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Everything posted by IronFilm

  1. JohnFelipo, I strongly suspect it won't be possible to come up with new mount which can work with 135 format lenses completely *AND* have enough space left to squeeze in the electronics to control m4/3 lenses as well in the adapter. As any new mount to use m4/3 on would need to be even *more shallow* than m4/3 is already!!
  2. Did a search for Haida on eBay and was astonished to discover they make a 12 stop ND filter! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Haida-ND3-6-4000x-12-Stop-Neutral-Density-Grey-Filter-Square-100mm-optical-glass-/151746219678?hash=item2354c78e9e:g:qJ4AAOSwDNdVpOE6 And yes, waaay more expensive than Fotga yet at the same time heaps cheaper than Tiffen/Leen/etc. More than I'd like to spend, but maybe this is a compromise I could live with.
  3. What 4x4 ND filters are recommended? (especially any more affordable ones!) Also interested in graduated ND 4x4 filters, and polariser 4x4 filters.I know the cheaper ND filters often have issues, but I'm hopeful there are some options out there which can give at least "acceptable" results relevant to the no budget indie level. I'll be using this on a Fotga DP3000 M3 matte box with Rokinon DS lenses and a Sony F3.These are the possible ones I'm looking at for now (open of course to other suggestions):http://www.ebay.com/itm/100x100mm-Neutral-Density-ND2-ND4-ND8-Gradual-ND2-ND4-ND8-filter-Kit-matte-box-/191191576133http://www.ebay.com/itm/FOTGA-4-X4-Neutral-Density-Full-ND-ND2-ND4-ND8-filter-kit-for-Matte-box-Holder-/261153861690http://www.ebay.com/itm/XCsource-4-x4-100MM-Neutral-Density-ND-ND2-ND4-ND8-Filter-For-Matte-Box-LF350-/310953307707http://www.ebay.com/itm/FOTGA-4-X4-Neutral-Density-Gradual-ND-ND4-filter-for-Matte-box-Holder-FF-system-/261153856545http://www.personal-view.com/deals/filters/other-filters-holders
  4. 135 format lenses won't work on a m4/3 mount, roughly S35 (or a bit bigger) is the max size that the m4/3 mount can support.
  5. I thought it was an open secret you are (were) on DVXuser, I knew it.
  6. Nah, I'd describe my voting preference as anti-Trump. On the upside, if he wins it would lead to a huge uptick in popcorn sales!
  7. No increase in Y resolution however. Still doing their bit to protect their higher end cameras.
  8. Just purchased my Atomos Samurai Blade and SSD from B&H this morning. (even worse... I'm an overseas buyer! Who is using a reshipping service! OMG) Usually I tend to use Amazon a bit more than I use B&H, but this time I intentionally went for B&H over Amazon specifically because of this recent Union/SJW/AlJazeera beat up. Felt like I might as well do a bit of good in going a small way to balancing out some of the many orders I'm sure they've unfortunately lost due to this.
  9. You won't be able to use your main lens currently on a D750, unless it has a crop video mode I don't know about? I'd consider checking out the Sony FS5 if you want a very excellent 1080 camera with XLR inputs. Or if your budget is more limited, and you can handle the weight, get a Sony F3 for less than half the cost.
  10. Full size HDMI and dual SD slots is so sweet, wish more cameras did this. Heck, if the GH5 did this I'd be stoked!
  11. A7SII: it has a crop mode, but in S35 you give up 4K. F5: I think you mean FS5.... not F5! And it *DOES* have 10bit 422, but in FHD. Thus for its price, it completely trounces it competitors. You can wish it does 4K with 10bit 422 as well, but... there is absolutely no direct competitor in its price bracket which does this! (closest is FS7 itself, and BMD is a different kettle of fish). So no, I feel you're wrong to say "for that price it is obligatory". Wishful thinking however.. yes, I wish for it too! But that is why they have the FS7 at a little higher price. URSA: maybe maybe maybe an URSA-M4K MFT will come along a little later like they did with BMCC EF first and then later BMCC MFT. As I could see this happening with the 4K sensor. But possibly, the new 4.6K sensor won't fit within the m4/3 mount??? Unlikely, but it is just a little bit bigger than JVC's LS300 sensor in its m4/3 mount.
  12. If you're wanting the smaller 5" size as you mentioned, and because this is mainly for monitoring not recording, I'd strongly consider the Atomos Ninja Blade as well. Especially as after the IBC price drop it is only US$495
  13. oh boy I so want to call those 135 format fanatics "small picture".... it might just be worth learning swedish to do it!
  14. That is kinda what I'm suggesting, don't bother about using a mount that they'll make lenses for (as they should keep the focus on m4/3, which they've built up large resource of lenses in). Treat this mount in a new camera like Sony treats their FZ mount! Then go and target a price point somewhere in the C100 to F5 price range. (I'd prefer the C100 end of that range.... but anywhere there would be at least something, better than their current NOTHING being offered)
  15. Say hi when you're in NZ! I'm a kiwi local myself. NX500 isn't a great idea, it doesn't have the full sensor read out the NX1 does during 4K, instead cropping heavily. I agree and suggest you should check out the Panasonic G7 instead.
