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    hansel reacted to mercer in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    Oh yeah, I’m still lusting over cameras I couldn’t afford back in 2013/14... hence my interest in the C100. 
    I hear this company called Polaroid has some kind of new instant photo tech. 
  2. Like
    hansel reacted to mercer in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    Yeah obviously I’m just teasing you and I get being excited about a camera you love. When I first got my 5D3 and installed ML, I didn’t understand why everybody wasn’t shooting with it.
    And sure you don’t specifically say one camera is better than another but when you go into threads of cameras you’re never going to buy, and spout out specs that the camera you own has... well... you make your point. 
    But this is just a camera forum, so I don’t care... no reason to get angry over. Love your camera... I respect that.
  3. Like
    hansel reacted to Django in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    Hey before I get Sony users too riled up,  my company did call me yesterday asking if we should switch our Sony mirrorless gear to Nikon Z.. 

    Nikon may have won this battle (imo) but the mirrorless war ain't over..
  4. Like
    hansel reacted to Django in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    Lol.. ok now were defending an unannounced hypothetical future camera.. wow the force is strong with this one!  
  5. Like
    hansel reacted to mercer in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    Haha, I think Jon has had discussions with his own posts arguing that the a7iii is better than the GH5. ?
  6. Haha
    hansel reacted to Django in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    sorry just had to ?
  7. Like
    hansel reacted to fuzzynormal in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    "Nikon put some rich bastards in a fancy car to make a stunning blown-out highlights compilation reel, which resonates with absolutely no photographer or filmmaker anywhere."
    Ha.  Watched that vid and thought, man, I'm good enough to make something that flawed.  How do I get hired for those types of gigs?
  8. Like
    hansel reacted to Django in Nikon FF Mirrorless   
    Looks a lot less ridiculous than this imo..

  9. Like
    hansel reacted to BTM_Pix in Nikon FF Mirrorless   
    I'd be thinking WOW!! if they have enough room to make a speed booster version of the adapter.
    Faster versions of their back catalogue of already fast primes with full AF when shooting in Super 35 mode would be a bit of an OK thing.
  10. Like
    hansel reacted to MdB in Canon 5D IV HDMI like 1DC / 1DXII 1080p 4:2:2 output   
    A Good Samaritan has kindly helped me out and done some side by side recordings of the FF 1080p mode and 1.7x 4K crop mode both recorded via the HDMI output to a BMVA4K. The results are basically as I expected, the 5D IV looks much nicer in that downsampled 4K mode and does seem to work in that way. I think with C-Log and DPAF using this recording method makes it a pretty killer option and am definitely looking to add one to my kit now. 
    As an aside, the in camera 1080p does IMO look a lot better than Canon’s earlier efforts, like my 1DC (1DX) and 70D. 
  11. Like
    hansel reacted to 521photo in Canon 5D IV HDMI like 1DC / 1DXII 1080p 4:2:2 output   
    Happy to share any useful info. Like you, I was looking everywhere for people's experience with the 5D4. There's a very talented Cinematographer/DOP  who has several music/model videos on YouTube, where he uses the 1Dc and 5D4 cut together. I found it difficult to tell them apart in the final edit. And in the comments section, people asked which he preferred or would buy if he had to make a choice and his response was to go with the 5D4.... 
    As for my own experience.....I realized that I needed a hybrid. Was going to go with the Sony Full Frame until footage was released online. I can't get past the shitty skin tones and the ridiculous noise reduction=mudd.  And I'm just not in the position or place in my career to warrant a dedicated video cam. Otherwise, I would probably go for the C200 or something like that. And I know I sound like a Canon fan boy but their image and usability on the day can't be beat. For my film I had originally rented a GH5.....a few hours later, it was back at the rental house. It was like a toy with a confusing menu.
    My point being, I need gear that works, out of the box and intuitive in its use. I'll use whichever tool that allows me to get the shot or footage without getting in the way. And so far, thats been Canon. 
    On set the 5D4 was amazing. Never once an issue. I used the amazing DPAF coupled with the Canon app on an iPad to frame and focus the shot. The app worked accurately 80% of the time and was truly a life saver. I would have wanted to send the body back to Canon to upgrade to C-Log but just didn't have time in the shooting schedule. Used Neutral Profile and with VERY limited lighting, was able to pull out amazing dynamic range and IQ. The 4K is true Cinema DCI and coupled with the crop, is a very pleasing, cinematic frame. No need for adding 'black bars' to the edit.
