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    IronFilm reacted to Andrew Reid in Sony USA Manager Mark Weir explains why the a7rII can’t do 10bit and why it has no flip screen.   
    Yet Blackmagic can do 10bit for a quarter of the price of an A7R II with the Pocket Cinema Camera and Micro.
    Yet GH4 has 10bit 4K HDMI output, albeit seemingly unable to make much noticeable difference to image quality.
    So I'm not really too appreciative of Sony's excuses.
    JG is right, they left it out on purpose to segment products. They are free to do that, so just tell us. Don't make silly excuses!
    As for a GH4 style flip screen making the body too thick - that's a load of tosh. The E-M5 II has one and is a slimmer body with weather sealing. GH4 is not really bigger, not in any meaningful way. Flip screen for selfies is important to consumer market and A7R II is a consumer camera so I hope they change this in future.
  2. Like
    IronFilm reacted to jgharding in Sony USA Manager Mark Weir explains why the a7rII can’t do 10bit and why it has no flip screen.   
    By "the processor can't" they of course mean "we didn't design it to" or "because we don't want it to yet".
    bit depth is a separating factor for market sectors, design of processors is not 'out of their hands', it is part of the segmentation of product lines.
  3. Like
    IronFilm reacted to JazzBox in I like my Panasonic but I regret selling my Canon..   
    Ciao Kangaroo, "Standard" is way too videoish, try "Natural" with contrast -3, saturation all the way down, sharpness -2/-3 (but sometimes 0 or all the way down are perfect) and, of course, shutter at 1/50 with 24 or 25p. 
    I'm sure you'll love this little camera
  4. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Nikkor in Metabone 0.71 or 1.75   
    Trolling is a healthy tradition on Internet forums, specially when it envolves people that are too lazy to use the search function and read.
  5. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Nikkor in Metabone 0.71 or 1.75   
    You really like people to chew your food for you, lol.
  6. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Flynn in Guess the camera   
    I'm going with the Casio Exilim EX-ZS15.
  7. Like
    IronFilm reacted to DBounce in Panasonic GH4r   
    My main beef is this rumor did not come from Panasonic. Should Panasonic be expected to add features and respond to every rumor on the internet? All current GH4 owners entered the purchased based upon the  current spec sheet, so what is the problem?
    Let me right now start a rumor... Their is a "secret" GH4 firmware that can add 14bit color and 16 stops of DR. Will you be angry if it turns out these features are in a totally different camera? This really is how silly this argument is. These rumors didn't come from Pannie... They don't need to respond nor support the rumored features.
  8. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Tiago Rosa-Rosso in Did Samsung just kill the A7rii?   
    I hope samsung adds h.265 8bit 10bit and 12bit 444 and 422 at least to the 1080p. would love to see that also that happening in other resolutions. 
    Also they could introduce 2k 1.85 DCI 1998 x 1080.
  9. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Damphousse in What would you recommend if there were NO 4K?   
    Owning an F3 and BMPCC (the big and mini combo of high performance 1080 cameras) is going  a long way towards reducing the crippling GAS I suffer from!
    Had a rather weird day today (DoP was no show!!!), but I was shooting with the PMW-F3 and damn I was really liking the look of some of those shots!
    But even so... I still get tempted badly due to my case of GAS :-/ Purchased a Panasonic G6 a few days ago. And got very very tempted today to get a Sony RX100 mk1....  (US$260 is hard to resist!).
  10. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Julian in First footage from Leica S (Typ 007) Medium Format   
    Just wait for the Pentax 645Z to drop in price and will be $4k soon enough. 
  11. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Cinegain in Panasonic GH4r   
    Could it have some of the GX8 tech, though?
    Don't see the point of bringing out a new camera package if it's just a firmware thing... they've been handing out V-LOG firmware for GH4 users to test already, so that should already work, no need to bring it out as a new camera unless there's some actual change in hardware, I'd say.
  12. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Julian in Panasonic GH4r   
    Panasonic is being really silly about this. Sending out the firmware beta to testers / shops. Not telling anything about the fact that they will probably charge you for it.
    GH4R doesn't have to mean a new camera. There already is the GH4K, GH4AEG-K, and other crazy letter combinations (you can really buy a Panasonic DMC-GH4UE-K + AG-YAGHG for example...) The add-ons just tell which lenses is bundled with the camera. So GH4R could mean GH4+firmware and an identical camera.
    If Panasonic does not release the V-Log update for the current GH4, that would be completely stupid, since we've already seen it working with the beta testers.
  13. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Inazuma in I like my Panasonic but I regret selling my Canon..   
    If colour is your only problem then you're in luck my friend. http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/8438-pleasing-neutralising-panasonic-luts/ It was created by colour matching GH4/GX7 footage to Canon footage of the same scene and colour charts. 
  14. Like
    IronFilm reacted to JazzBox in I like my Panasonic but I regret selling my Canon..   
    After I bought my G6 (thanks to Andrew's article on this blog) I regret all the Canon I bought
    I sold that 70D and all the Canon digital lenses, so I had some money to buy the GH4. 

    I'm totally in love with Panasonic G6, I use it as second unit with GH4 and they can match really well. 
    Since I don't use 4k that much, the only drawback is the lack of live-HDMI: with an external monitor you can check only the shoots you made, but you can't monitor what you're doing.

    Anyway the EVF is GREAT (try to do that with a Canon!), the dynamic range and the final quality are stellar and in my opinion they smoke easily any non-hacked Canon DSLR.

    With G6 is also very simple to achieve a natural cinematic look in camera: just use "Natural" profile with contrast -3, saturation all the way down and sharpness -2/-3.