  16. Does the Varicam have anything under its PL mount? Like Sony does with their FZ mount. But I strongly suspect the Varicam doesn't have this feature (instead it is just swapping between the PL and B4 heads, for S35 vs HS feature), which is a pity as least then a logical mount would exist for a future Panasonic camera to take up and use (as Sony would never let Panasonic use their FZ mount, which is my 1st preference. Though I dunno if FF would work with FZ mount?!?! It is a rather large opening however, suspect it might!). A Panasonic FF-GH5 with some kind of "Varicam-FZ" mount would be super awesome. Ah well.... invent one??? A mount which they'll then bring out almost no lenses for. Just like Sony did with their FZ mount! LOL But yeah... that could kinda make sense in a weird twisted way. However if they were to go down that path, maybe perhaps I'd rather they just stuck with m4/3 and S35 sensors?!
  17. What changes do you make to the Slog2 preset?
  18. The FS7 is a very popular and proven rock solid camera to work with. You can kinda view the FS5 as a FHD version (with 4K merely tacked on as an "extra bonus") of the FS7, but in an EVEN SMALLER (& cheaper) package. Otherwise, they're kinda similar aside from a few tweaks here and there (such as the FS5 has the new internal ND filter, which is quite appealing. And the FS5 does slow motion in the manner the FS700 does it, rather than the not as slow but continuous slow motion which the FS7 has. Which is a good thing for some people, or a negative from another perspective, depending on your needs). So the FS7 is already a "known quantity", thus if you like what you see there and would like a "FHD mini-FS7" then the FS5 is very very likely exactly what you're seeking. However, if you're also considering the URSA Mini 4.6K then I reckon you certainly do also have the budget to consider going for the actual FS7 itself rather than the FS5. (as the full kit price of a FS7 vs URSA Mini 4.6K are practically the same) It is certainly the most attractive 4K recorder on the market right now for its price. But if you don't need to rush to buy one, then I'd certainly wait and see what Sony does with FS raw from the FS5. As Convergent Design has been very good in supporting this so far with the FS700/FS7 (unlike their competitors, which have been slower or not doing it at all), but on the downside their recorders are much more pricey.
  19. Could should only be one part of your back up solution. Ditto storing "back ups" in your closet isn't enough. You need a back up stored off site somewhere as well, for some people going for cloud storage could be a simple answer to this rather than driving 10hrs to your grandmother's to drop off a harddrive every time you do a fresh back up. (or whatever your current offsite solution is)
  20. Yup, could buy a Sony FS5 *AND* a Sony A7s mk1 for the price of one Leica SL. Or a Sony FS7. Makes it madness to buy a Leica SL for 98% of people I reckon.
  21. From reading your post, it certainly sounds like you're wanting the Sony FS5. Is lightweight, run and gun camera that you want which will still give you high quality for everything short of hiring F55 / RED Epic on the big jobs. So I'll just address your cons list: - Yes it is 8bit 420 but only for 4K, for your everyday 1080 shooting it is 10bit 422 :-D - ISO performance I expect to be excellent, on a similar level to the FS7 and at least better than your 5D. - Don't worry about the paid upgrade that is coming, look at if the camera makes sense as it is *NOW*. And I reckon for you it does. - Get a SmallHD 502 is my suggestion, or a BMD Video Assist if your budget it lacking. - You get a *LOT* for that price! Name anything on the market which is better. (nope, the URSA Mini 4.6K isn't better value. It merely is better in *some* areas, but also at the same time is *worse* in other areas) Perhaps pyscologically it is better you view the 4K of the FS5 as a "bonus" extra that the camera has. And view the FS5 instead as what it is: a really really great 1080 run and gun S35 camera, with a taste of 4K as a bonus cheery on the top (for when an unreasonable client *DEMANDS* 4K, even when it makes no sense and they've got no budget to hire a proper 4K camera. Well, at least you can satisfy them ). Because this FS5 is going up head to head against another 1080 camera: C100 mk2, and on absolutely every point the FS5 beats it.
  22. And this is why I'm getting the Atomos Samurai Blade instead. Wish I had 60fps FHD and HDMI input/output as well, but the BMD VA is too incomplete with its firmware.
  23. IronFilm

    nikon d5200?

    I'd skip the Atomos Ninja 2, and only consider the Ninja Blade. As vastly better screen, and gives you waveforms. As for the D5200, I got one as it was the best buy for its time. But today, I'd suggest taking a closer look at other affordable cameras such as the A6000 or G7.
  24. This, I only own the two Panasonic pancake lenses and the SLR Magic 25mm T0.95 (which I got a crazy good sale price). Plus 3 kit lenses (one is the 14-140mm). Oh, and the Olympus bodycap lens, so tiny I almost forget that! So all in all, only a very small investment in m4/3 lenses. And all playing to the strengths of the m4/3 system (ultra fast lens, ultra small lenses, and a superzoom of 10x). The rest are mostly Nikon F mount mount (with a few other vintage mounts in there, and a few cheapie C mount lenses). Oh, and two Sony E mount lenses (again, a pancake and the 18-105mm zoom) plus a kit lens. Ditto Samsung NX, a Pancake + 3D lens + kit lens. You can spot a pattern here! ;-)
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