    File size.....yep, they're huge. The film is just shy of 11 minutes. Rendered and exported in ProRes 422 HQ, with the applied LUT's, grain and audio; came to 63 Gigs in FCPX, 53 on the external drive and 49 going into Vimeo. But the quality! Wow! Seriously, everything from retaining dynamic range to the colour in the most organic way. Totally worth the upload time!
    Things to consider....if you want C-Log, you need to either send away for installation or buy pre installed from BH?
    Must have big, fast CF Cards. The camera will split clips into 4Gig sections if the care is smaller then 256Gig. In 4K thats about a minute of footage. Did I mention needing a lot of cards? But I bet its still less then shooting RAW on BMCC or RED....or having to buy the really expensive CFast or the SD cards to be able to do 4K in the GH5 or the Sony's.
    When using the Canon App with the 5D4, you have to turn on the wi-fi in camera, which uses even more battery then shooting video. Haven't tested for length of use but easily used 3-4 in a full day of shooting.
    I have never used the C100 but the footage is nice, without the limitations of a DSLR/Hybrid. Its probably super user friendly and gets the job done and if you don't need 4K, they're very reasonably priced. 
    That's all I can think of for now. If there's anything specific you'd like to know, ask away. Happy to help.
  12. Like
    hansel reacted to mercer in Canon 5D IV HDMI like 1DC / 1DXII 1080p 4:2:2 output   
    @521photo would love to hear more about your film and any BTS info on how the 5D4 worked. I may have a few opportunities coming up and I may invest in either a C100 mk1, 5D4 or see what’s what with the new Canon mirrorless. So any info you can share would be great. 
  13. Like
    hansel reacted to 521photo in Canon 5D IV HDMI like 1DC / 1DXII 1080p 4:2:2 output   
    Well I must be #28!???
    But I was in a similar position a few months ago. Needed a 4K capable camera for a film and a body that could also handle pro photo use for my photography biz, as upgrade to the 5D2.  I needed something familiar.  Looked seriously at the 1Dc but ultimately went with the 5D4. No regrets although I was concerned with the crop in 4K. I shot a film and have used it on several photo shoots and can say that it capable of producing an exceptional image, video and stills. A lot of the negatives online, have been positives in my experience. The giant file size, is easy to edit in FCPX and can be pushed around for colour. I finished my film in no small part due to the incredible DPAF. Seriously, it was a lifesaver! I don't really care about spec sheets. Been shooting long enough to know that the only thing that really matters is the image quality. And I don't really care if the file sizes are too big or the crop, etc, etc. 
  14. Like
    hansel reacted to BrunoLandMedia in C100 - Mark I, Mark II, or just wait???   
    Wow, Thanks everyone for your thoughts. 
    I should have been more clear about absolute needs and workflow. 
    When I arrived at this job, all I had was the XA10 camcorder and two 720 handycams. I did the best I could. I started bringing my 70d in to do all the run and gun stuff, and finally after a while convinced THEM to buy me an 80d with the 18-135. That was the max budget I could get out of them. I couldn't just "save" that 1000 so I went ahead got the 80d. I personally have always had DSLR for my family, music, and travel and the 6dmk2 clicks my boxes there so then I was a 2 DSLR show and the old XA10. Now with a little more money and possible selling the 80d, I am looking for real video. 
    1. No 4k needed, and not wanted really. I do things like Go to Kindergarten while the paint pumpkins. Take real quick B-roll of all the actions, cute shots of them together. Super tight, super wide shots, mostly on mono pod (Gimbal in future) head up to my office and turn around a quick 1-2 min video in an hour. 4k would crush that workflow. And I do this all the time, a few times a week along with all these other videos I'm doing. 
    2. Need a "no time limit" camera. This is why mirrorless won't work for this camera. Maybe one day, I'll dump the 6d for canon's new mirrorless or something else, but that's not the question right now. 
    3. Much better picture in low light, mostly situations where I don't have ANY control of the light. Better than 80d or 6dmk2.
    4. Oh, I also need to stream 1080p HDMI out which I know both c100's do. 
    I feel like the mk1 could keep me with the 80d/6d for the 60p and run and gun work and maybe that is just stupid. Just go for the mk2 and use it for everything. Then I wouldn't have to worry about changing cameras all the time, just adding cameras for performances. 
  15. Like
    hansel reacted to mercer in C100 - Mark I, Mark II, or just wait???   
    Derr... that’s the point. This happens way too often on this site. People ask opinion between A and B camera and somebody goes off on some G option.
    Yeah, typing too quick. 
  16. Like
    hansel reacted to mercer in C100 - Mark I, Mark II, or just wait???   
