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Posts posted by OliKMIA

  1. On 1/23/2018 at 8:40 PM, OliKMIA said:

    Interesting, nothing is impossible with DJI. We'll find out soon.


    4 hours ago, mkabi said:

    I thought you said it was impossible???

    Yeah, I know, I still believe it's very hard (impossible?) in a drone the size of the Mavic but I might be surprised. After all, they managed to build very small and light APS-C lense for the X7 on the Inspire II. If they come up with a one inch sensor on Mavic Pro II, I'll be the first one to be happy and you can public shame me here.

  2. So Samsung killed its camera line, then resurrect it as a kick-stand for the marketing campaign of its new flagship phone?..

    Seems to be a lot of development cost for marketing, and I don't see how it would support the sales of a smartphone, what's the link? Personally I agree with some people here, they lost their credibility and I would not invest in the NX2 system if they are so volatile. It comes and go for no reasons or just to help smartphone sales. Um... 
    That being said, more competition is always welcome and it would be a neat camera with adapters. We'll see.

  3. 6 hours ago, Mattias Burling said:

    This is not my experience. After countless crashes the IT dept at my company caved and made an exception to the rule of PC only. They gave me a Mac and its just like home, zero crashes.. ever. 

    iOS just handles image prossesing, video editing and heavy webb workflow better. And for the same amount of spec/dollar.

    For some of the webb publishing I do the time efficiency in a side by side was 4h vs 20min on the Mac. For the same tasks.

    Different experience here with PC, everything is smooth on my custom built computer. But again, as long as you are happy with your Mac, that's good.


    5 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Matter of taste and personal choice. Just because someone has a strong preference for one system over the other doesn't make them a 'fan boy'.

    There's a lot I like about Mac OS over Windows and all of it is to do with functionality, security, driverless plug & play, uninterrupted creative flow, aesthetics, app ecosystem, app exclusives like EditReady, codecs like ProRes, file encryption, Finder vs Explorer and a better user experience (for me) and nothing to do with the brand "Apple".

    Yeah, nothing to do with "fan boy", I'm genuinely interested to understand why you prefer Mac. You made some valid points.

  4. 4 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    PC owners will say "yeah but for under $1000 you can get way better performance".

    Ah but Windows is a totally depressing existence.

    I'm not here to re-start the stupid Apple-PC war but what's wrong with Windows? I understand people want to use Mac but Windows is very stable now, never crash, everything is mostly plug n play nowadays. So easy.

  5. I post my video on Vimeo and Youtube (sometime FB too) and I really like Vimeo. This platform has not become an random mess like youtube filled with cat video, V-logger and other clickbait crap. The interface nice and clean without ads pollution. At $59/year for the PLUS membership, I don't find this crazy.

  6. 1 hour ago, Kisaha said:

    Who is DJI competing with?! They make their drones better and better, and create new segments within their segments. I do not understand what’s the rush with all these releases.

    Excellent little drone, 100mbps and one click moves is just amazing for most people.

    A Mavic Pro Platinum with an 1” will be amazing for most pro people.

    They are not just competing, they are engaged in a war to kill the competition and they are almost done. They killed 3DR and its solo, they killed the GoPro drone attempt with the Karma (the Mavic was announced only a few days after the Karma in 2016). Now there is only a bunch of Chinese competitors left like Walkera, Yuneec and Autel. All in bad shape, they recently announced layoff. They are also way behind in terms of technology. Once DJI got rid of the competition they will slow down.

    3 minutes ago, Robert Collins said:

    I think you are looking at this problem upside down. DJI have just put the Mavic Pro's camera in a smaller drone - the Mavic Air. So if they put a 1 inch sensor in a Mavic Pro 2 (which is a bit bigger than the Mavic Pro) you should look at it as putting the Phantom 4 camera in a much smaller body. With the Mavic Air now out, DJI have a good excuse for making a slightly larger Mavic Pro 2 to accommodate a inch sensor.

    Interesting, nothing is impossible with DJI. We'll find out soon.

  7. 4 hours ago, mkabi said:


    The camera on the P4P has an one inch sensor and isn't that much bigger (both the camera and the drone)...

    May be the Air is too small for that camera, but the regular Mavic Pro... should be able to carry the camera thats on the P4P.

    Look, if Autel Robotics is about to release one... I don't see why DJI can't do one????


    Yeah, the P4P is like 2 or 3 time bigger than a Mavic Air and look at the camera and gimbal, the size factor is 1 to 5. Again, DJI doesn't do it because there is physical limitations. One inch is bigger than the current Mavic Pro camera + lens. One inch sensor requires big glass, big motor, space for the mechanism to move, more complex dampening system, etc. That's the same reason why you don't find smartphones with large sensor.