    With Canon FD lenses and Zeiss M42 lenses you can shoot really filmic things. 

    I would never return to Canon DSLR, at least until they remain in 2009
  15. Like
    IronFilm reacted to BrorSvensson in Panasonic GH4r   
    Panasonic is doing exactly what i hoped they wouldn't do. 
  16. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from dahlfors in Sony a7 vs NEX 7/5N   
    Nah, just get a Sony A6000 instead. 
    Or even better... Dont get a camera at all!! ;-)
    Wait for the Sony A6100/A7000/A7smk2 to come or to see a big drop in A7s used prices. 
    Just say pass on an A7!
  17. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Marthinus in Sony F3 (PMW-F3) $10K Price Drop and RGB   
    For a while I was opting between a used F3 and a Canon C100 Mk2 then I found a F3K with Slog and RGB444 with 2 x 64gig SXS, Sony SXS reader, Three Sony PL lenses 35mm 50mm and 85mm, 2 x batteries, two pelican cases.  The camera had only 65 hrs and was absolutely mint for $5000.  I decided to buy the Sony and is really very very happy with the image quality of the camera.  I added the Nikon to FZ adapter so that I can use all my Nikon and Zeiss still lenses works perfect.
  18. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from dogentricks in BMPCC vs. a6000 vs. A7ii vs. GH4 vs. Samsung NX1   
    Total budget is only US$2k? Exactly how much is that meant to cover.... ?? If you're starting from scratch you should set your eyes far lower than any of those cameras which you mentioned in your subject line (except perhaps the A6000, some amazing bargains can be found with the A6000. Or even go with the A5100). 

    Example how it can all add up once you start pricing it out properly:

  19. Like
    IronFilm reacted to maxotics in BMPCC vs. a6000 vs. A7ii vs. GH4 vs. Samsung NX1   
    To modify a saying a bit, "If you don't already know what a BMPCC costs (in equipment and time) you can't afford it."   Seriously, BMPCC is only for people who have stretched the limits of compressed video and are willing to make VERY significant trade-offs.  I would cross the NX1 off the list because the platform is new.  Therefore, I think you should choose between GH4 and A6000/A5100.  
  20. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Inazuma in BMPCC vs. a6000 vs. A7ii vs. GH4 vs. Samsung NX1   
    The codec itself doesn't affect image quality much. It's more about how the cameras process its raw information into that codec. 
    From what I know, here's how I'd rate the cameras
    GH4 / NX1 (4k) BMPCC GH4 (1080p) NX1 / a6000 (1080p) Gradeability:
    BMPCC (by a large margin) GH4 / a6000 NX1 Colour (this is really subjective):
    BMPCC NX1 a6000 GH4 Low light:
    a6000 BMPCC GH4 / NX1 Dynamic Range:
    BMPCC a6000 GH4 NX1
  21. Like
    IronFilm reacted to racer5 in Did Samsung just kill the A7rii?   
    Thank you for pointing this out as it often gets ignored: if you switch the NX1 to HD res it's almost a global shutter cam.
    When Cinema5d compared shutter speeds in the following chart they had the nerve to show the NX in UHD mode only on the far right - indicating it's the clear loser, while the A7R2 is given its HD crop speed, and the Amira winning even though it's only 2k. In HD the NX would be to the left of the chart. There is a lot of bias against this camera out there.

  22. Like
    IronFilm reacted to sam in Two Wheels Self-Balancing Mini Scooter for gimbals   
    Yes.  Very comfortable on boards when I was younger, but late 30's now and it had been at least 8 years since I last skated. Although, both my wife and a first time skater also hopped on and within a few minutes got the hang of it.  The board has 3 or 4 settings that limit take off and top speed  This  helped us get comfortable before maxing out the speed.  
    I think I will have to order the mini segway and give it a go to see which works better for video use.
  23. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Shield3 in samsung nx1 new firmware 1.40   
    Just updated my body today and shot a good deal with it tonight.  Everything seems fine.
    Increased continuous maximum shot counts    - 15fps JPEG : 70ea → 90ea    - 15fps RAW  : 20ea → 25ea Added Video DIS (except 120p, VGA size video) Added AEL at M mode,  ISO Auto setting   - This is a big one for me...finally! Added Focus Peaking menu in button setting menu Improved AF to work during zooming     (6 Supporting Lens : 16-50mm S, 50-150mm S, 16-50mm PZ, 18-55mm Ⅲ, 12-24mm, 50-200mm Ⅲ)     ※ Please updated Lens together with Latest version        Lens Firmware can be updated by iLauncher Add Flash Exposure info. display on Live view Live view (when Flash is ON) Improved battery display to show both internal & external remains together when vertical grip is mounted Improved Playback speed of photo Improved sound quality of external Mic. (only for Auto MIC Control OFF) Overall fixed minor bugs Of note from my experiences tonight - I had the DIS enabled just for the hell of it - turning this ON will make 1080p120 unavailable in the video menu.  Took me a minute to figure this out as I was shooting with a dumb adapter + Canon EF glass.
  24. Like
    IronFilm reacted to wolf33d in Pilotfly H1+   
    Big drawback ? Man this product takes 1.2kg, this is huge. It is a small portable gimbal. 
    It is like saying my gopro gimbal has a big drawback, it does not take a 1DC.... 
    You want heavy things? Get a Dji Ronin M. 
    Or use prime. A7RII + 28mm is perfect for instance. 

    Dugdale can you post some footages with A7RII?
  25. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Marco Tecno in Pilotfly H1+   
    This product has for me a big drawback. It only works for very light cameras+lenses. My nx1 with 16-50s is already too heavy. Not to mention the 50-150 lens!!
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