    Oh yeah... and he said he wants a Canon and never mentioned the a7iii. 
  17. Like
    hansel reacted to Inazuma in Sony a7 III discussion   
    Totally disagree. The GH5 is possibly the best value proposition video camera out there. Its overpriced and oversized for an m43 photography camera but that's why they have the GX and other lines. 
  18. Like
    hansel reacted to Robert Collins in Sony a7 III discussion   
    The big advantage of a high resolution sensor is that it gives you a lot of flexibility to crop. Essentially with an A7riii you have 42mp FF, 18mp APS-C and 11mp M43 all wrapped up in one. Makes your lenses very versatile.
  19. Like
    hansel reacted to webrunner5 in Sony a7 III discussion   
    I think Panasonic and Olympus both shot themselves in the foot with the pricing of the GH5, GH5s , and Oly with the EM1 mk II. That is crazy money for a m4/3 camera. Especially with the Sony A7 mk III now and the BM PK4 coming out. They have done screwed up as they say. The Genie is out of the bottle and no way to put it back in.
    And now Canon and Nikon both are going to have to have a FF mirrorless in the 2000 dollar range, and not some piece of crap one either. There really isn't a whole lot the A7 mk III can't do that even Nikon or Canon will have on their top end ones. What the hell is left out that the average person needs other than high MP for photos. And that is really over rated in this day and age anyways. Nobody prints anymore anyways.
    From Imaging - Resource
    "Sony A7 III Print Quality
    Excellent, high-quality prints up to at least 30 x 40 inches up to ISO 800; Very good prints up to 13 x 19 inches at ISO 6400; Usable 5 x 7 inch print at ISO 51,200."
    Hell that is a print as big as most peoples LCD TV!
  20. Like
    hansel reacted to Oliver Daniel in EVA1 vs Terra 4k or Mavo vs FS5 II - decisions!   
    I lost my mind years ago getting into video. It's a completely insane profession. I can't quite remember why I'm doing it.
    I might just get all of them, maybe RED Monstro and a Venice too. ?
    Or maybe I'll stick with an iPhone and Osmo Mobile 2. 
    Ultimately, it's down to image quality. 
  21. Like
    hansel reacted to Kubrickian in Elon Musk   
    White men are allowed to be eccentric 
  22. Like
    hansel reacted to OliKMIA in Elon Musk   
    Eon Musk is without a doubt an exceptional person and he doesn't deserve all this drama. That being said, in the larger scheme of things we shouldn't overestimate his reach. While Tesla is an amazing accomplishment this is not going to save the planet. Even if a large chunk of the population move to electric cars, the power has to come from somewhere which is mainly coal powerplant in the world (see Germany when they close many nuclear plants to please the green party, they moved to coal and imports). The recharge time is also an issue, but hey, Rome wasn't build in a day and it's already an amazing achievement that goes in the right direction. He did better by himself that all the regular car manufacturers.
    As for SpaceX, I'm more reserved. First, this has been heavily founded by governmental money. It's not like he did it all on private fund. Something to remember for all the "100% private economy" people. But again, not a big issue and already an impressive achievement.

    The point of "colonizing" Mars is complicated though. First, why don't we work on keeping earth afloat and not fuck this planet beyond repair? The Mars colonization idea gived the false impression that earth is disposable which is ok because we'll move to Mars afterward...
    But even if SpaceX improves the launcher technology, this is still a very inefficient endeavor and Mars is not habitable. Long story short, terraforming Mars would require thousand of rockets at a cost probably greater than the actual US GDP. Even if we succeed at creating an atmosphere on Mars, there is no magnetosphere there because this planet is geologically dead inside. So without magnetosphere like on Earth the atmosphere will be washed out by solar winds and I'm not talking about radiations and UV.

    In any case, I really wish him luck and success. The $420 tweet was fun
  23. Like
    hansel reacted to JurijTurnsek in Elon Musk   
    Any environmentalist worth his/her salt would immediately point out to his dislike of public transportation. His vision is the same car-centric gridlocked cities, but with electric vehicles. So, I wish him a lot of success, but the is not a true visionary, just a capitalist that is driving the current trends. He also has made some ridicules comments regarding media, which is worrisome.
    Tesla is a bit like Sony - very innovative, but once the established forces pick up on the tech, they will drown it out simply with their manufacturing might and retail presence.
  24. Like
    hansel reacted to mercer in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Yeah @BTM_Pix listen to Kye and don’t eff this up.
  25. Like
    hansel reacted to webrunner5 in Machine for Resolve 14/15 - Win 10   
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