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    newfoundmass reacted to eatstoomuchjam in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    I saw some of what looked (to me) like pulsing, but as I said, it seemed pretty consistent with their other more recent DFD cameras - and that's not a bad thing.  DFD on their more recent cameras got dangerously close to usable (from what I've seen).  You're right that it's also worse/more noticeable with an f/1.4 lens.  It'll be interesting for sure to see I'm wrong and the MC-21 actually supports PDAF in some way (as far as I can tell, it does not support it on my Sigma FP-L, but the FP-L is also one of the quirkiest cameras I've ever owned).  Anyway, having PDAF on a popular L mount camera that's probably gonna sell a lot is likely to inspire one of the adapter makers to make it work with EF mount lenses.  🙂

    As far as CC being an anti-vax/conspiracy weirdo, I've always assumed that was part of the joke.  I'd be really bummed if it turns out that's serious...
    Humor is subjective, of course.  I'm not gonna bother arguing beyond that.  🙂  
    I'm still subscribed to Kai, but a lot of his stuff hasn't been doing it for me lately so I end up skipping a lot - and given that like 4 of my other subs already had up long-form reviews of the camera (which were largely redundant after I watched the first one!), I didn't bother.  I'll go check out the AF section after writing this comment, though!
  2. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from PannySVHS in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    Maybe we watched different videos, because I didn't notice much, if any pulsing at all. There was focus breathing, which was more obvious than when he was using native lenses, but that has more to do with the Canon lens and the fact that Tony insists on shooting wide open due to his love of toneh. 
    He's funny when he's not being an anti-vax/conspiracy weirdo. I've actually learned a bit watching him use cameras that he doesn't completely know how to use, as it has helped show limitations other channels overlook, among other things. 
  3. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from Emanuel in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    It looks like you will be able to upgrade the S5II to get some (but not all) of the features of the S5II X.
    Also Geeky Nerdy Tech is in Australia, where it's summer, and says there's no overheating issues, which is nice.
  4. Haha
    newfoundmass got a reaction from Amazeballs in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    I won't post the video because I know Andrew really, really doesn't like him, but Tony Northrup tested the S5II's autofocus with the Sigma EF to L adapter and it worked really well. 
  5. Haha
    newfoundmass got a reaction from SMGJohn in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    Me after watching all the S5ii coverage... 
    "Panny boy... you did it!"

  6. Haha
    newfoundmass got a reaction from PannySVHS in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    I won't post the video because I know Andrew really, really doesn't like him, but Tony Northrup tested the S5II's autofocus with the Sigma EF to L adapter and it worked really well. 
  7. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from stephen in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    I won't post the video because I know Andrew really, really doesn't like him, but Tony Northrup tested the S5II's autofocus with the Sigma EF to L adapter and it worked really well. 
  8. Thanks
    newfoundmass got a reaction from PannySVHS in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    It looks like you will be able to upgrade the S5II to get some (but not all) of the features of the S5II X.
    Also Geeky Nerdy Tech is in Australia, where it's summer, and says there's no overheating issues, which is nice.
  9. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from hyalinejim in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    I won't post the video because I know Andrew really, really doesn't like him, but Tony Northrup tested the S5II's autofocus with the Sigma EF to L adapter and it worked really well. 
  10. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to Amazeballs in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    Its kind of cool to see that Pana have sent a review copy to Camera conspiracies 🤤
    The fact that new Pana AF is beating the shit out of Canon AF is kind of amazing. Did not expect that.
  11. Haha
    newfoundmass got a reaction from ntblowz in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    Me after watching all the S5ii coverage... 
    "Panny boy... you did it!"

  12. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to PannySVHS in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    GH5 has a 1.4x mode as extele option, giving S16 sensor gate in 4k. It also offers a 2x Digi zoom giving a 2.5K wide image with the image circle of 2/3 inch broadcast. This is some nifty flexibility.
    S1 offers S35 gate in 4K as we know, but also 3.1x crop in HD, giving us the gate size of approx 16mm film. I adapted an Angie 75mm c-mount lens in S35 mode. For S16 lenses it' 3.1x crop in Hd only. It's a start but would be nice to have much more flexibility with that beautiful sensor. I have a 35mm c-mount lens which covers S35 perfectly. I need to give it more exposure for sure! Also minimizes the rolling shutter to 15ms.
  13. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to John Matthews in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    I'm always curious about 16mm lenses as I'm always looking for new ways to use my grandfather's Bell & Howell set of lenses: 4", 1" and .7" trio, pictured here next to my GH6. I would like to get them cleaned and re-lubed, but I'm not sure about how to go about that.