    By the way,  the Autel EVO 1" sensor is not true. The truth is that Autel is in bad shape, like everybody else in the drone industry which stands in DJI's path (RIP : 3DR Solo, GoPro Karma, etc.). They got people excited to attract attention but it's BS. Now, they are back-pedaling after spreading some rumors at the CES. The EVO will come with the a tiny 1/2.3 sensor.

    Good marketing move I guess. Autel is familiar with announcement that never materialized (X-Star 3 et Venture II). I don't blame them. It's very hard to be on this market.We need more competition but they don't have enough R&D money and keep running after DJI. Once they got something ready it's outdated and they must kill their margins to compete.


  8. Again, one inch sensor is impossible in these tiny drone. One inch is bigger than the entire Mavic Pro camera and lens by itself.

    100mbps is very welcome compared to the horrible 4k 60mbps on the Mavic that is borderline not usable.

    48 minutes ago, ntblowz said:

    It uses wifi signal which is a major bummer (enhanced to 4km)

    I prefer radio frequency much more because interference from wifi is atrocious!  Otherwise it is my dream drone for sure!

    +1 on this, it's going to be bad, especially in urban environment with a lot of RF noise.

  9. The price won't be much different than in the US for brand new stuff but the warranty might be a pain to manage later on. Some camera are also only availablre with Japanese menu... You would find better deal in China and Hong Kong. However for used stuff there are a lot of gems and Japanese people are crazy with gears, you can find 40 years old lenses brand new with packaging!

    The main stores are Map camera, Yodobashi Camera, and BIC in Shinjuku

    Used stuff: http://photojpn.org/news/2016/02/used-camera-shops-in-tokyo/


  10. I built and flew drones for years now. Honestly I think that's a bad idea to use a drone for this type of tight indoor shoot. Here are a few remarks:

    >>> First, the FAA has no jurisdiction for indoor stuff. "the FAA does not regulate indoor UAS use."

    >>> GPS positioning is going to be off indoor but since there is no wind, the drone won't drift. Most of DJI drones now comes with a "Vision Positioning" system. Basically, it's a sensor looking downward that can lock on the ground to stay stable. It only works a low altitude (less then 30 ft) and some ground patterns or shape may confuse the system so be careful.

    >>> The one inch sensor low light capability is not great. The Inspire 2 would do better with a X5S (micro43) or X7 (APSC) camera but that's a huge drone and the propellers wind is going to fuck your shot (it will be a problem with the Phantom also). It's like having 4 powerful fans blasting air at full speed. Basically the blanket and your actor's hair are going to be all over the place.... Finally,  the space will be tight for an Inspire, you really need to have a good pilot. Inspire props can hurt you bad.

    >>> For the building shot question, the altitude for commercial operator (Part 107) is limited to 400 feet. However "Part 107 limits your altitude to 400 feet unless your unmanned aircraft is flying within 400 feet of a structure (in which case you may not fly higher than 400 feet above the top of that structure)." So you can fly has high as 400 feet right above the building assuming you don't burst in the lower ceiling of the airspace above such as Class C or B (some of them start as low as 1000 above the ground).

    >>> Finally for the sensor, I'm going to assume that you are going to use a DJI drone. They have 4 types of sensor, the Mavic and old Phantoms have a tiny 1/2.3” sensor (eg= bad in low light). The Phantom 4 Pro has a one inch sensor and the inspire comes with a Micro43 (X5S camera) or APS-C/super 35mm (X7 camera). The rest of the settings (resolution, DR, log, etc.) is similar to normal cameras. The inspire 2 can shoot 10 bits prores or 12 bits cinema DNG based on the license you buy.

    >>> Here is my humble opinion:

    For the first shoot, just use jib or a crane or make something out of ropes with a camera on a gimbal. Shouldn't be too complicated with a Background Stand System.

    For the second shot, just hire a local professional with a Part 107 license (FAA commercial drone pilot license). There is plenty of drone operators, this is a very simple shoot, it shouldn't cost you more than $200-500 depending of the complexity and requirement. You can search google or take a look on one of those uber like websites to pick an operator: DroneBase or Droners.io, etc.

  11. 21 hours ago, Robert Collins said:

    Sounds and looks remarkably unlike Canon. Still DJI has 4k/50p on a 1 inch sensor on the Phantom 4 Pro's smaller camera and that drone has been out for a year.

    Completely different architecture. Half of the electronic is actually separated from the sensor and lens unit so they are not crammed together under in the same body like a normal camera. It helps for heat dissipation (much more surface for thermal exchange). On top of that, the electronic has plenty of air circulation due to the drone motion and/or propellers airflow.

    Plus, above 4k30 on the Phantom 4 Pro you get a significant and negative impact on the image quality. No sure why  (limit of the 100mbps codec? Line skipping?) but I never use this mode.

