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Everything posted by BenEricson

  1. I originally had a non 444 model and when I switched to the 444 model, the colors felt slightly off. I kind of thought I was imagining it, but my issue was due to the S-LOG out. You should try shooting some green grass with both profiles. The straight S-LOG out will look a bit more artificial looking. Here is a quote from a member on DVX user form 2017. "The camera has two kinds of output, which you select in the "Dual-Link & Gamma Select" menu. One output mode is Video. In this mode you can customize the picture profile to set the gamma and color matrix. The other output mode is S-Log. In this mode, picture profiles are unavailable. The gamma is locked to S-Log and the gamut to S-Gamut. I found the colors to be weird in this mode and I could find no way to compensate in post, even using a proper S-Log & S-Gamut transform. I believe Sony screwed up S-Gamut on this camera. So I suggest you forget the S-Log output mode and just use the Video mode. In Video mode, the most useful gamma settings are STD5 R709, Cine1, and S-Log (I mean S-Log the picture profile gamma setting, not S-Log the Dual-Link & Gamma Select mode). S-Log gamma works fine in Video mode. Personally I think the most versatile gamma setting is Cine1, for reasons I explain here. Cine1 is easy to grade by hand with just a levels filter, and you can also use my Logarist LUTs for that. If you want output that doesn't need to be graded at all, set the gamma to STD5 R709. I found a matrix of Standard to give the most natural looking color."
  2. Yeah, you can grade F3 footage easily with just the Lift, Gamma, Gain in any grading tool and get nice results. No LUT needed. It is important to mention that there are two S-LOG settings on the F3. For best results, you want to set your camera to video out and enable S-LOG in the picture profile setting. If you do a standard, S-LOG out, the color is altered and harder to deal with in post. Specifically in the green channel.
  3. The DPAF on the C300 Mk2 and C200 is really incredible. The “one touch focus” feels very natural and is totally usable. The manual focus with auto assist also works really well. I think you’re wrong that it is not usable from a creative perspective. I would love to be able to record a focus adjustment and the have the camera mimic it back. Doesn’t seem too difficult. I’m not sure this feature would do much to help Canon sell more camera though....
  4. Nice looking frames. I love your rig as well. I have had good results with ProRes LT to Vimeo.
  5. Personally I think the Hollywood Black Magic looks the best, I guess that's why they are 3x the price. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/902702-REG/Schneider_68_091277_77mm_Hollywood_Magic_1_2.html/?ap=y&ap=y&smp=y&smp=y&lsft=BI%3A514&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3ZX4BRDmARIsAFYh7ZKxoiVQZaVbry28uO0USKsce2g2Ig6cGmYMLjLKQf7C-pLdxaODvzoaAkUiEALw_wcB
  6. Gotcha. I used them in April as well. I think Kodak is open again on the 7th.
  7. Has anyone revealed what the catch is yet? Too good to be true.
  8. Looks really nice. Cool to see more people on this forum shooting 16mm. Have you tried Kodak Film Lab Atlanta? Their rates and turn around time are the best I have found. Exactly. I shot this on the Bolex Rex 4. If you get high quality scans and treat it right in post, it'll be close to what those bigger cameras can do. Bolex is kind of like the DSLR of the film cameras. I really love the internal NDs and simplicity of the camera. I think for solo type shooting, it is a really good option.
  9. Exactly. The exposure needs to be motivated. It is difficult to force shots that don't exist, especially if you're trying to match contrast through out an entire piece. This is why shooting log footage without a LUT gets confusing. Different colors will appear differently depending on how they are exposed, obviously. The Canon, Red, and Arri all make sure green hold saturation even at the top of the image. All the LUTS you will use are probably balanced for a more standard exposure. If you're doing things like pushing highlights and extreme ETTR, you'll run into problems with saturation on certain colors. Looking at your frames makes me want one of these cameras again. I really love how the footage looks. I owned one 3 years ago. I remember I messed with some of the baked in profiles, those looked really nice as well. Maybe Production Standard? I can't remember. I use the C300 Mk2 now so I get them mixed up. The color seemed a bit thicker than if I shot C-LOG and tried to match what a baked in profile was giving me. You can do a lot in post with those files but you need to know what you want to do when you get into the edit. With the violinist, I would assume you'd want to compensate for the under exposure and then maybe throw some sort of "power windows" or gradient exposure on the clouds to keep some of that beautiful blue sky and green trees. With the portrait test shot / you're essentially exposing for the shadows because of how the light is hitting you. If you opened up to your left slightly and had a bit of diffusion, you could drop the whole image down by a few stops and get a more rich / darker background. As is, the light is kind of a back light / side light. Here is what I came up with on the two frames. I don't have resolve, this is just Magic Bullet Looks in Premiere Pro. I don't have a color checker, but your WB is great so it's not that difficult to just level it out and tweak a few color with the HSL sliders. I did my best to try to match the two frame just for fun.
  10. Found this thread while researching the M50. This camera seems to be the cheapest canon mirrorless that will work as a webcam through Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Have anyone used this as a webcam? Does anyone know if you stream and record locally at the same time? The price has dropped below 500 with with the kit lens. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1411820-REG/canon_eos_m50_with_15_45mm.html/?ap=y&ap=y&smp=y&smp=y&lsft=BI%3A514&gclid=CjwKCAjwxLH3BRApEiwAqX9arQUF3obxxJnzi650rTWzQWR-uuEl2dwKuJ4Jxb05jv_Gelv39ep5_xoCjAMQAvD_BwE
  11. Yeah, I mean a camera is a camera. The F3 is a lot easier to get to a nice point color wise though. A bmpcc 4k or something can look good in the right hands as well, it just takes a lot more post work / experience in my opinion. Flat film scans are probably the easiest format to grade.
  12. Thank you! That's actually all real 16mm film shot on Bolex! I suppose this just shows how much of a film look the F3 has. I had to tone the 16mm down a bit to match. I've done a bunch of projects on 16mm but a traditional skate project like this is not feasible to do all on film. If you're curious, you can poke around my Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/benericson
  13. Amazon. They pay well. Bezos wants to sell more shoes.
  14. I really enjoyed using this setup. I work for a studio that has a pair of the C300 Mk2s and I really got used to having something that was really compact and easy to use. I should have shot more projects with this camera. I could run the camera and monitor for around 2 hours from one Swit battery. I would love to see this camera with some Leica Rs or high quality PL glass.
  15. Yep. Exactly. The cop is being charged with 2nd degree murder because he killed a man and you’re still trying to defend him, solely for the reason that he’s a white cop! Get the hell out of here with that. He had 18 prior complaints filed against him.
  16. BenEricson

