rather limiting issues once they get the camera in their hands

    I mean...... seriously, on what basis are people buying cameras these days if the most important elements are overlooked?



  7. What would have been smart is a really short flange distance and a BM mount with adapters for EF, PL, and RF or even Z. The adapters could be dumb, have glass, or a ND insert. The camera could fit into any set with whatever glass is being used, la la Kinefinity. 

    BM makes more money while supporting almost any setup under the sun at an unbeatable price with a great UI and BRAW. 

  8. 43 minutes ago, wolf33d said:

    100% agree with last Andrew post. For me personally no point in a small camera that needs a rig. IBIS, EVF, good video AF are must for me. 

    For people who rig their camera anyway and don’t care about the above, the specs are great for the price.

    I think they also took the easy route and used the EF mount which I think was a huge mistake. 

    18 months from now will be another BM camera with 8K and a better, more sensible, mount.

    IMHO, this 6K camera is a resolution numbers camera released to meet a moment.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Amazeballs said:

    Completly agree. I'm anxiously waiting for next gen cameras from Panasonic and Sony, and frankly saying beeing a GH5 user I have more faith in Sony than in Panasonic. I would be glad to be proven wrong. Yes, Panasonic has way better ergonomics, IBIS, flip out screen, menus and video specs.. BUT Sony has substantially better sensor tech (if Panasonc doesnt roll out their infamous organic sensor with GH6), awesome cheap FF lenses like Tamron 28-75 and flawless AF. 

    I would also add multi-aspect ratio sensor to that list of yours

    Sadly, I agree with Sony being more likely to deliver. They just have more runway and I’m sure their sensor company is pulling in lots of revenue. So many cameras from phones to the latest mirrorless use a Sony sensor. I’m really surprised Sony hasn’t improved their ergonomics by now.

    Multi-aspect will be hard to impossible to pull off with IBIS since it needs literal wiggle room to move the sensor in the image circle. They could do it with a fixed sensor and advanced EIS but EIS on its own has some real disadvantages.

    Hoping Panasonic can deliver. Meantime, I enjoy shooting with my Panny every chance I get. 

  10. I’m a MFT fan but I can only see the GH6 being successful if it really pushes the envelope for what we expect in a hybrid mirrorless of its size, like the GH5 did for its time.

    In my opinion it has to have:

    A built in ND function of some kind, wether on sensor, or in place of mechanical shutter (with a global shutter to take its place).

    First to offer 4K 120p in a hybrid mirrorless. At least 6K or better a 8K open gate mode.

    RAW or a very beefy HEVC codec of some kind with 10bit in all shooting modes.

    Next generation IBIS + EIS that offers benefits over the already excellent G9 and GH5.

    At least 14 stops dynamic range with full VLog and some kind of extended HDR shooting mode.

    Vastly improved AF wether PDAF or next gen DFD (the S1 is way better than I thought).

    I think anything less and people will ignore it because of the maligned sensor size ?

  11. 45 minutes ago, newfoundmass said:

    You can always tell who lives in a bubble and who doesn't by threads like this. Most people I know don't even have room for an 85 inch TV. 

    The vast majority of people will never own a television that can benefit from 8k. Hell, I don't know that most will ever own a TV that displays the benefits of 4K.

    I remember when sports entertainment was a big driver for HD and eventually Full HD (I always laugh at those names) for people in my area to buy a new TV because there was a noticeable difference in quality from SD, especially SD cable. Now no one talks about it. Which I would assume FHD at 60p is good enough or that the difference between FHD and 4K is so little (for the typical screen size and view distance) its not a talking point.

    Not to mention upscaling quality on the higher end TVs is so good it pretty much levels the playing field unless you have a enormous TV which for most people is 65 and up. I have a 42 inch.

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