  14. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from SRV1981 in Question regarding where to sell gear   
    So I just completed a trade with MPB and I actually am quite satisfied. What really impressed me is that they actually paid me MORE than the original quote, because they judged that my equipment was in better shape than I did! So in addition to getting a S5 I actually ended up getting about $200 more!
    I made a bit less than if I would've sold it on eBay or myself, but it was so easy and convenient that it was worth it to me. Just thought I'd share.
  15. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from FHDcrew in Question regarding where to sell gear   
    So I just completed a trade with MPB and I actually am quite satisfied. What really impressed me is that they actually paid me MORE than the original quote, because they judged that my equipment was in better shape than I did! So in addition to getting a S5 I actually ended up getting about $200 more!
    I made a bit less than if I would've sold it on eBay or myself, but it was so easy and convenient that it was worth it to me. Just thought I'd share.
  16. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to MurtlandPhoto in Why the heck do grids ruin light quality?   
    Agreed. I got lost in the details on my first set as DoP. The director set me straight really quick and things were better for it. 
  17. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to fuzzynormal in Why the heck do grids ruin light quality?   
    Maybe it's just me and my background as a doc guy, but you're being incredibly particular there as the two shots are pretty similar.  Your shadows are only slightly more defined from one to the next.
    If you're looking to be a wildly accomplished and precise gaffer and you are OCD by nature, I suppose you could be this discriminating, but even then?  Debatable.  In fact, it might be a liability on set, depending on the production you're doing. 
    Personally, if I had crew fretting about lighting issues and THIS was the thing they were worried about, I'd be, like, yeah, I'm not going to be able to work with anyone that precious ... I don't know ... ain't too many narratives I've ever done wherein I'd be upset about this technical result if t was the look I wanted.
    I'd be much more worried about the storytelling, the acting.  Heck, even the craft services table (seriously, gotta keep the crew happy) than this lighting difference.
  18. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to Alexis Fontana in Why the heck do grids ruin light quality?   
    I wouldn’t say they ruin the quality of the  light but they do indeed change the characteristics a bit. Consider this - when you’re looking into the source from a slight angle there will be less surface area visible witch leads to a “harder” feel of the light hitting your subject. Not always bad though, and I don’t see any hotspots (except what to expect from an harder light) only slightly more defined shadow areas. This is where makeup can help a lot of you want a look that’s a bit more punchy but stay out of trouble with shiny areas.
    So - consider it’s a tool to both reduce spill in a quick and easy way with the slight change in characteristics and then use the knowledge to create the moods you’re aiming for. And like PPNS says - if you want to keep the softness use good old cutters and flags. Happy new year!
  19. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to John Matthews in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    Good. Back to "Panasonic and what they have up their sleeve." ... not M43 vs. FF. Thank you!
  20. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to John Matthews in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    Ok. Can you cover 16mm-ish to 600mm (FF equiv.) in under 1kg with ANY single FF mount kit? How about 2kg? 3kg? That's what I'm saying. There are lenses in M43 with simply with no equivalency in FF in terms of weight. When you do find a lens, you won't find the other lens you need in the same mount.
  21. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from Beritar in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    A lot of us don't like Sony cameras, and there are no comparably small full frame versions of the 12-35 and 35-100. For the 12-30 it's 305 g vs. 835 g for full frame equivalent. The 35-100 is 357 g vs. 1480 g for the full frame equivalent. Once you get into telephoto primes you're dealing with a significant size difference again compared to their M43 counterparts.
    It's always weird when people insist there's no size advantage when I'm both a M43 and full frame shooter. There is such a huge difference, not in the bodies, but the lenses. 
  22. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from John Matthews in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    A lot of us don't like Sony cameras, and there are no comparably small full frame versions of the 12-35 and 35-100. For the 12-30 it's 305 g vs. 835 g for full frame equivalent. The 35-100 is 357 g vs. 1480 g for the full frame equivalent. Once you get into telephoto primes you're dealing with a significant size difference again compared to their M43 counterparts.
    It's always weird when people insist there's no size advantage when I'm both a M43 and full frame shooter. There is such a huge difference, not in the bodies, but the lenses. 
  23. Thanks
    newfoundmass got a reaction from IronFilm in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    You're comparing lenses that don't exist to ones that do. A f2.8 is a f2.8 regardless of whether the lens is M43, APS-C or Full Frame. You can add all the qualifiers you want, it doesn't change the fact that the full frame equivalent to most M43 lenses are substantially heavier AND more expensive. Let me know when you find a 24-70 with a constant f2.8 that is even remotely close to the 12-35 f2.8 in weight. Ditto the 35-100, or the 100-300mm f/4-5.6. 
    It's easy to get shallow DOF with M43 except when shooting ultrawide unless the lens has a close focusing distance. It is insane that people discredit an entire system in part because it isn't easy to get enough toneh.
  24. Thanks
    newfoundmass got a reaction from PannySVHS in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    I haven't given up hope on M43, and I still believe in the promise of it, but Panasonic needs to push the boundaries of size/specs. To me a camera the size of the GX85 with the abilities and performance of an upgraded GH5 II would be very tempting. 
    The performance gap has narrowed between M43 and full frame, with IBIS being the main advantage at this point. But the added weight of lenses that I've had to deal with, I can't say that I enjoy that one bit. It's why I kept a GH5 and some lenses for my 3 camera kit. I didn't truly appreciate how tiny the 12-35 and 35-100 were until handling L-mount lenses, let alone the tiny lightweight primes! 
    The ball really is in Panasonic's (and OMD, I suppose) court. If they offer a compelling option I think it can be successful, but I think it requires a compete re-evaluation of what they think M43 can be. 
  25. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to PannySVHS in Panasonic S5 II (What does Panasonic have up their sleeve?)   
    @John Matthews GH5II in GX80 size please, with it´s absence of digital oversharpening, 10bit 4k60, S16 mode and all the other goodies. Thank you! 🙂
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