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    IronFilm got a reaction from Stanley in Suitable Micophones to large indoor spaces   
    ohhhh.....  reading further I see you already have a ME66, & you're rather budget constrained. Thus I think you should get yourself a ME64!! It is almost a no brainer decision. I picked up a ME64 capsule for only $99 on eBay last night! & they're only $150 to buy brand new.
  2. Like
    IronFilm reacted to bigfoot in Opinion - DXOMark's camera scoring makes ZERO sense!   
    Dxo marks always been like that. 
    It's not THE reference ..it's only a reference for those who actually know how to read the graphs and analyse some of the results. Overall score means as much as saying that the sky is blue. 
  3. Like
    IronFilm reacted to BlueBomberTurbo in Opinion - DXOMark's camera scoring makes ZERO sense!   
    I do agree that DXO's rankings are a bit questionable, but not too far off.  There are generally valid explanations of the issues you cited:
    NX500 over 5DS and NX1:  I've personally handled 5DSR files, and can say that the IQ is terrible. Even Canon stated not to expect much more than their old APS-C cameras in the IQ department.  I've read a few times that the NX500 is considered to have higher IQ than the NX1.  By how much, I don't know.  But viewing test RAWs of the NX1, I'd say DR and high ISO are around 1/2 stop behind the Nikon D7200.
      DXO One:  Its Super RAW literally is super.  It takes 4 RAW files, stacks them, and averages out the noise.  The difference is dramatic.  While the detail level isn't the best at high ISO, the lack of noise is well beyond FF capability.  This is similar to Olympus' high res RAW mode, but instead of increasing resolution, it reduces noise and increases detail at the same output size.
      D3X over D5:  The D5 is a bomb below ISO 1600, nearly matching the 5D III.  Even crop sensors beat it.  The sensor is tuned for mid/high ISO performance, though current technology only goes so far.  The gains, while there (+1/2 stop vs 1DX II), really aren't worth the trade off for the flexibility in low ISO RAW.  Worthy of note is that the D3X has a Sony sensor, while the D5 is Nikon's own creation.
      D600 over 1DX II and P40+:  It's true.  The D600 kills the 1DX II in DR at base ISO, and at worst, ties it the rest of the way up.  the 1DX II literally has years-old crop sensor performance in that area, despite Canon's massive gain in their new generation of sensors.  High ISO is also neck and neck.

    Vs the P40+, the sensor in the MF camera is quite old.  Despite having the resolution advantage, it loses out in DR and high ISO by quite a big margin.  By ISO 1600, colors turn to mush, which doesn't really happen on the D600 at any ISO.
      D3s and D700:  I've also worked with files from a D700 multiple times, and can say that yes, its sensor is outdated at this point.  It's competitive with today's crop sensor cameras (minus Canon's) at best.  The A7S/II sensor has been compared to current medium format in its DR and ability to reproduce color. 

    Once again, the D3s/D700's sensor is Nikon's own.  Nikon isn't very competitive when it comes to sensors, and probably had its best attempt at competing with Sony in the D4/s/f.  All of the rest of their sensors just don't stand out, though aren't as bad as Canon's. I have a feeling that resolution plays a big part in DXO's rankings.  If you downscale the A7R II's files to A7S II size, they will certainly have an advantage in their "Sports" rating. It might also be why the A7R II beats the D810, when the D810 clearly has about 1/3 stop advantage at high ISO.  My friend tested 2x A7R IIs before returning them and keeping his D810.  #IQsnob.
    For DR and high ISO, they test noise up to a certain amount.  How they get to that amount, who knows, but it's a cutoff point they chose that represents the transition from "OK" noise to offensive noise.  So while sensors may have DR response up to a certain amount of stops, after a point, it becomes wiser to turn things back a bit in software.  Where that happens is up to the user, as it's a more subjective choice.
    And "Color" is more about correctly reproducing color in RAW than how the final JPG is rendered.  Color in the Canon sense is highly subjective.  Color against a known testing scene/chart isn't.
