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Posts posted by heart0less

  1. 45 minutes ago, thebrothersthre3 said:

    I really want to get a speedbooster to make full use of them but my go to focal reducers Lens Turbo doesn't make one. 

    Can't you just stack adapters? Eg. MD-EF and then a MD-NEX speedbooster? 



  2. @mercer, wow - these are truly remarkable videos.

    I'm not saying that this camera isn't able to deliver good quality images and the samples you linked are excellent examples of that.


    I just didn't feel any chemistry with 5D2. 

    Considering that I mainly take photos (video stands for maybe 20% of my hobby), I realized my relationship with 5D2 may prove to be a bit troublesome.

    Decided to let this one go and look for some all-rounder in similar (~500$) price.
    Maybe Panasonic? E.g. G85?

    We'll see, it's a process.
    ( :

  3. I picked up 5D Mark II last week. 

    Great ergonomics. 


    That's the only thing I truly liked, haha. 

    I became so accustomed to electronic viewfinder that I can't stand OVF anymore. It makes precise manual focusing almost impossible. 

    Took some photos, recorded some 12 bit raw video (thanks, Magic Lantern!). 

    If you're on base ISO (200), then everything is quite all right and there is some latitude to play with in post. 

    However, after ISO 1600 things start to fall apart pretty easily. I wouldn't mind grain, but.. 

    A lot of colorful sensor noise and banding. Dynamic range isn't the best, either. 

    It just feels like a 10-years old tech, unfortunately. 

    I got much, much better results with a6000 which costs around 250-300$ used.


    So, yeah, I wouldn't honestly recommend it. 

  4. 32 minutes ago, fuzzynormal said:

    We go to the Tatras and like to hike at those modest altitudes.  Warm, hot, cool.  All of the above.

    But yeah, hanging around Krakow for a few weeks got to be pretty steamy.

    Now I know it's silly, but in all my 23 years, I have never been to Tatry. 

    Sudety, Karpaty, Bieszczady - multiple times. 

    No Tatry, so far. 

    35 minutes ago, fuzzynormal said:

    My wife's side of the family is all rural Polish...so...

    The funniest / saddest thing of all is that even people living in rural areas don't share a common ground and can't agree with each other. 


  5. On 2/1/2019 at 1:16 AM, fuzzynormal said:

    is winter in SoCal, spring anywhere shooting a film, summer in Poland, and Japan during autumn.

    Summer in Poland isn't that much fun, to be honest. ?

    For the last few years it has been pretty hot (~30 - 35C) and dry. 

    If I could suggest a perfect time for visiting, it'd be late September. The temperatures are perfect (~15C) and it's the time for first signs of golden polish autumn to show up. 


    On 2/1/2019 at 1:31 AM, kye said:

    I'm guessing that you have ties to Poland?  it's not normally on many people's 'must-see places" lists :)

    You'd be surprised!
    Maybe we are not the in the 'top 10 must see', but we're there, somewhere. Haha. ?


    On 2/1/2019 at 1:42 AM, fuzzynormal said:

    Not a huge fan of popular Poland politics, but neither am I in the USA, so no big deal. 

    Believe me, no one is.

  6. Both HCDNA and Rapido are quite heavy and that's why they are often mounted using clamps.

    FVD-16A has a thread on its back - it's a 75 mm (female, and that's quite unusual since almost every filter has a male thread at the back) thread.

    HCDNA - can't really say much about it because I've never considered it as an option, sorry.

  7. 3 hours ago, Stab said:

    Or any other device such as the Rangefinder which would work?

    You can take a look at Rectilux's Hardcore DNA and Rapido's FVD-16A.

    Both are just superb - there is almost none image degradation, even when you use your taking lens wide open. They are a bit pricier than Rangefinder, though (especially HCDNA).

  8. Listen to CfFilmmaker, he listed some great points there!

    2) Anamorphic Store knows to how to run a marketing campaign, but their stuff is really shady and totally not worth it. Way overpriced items, which are badly made.

    You can get a whole better setup for the money.


    I used ISCO Ultra Star HD Plus 2.1 on my a7III for a few months (sold a7III a week ago) and it was a really nice setup. Double focusing is pretty hard, though.

    Feel free to join Anamorphic Shooters group on Facebook.

  9. 14 minutes ago, DBounce said:

    Specs mean little. I can tell you that the EOS R is a great camera. After comparing to the top contenders from Sony and Nikon, it is the most organic/filmic of the lot. You need to stop thinking in terms of specs and start evaluating on the the basis of image quality, easy of use, reliability etc...

    True that. 

    Canon still knows how to deliver the secret sauce. 

    I went the Sony way and even though it felt good on paper, I realized it lacked something (at least for me). 

  10. 1 minute ago, mercer said:

    Don’t get me wrong, his newer stuff is better than anything I’ve ever done.

    Yeah, same here, same here..


  11. I didn't bother looking at his videos, seems like I missed a lot. :hushed:

    Thanks, mercer! 


    Do you remember Kendy? 



    I still admire his old work and it was done using only T2i and Sigma 30/1.4

    Truth be told, since he got himself Sony a6300, I noticed that the newer videos started to lack something organic, something gripping. 

    Take a look at this:



    Versus this:



  12. Your math looks correct, but you didn't include 2x crop in it (M43, right?).


    I couldn't find any first hand experience about the exact setup you posted, even on Facebook group (Anamorphic Shooters).
    But I did find some example: 

    It was shot using Sigma 30/1.4 with a speedbooster and SLR Magic 1.33x on a GH4


    If this worked, then Helios would work without any vignetting, as well.


    Another one, GH5 + Helios + SLR Magic 1.33x, no speedbooster, though. 




  13. 7 hours ago, ZEEK said:

    To be honest, I know what you mean about the quality and the coating. I've experienced the flaws with the M43 version, though this cheap one for the EOS M has been producing great results. I think the Vignette you mention is from the cheap ND Filter I was using (the Zomei), but nonetheless, it could also be a typical wide open aperture thing. Also, great news with the new build. Looks very promising for Magic Lantern users. Cheers! 

    Welcome to the forum, ZEEK!
    It's nice to have you here.

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