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Everything posted by IronFilm

  1. Too many cameras missing from this! Where is the BMPCC? Where is the Nikon D750? Where is the JVC LS300? Where is the Sony F3? Where is the Sony FS700? Where is the BMD URSA Mini 4K? Where is the Panasonic G7? Where is the Panasonic GX80? And the list goes on.... only 6 options in a poll is not going to be comprehensive.
  2. I wouldn't pay a thousand bucks for an AF100. But if you could find one for $500? & are very budget constrained? Then it could make sense. Would pair nicely with a dirt cheap GH1/GH2 as well! Depends on a person's needs as to if an AF100 would still make sense. But if you have a larger budget you should look at an F3 / FS700 / LS300 / FS5 / etc (listed in increasing order of costs).
  3. Yup exactly. Crazy good value!! We live in an amazing future. :-D Can't wait to see reviews of the Terra 5K
  4. In terms of what the FS7 can do it is way way way ahead of the C100. The difference in cost between an FS7 and URSA Mini 4.6K is so small. You'll make it back quickly by getting more work with the FS7. The reference to the F5 is its secondhand prices, which is as cheap as a new FS7 now . Yeah especially as they're selling their BT models for three thousand now
  5. For price get the Yi v2 4K for sure!
  6. Save up extra for an FS7?!?! Hmmm... not really, it is more or less roughly the same ballpark price as an URSA Mini 4.6K once you add up the total costs. Plus you've got an FS5 as a cheaper option. Also in that general price region is the Kinefinity Terra 6K and 5K. Secondhand Sony F5 cameras are getting very cheap now too. If I was you and in no rush, I'd wait for reviews of the Terra 5K to come out.
  7. Perfect for photogrammetry!
  8. It is fascinating. I remember his earlier stuff from years ago. I don't see what is the big deal. Just walking down the length of my local main street will get myself filmed by HUNDREDS of cameras! Permanent installed cameras. Who ever complains about them? Nobody. Ever.
  9. Reading the FB groups and it appears the steadicam op is a bit of a dick
  10. Exactly, given how bad the XC10 is at photography (only jpegs!!) then it is totally fair to compare it with the Sony X70. Or even the Sony AX100
  11. If you don't care for AF, get the Rokinon DS 35mm T1.5 and an RJ Lens Turbo for Nikon F mount to MFT If you want AF and small size, then check out the amazingly small Panasonic 20mm f1.7!
  12. None of the Canon DSLR/mirrorless cameras do 8bit 422
  13. I've got the Vivitar 28-90mm Was one of my first lenses I ever bought. And I still regularly use it. It is so dirt cheap to buy it is almost free! My only wish is it is 24-90 instead of 28-90 as sometimes 28mm wide end on S35 is a little restricting.
  14. Agreed, full sized HDMI, internal 10bit 422, GH2 sized multi aspect sensor, & XLR-K2M like audio interface rather than a bulky YAGH
  15. Eh??? There are lots and lots of F5 cameras out there
  16. Bet this will go a long way towards further improving RED's reputation on the high end.
  17. Unlike other cameras, Alexa cameras do a great job and holding to correct time code. Set it up in the morning, rejam at lunch, and you should be fine and good to go.
  18. It is an interesting comparison, as you can get either one for a kinda similar price secondhand. And I strongly disagree with jagnje that you could not find two more different cameras, as for all their differences, they have an awful lot of similarities too! And can make great complementary cameras for each other. Personally I own a Sony PMW-F3 since last year, and might maybe get an A7s later this year as a matching gimbal camera (but my BMPCC is doing just fine for now). A7s is smaller, can take still photos, is a bit better in low light, has 120fps 720p, has capability to do 4K output externally recorded, and has an E mount. Downsides is: looks like a consumer stills camera (as that is what it is), E mount is not as strong, is 8bit 420, can't handle audio professionally, no SDI. F3 Pros: cheap to get 10bit 422 externally (as recorders are under $500 now. Can even get 444 if you use a PIX-E5) , can do 1080 60fps slow motion (C300 can't), has XLR inputs, has SDI outputs, has time code, has FZ mount which is rock solid and you can adapt to almost anything now, uses SxS cards (which are dirt cheap if you use a cheap SD card adapter like I do), has great lowlight (was the lowlight **KING** when it was released!), is big and impressive. F3 downside: "only" 1080 (but a very good 1080!) which some might view as "outdated", also is big, and heavy. (but was promoted as a very lightweight camera when released! And it is very lightweight compared to its direct competition of the time. But if you're coming from a DSLR/mirrorless background you will find it to be big and bulky. On the upside, at least your handheld shots will no longer have the "DSLR jitters"! :-D ).
  19. Dual system is pretty normal when shooting with Arri Alexas. But if you're doing OPC with an Alexa then I envy you! Isn't that a bit overkill??
  20. ISO 200??? I thought it is ISO 400
  21. http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/8858-is-a-sony-f3-worthwhile-buying-in-2015/
  22. I asked a very very similar question a tear ago: "Is a Sony PMW-F3 worth it in 2015?" & my answer is yes it has been! :-) So I'm sure a FS700 can also be a smart choice in 2016 if it fits your needs.
  23. I'd never recommend buying one brand new as you can get the better UM4K instead for the same price. But there are some killer deals for them secondhand now! I saw one available for just NZ$2K, or about US$1.3K once you convert it to USD
  24. Only use SanDisk Extreme Pro 95MB/s, & at least 64GB size. Use nothing else that is smaller than this. Remember many of those which claim a fast speed are just referring to the read speed. And not the all important write speed, which they often unfortunately have as slower.
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