  4. Like
    IronFilm reacted to noone in Opinion - DXOMark's camera scoring makes ZERO sense!   
    DXO has their explanations.
    Low light score in particular is an actual ISO and I think the easiest to explain.
    "Sports & action photography: Low-Light ISO
    Unlike the two previous scenarios in which light is either generous (studio) or stability is assured (landscape), photojournalists and action photographers often struggle with low available light and high motion. Achieving usable image quality is often difficult when pushing ISO.
    When shooting a moving scene such as a sports event, action photographers’ primary objective is to freeze the motion, giving priority to short exposure time. To compensate for the lack of exposure, they have to increase the ISO setting, which means the SNR will decrease. How far can they go while keeping decent quality? Our low-light ISO metric will tell them.
    The SNR indicates how much noise is present in an image compared to the actual information (signal). The higher the SNR value, the better the image looks, because details aren't drowned by noise. SNR strength is given in dB, which is a logarithmic scale: an increase of 6 dB corresponds to doubling the SNR, which equates to half the noise for the same signal.
    An SNR value of 30dB means excellent image quality. Thus low-light ISO is the highest ISO setting for a camera that allows it to achieve an SNR of 30dB while keeping a good dynamic range of 9 EVs and a color depth of 18bits.
    A difference in low-light ISO of 25% represents 1/3 EV and is only slightly noticeable.
    As cameras improve, low-light ISO will continuously increase, making this scale open."
    It has nothing to do with AF etc so I think the sports scores are pretty reasonable maybe more so if you just consider them as low light rather than sports and remember it is based on their criteria.       I am fine with using an A7s for night time sports.      I use an old manual focus 300 2.8 anyway so it just means I can use a higher shutter speed.     None of the shots would be printed huge so 12mp is fine.
    A modern FF DSLR would be a better sports CAMERA most of the time but does it have a better sports SENSOR (given DXOmarks criteria)?
    The overall scores are a bit based on voodoo as the bits that go into that are subjective without full explanation as to weighting.
    I think some of the anomalies might be because of a low number of samples tested given many cameras get slightly different scores with the same sensors.      A slight difference might be just enough to take a camera a bit over or a bit under their marks.     I don't think the A7s is any noisier than the A7sii and It seems the colour depth might be why the A7sii gets a lower score for low light (the point they cross 18 bits for colour sensitivity).
    For video it is all a bit silly though as they are only testing RAW stills and most video is Jpeg.
    I would love to see a site test sensors for video.    RAW and otherwise.
  5. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Andrew Reid in Opinion - DXOMark's camera scoring makes ZERO sense!   
    Then there is the curious case of the missing Pentax 645Z score
    Missing in action!
    Yes it is.
    I want all my cameras to be IMAX white from now on.
  6. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Kisaha in Aputure is shipping their new microphone: "Aputure Deity" (meant to be a competitor to 416 / NTG3)   
    It is definitely not competing with the best microphones out there, I see it more as a Rode killer, than anything. Do not feel like a lot of top pro sound men replace their 416es or 60s for this, but instead of one of the cheap Rodes, I can see getting this as a second or third mic.
    It is also a lot wider than 416, which is a no no for me and most top professionals, but the weather sealing, the wide patter and the cheap price of the kit it makes it an excellent back up plan, or crash-mic, or first mic for one man band professionals that sound is their second or third, or forth, (or fifth!) thought, or new sound men and boom ops that afraid to handle the not so forgiving Sennys. 
    The Rode/Rycote thingy costs around 80$, and the Rycote with the new softie (which I tried, and didn't excited me very much) is https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/263721-REG/Rycote_033702_Medium_Hole_Softie_Lyre.html in a very good price.
    I will be waiting for more reviews, and probably a small price drop, and see if it take me away from the MKE 600, which I was considering as a back up mic. 
  7. Like
    IronFilm reacted to wolf33d in Best 120p + camera advice   
    I will have my 65L hiking pack. we go there 17 days and will do 2 5 day trek with full autonomy (camp equipment, food,...) 
