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Everything posted by PannySVHS

  1. though they did some nice editing with these dinosaurs. nowadays we see the worst hobbiest editing and post work of all time, with all the misused possibilities at hand.
  2. @anonim Your words are to the point. Wondering where Matt Frazer was. For the launch of both the GH4 and GH5 he was doing an awesome job, and Panasonic gave him the freedom to do so. This announcement of an anouncement is not appetizing at all. I must say that as a super Panny fanboy. Hopefully Matt Frazer will do the real annoucement next year and do its info campaign, hopefully with great news like internal 10bit and even better video specs than GH5, like 10bit for VFR/slomo, 10bit for 4K 60p, higher bitrates for higher framerates, 3 stops better lowlight- so it makes up for using DOF when doing deep staging at lowlight or slomo.
  3. Hmm, an announcement of an announcement. If it does not top GH5 video specs with 10bit plus higher bitrate in VFR, it would be a GH5s with a FF sensor and IBIS for 3000- 4000 USD. Guess, gotta wait a couple more weeks for the real announcement.
  4. PannySVHS


    @TheRenaissanceMan whenever I see a picture of a F3 on this forum I start to lust for one. How has it been treating you? Shooting externally 422 or even 444? Tell me all about it. And IronFilm might also chim in:) Cannot get enough of these F3 stories. The m43 10-25 is for some reason of eventual lack of my competence not as appealing as a 20-100 on m43 would have been to me. Andrew wrote something about these focal lengths in the Panny FF thread. Unfortunately a mixup of numbers:( That 20mm on m43 or 28 boosted are my favorite focal lengths.
  5. wowsers, that with zero sharpening and NR, also 10bit in vfr and true hd quality up to 120p and interframe 400mbit for HD 120fps!
  6. GX85 4k color graded is a thing of beauty, giving the GH5 a good run especially for the money. Ooc color looks better on the Olympus omds I would say by the videos I have watched so far.
  7. So, when you gonna try an 80mpixel portrait of Gunpowder with your new/used:) G9? You would need her in a calm position though:)
  8. @anonim I think opinions are beautiful but not necessarily facts, regardless of authority one holds in the eyes of some of ones beholders coming with the flavours of great variety of accents. I think Mattias is an avid learner who finds no trouble to not to worry about anyones authority nor the lack of chance of learning from others, if he sees it himself. I for one don´t know about his extraordinaire experience in general. I for sure see him as an authority when it comes to beautiful made opinion pieces, reviews, visual essays, fantastic retrospectives of gear and greatly spoken words. I don´t think comparing footage is bizarre, neither shooting and comparing it oneself, especially ahead of shooting pieces for others or for jobs.
  9. G85 would already be too posh I think:) Yeah, I have been having fun with the Fujinon 12.5 and my Gx85. I have to engage the electronic IBIS too in order to avoid dark corners jumping in with stabilization. Such a super fun lens and by one stop sharper than my SLRMagic 12mm. I think it becomes a 15mm or 16mm in mft terms with that 4k crop plus eIBIS extra crop. Like a cheaper Leica 15mm and helios character:) I would vote for a EM10iii if you can get it for less than 400. Shoot it a 3200, 4000 and 6000K and be happy with the oly colors I would guess. Internal audio only, would not mind though neither suggest it. Love to see some of your beautiful free roaming or nicely locked camera work again!!
  10. @Dan Sherman that wouldnt be the image related attributes though, anonim might refer to himself in answer to my question pointed at him. Anyhow thanks for letting readers of this forum know, of course. I came to really appreciate these benefits as I have been shooting with this camera around thirty hours of footage this year. @Mattias Burling, I hope you find the right answer to your request regarding CineD quality on the G9. Interesting sidenote: EBU has rated the GH5s with DR in HLG, CineD and VLOG at 13 plus stops.
  11. @IronFilm@mercer, that would be a very sweet treat then I must say. If that update would fix the UM4Ks FPN at 800iso and with BRaw it would be a camera I´d consider buying.