  12. 16 hours ago, sanveer said:

    Wow. That's great news. Hopefully a Mavic Pro @ below $1500 with a 1inch sensor. 

    Very unlikely. One inch sensor would require a larger camera and lens, thus bigger motors and gimbal to handle the load with higher ground clearance and larger vibration dampening system (=higher skids, bigger battery to handle the front heavy CG, etc.). There no free meal. I'm not sure that you can design a compact drone like the Mavic with a one inch sensor.

    The Typhoon Plus is interesting, the main point of this drone is redundancy. Thanks to it's 6 motors, the Typhoon can withstand a single propeller, ESC, or motor failure whereas any quadcopter would spin-crash to death in case of prop/motor failure (note: the Inspire 2 has ESC redundancy).

    Unfortunately I doubt that Autel and Walkera can shake DJI technological and commercial advantage. Autel is facing DJI lawsuit and they announced drones in the past that failed to materialized (X-Star 3 & Venture II). They are lagging in terms of technology. Their RC link are way behind DJI lightbrige and ocusync digital links. The Typhoon plus is based on a classical PX4 flight controller.

    DJI owns the market. The pathetic attempts like the 3DR Solo and the GoPro Karma have been commercial failures. DJI will probably announce a new Phantom or an updated Mavic (higher bitrate, etc.). Perhaps a new Osmo or X7 compatibility.

  13. While I mostly agree with you Andrew, this race to the bottom is not specific to Youtube or FB. It started long before that with trash people magazines, reality TV and 24h news channels.
    There is an interesting scene in the movie "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind" where the main character, a TV producer in the 70s conducts casting of people who want to sing in his TV shows. Most of the contenders are bad singers and the TV producer gets very bored during the casting. He dreams of trashing them. Then he realize that the show should actually be about trashing people live. He changes the concept of his show and pick the worst possible singers to make fun of them during the show. It works great!
    Unfortunately, Youtube, FB, news channels and reality TV rely on the human perversion and basic instincts to success: voyeurism, sexuality, violence, sadism, narcissism, jealousy, etc.

    As you know, the Germans have a word for this "Schadenfreude"

  14. Good article Andrew but unfortunately the regular TV is not much better. How many time did TV networks show us people getting killed almost live during conflict or natural disaster (hurricanes, kid drowning, earthquake, etc.). Not much difference except that the news "reporter" has the fake decency to look sad and give you a "viewer advice".

    Another deplorable habits is when "journalist" rush and point their cameras at grieving family members who just lost a love one in plane crash. What's the informative value of this? Like, "hey, I'm John from Trash TV, I have nothing to show because you know the plane is missing, but since your wife and two kids were in the plane, can you please tell me how you feel". This is simply disgusting.

    Finally the censorship is a delicate question because it's always hard to draw the line and set the limits of what can or should not be broadcasted.

  15. On my GH5 I actually purchased a 400mm FD lens on ebay for $300, especially for moon shots, which gives me, if my crop info is right:

    • Regular 4K (no crop): 800mm
    • 4k crop (1.4 crop via ex tele mode enable in the GH5 menu): 1120mm
    • 1080 crop (2.7 crop via ex tele mode enable in the GH5 menu): 2160 mm

    Personally I usually shoot the moon in 800mm or 1120mm "modes" because longer focals are hard to managed in terms of vibration. In body IS can help but it can also get confused on the tripod and be counter productive. Past 1000mm or so, simple light wind can have an effect on the camera shake especially with long and heavy tele lenses which extend far in front of the camera mounting point (because of the arm effect that amplifies the vibration). To counter this I purchase an adaptable tele support. This way I can balance the setup and move the support point forward.

    Another point is that the moon moves quite fast and tighter focal is harder to frame.

    Finally, wide aperture lens doesn't matter much for moon shoots. I find myself closing the aperture down to f/5 or f8 for full moon shoot. It's bright !

    You can also get the FD 300mm for $50-100 on ebay. All you need is a cheap $25 ring adapter.

  16. 5 hours ago, JordanWright said:

    Whats the minimum new features it would take to get you guys to upgrade from a GH5?

    Much better low light. I m not going to sell my GH5 and loose money to buy a more expensive version for just 1 stop of usable ISO gain.

    DR is already quite good on the GH5 for a M43 sensor. Of course if Pana comes with 12 bits, HDR and/or clean high frame rate that would be something to consider too but it's not the main factor for me. Finally, the price we'll be important too. Personally I don't believe in ground breaking AF feature.

    But no matter what, if this rumor is true and Pana releases a new ground breaking version of the GH5 I'll would be very pissed. That would be such a dick move less than a year after the GH5 hit the store shelves. A camera like that doesn't show up in 6 months, manufacturers have long term road-map. Wait and see...


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