    So by putting things like tent and so on out of the bag, I easily fit the camera equipment somewhere. 

    Last summer I summited a 5200m peak with a full backpack for 2 people cause my buddy carried a full pack of camera AND DJI phantom 3 which is a huge drone. Dont know how we did that. The mavic is going to make my life easier. A D810 does not scares me after transporting a Phantom 3 with me. 
    I dont know if I should do a classic relaxed video of time lapses with aerial magnificent views with a nice music. Or a more dynamic video in this style : 
    What do you guys think? 
    I do not use tutorial, I just play with multiple settings on Photoshop using masks and local adjustments. And I use different techniques for each image cause I never remember what I did earlier 
  8. Like
    IronFilm reacted to tupp in Vinatge Lenses for GH4   
    Uh, I understand that he was asking about his adapter/focal-reducer, but if I read correctly, he is not sure what mount to get with his lenses.
    As you subsequently concurred, I suggested that he get Nikon F mounts on his lenses.  However, I also noted that many Canon EF adapters/focal-reducers are more expensive than their counterparts.  So, he might be better off by getting such adapters with a different mount (that would allow Nikon F lenses to be adapted).
  9. Like
    IronFilm reacted to tupp in Vinatge Lenses for GH4   
    Go for the Nikon mount on your lenses.
    You will always be able to adapt the lens with a Nikon mount onto anything with a Canon EF mount (given that the version of the same lens with an EF mount also fits).  However, the opposite is not true -- a lens with a Canon EF mount will be incompatible with quite a few adapters and focal reducers, a few of which are only available with a Nikon mount.
    Furthermore, the Canon EF version of some focal reducers and adapters are significantly more expensive than those with most other mounts, because of the electronics required for Canon EF lenses.
    Go with the Nikon mount on your lenses.
  10. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Kisaha in Suitable Micophones to large indoor spaces   
    Live TV is very difficult, because it is live, you can not do it again, nor edit it on post. I used to do shows and stuff, and it was very stressful having to mic everyone, and whatnot (and whatever anyone is doing live, cable people, journalists, cameramen, control room, etc).
    I didn't in any way tried to de-value your job or any job whatsoever (and not only in this field),
    I said that you are not paying attention to details on live shows, something really bad has to occur to create problems (and it has from time to time), other form of moving images have different challenges.
    Live TV and reportage (news coverage) is very different than other video projects, and on the other side of cinema (short/feature films), where there (even though you can edit, and do it again) everything is REALLY strict, and mistakes are not permitted, while on live you can say "well, what should I do about the failed monitor speaker, it wasn't my fault"(true story, no one blamed me, just happened).
    I am also doing a lot of music documentaries, and  today I was working on a documentary about a Carnival that happens in a very specific and special area in my city; 3 5D mark 3 cameras and one had a Zeiss 19mm. There were 8 people with drums, playing traditional Balkan music (with a twist!), and a few flutes and bag pipes (even more difficult, because the wind instruments were completely lost) while there were 3-5 circles of people dancing around them. This is a sound nightmare, and live..
    I sensed that Matt was somewhere in between, he wanted to do something cheap, but better than a reportage (and usually on those, people are holding huge dynamic microphones up their noses!) and I responded accordingly.
    It is a forum that everyone is trying to offer whatever they can, and help each other, and sound is my speciality; you do not see me replying on color correction posts!
    I also used to do cinema classes in kids and teenagers for a while after finished University, so maybe I sound a bit teacher-y! Kids loved me though, once voted best teacher on a summer camp!
    I hope we helped a bit.
  11. Like
    IronFilm reacted to jcs in Suitable Micophones to large indoor spaces   
    The Schoeps CMC641 is one of the top indoor microphones if you want the best. The Audix SCX1-HC performs very similarly and is a great deal (we use both and they match well). Curtis Judd doesn't recommend the NT5 for indoor dialog (you can hear the NT5, Audix, and a few others tested here).