  12. @mercer Glenn, I have shot a 48hour challenge in HD with the G7 this year, a whole bunch 8bit and 10bit HD and 4K. So I am standing by it, let´s have some 8bit fun. @mat33 I had been really looking forward to do that 8bit challenge with you, Glenn and others! I would suggest all cameras without IBIS or IBIS off, 8bit internal HD. No GH5 though, cuz it´s too good:) Glenn, I would recommend you to buy a G85, if you can get it for less than 500usd. Hope KidzRevil will return with some of his G85 awesomeness. If you wanna go really cheap, get a G7. I think G(X)85 has obvious better color science. But graded all Pannys are great. @Anaconda_ Great colors and lens choice! Looking lovely. How is manual focussing, is it fun to do? Fly by wire or mechanical?
  13. @anonim i love Mattias´ videos. That does not exclude my pleasure of enjoying a variety of dslm and other footage nor my insights getting from them. Mine are not a copy of yours. No reason to be so doubtful about my posts. What benefits are you getting from your GH5 over a much cheaper GH4 besides IBIS? Are they related to better usuable DR, much better usuable DR in lowlight, to a better image over all? If so, why supporting the idea of preferring Gh4s image quality over a G9? If you´re just trolling, lemme know. I will save time and even that repetition of mine, which you have taken the pleasure and duty to point out.
  14. I am not THAT keen on quoting myself, but not THAT unkeen neither, so now rather keen on it: "My two cents and many of words.", implying a bit the inner conflict of answering a question and wrongly evoking the impression of being paternizing. I think you had a gentle smile due to it just as I did when I was typing. Mattias is an eloquent individual who would not feel paternized that easily I figured. @Mattias Burling, Havent found any tests proving better DR on GH4, but having watched plenty of Lumix videos showing me a more intriguing image of the GH5, with better DR along. But then again, not wanting to prove anything but giving my bits of insights. cheers and looking forward to more cool videos of yours.
  15. Bump for one of my favorite threads! Bump, bump, bumpodito! Let´s keep those super8 raw films rolling! I can only offer some DX1 and XL1 3CCD magic:
  16. bump. would love to have this at my hands and shoot a short immediately with it! so, bump again. keep the fire burning.
  17. mini 4k, does it have the global shutter sensor of the 4k production camera? that with braw and with usuable lowlight at 800iso would be awesome. no mft mount though;/
  18. Great time to buy the bmcc mft mount. That beauty also getting BRaw?
  19. Hey, great colors! Would you mind posting this or another video shot with your A7iii? cheers
  20. seemingly something caused the fail, the seemingly flawed result, as it does not go along with my findings. Seemingly. Hard to believe that clipped footage is representing inferriour dr instead of a flawed test. Could be early date and sofore nle incompatibilities and different interpretation of material in the nle. different 0-255 ,16-235 in camera settings or interpretation in nle. If your findings are different I am sure it will influence your buying decision as you have posted a few posts ago. LIke I stated, sensor and/or pipe is much better in gh5 for video. My two cents and many of words.
  21. FF HD, is it C100/300 quality? Is it 10bit via HDMI for HD as well? CLog works in HD as well? Full HDMI port? If four times yes, this is something interesting for trying out. Waiting for Z6 material and HD quality. Rolling shutter and IBIS might be deciding factor.
  22. I´ve seen footage with better DR from GH5 than in vids from GH4, just not comparisons. If there are any besides the seemingly failed one from the tester above, always interesting to see of course. I compared both cameras in moderate lowlight and GH4 got smoked big, big time in video. Big n nasty blocks and blotches in the GH4 footage vs. none in GH5 footage. GX85 is much better in 4K than GH4 as well in lowlight. Thats just technical progress in sensor and camera tech.
  23. DR on GH5 is higher for photos. Why should it be less for video?:) Especially in lowlight it provides more usuable information than a GH4. If used in 10bit, no contest at all. GH4 looks outdated in comparison. Maybe tester did a mistake in the 0 255 setting, maybe codec is not the same, though both at 100mbit 8bit, leaving errors when interpreting footage in Premiere. Nonetheless, interested in seeiny tonysss´ test! BMCC, one tasty camera! GX80 4K in Natural gives me one beautiful image! So, cool to see that kid in the test as well, hopefully.
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