    RED Komodo

    Not very self aware. Sounds like the verbiage kids were using back in early March.
  17. It depends. The Vimeo network is really good. I’ve connected with a lot of really interesting and talented people through Vimeo. I’m sure people could say the same about YouTube. The player / embed also looks way more professional on a website. I’ve always had really nice luck with the quality of their player. ProRes LT uploaded to their site handles film grain wonderfully. I never see macro blocking like I do on YouTube.
  18. I mostly shoot with the C300 Mk2 right now. (Or when we were shooting more.) I actually probably like the F3 image about the same, maybe better. The C300 Mk2 is just so easy to use and does really good in mixed light. Great baked in options and 4k without a recorder. I never had good experience with the FS700. I could never get the color to look right. I suppose it looks really nice with a speed booster at f2 on a 50mm, but you can't shoot everything like that. My F3 is sitting on the shelf. Let me know if you need a back up. Anyway. Your footage looks awesome. Keep it up. If you think the black magic pocket is bad, try looking for a used digital bolex. Those are like 5-7K.
  19. Looks so good. I love the images from this camera.
  20. You can also get a C300 MK2 for around 4-5 grand at this point. I personally love the C series cameras. Incredibly easy to use, no fuss, really nice color, small files.
  21. Yes. I would never stretch anything.
  22. Yeah, you get 1.5 out of each output and it merges them. This only works with the 7Q.
  23. I feel like a lot of those people haven't used the 1DX2. That camera is amazing and is over 4 years old. There's no reason why they can't do clean 8K.
  24. Shoot outside in natural light / low contrast. Crush the black level a little. Canon would probably do a much better job.
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