  12. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Kisaha in Recorder Options for 4k60 ?   
    Sadly there are very few 4K recorder options which are 5" at any frame rate! Video Devices PIX-E5 being one rare expection, but it is not 60p
  13. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from OliKMIA in Recorder Options for 4k60 ?   
    Sadly there are very few 4K recorder options which are 5" at any frame rate! Video Devices PIX-E5 being one rare expection, but it is not 60p
  14. Like
    IronFilm reacted to dantheman in GH5 sensor larger than GH4?   
    The jvc ls300 has a s35 sensor yet has a m4/3 mount so it should be possible but that doesn't matter as it is not the case with the gh5.
  15. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Andrew Reid in GH5 sensor larger than GH4?   
    Just shows how much room there is to expand the sensor if they wanted to.
  16. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Ed_David in Valuable insight and interviews with working DPs   
    Agreed!!! Also worth checking out the "CinematographyDB fans" YT channel! ;-)
    "Every Frame is a Painting" is a other must watch channel.
    Now for something a little different, sound:
    Matt Price / SoundRolling.com is in my eyes by far *the best* (arguably the only!) non-commercial (i.e. not run by a manufacturer or retailer) YT channel about sound from the perspective of a working working professional location sound recordist.
  17. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Chris Oh in Valuable insight and interviews with working DPs   
    Agreed!!! Also worth checking out the "CinematographyDB fans" YT channel! ;-)
    "Every Frame is a Painting" is a other must watch channel.
    Now for something a little different, sound:
    Matt Price / SoundRolling.com is in my eyes by far *the best* (arguably the only!) non-commercial (i.e. not run by a manufacturer or retailer) YT channel about sound from the perspective of a working working professional location sound recordist.
  18. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Geoff CB in Valuable insight and interviews with working DPs   
    Agreed!!! Also worth checking out the "CinematographyDB fans" YT channel! ;-)
    "Every Frame is a Painting" is a other must watch channel.
    Now for something a little different, sound:
    Matt Price / SoundRolling.com is in my eyes by far *the best* (arguably the only!) non-commercial (i.e. not run by a manufacturer or retailer) YT channel about sound from the perspective of a working working professional location sound recordist.
  19. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from August McCue in Valuable insight and interviews with working DPs   
    Agreed!!! Also worth checking out the "CinematographyDB fans" YT channel! ;-)
    "Every Frame is a Painting" is a other must watch channel.
    Now for something a little different, sound:
    Matt Price / SoundRolling.com is in my eyes by far *the best* (arguably the only!) non-commercial (i.e. not run by a manufacturer or retailer) YT channel about sound from the perspective of a working working professional location sound recordist.
  20. Like
    IronFilm reacted to photographer-at-large in Valuable insight and interviews with working DPs   
    I enjoy watching Matt Workman's Cinematography Database channel on YouTube.
  21. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Andrew Reid in Valuable insight and interviews with working DPs   
    This post should be a sticky.
  22. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Tim Sewell in Valuable insight and interviews with working DPs   
    No doubt everyone's aware of this, but Cooke Optics' YouTube channel is yet another department of the free film school: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-Ya9gBlwOhRwtloTn1hvbA
  23. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Ed_David in Valuable insight and interviews with working DPs   
    At film school, your professors are usually not actively working in the field.  
    So this WanderingDP - interview young up and coming DPs who share unique perspectives and ideas is incredibly valuable.  I learned a ton from the interview with Chayse Irvin, super talented young dp who shot the Lemonade Beyonce film.
  24. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Juxx989 in The next Blackmagic Pocket or Micro Camera?   
    Yeah screw this talk of making another BMPCC v2.0, just put the BMPCC on another $500 sale again! :-D
  25. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Antonis in The next Blackmagic Pocket or Micro Camera?   
    Yeah screw this talk of making another BMPCC v2.0, just put the BMPCC on another $500 sale again! :-D
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