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Everything posted by IronFilm

  1. Fingers crossed! As if they show up with only their current DSLRs and a Keymission, well it would be like those makeup booths you see at tradeshows and you wonder why the fvck are they there?!?!
  2. https://en-us.sennheiser.com/wireless-microphone-broadcast-film-evolution-g4
  3. Think about it in S35 terms not FF. Then consider maybe this is with a focal reducer. F4 then? That is a great F stop to shoot with! Fantastic. If the Varicam LT (which is a massively more expensive camera) can have a huge impact on the lighting setups and lighting budgets, because of its dual ISO, then you can bet your bottom dollar there is truth in this statement for the GH5S too! Zooms are important for scripted shoots too. What happens if the director/producer throws 15 pages across four locations in a 10hr day at you? You'll want a zoom! BINGO! EXACTLY It not just only about how clean the image is, if the image is clean enough anyway.
  4. I agree, even *if* this is the pattern they're following, they're certainly not going to come out with every possible combination every generation. Exactly.
  5. Even having the same DR at 2500 as the other low base ISO is still a big win!! From years of watching him, that might maybe be true in the stills realm, but not in the video world.
  6. Indeed it did, made it quite unusable for me for some styles of work. But I still found uses for it in other areas such as just bits of B roll clips.
  7. Feelworld has i think three models in the 4 ish to 5 ish inch range. Am very tempted by them. But will wait to see what Aputure brings out this year, hopefully a smaller monitor is in the works!
  8. Nikon even has a website for filmmakers and a competition for Nikon made films. Plus they have focus peaking now, which Canon still hasn't done. And Nikon beat Canon to putting 4K into a non-Cinema camera. Also Nikon beat Canon to adding 60fps in a DSLR. And let's no forget it was Nikon who started this all off! With the first ever HDSLR. So while yes it is fair to criticise Nikon for not doing as much as Sony or Panasonic, at least relative to Canon they've got some things going for them. And hopefully Nikon might surprise us with their mirrorless, at least by Canon standards! Ha
  9. Yes, I recalled that which is why I found it strange you're complaining about Kinefinity when they've been nowhere even close to as bad?! False, Kinefinity has done many things over the years. Some of which has even been reported here on Andrew's blog.
  10. Because it is new? Thus wait and see. Canikon sell many times more entry-mid APS-C DSLRs than they do FF Plus additionally companies need an affordable entry point to get more people into their system starting out, thus those cameras act as feeders into the next level up.
  11. Which ones specifically? No point comparing say a BMPC4K and an URSA Mini Pro in such matters. Do remember how "filmic" or not something is often comes down to the shooter not the tool. Check out the results from the FS7 over on dvxuser with their colors
  12. As of the D850 we now have a Nikon with focus peaking. Finally.
  13. Thom thinks the GH5S might outsell the GH5: http://www.sansmirror.com/newsviews/panasonic-copies-the-sony-s.html I highly doubt that, but interesting to read someone who even thinks that is a possibility.
  14. You must have no memory of RED at all to think that?! Kinefinity has been really good with making and delivering products in comparison to RED's history
  15. 43rumors has said this in the past, there is some logic to it, and I hope that is what Panasonic will do (as I'd like to see a G900!! ha). But who knows, might need to watch the next couple of product releases to see if this follows this pattern. Or not. And sadly the Sony a5100 has never got updated :-( A cheapie a5300 with 4K would have been nice.
  16. Wish I could buy one of these "outdated" GH5 bodies for $368! & it looks like a *LOT* of people are still shooting with Nikons in 2018 ;-) I am!
  17. Quite shocking seeing the difference between the URSA Mini 4.6K and 4K, identical cameras! Except for the sensor...... But really, no surprise to us who have been following BMD over the years. Basically the Panasonic G85 is as good (or even a little tiny bit better) as the URSA Mini 4K for DR
  18. I'd be fine with the D500/D7500 sensor being used, so long as they can then do full sensor read out for 4K (& not crop)
  19. They said quite a while ago that the Terra 5K is on hold due to supplier issues. It is reasonable they now remove references to it on the website.
  20. Yes, but obviously Nikon will treat their new system launch very very differently than any other year. (well, you'd better hope so!!) "Buzz buzz buzz" Thom Hogan has been going on about this for years! And I agree. Big oversight by Nikon. http://www.dslrbodies.com/newsviews/buzz-buzz-dx-lenses-.html http://www.dslrbodies.com/newsviews/more-buzzing-about-missing.html
  21. "New Zealanders" is completely right. Or in a more casual way "kiwis" is also ok too. I need to correct you in how to refer to people from Australia however, you say "convicts". Or alternatively "sheep shaggers" also works. The meaning of "under" can be a little flexible, but generally speaking it means excluding the stated number. For instance if a person is six feet tall then it doesn't make sense to say he is "under six foot", as he is not *under* that height! Not at all, he is right at it.
  22. They need both. Need DX to reap in all the sales and make $$$$ But need FX for the headlines and reputation to then sell those DX bodies, plus any few extra $ from selling FX is a good bonus too.
  23. Credit to @wildrym in the other thread:
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